The Language of Quotations in Journals

Do specialists quote different types of language from nonspecialists?

In [42]:
import spacy
import textacy
import nltk
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')

In [2]:
mm = open('../middlemarch.txt').read()

In [3]:
df = pd.read_json('../txt/e2a.json')

In [4]:
grouped = df.groupby('journal')

In [5]:
def getText(ranges): 
    texts = []
    for rangeSet in ranges: 
        for textRange in rangeSet: 
#             print(textRange)
            if len(textRange) > 1: 
                text = mm[textRange[0]:textRange[1]]
    return texts

In [6]:
journalDict = {}
for journal in grouped: 
    journalDict[journal[0]] = journal[1]['Locations in A'].values

In [7]:
textDict = {}
for journal in journalDict: 
    textDict[journal] = getText(journalDict[journal])

In [8]:
specialistText = ' '.join(textDict.pop('George Eliot - George Henry Lewes Studies'))
specialistText = specialistText.replace('\n', ' ')

In [9]:
nonSpecialistText = ' '.join([' '.join(item) for item in textDict.values()])
nonSpecialistText = nonSpecialistText.replace('\n', ' ')

In [10]:
st = textacy.Doc(specialistText)
nst = textacy.Doc(nonSpecialistText)

In [11]:
stBag = st.to_bag_of_terms(as_strings=True, weighting='freq')
nstBag = nst.to_bag_of_terms(as_strings=True, weighting='freq')

In [12]:
stArray = pd.Series(stBag)
nstArray = pd.Series(nstBag)

In [59]:
# Negative values are distinctive of nonspecialists. 
# Positive values are distinctive of specialists. 
(stArray - nstArray).fillna(0).sort_values()

dorothea        -0.001996
live            -0.000711
say             -0.000653
eye             -0.000600
year            -0.000594
soul            -0.000538
thought         -0.000506
need            -0.000489
life            -0.000475
time            -0.000471
feeling         -0.000468
cadwallader     -0.000451
light           -0.000448
bring           -0.000448
turn            -0.000448
new             -0.000442
far             -0.000436
human           -0.000433
fact            -0.000433
consciousness   -0.000430
sense           -0.000415
day             -0.000413
speak           -0.000401
call            -0.000401
possible        -0.000401
deep            -0.000398
world           -0.000392
knowledge       -0.000392
shape           -0.000383
social          -0.000366
green            0.000503
pretty           0.000503
bare             0.000503
beautiful        0.000506
gentleman        0.000506
say mrs.         0.000520
spend            0.000526
mean             0.000535
second           0.000538
gray             0.000541
moment           0.000547
brooke           0.000549
mrs.             0.000552
carp             0.000556
simply           0.000558
pity             0.000576
memory           0.000579
ought            0.000646
man              0.000666
farebrother      0.000667
avenue           0.000681
blue             0.000737
backward         0.000775
mary             0.000868
know             0.000926
form             0.000944
thing            0.000956
ladislaw         0.000994
garth            0.001006
casaubon         0.001019
dtype: float64

In [47]:
def POSRepresentation(text): 
    return [pair[1] for item in text.pos_tagged_text for pair in item]

def tagRepresentation(text): 
    return [w.tag_ for w in text.spacy_doc]

def POSStats(text): 
#     rep = POSRepresentation(text)
    rep = tagRepresentation(text)
    length = len(rep)
    s = pd.Series(rep).value_counts()/length
    return s

stPOS = POSStats(st)
nstPOS = POSStats(nst)

In [53]:
df = pd.DataFrame([stPOS, nstPOS], index=['Specialists', 'Nonspecialists']).T

In [54]:
df.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(16,6))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fbb8e0e9fd0>

In [58]:
(df['Specialists'] - df['Nonspecialists']).plot(kind='bar', figsize=(16,6))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fbb8cfc1160>

In [ ]: