Copyright Jana Schaich Borg/Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

MySQL Exercise 11: Queries that Test Relationships Between Test Completion and Dog Characteristics

This lesson we are going to integrate all the SQL syntax we've learned so far to start addressing questions in our Dognition Analysis Plan. I summarized the reasons having an analysis plan is so important in the "Start with an Analysis Plan" video accompanying this week's materials. Analysis plans ensure that you will address questions that are relevant to your business objectives as quickly and efficiently as possible. The quickest way to narrow in the factors in your analysis plan that are likely to create new insights is to combine simple SQL calculations with visualization programs, like Tableau, to identify which factors under consideration have the strongest effects on the business metric you are tasked with improving. You can then design more nuanced statistical models in other software, such as R, based on the factors you have confirmed are likely to be important for understanding and changing your business metric.

I describe a method for designing analysis plans in the Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau course earlier in this Specialization. I call that method Structured Pyramid Analysis Plans, or "sPAPs". I have provided a skeleton of an sPAP for the Dognition data set with the materials for this course that I will use as a road map for the queries we will design and practice in the next two lessons. To orient you, the SMART goal of the analysis project is at the top of the pyramid. This is a specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound version of the general project objective, which is to make a recommendation to Dognition about what they could do to increase the number of tests customers complete. The variables you will use to assess the goal should be filled out right under where the SMART goal is written. Then under those variables, you will see ever-widening layers of categories and sub-categories of issues that will be important to analyze in order to achieve your SMART goal.

In this lesson, we will write queries to address the issues in the left-most branch of the sPAP. These issues all relate to "Features of Dogs" that could potentially influence the number of tests the dogs will ultimately complete. We will spend a lot of time discussing and practicing how to translate analysis questions described in words into queries written in SQL syntax.

To begin, load the sql library and database, and make the Dognition database your default database:

In [1]:
%load_ext sql
%sql mysql://studentuser:studentpw@mysqlserver/dognitiondb
%sql USE dognitiondb

%config SqlMagic.displaylimit=25

0 rows affected.

The first variable in the Dognition sPAP we want to investigate is Dognition personality dimensions. Recall from the "Meet Your Dognition Data" video and the written description of the Dognition Data Set included with the Week 2 materials that Dognition personality dimensions represent distinct combinations of characteristics assessed by the Dognition tests. It is certainly plausible that certain personalities of dogs might be more or less likely to complete tests. For example, "einstein" dogs might be particularly likely to complete a lot of tests.

To test the relationship between Dognition personality dimensions and test completion totals, we need a query that will output a summary of the number of tests completed by dogs that have each of the Dognition personality dimensions. The features you will need to include in your query are foreshadowed by key words in this sentence. First, the fact that you need a summary of the number of tests completed suggests you will need an aggregation function. Next, the fact that you want a different summary for each personality dimension suggests that you will need a GROUP BY clause. Third, the fact that you need a "summary of the number of tests completed" rather than just a "summary of the tests completed" suggests that you might have to have multiple stages of aggegrations, which in turn might mean that you will need to use a subquery.

Let's build the query step by step.

Question 1: To get a feeling for what kind of values exist in the Dognition personality dimension column, write a query that will output all of the distinct values in the dimension column. Use your relational schema or the course materials to determine what table the dimension column is in. Your output should have 11 rows.

In [2]:
FROM dogs

11 rows affected.

The results of the query above illustrate there are NULL values (indicated by the output value "none") in the dimension column. Keep that in mind in case it is relevant to future queries.

We want a summary of the total number of tests completed by dogs with each personality dimension. In order to calculate those summaries, we first need to calculate the total number of tests completed by each dog. We can achieve this using a subquery. The subquery will require data from both the dogs and the complete_tests table, so the subquery will need to include a join. We are only interested in dogs who have completed tests, so an inner join is appropriate in this case.

Question 2: Use the equijoin syntax (described in MySQL Exercise 8) to write a query that will output the Dognition personality dimension and total number of tests completed by each unique DogID. This query will be used as an inner subquery in the next question. LIMIT your output to 100 rows for troubleshooting purposes.

In [11]:
SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.dimension AS dimension, count(c.created_at) AS
FROM dogs d, complete_tests c
WHERE d.dog_guid=c.dog_guid

17986 rows affected.
dogID dimension numtests
fd27b272-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b charmer 21
fd27b5ba-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b protodog 20
fd27b6b4-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 2
fd27b79a-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 11
fd27b86c-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b einstein 31
fd27b948-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b stargazer 20
fd27ba1a-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b maverick 27
fd27bbbe-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b protodog 20
fd27c1c2-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b einstein 20
fd27c5be-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b socialite 20
fd27c74e-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 14
fd27c7d0-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b socialite 20
fd27c852-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b stargazer 20
fd27c8d4-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b ace 20
fd27c956-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 11
fd27cb72-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b protodog 20
fd27cd98-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b expert 20
fd27ce1a-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 7
fd27cea6-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 2
fd27cf28-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b charmer 20
fd27cfaa-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 7
fd27d02c-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b stargazer 20
fd27d0b8-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b renaissance-dog 21
fd27d144-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 7
fd27d1c6-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 7
17986 rows, truncated to displaylimit of 25

Question 3: Re-write the query in Question 2 using traditional join syntax (described in MySQL Exercise 8).

In [12]:
SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.dimension AS dimension, COUNT(ct.created_at) AS numtests
FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
GROUP BY d.dog_guid

17986 rows affected.
dogID dimension numtests
fd27b272-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b charmer 21
fd27b5ba-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b protodog 20
fd27b6b4-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 2
fd27b79a-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 11
fd27b86c-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b einstein 31
fd27b948-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b stargazer 20
fd27ba1a-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b maverick 27
fd27bbbe-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b protodog 20
fd27c1c2-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b einstein 20
fd27c5be-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b socialite 20
fd27c74e-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 14
fd27c7d0-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b socialite 20
fd27c852-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b stargazer 20
fd27c8d4-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b ace 20
fd27c956-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 11
fd27cb72-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b protodog 20
fd27cd98-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b expert 20
fd27ce1a-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 7
fd27cea6-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 2
fd27cf28-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b charmer 20
fd27cfaa-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 7
fd27d02c-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b stargazer 20
fd27d0b8-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b renaissance-dog 21
fd27d144-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 7
fd27d1c6-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None 7
17986 rows, truncated to displaylimit of 25

Now we need to summarize the total number of tests completed by each unique DogID within each Dognition personality dimension. To do this we will need to choose an appropriate aggregation function for the count column of the query we just wrote.

Question 4: To start, write a query that will output the average number of tests completed by unique dogs in each Dognition personality dimension. Choose either the query in Question 2 or 3 to serve as an inner query in your main query. If you have trouble, make sure you use the appropriate aliases in your GROUP BY and SELECT statements.

In [13]:
SELECT t.dimension AS dimension, AVG(t.numtests) AS avg_numtests
    (SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.dimension AS dimension, COUNT(ct.created_at) AS numtests
    FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
    GROUP BY d.dog_guid)
    AS t
GROUP BY t.dimension

11 rows affected.
dimension avg_numtests
None 6.9416
ace 23.3878
charmer 23.2594
einstein 23.2171
expert 23.3926
maverick 22.8199
protodog 22.9336
renaissance-dog 23.0157
socialite 23.1194
stargazer 22.7368

You should retrieve an output of 11 rows with one of the dimensions labeled "None" and another labeled "" (nothing is between the quotation marks).

Question 5: How many unique DogIDs are summarized in the Dognition dimensions labeled "None" or ""? (You should retrieve values of 13,705 and 71)

In [15]:
SELECT t.dimension AS dimension, COUNT(DISTINCT t.dogID) AS num_dog_guid, AVG(t.numtests) AS avg_numtests
    (SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.dimension AS dimension, COUNT(ct.created_at) AS numtests
    FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
    GROUP BY d.dog_guid)
    AS t
GROUP BY t.dimension

11 rows affected.
dimension num_dog_guid avg_numtests
None 13705 6.9416
71 9.5352
ace 477 23.3878
charmer 690 23.2594
einstein 129 23.2171
expert 298 23.3926
maverick 272 22.8199
protodog 602 22.9336
renaissance-dog 510 23.0157
socialite 871 23.1194
stargazer 361 22.7368

It makes sense there would be many dogs with NULL values in the dimension column, because we learned from Dognition that personality dimensions can only be assigned after the initial "Dognition Assessment" is completed, which is comprised of the first 20 Dognition tests. If dogs did not complete the first 20 tests, they would retain a NULL value in the dimension column.

The non-NULL empty string values are more curious. It is not clear where those values would come from.

Question 6: To determine whether there are any features that are common to all dogs that have non-NULL empty strings in the dimension column, write a query that outputs the breed, weight, value in the "exclude" column, first or minimum time stamp in the complete_tests table, last or maximum time stamp in the complete_tests table, and total number of tests completed by each unique DogID that has a non-NULL empty string in the dimension column.

In [21]:
SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.dimension AS dimension, d.breed, d.weight, d.exclude, 
    MIN(ct.created_at), MAX(ct.created_at), COUNT(ct.created_at)
FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
WHERE dimension=''
GROUP BY d.dog_guid

71 rows affected.
dogID dimension breed weight exclude MIN(ct.created_at) MAX(ct.created_at) COUNT(ct.created_at)
fd45154c-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Golden Retriever 30 0 2013-05-23 07:06:21 2013-07-02 12:15:18 17
fd51daac-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Dachshund 10 1 2014-10-21 18:53:02 2014-10-21 19:10:07 3
fd5d7d3a-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Border Collie-Labrador Retriever Mix 50 0 2013-11-16 02:26:15 2013-11-16 02:38:57 4
fd680124-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Belgian Tervuren 70 1 2014-11-10 21:21:06 2014-12-16 01:13:28 13
fd699c28-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pembroke Welsh Corgi 20 1 2014-09-19 17:42:37 2014-09-22 17:58:25 4
fd6a7774-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Chihuahua 0 1 2014-10-06 00:57:46 2014-10-09 22:55:51 2
fd6bf766-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Australian Shepherd 50 1 2014-10-06 01:54:49 2014-10-30 02:16:12 14
fd6cfd96-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Mixed 60 1 2014-10-10 01:01:21 2014-10-10 12:33:52 4
fd6d1182-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Portuguese Water Dog 60 1 2014-10-10 13:22:58 2014-10-10 13:36:17 3
fd6d1ea2-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Labrador Retriever 50 1 2014-10-06 15:28:42 2014-10-23 20:24:20 7
fd6d6718-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Golden Retriever 70 1 2014-10-06 17:27:41 2014-12-10 01:35:43 14
fd6e0286-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Poodle 50 1 2014-10-09 05:29:07 2014-11-03 03:10:19 16
fd6e28e2-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Other 30 1 2014-10-21 02:05:28 2014-10-21 02:12:10 2
fd6e94d0-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Labrador Retriever 70 1 2014-10-07 02:04:42 2014-10-23 02:06:02 10
fd6ef2cc-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b West Highland White Terrier 10 1 2014-10-07 13:07:18 2014-10-11 21:57:57 19
fd6efce0-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Brittany 30 1 2014-10-12 18:09:00 2015-01-04 20:38:26 11
fd6f5c4e-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b German Shepherd Dog 50 1 2014-10-07 16:58:19 2014-10-08 15:56:42 4
fd6f6c84-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Miniature Schnauzer 10 1 2014-10-16 20:42:50 2014-10-21 17:29:14 6
fd6f7260-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Shih Tzu-Bichon Frise Mix 10 1 2014-10-08 22:48:34 2015-03-08 18:33:37 17
fd6f790e-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Mixed 30 1 2014-10-18 14:00:16 2014-10-25 14:18:48 16
fd702b7e-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Shih Tzu 10 1 2014-10-09 01:18:26 2014-11-11 01:39:17 19
fd7039a2-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Mixed 60 1 2014-10-16 11:05:12 2014-10-25 13:47:46 12
fd7040a0-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Collie-Golden Retriever Mix 40 1 2014-10-08 18:57:06 2014-10-10 20:22:20 15
fd70a7de-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Mixed 40 1 2014-10-10 11:51:24 2014-12-01 13:41:37 19
fd70ad42-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Shih Tzu 190 1 2014-10-09 17:42:21 2014-10-09 17:48:04 5
71 rows, truncated to displaylimit of 25

A quick inspection of the output from the last query illustrates that almost all of the entries that have non-NULL empty strings in the dimension column also have "exclude" flags of 1, meaning that the entries are meant to be excluded due to factors monitored by the Dognition team. This provides a good argument for excluding the entire category of entries that have non-NULL empty strings in the dimension column from our analyses.

Question 7: Rewrite the query in Question 4 to exclude DogIDs with (1) non-NULL empty strings in the dimension column, (2) NULL values in the dimension column, and (3) values of "1" in the exclude column. NOTES AND HINTS: You cannot use a clause that says d.exclude does not equal 1 to remove rows that have exclude flags, because Dognition clarified that both NULL values and 0 values in the "exclude" column are valid data. A clause that says you should only include values that are not equal to 1 would remove the rows that have NULL values in the exclude column, because NULL values are never included in equals statements (as we learned in the join lessons). In addition, although it should not matter for this query, practice including parentheses with your OR and AND statements that accurately reflect the logic you intend. Your results should return 402 DogIDs in the ace dimension and 626 dogs in the charmer dimension.

In [24]:
SELECT t.dimension AS dimension, COUNT(DISTINCT t.dogID) AS num_dog_guid, AVG(t.numtests) AS avg_numtests
    (SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.dimension AS dimension, COUNT(ct.created_at) AS numtests
    FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
     WHERE (d.dimension != '' AND d.dimension != 'None') AND (d.exclude=0 OR d.exclude IS NULL)
    GROUP BY d.dog_guid)
    AS t
GROUP BY t.dimension

9 rows affected.
dimension num_dog_guid avg_numtests
ace 402 23.5100
charmer 626 23.3594
einstein 109 23.2385
expert 273 23.4249
maverick 245 22.7673
protodog 535 22.9570
renaissance-dog 463 23.0410
socialite 792 23.0997
stargazer 310 22.7968

The results of Question 7 suggest there are not appreciable differences in the number of tests completed by dogs with different Dognition personality dimensions. Although these analyses are not definitive on their own, these results suggest focusing on Dognition personality dimensions will not likely lead to significant insights about how to improve Dognition completion rates.

The next variable in the Dognition sPAP we want to investigate is Dog Breed. We will run one analysis with Breed Group and one analysis with Breed Type.

First, determine how many distinct breed groups there are.

Questions 8: Write a query that will output all of the distinct values in the breed_group field.

In [28]:
SELECT DISTINCT d.breed_group
FROM dogs d

9 rows affected.

You can see that there are NULL values in the breed_group field. Let's examine the properties of these entries with NULL values to determine whether they should be excluded from our analysis.

Question 9: Write a query that outputs the breed, weight, value in the "exclude" column, first or minimum time stamp in the complete_tests table, last or maximum time stamp in the complete_tests table, and total number of tests completed by each unique DogID that has a NULL value in the breed_group column.

In [32]:
SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.dimension AS dimension, d.breed, d.weight, d.exclude, 
    MIN(ct.created_at), MAX(ct.created_at), COUNT(ct.created_at)
FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
WHERE d.breed_group IS NULL
GROUP BY d.dog_guid

8816 rows affected.
dogID dimension breed weight exclude MIN(ct.created_at) MAX(ct.created_at) COUNT(ct.created_at)
fd27bbbe-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b protodog Mixed 50 None 2013-02-05 18:57:05 2013-02-05 22:38:01 20
fd27c5be-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b socialite Shih Tzu-Poodle Mix 0 None 2013-02-05 21:44:38 2013-02-10 03:33:37 20
fd27c74e-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None German Shepherd Dog-Pembroke Welsh Corgi Mix 40 None 2013-02-06 04:45:28 2014-01-06 05:58:13 14
fd27c956-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None German Shepherd Dog-Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Mix 30 None 2013-05-17 17:45:46 2013-06-14 23:42:53 11
fd27cea6-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Mixed 10 None 2013-02-06 04:44:50 2013-02-06 04:48:29 2
fd27d0b8-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b renaissance-dog Australian Shepherd-German Shepherd Dog Mix 90 None 2013-02-07 05:15:48 2013-12-20 21:03:18 21
fd27d248-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Golden Doodle 70 None 2013-02-09 05:49:46 2013-02-09 06:10:11 6
fd27d4dc-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b maverick Mixed 30 None 2013-02-10 03:28:12 2013-07-20 02:12:37 28
fd27d9fa-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b einstein Mixed 90 1 2014-09-24 15:10:03 2014-09-24 21:23:37 20
fd27dc52-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Mudi 20 None 2014-10-06 22:21:56 2014-10-06 22:24:02 2
fd27dd38-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Parson Russell Terrier-Beagle Mix 30 None 2013-02-06 18:07:18 2013-02-06 18:16:13 4
fd27e0d0-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None I Don't Know 50 None 2013-02-06 22:14:00 2013-02-06 22:41:28 6
fd27e454-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b maverick Mixed 70 None 2013-02-10 04:06:03 2015-09-28 17:33:05 45
fd27f25a-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Chihuahua- Mix 0 None 2013-02-08 04:04:51 2013-02-11 03:35:44 6
fd27f868-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Mixed 20 None 2013-02-07 03:00:05 2013-02-07 03:16:21 4
fd27f9a8-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Chihuahua-Dachshund Mix 10 None 2014-06-23 20:46:28 2014-06-23 20:50:48 3
fd28093e-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Mixed 70 None 2013-02-19 15:46:44 2013-02-19 15:51:52 2
fd3cd99a-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b renaissance-dog English Cocker Spaniel-Cocker Spaniel Mix 20 None 2013-02-16 16:29:48 2013-02-28 19:30:51 20
fd3cf678-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Cavalier King Charles Spaniel-Bichon Frise Mix 10 None 2013-02-08 21:48:11 2013-02-08 22:21:21 7
fd3d0078-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Poodle-Cocker Spaniel Mix 20 None 2013-02-07 23:03:17 2013-02-08 18:05:43 10
fd3d0492-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Beagle-Schipperke Mix 20 None 2013-02-08 01:03:49 2013-02-27 00:42:55 14
fd3d064a-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Labrador Retriever-Golden Retriever Mix 60 None 2013-02-12 00:00:47 2013-02-20 00:07:48 16
fd3d06e0-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Labrador Retriever-Golden Retriever Mix 70 None 2013-02-12 00:40:17 2013-02-20 00:54:30 16
fd3d080c-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b None Boston Terrier-Chihuahua Mix 10 None 2013-03-30 15:10:46 2013-03-30 15:19:27 4
fd3d0898-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b socialite American Pit Bull Terrier 50 None 2013-02-08 04:28:32 2014-02-05 17:05:35 45
8816 rows, truncated to displaylimit of 25

There are a lot of these entries and there is no obvious feature that is common to all of them, so at present, we do not have a good reason to exclude them from our analysis. Therefore, let's move on to question 10 now....

Question 10: Adapt the query in Question 7 to examine the relationship between breed_group and number of tests completed. Exclude DogIDs with values of "1" in the exclude column. Your results should return 1774 DogIDs in the Herding breed group.

In [31]:
SELECT t.breed_group AS breed_group, COUNT(DISTINCT t.dogID) AS num_dog_guid, AVG(t.numtests) AS avg_numtests
    (SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.breed_group AS breed_group, COUNT(ct.created_at) AS numtests
    FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
    GROUP BY d.dog_guid)
    AS t
GROUP BY t.breed_group

9 rows affected.
breed_group num_dog_guid avg_numtests
None 8816 10.4547
239 18.7406
Herding 1877 11.7139
Hound 584 10.2620
Non-Sporting 1007 10.3873
Sporting 2587 11.3038
Terrier 809 10.2151
Toy 1168 9.4221
Working 899 10.5439

The results show there are non-NULL entries of empty strings in breed_group column again. Ignoring them for now, Herding and Sporting breed_groups complete the most tests, while Toy breed groups complete the least tests. This suggests that one avenue an analyst might want to explore further is whether it is worth it to target marketing or certain types of Dognition tests to dog owners with dogs in the Herding and Sporting breed_groups. Later in this lesson we will discuss whether using a median instead of an average to summarize the number of completed tests might affect this potential course of action.

Question 11: Adapt the query in Question 10 to only report results for Sporting, Hound, Herding, and Working breed_groups using an IN clause.

In [34]:
SELECT t.breed_group AS breed_group, COUNT(DISTINCT t.dogID) AS num_dog_guid, AVG(t.numtests) AS avg_numtests
    (SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.breed_group AS breed_group, COUNT(ct.created_at) AS numtests
    FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
     WHERE d.breed_group IN ('Sporting', 'Hound', 'Herding', 'Working')
    GROUP BY d.dog_guid)
    AS t
GROUP BY t.breed_group

4 rows affected.
breed_group num_dog_guid avg_numtests
Herding 1877 11.7139
Hound 584 10.2620
Sporting 2587 11.3038
Working 899 10.5439

Next, let's examine the relationship between breed_type and number of completed tests.

Questions 12: Begin by writing a query that will output all of the distinct values in the breed_type field.

In [35]:
SELECT DISTINCT d.breed_type
FROM dogs d

4 rows affected.
Pure Breed
Mixed Breed/ Other/ I Don't Know
Cross Breed
Popular Hybrid

Question 13: Adapt the query in Question 7 to examine the relationship between breed_type and number of tests completed. Exclude DogIDs with values of "1" in the exclude column. Your results should return 8865 DogIDs in the Pure Breed group.

In [38]:
SELECT t.breed_type AS breed_type, COUNT(DISTINCT t.dogID) AS num_dog_guid, AVG(t.numtests) AS avg_numtests
    (SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.breed_type AS breed_type, COUNT(ct.created_at) AS numtests
    FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
     WHERE d.exclude=0 OR d.exclude IS NULL
    GROUP BY d.dog_guid)
    AS t
GROUP BY t.breed_type

4 rows affected.
breed_type num_dog_guid avg_numtests
Cross Breed 2884 10.6009
Mixed Breed/ Other/ I Don't Know 4818 10.2688
Popular Hybrid 634 10.8423
Pure Breed 8865 10.4107

There does not appear to be an appreciable difference between number of tests completed by dogs of different breed types.

To explore the results we found above a little further, let's run some queries that relabel the breed_types according to "Pure_Breed" and "Not_Pure_Breed".

Question 14: For each unique DogID, output its dog_guid, breed_type, number of completed tests, and use a CASE statement to include an extra column with a string that reads "Pure_Breed" whenever breed_type equals 'Pure Breed" and "Not_Pure_Breed" whenever breed_type equals anything else. LIMIT your output to 50 rows for troubleshooting.

In [40]:
SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.breed_type AS breed_type, COUNT(ct.created_at) AS numtests,
    CASE d.breed_type
        WHEN 'Pure Breed' THEN 'Pure_Breed'
        ELSE 'Not_Pure_Breed'
    END AS pure_or_not
FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
 WHERE d.exclude=0 OR d.exclude IS NULL
GROUP BY d.dog_guid

17201 rows affected.
dogID breed_type numtests pure_or_not
fd27b272-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 21 Pure_Breed
fd27b5ba-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 20 Pure_Breed
fd27b6b4-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 2 Pure_Breed
fd27b79a-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 11 Pure_Breed
fd27b948-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 20 Pure_Breed
fd27bbbe-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Mixed Breed/ Other/ I Don't Know 20 Not_Pure_Breed
fd27c1c2-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 20 Pure_Breed
fd27c5be-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Cross Breed 20 Not_Pure_Breed
fd27c74e-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Cross Breed 14 Not_Pure_Breed
fd27c7d0-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 20 Pure_Breed
fd27c852-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 20 Pure_Breed
fd27c8d4-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 20 Pure_Breed
fd27c956-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Cross Breed 11 Not_Pure_Breed
fd27cb72-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 20 Pure_Breed
fd27cd98-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 20 Pure_Breed
fd27ce1a-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 7 Pure_Breed
fd27cea6-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Mixed Breed/ Other/ I Don't Know 2 Not_Pure_Breed
fd27cf28-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 20 Pure_Breed
fd27cfaa-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 7 Pure_Breed
fd27d02c-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 20 Pure_Breed
fd27d0b8-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Cross Breed 21 Not_Pure_Breed
fd27d144-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 7 Pure_Breed
fd27d248-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Popular Hybrid 6 Not_Pure_Breed
fd27d2ca-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 4 Pure_Breed
fd27d34c-7144-11e5-ba71-058fbc01cf0b Pure Breed 4 Pure_Breed
17201 rows, truncated to displaylimit of 25

Question 15: Adapt your queries from Questions 7 and 14 to examine the relationship between breed_type and number of tests completed by Pure_Breed dogs and non_Pure_Breed dogs. Your results should return 8336 DogIDs in the Not_Pure_Breed group.

In [43]:
SELECT t.pure_or_not AS pure_or_not, COUNT(DISTINCT t.dogID) AS num_dog_guid, AVG(t.numtests) AS avg_numtests
    (SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, COUNT(ct.created_at) AS numtests,
        CASE d.breed_type
            WHEN 'Pure Breed' THEN 'Pure_Breed'
            ELSE 'Not_Pure_Breed'
        END AS pure_or_not
    FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
     WHERE d.exclude=0 OR d.exclude IS NULL
    GROUP BY d.dog_guid)
    AS t
GROUP BY t.pure_or_not

2 rows affected.
pure_or_not num_dog_guid avg_numtests
Not_Pure_Breed 8336 10.4273
Pure_Breed 8865 10.4107

Question 16: Adapt your query from Question 15 to examine the relationship between breed_type, whether or not a dog was neutered (indicated in the dog_fixed field), and number of tests completed by Pure_Breed dogs and non_Pure_Breed dogs. There are DogIDs with null values in the dog_fixed column, so your results should have 6 rows, and the average number of tests completed by non-pure-breeds who are neutered is 10.5681.

In [49]:
SELECT t.pure_or_not AS pure_or_not, t.neutered_or_not AS neutered_or_not,
    COUNT(DISTINCT t.dogID) AS num_dog_guid, AVG(t.numtests) AS avg_numtests
    (SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, COUNT(ct.created_at) AS numtests,
        CASE d.breed_type
            WHEN 'Pure Breed' THEN 'Pure_Breed'
            ELSE 'Not_Pure_Breed'
        END AS pure_or_not,
        CASE d.dog_fixed
            WHEN 1 THEN 'neutered'
            WHEN 0 THEN 'not_neutered'
            ELSE 'None'
        END AS neutered_or_not
     FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
     WHERE d.exclude=0 OR d.exclude IS NULL
    GROUP BY d.dog_guid)
    AS t
GROUP BY t.pure_or_not, t.neutered_or_not

6 rows affected.
pure_or_not neutered_or_not num_dog_guid avg_numtests
Not_Pure_Breed neutered 7647 10.5681
Not_Pure_Breed None 97 9.9897
Not_Pure_Breed not_neutered 592 8.6807
Pure_Breed neutered 7043 10.6987
Pure_Breed None 135 8.2815
Pure_Breed not_neutered 1687 9.3788

In [48]:
SELECT numtests_per_dog.pure_breed AS pure_breed, neutered,
AVG(numtests_per_dog.numtests) AS avg_tests_completed, COUNT(DISTINCT dogID)
FROM( SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.breed_group AS breed_type, d.dog_fixed AS
CASE WHEN d.breed_type='Pure Breed' THEN 'pure_breed'
ELSE 'not_pure_breed'
END AS pure_breed,
count(c.created_at) AS numtests
FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests c
ON d.dog_guid=c.dog_guid
WHERE d.exclude IS NULL OR d.exclude=0
GROUP BY dogID) AS numtests_per_dog
GROUP BY pure_breed, neutered;

6 rows affected.
pure_breed neutered avg_tests_completed COUNT(DISTINCT dogID)
not_pure_breed None 9.9897 97
not_pure_breed 0 8.6807 592
not_pure_breed 1 10.5681 7647
pure_breed None 8.2815 135
pure_breed 0 9.3788 1687
pure_breed 1 10.6987 7043

These results suggest that although a dog's breed_type doesn't seem to have a strong relationship with how many tests a dog completed, neutered dogs, on average, seem to finish 1-2 more tests than non-neutered dogs. It may be fruitful to explore further whether this effect is consistent across different segments of dogs broken up according to other variables. If the effects are consistent, the next step would be to seek evidence that could clarify whether neutered dogs are finishing more tests due to traits that arise when a dog is neutered, or instead, whether owners who are more likely to neuter their dogs have traits that make it more likely they will want to complete more tests.

Two other dog features included in our sPAP were speed of game completion and previous behavioral training. Examing the relationship between the speed of game completion and number of games completed is best achieved through creating a scatter plot with a best fit line and/or running a statistical regression analysis. It is possible to achieve the statistical regression analysis through very advanced SQL queries, but the strategy that would be required is outside the scope of this course. Therefore, I would recommend exporting relevant data to a program like Tableau, R, or Matlab in order to assess the relationship between the speed of game completion and number of games completed.

Unfortunately, there is no field available in the Dognition data that is relevant to a dog's previous behavioral training, so more data would need to be collected to examine whether previous behavioral training is related to the number of Dognition tests completed.

One last issue I would like to address in this lesson is the issue of whether an average is a good summary to use to represent the values of a certain group. Average calculations are very sensitive to extreme values, or outliers, in the data. This video provides a nice demonstration of how sensitive averages can be:

Ideally, you would summarize the data in a group using a median calculation when you either don't know the distribution of values in your data or you already know that outliers are present (the definition of median is covered in the video above). Unfortunately, medians are more computationally intensive than averages, and there is no pre-made function that allows you to calculate medians using SQL. If you wanted to calculate the median, you would need to use an advanced strategy such as the ones described here:

Despite the fact there is no simple way to calculate medians using SQL, there is a way to get a hint about whether average values are likely to be wildly misleading. As described in the first video (, strong outliers lead to large standard deviation values. Fortunately, we CAN calculate standard deviations in SQL easily using the STDDEV function. Therefore, it is good practice to include standard deviation columns with your outputs so that you have an idea whether the average values outputted by your queries are trustworthy. Whenever standard deviations are a significant portion of the average values of a field, and certainly when standard deviations are larger than the average values of a field, it's a good idea to export your data to a program that can handle more sophisticated statistical analyses before you interpret any results too strongly.

Let's practice including standard deviations in our queries and interpretting their values.

Question 17: Adapt your query from Question 7 to include a column with the standard deviation for the number of tests completed by each Dognition personality dimension.

In [50]:
SELECT t.dimension AS dimension, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT t.dogID) AS num_dog_guid, AVG(t.numtests) AS avg_numtests,
    STDDEV(t.numtests) AS std_numtests
    (SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.dimension AS dimension, COUNT(ct.created_at) AS numtests
    FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
     WHERE (d.dimension != '' AND d.dimension != 'None') AND (d.exclude=0 OR d.exclude IS NULL)
    GROUP BY d.dog_guid)
    AS t
GROUP BY t.dimension

9 rows affected.
dimension num_dog_guid avg_numtests std_numtests
ace 402 23.5100 5.4896
charmer 626 23.3594 5.1919
einstein 109 23.2385 5.3155
expert 273 23.4249 4.7589
maverick 245 22.7673 4.7353
protodog 535 22.9570 5.3742
renaissance-dog 463 23.0410 4.9508
socialite 792 23.0997 4.9748
stargazer 310 22.7968 4.8254

The standard deviations are all around 20-25% of the average values of each personality dimension, and they are not appreciably different across the personality dimensions, so the average values are likely fairly trustworthy. Let's try calculating the standard deviation of a different measurement.

Question 18: Write a query that calculates the average amount of time it took each dog breed_type to complete all of the tests in the exam_answers table. Exclude negative durations from the calculation, and include a column that calculates the standard deviation of durations for each breed_type group:

In [51]:
SELECT t.breed_type AS breed_type, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT t.dogID) AS num_dog_guid, AVG(t.numtests) AS avg_numtests, STDDEV(t.numtests) AS std_numtests
    (SELECT d.dog_guid AS dogID, d.breed_type AS breed_type, COUNT(ct.created_at) AS numtests
    FROM dogs d JOIN complete_tests ct on d.dog_guid=ct.dog_guid
     WHERE d.exclude=0 OR d.exclude IS NULL
    GROUP BY d.dog_guid)
    AS t
GROUP BY t.breed_type

4 rows affected.
breed_type num_dog_guid avg_numtests std_numtests
Cross Breed 2884 10.6009 8.1223
Mixed Breed/ Other/ I Don't Know 4818 10.2688 8.277
Popular Hybrid 634 10.8423 7.7421
Pure Breed 8865 10.4107 8.4387

This time many of the standard deviations have larger magnitudes than the average duration values. This suggests there are outliers in the data that are significantly impacting the reported average values, so the average values are not likely trustworthy. These data should be exported to another program for more sophisticated statistical analysis.

In the next lesson, we will write queries that assess the relationship between testing circumstances and the number of tests completed. Until then, feel free to practice any additional queries you would like to below!

In [ ]: