Characters per Chapter

What are the major characters per chapter?

In [119]:
import spacy
import re
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')

In [2]:
nlp = spacy.load('en')

In [17]:
mm = open('../middlemarch.txt').read()
# mm = nlp(mmRaw)

In [18]:
textALength = len(mmRaw)

In [19]:
# Get chapter locations
chapterMatches = re.finditer('PRELUDE|CHAPTER|FINALE', mm)
chapterLocations = [match.start() for match in chapterMatches]
chapterLocations.append(textALength) # Add one to account for last chunk. 


In [20]:
# Extract chapters
chapters = []
for start, end in zip(chapterLocations, chapterLocations[1:]): 

In [22]:
chapterDocs = [nlp(chapter) for chapter in chapters]

In [23]:
prelude = chapterDocs[0]

In [27]:
theresa = prelude.ents[1]

In [64]:
def getPeople(doc): 
    return Counter([ent.text.strip() for ent in doc.ents if ent.label_ == 'PERSON'])

In [65]:
people = [getPeople(chapter) for chapter in chapterDocs]

In [126]:
topFourPeople = [getPeople(chapter).most_common(4) for chapter in chapterDocs]

[[('Saint Theresa', 2), ('Avila', 1), ('Theresa', 1)],
 [('Celia', 36), ('Dorothea', 13), ('Brooke', 12), ('James Chettam', 2)],
 [('Brooke', 23), ('Casaubon', 18), ('Celia', 16), ('James', 14)],
 [('Casaubon', 19), ('Dorothea', 18), ('Brooke', 16), ('James', 11)],
 [('Dorothea', 16), ('Celia', 14), ('Brooke', 14), ('James', 11)],
 [('Celia', 26), ('Casaubon', 22), ('Dorothea', 18), ('Dodo', 6)],
 [('Cadwallader', 27), ('Brooke', 24), ('James', 15), ('Celia', 8)],
 [('Casaubon', 13), ('Dorothea', 7), ('Brooke', 6), ('Celia', 3)],
 [('James', 14), ('Brooke', 13), ('Rector', 8), ('Casaubon', 7)],
 [('Casaubon', 33), ('Celia', 21), ('Dorothea', 19), ('Brooke', 17)],
 [('Brooke', 21), ('Casaubon', 15), ('Lydgate', 12), ('Standish', 7)],
 [('Fred', 19), ('Vincy', 15), ('Rosamond', 10), ('Lydgate', 8)],
 [('Mary', 33), ('Rosamond', 32), ('Fred', 30), ('Featherstone', 28)],
 [('Bulstrode', 19), ('Vincy', 16), ('Fred', 11), ('Lydgate', 9)],
 [('Fred', 30), ('Mary', 22), ('Featherstone', 13), ('Bulstrode', 5)],
 [('Lydgate', 25), ('Bichat', 3), ('Elizabeth', 2), ('Fielding', 1)],
 [('Rosamond', 24), ('Lydgate', 20), ('Vincy', 10), ('Bulstrode', 9)],
 [('Farebrother', 19), ('Lydgate', 16), ('Vicar', 7), ('Bulstrode', 5)],
 [('Lydgate', 21), ('Bulstrode', 21), ('Farebrother', 19), ('Tyke', 11)],
 [('Naumann', 4), ('Casaubon', 3), ('Will Ladislaw', 2), ('Ladislaw', 2)],
 [('Casaubon', 27), ('Dorothea', 21), ('Raphael', 2), ('Naumann', 2)],
 [('Casaubon', 25), ('Dorothea', 20), ('Ladislaw', 5), ('', 1)],
 [('Casaubon', 51), ('Dorothea', 27), ('Naumann', 9), ('Ladislaw', 3)],
 [('Fred', 39), ('Bambridge', 16), ('Garth', 11), ('Vincy', 7)],
 [('Garth', 44), ('Fred', 31), ('Ben', 20), ('Letty', 11)],
 [('Mary', 41), ('Fred', 17), ('Featherstone', 7), ('Caleb', 4)],
 [('Wrench', 25), ('Lydgate', 17), ('Vincy', 15), ('Fred', 7)],
 [('Rosamond', 28), ('Fred', 16), ('Lydgate', 16), ('Vincy', 9)],
 [('Celia', 13), ('Dorothea', 11), ('Casaubon', 5), ('Brooke', 3)],
 [('Casaubon', 25), ('Dorothea', 16), ('James', 12), ('Celia', 7)],
 [('Casaubon', 19), ('Dorothea', 14), ('Brooke', 10), ('Lydgate', 6)],
 [('Bulstrode', 25), ('Lydgate', 23), ('Rosamond', 20), ('Vincy', 13)],
 [('Solomon', 21), ('Waule', 15), ('Trumbull', 14), ('Featherstone', 13)],
 [('Mary', 20), ('Featherstone', 5), ('Fred', 3), ('Missy', 2)],
 [('Cadwallader', 16), ('Casaubon', 16), ('Brooke', 8), ('Featherstone', 7)],
 [('Fred', 14), ('Solomon', 12), ('Featherstone', 10), ('Standish', 10)],
 [('Lydgate', 34), ('Vincy', 28), ('Rosamond', 25), ('Bulstrode', 13)],
 [('Casaubon', 55), ('Dorothea', 32), ('Brooke', 16), ('Ladislaw', 13)],
 [('Brooke', 33), ('James', 21), ('Rector', 11), ('Cadwallader', 11)],
 [('Brooke', 18), ('Dagley', 18), ('Dorothea', 12), ('Casaubon', 8)],
 [('Mary', 47), ('Garth', 35), ('Caleb', 32), ('Fred', 15)],
 [('Raffles', 10), ('Rigg', 7), ('Josh', 6), ('Peter', 4)],
 [('Casaubon', 30), ('Dorothea', 15), ('Lydgate', 10), ('Carp', 2)],
 [('Lydgate', 14), ('Casaubon', 12), ('Dorothea', 11), ('Rosamond', 8)],
 [('Dorothea', 6), ('Lydgate', 5), ('Casaubon', 4), ('Bulstrode', 4)],
 [('Lydgate', 42), ('Mawmsey', 16), ('Bulstrode', 11), ('Toller', 11)],
 [('Brooke', 13), ('Lydgate', 10), ('Ladislaw', 10), ('Casaubon', 6)],
 [('Dorothea', 12), ('Casaubon', 10), ('Brooke', 2), ('Lowick Church', 2)],
 [('Dorothea', 26), ('Casaubon', 19), ('Tantripp', 4), ('Lydgate', 3)],
 [('James', 12), ('Ladislaw', 11), ('Dorothea', 10), ('Brooke', 10)],
 [('Dorothea', 22), ('Celia', 20), ('Casaubon', 13), ('James', 12)],
 [('Brooke', 52), ('Ladislaw', 10), ('Mawmsey', 10), ('Bill', 4)],
 [('Fred', 28), ('Mary', 25), ('Farebrother', 21), ('Garth', 7)],
 [('Bulstrode', 40), ('Raffles', 29), ('Nick', 11), ('Caleb Garth', 4)],
 [('Dorothea', 19), ('James', 12), ('Casaubon', 12), ('Celia', 9)],
 [('Celia', 11), ('James', 10), ('Cadwallader', 9), ('Dorothea', 5)],
 [('Fred', 60), ('Caleb', 42), ('Garth', 28), ('Mary', 19)],
 [('Fred', 52), ('Mary', 43), ('Garth', 30), ('Farebrother', 24)],
 [('Lydgate', 51), ('Rosamond', 42), ('Tertius', 6), ('Rosy', 6)],
 [('Rosamond', 9), ('Casaubon', 5), ('Ladislaw', 5), ('Fred', 5)],
 [('Ladislaw', 9), ('Trumbull', 8), ('Bulstrode', 7), ('Joseph', 6)],
 [('Bulstrode', 47), ('Ladislaw', 7), ('Raffles', 5), ('Dunkirk', 3)],
 [('Dorothea', 23), ('James', 9), ('Cadwallader', 6), ('Ladislaw', 4)],
 [('Farebrother', 19), ('Lydgate', 18), ('Mary', 15), ('Vincy', 9)],
 [('Rosamond', 41), ('Lydgate', 28), ('Trumbull', 14), ('Godwin', 7)],
 [('Rosamond', 11), ('Lydgate', 9), ('Godwin', 3), ('Godwin Lydgate', 1)],
 [('Fred', 29), ('Farebrother', 16), ('Lydgate', 13), ('Garth', 8)],
 [('Bulstrode', 22), ('Lydgate', 21), ('Casaubon', 4), ('Rosamond', 3)],
 [('Bulstrode', 29), ('Raffles', 10), ('Garth', 7), ('Caleb', 6)],
 [('Bulstrode', 32), ('Caleb', 19), ('Lydgate', 15), ('Garth', 14)],
 [('Bulstrode', 36), ('Lydgate', 31), ('Abel', 12), ('Raffles', 11)],
 [('Bulstrode', 42), ('Hawley', 26), ('Lydgate', 14), ('Bambridge', 11)],
 [('Dorothea', 7), ('Lydgate', 6), ('James', 6), ('Farebrother', 5)],
 [('Bulstrode', 9), ('Lydgate', 5), ('Raffles', 1), ('Rosamond', 1)],
 [('Bulstrode', 34), ('Hackbutt', 18), ('Plymdale', 13), ('Harriet', 7)],
 [('Rosamond', 21), ('Lydgate', 17), ('Vincy', 4), ('Will Ladislaw', 3)],
 [('Lydgate', 20), ('Dorothea', 19), ('Bulstrode', 11), ('Casaubon', 4)],
 [('Dorothea', 14), ('Lydgate', 13), ('Rosamond', 9), ('Martha', 4)],
 [('Rosamond', 11), ('Lydgate', 3), ('Dorothea', 2), ('Casaubon', 1)],
 [('Lydgate', 6), ('Rosamond', 4), ('Dorothea', 4), ('Bulstrode', 3)],
 [('Farebrother', 8),
  ('Dorothea', 4),
  ('Henrietta Noble', 3),
  ('Ladislaw', 3)],
 [('Rosamond', 31), ('Dorothea', 20), ('Lydgate', 11), ('Casaubon', 9)],
 [('Rosamond', 8), ('Dorothea', 3), ('Lydgate', 2), ('Riverston', 2)],
 [('Dorothea', 15), ('Casaubon', 2), ('Miss Noble', 2), ('Bulstrode', 2)],
 [('James', 36), ('Celia', 34), ('Brooke', 20), ('Dorothea', 13)],
 [('Bulstrode', 7), ('Garth', 4), ('Harriet', 3), ('Blindman', 2)],
 [('Mary', 28), ('Fred', 18), ('Caleb', 10), ('Garth', 5)],
 [('Fred', 11), ('Mary', 10), ('Dorothea', 8), ('James', 8)]]

In [66]:

[Counter({'Avila': 1, 'Saint Theresa': 2, 'Theresa': 1}),
 Counter({'Brooke': 12,
          'Cadwallader': 1,
          'Celia': 36,
          'Dorothea': 13,
          'Edward Casaubon': 1,
          'James Chettam': 2,
          'Jeremy Taylor': 1,
          'John': 1,
          'John Milton': 1,
          'Kitty': 1,
          'Madame Poincon': 2,
          'Pascal': 1,
          'Peel': 1,
          'Rector': 1,
          'Sane': 1}),
 Counter({'Adam Smith': 1,
          'Brooke': 23,
          'Cartwright': 2,
          'Casaubon': 18,
          'Casaubon?--if': 1,
          'Celia': 16,
          'Celia\n\n"': 1,
          'Chettam': 1,
          'Corydon': 1,
          'Davy': 3,
          'Don Quijote."--CERVANTES.': 1,
          'Don Quixote': 1,
          'Dorothea': 9,
          'Humphry Davy': 1,
          'James': 14,
          'James Chettam': 2,
          "James Chettam's": 1,
          'Lo': 1,
          'Locke': 3,
          'Monsieur Liret': 1,
          'Southey': 1,
          'Vaudois': 1,
          'Wilberforce': 4,
          'Wordsworth': 4}),
 Counter({'Augustine': 1,
          'Bossuet': 1,
          'Brooke': 16,
          'Casaubon': 19,
          'Celia': 8,
          'Chloe': 1,
          'Dodo': 1,
          'Dorcas': 1,
          'Dorothea': 18,
          'Helicon': 1,
          'James': 11,
          'James Chettam': 1,
          "James Chettam's": 1,
          'John': 1,
          'Latyn': 1,
          'Lazarus': 1,
          'Loudon': 1,
          'Milton': 1,
          'Monk': 2,
          'Pascal': 1,
          'Pippin': 1,
          'Raphael': 1,
          'Sara': 1}),
 Counter({'Brooke': 14,
          'Bunch?--well': 1,
          'Cadwallader': 1,
          'Casaubon': 9,
          'Celia': 14,
          'Chettam': 2,
          'Dodo': 3,
          'Dorothea': 16,
          'James': 11,
          'James Chettam': 1,
          'Kitty': 1,
          'Lovegood': 1,
          'Lowick': 3,
          'Murr': 1,
          'Peel': 1,
          'Tantripp': 3,
          'Temper': 1}),
 Counter({'Brooke': 5,
          'Cadwallader': 1,
          'Casaubon': 22,
          "Casaubon's": 1,
          'Celia': 26,
          'Chettam': 1,
          'Dodo': 6,
          'Dorothea': 18,
          'James Chettam': 2,
          'Jonas': 1,
          'Kitty': 1,
          'Liret': 3,
          'Locke': 1,
          "Thomas Aquainas'": 1}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Brooke': 24,
          'Brookes': 1,
          'Cadwallader': 27,
          'Carter': 3,
          'Casaubon': 6,
          'Celia': 8,
          'Chettam': 2,
          'Dorothea': 5,
          'Fitchett': 3,
          'Freshitt Hall': 1,
          'Guy Faux': 1,
          'Humphrey': 3,
          'Jack': 1,
          'James': 15,
          'James Chettam': 2,
          'Lady Chettam': 1,
          'Lord Megatherium': 1,
          'Middlemarch': 3,
          'Peel': 1,
          'Rector': 2,
          'Sappho': 1,
          'Stoddart': 1,
          'Virgil': 1,
          'Wright': 1}),
 Counter({'Alfred': 1,
          'Brooke': 6,
          'Cadwallader': 1,
          'Casaubon': 13,
          'Celia': 3,
          'Dorothea': 7,
          'Freiberg': 1,
          'Gluck': 1,
          'Henry of Navarre': 1,
          'Milton': 1,
          'Mozart': 1}),
 Counter({'Brooke': 13,
          "Brooke's": 1,
          'Cadwallader': 5,
          'Casaubon': 7,
          'Celia': 1,
          'Chettam': 1,
          'Dorothea': 3,
          'Elinor': 2,
          'Freke': 1,
          'Humphrey': 2,
          'James': 14,
          'James Chettam': 2,
          'Rector': 8,
          'Thumb': 1,
          'Xisuthrus': 1}),
 Counter({'Brooke': 17,
          'Bruce': 1,
          'Byron': 1,
          'Casaubon': 33,
          'Celia': 21,
          'Dodo': 1,
          'Dorothea': 19,
          'Freshitt Hall': 1,
          'James': 2,
          'Julia': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 5,
          'Lowick': 1,
          'Mungo Park': 1,
          'Nature': 1,
          'Rugby': 1,
          'Tucker': 7,
          'Will Ladislaw': 2}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Brooke': 21,
          'Bulstrode': 5,
          'Cadwallader': 4,
          'Caesar': 1,
          'Casaubon': 15,
          "Casaubon's": 2,
          'Celia': 6,
          'Chichely': 4,
          "De Quincey's": 1,
          'Dorothea': 4,
          'Grainger': 1,
          'Hicks': 2,
          'Humphrey': 1,
          'James': 4,
          "James Chettam's": 1,
          'Lady': 1,
          'Lady Chettam': 6,
          'Lydgate': 12,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Milton': 1,
          'Rector': 1,
          'Renfrew': 4,
          'Saint': 1,
          'Standish': 7,
          'Tantripp': 1,
          'Theresa': 1,
          'Vincy': 1}),
 Counter({'Bob': 2,
          'Brooke': 5,
          'Bulstrode': 2,
          'Casaubon': 2,
          'Featherstone': 3,
          "Featherstone's": 1,
          'Fred': 19,
          'Homer': 1,
          'John': 1,
          'Lemon': 5,
          'Lydgate': 8,
          'Mary Garth': 5,
          'Miss Morgan': 1,
          'Papa': 1,
          'Peacock': 2,
          'Pritchard': 1,
          'Rosamond': 10,
          'Rosamond Vincy': 1,
          'Rosy': 3,
          'Tertius': 1,
          'Vincy': 15,
          'Vincys': 1,
          'Wrench': 1}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 11,
          'Bulstrodes': 1,
          'Elizabeth': 1,
          'Featherstone': 28,
          'Featherstones': 1,
          'Fred': 30,
          'Fred Vincy': 2,
          'Garth': 1,
          'George': 1,
          'Jane': 1,
          'Jane Featherstone': 1,
          'Jane Waule': 1,
          'Joanna': 1,
          'John': 3,
          'Josephus': 1,
          'Klopstock': 1,
          'Lowick': 1,
          'Lydgate': 11,
          'Mainwaring': 1,
          'Mamselle': 1,
          'Mary': 33,
          'Mary\nGarth': 1,
          'Mary Garth': 7,
          'Middlemarch': 2,
          'Morgan': 2,
          'Overreach': 1,
          'Peter': 1,
          'Peter Featherstone': 2,
          'Rebecca': 1,
          'Rosamond': 32,
          'Rosy': 4,
          'Solomon': 7,
          'Vincy': 10,
          'Vyan': 1,
          'Waule': 18}),
 Counter({'Bulstrode': 19,
          "Bulstrode's": 1,
          'Churchman': 1,
          'Farebrother': 4,
          'Featherstone': 4,
          'Fred': 11,
          'Harriet': 3,
          'Lord Medlicote': 1,
          'Lydgate': 9,
          'Plymdale': 1,
          'Rosamond': 2,
          'Tyke': 2,
          'Vincy': 16}),
 Counter({'Brenda Troil': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 5,
          'Corinne': 1,
          'Crowse': 1,
          'Farebrother': 1,
          'Featherstone': 13,
          'Flora MacIvor': 1,
          'Fred': 30,
          'Fred Vincy': 1,
          'Frederic': 1,
          'Harriet': 1,
          'John Waule': 1,
          'Juliet': 1,
          'Lydgate': 1,
          'Mary': 22,
          'Mary Garth': 3,
          "Mary's": 1,
          'Mary;': 1,
          'Minna': 1,
          'Olivia': 1,
          'Ophelia': 1,
          'Peter Featherstone': 1,
          'Rosy': 1,
          'Simmons': 1,
          'Sophia Primrose': 1,
          'Standish': 1,
          'Vincy': 2}),
 Counter({'Adam': 1,
          'Bailey': 1,
          'Bichat': 3,
          'Chrysal': 1,
          'Elizabeth': 2,
          'Fielding': 1,
          'Gulliver': 1,
          'Herschel': 1,
          'Jenner': 1,
          'John': 1,
          'King James': 1,
          'Laure': 1,
          'Lydgate': 25,
          'Lyons': 1,
          'Mammon': 1,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Minchin': 1,
          'Rasselas': 1,
          'Sprague': 1,
          'Tertius': 1,
          'Toller': 1,
          'Wrench': 1}),
 Counter({'': 2,
          'Batti': 1,
          'Bowyer': 1,
          'Brookes': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 9,
          'Chichely': 7,
          'Evangelicalism': 1,
          'Farebrother': 7,
          "Farebrother's": 1,
          'Fred': 6,
          'Fred Vincy': 1,
          'Haydn': 1,
          'Lemon': 2,
          'Louis': 1,
          'Lucifer': 1,
          'Lydgate': 20,
          'Majesty': 1,
          'Middlemarch': 2,
          'Minchin': 1,
          'Morgan': 2,
          'Plymdale': 1,
          'Rosamond': 24,
          'Rosy': 1,
          'Sprague': 5,
          'Strype': 1,
          'Stubbs': 1,
          'Susan': 1,
          'Tegg': 2,
          'Tertius': 1,
          'Tyke': 2,
          'Vincy': 10,
          'Vincys': 1,
          'Voi': 1,
          'Wakley': 1}),
 Counter({'Adam': 2,
          'Aphis Brassicae': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 5,
          'Camden Farebrother': 1,
          'Farebrother': 19,
          'Featherstone': 1,
          'Garth': 1,
          'Garths': 2,
          'George': 1,
          'Griffin': 1,
          'Lord Chancellors': 1,
          'Lydgate': 16,
          'Miss Winifred': 1,
          'Noble': 4,
          'Peacock': 1,
          'Philomicron': 1,
          "Robert Brown's": 1,
          'Solomon': 1,
          'Trawley': 1,
          'Tyke': 2,
          'Vicar': 7,
          'Winifred': 1}),
 Counter({'Botolph': 2,
          'Brooke': 5,
          'Bulstrode': 21,
          'Edward Thesiger': 1,
          'Farebrother': 19,
          'Frank Hawley': 4,
          'Hackbutt': 3,
          'Hawley': 5,
          'Larcher': 1,
          'Lydgate': 21,
          'Middlemarch': 3,
          'Minchin': 8,
          'Nessus': 1,
          'Peacock': 1,
          'Peter': 1,
          'Pharisee': 2,
          'Plymdale': 2,
          'Pope': 1,
          'Powderell': 4,
          'Prodicus': 1,
          'Rector': 1,
          'Sprague': 5,
          'Thesiger': 2,
          'Toller': 1,
          'Tyke': 11,
          'Walter Tyke': 1,
          'Wimple': 1,
          'Wrench': 2}),
 Counter({'Adolf': 1,
          'Casaubon': 3,
          'Dorothea Brooke': 1,
          'Geistlicher': 1,
          'George': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 2,
          'Madonna': 1,
          'Meleager': 1,
          'Naumann': 4,
          'Onkel': 1,
          'Schon': 1,
          'Vincy': 1,
          'Will Ladislaw': 2}),
 Counter({'Casaubon': 27,
          'Cupid': 1,
          'Dorothea': 21,
          'Lowick': 1,
          'Naumann': 2,
          'Peter': 1,
          'Psyche': 1,
          'Raphael': 2,
          'Tantripp': 1}),
 Counter({'': 1, 'Casaubon': 25, 'Dorothea': 20, 'Ladislaw': 5, 'Will': 1}),
 Counter({'Adolf Naumann': 1,
          'Aquinas': 1,
          'Brooke': 1,
          'Bryant': 1,
          'Casaubon': 51,
          'Celia': 2,
          'Chus': 1,
          'Dorothea': 27,
          'Goethe': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 3,
          'Laocoon': 1,
          'Lowick': 2,
          'Marlowe': 1,
          'Middleton': 1,
          'Mizraim': 1,
          'Mr Casaubon': 1,
          'Naumann': 9,
          'Paracelsus': 1,
          'Saint Thomas Aquinas': 2,
          'Tamburlaine': 2,
          'Will': 1}),
 Counter({'Bambridge': 16,
          'Bulstrode': 1,
          'Caleb': 5,
          'Caleb Garth': 4,
          'Featherstone': 4,
          "Featherstone's": 2,
          'Fred': 39,
          'Fred Vincy': 2,
          'Garth': 11,
          'Garths': 4,
          'George the Fourth': 1,
          'Horrock': 7,
          "James Chettam's": 1,
          'Lindley Murray': 1,
          "Lord Medlicote's": 1,
          'Mangnall': 1,
          'Mary': 4,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Peg': 1,
          'Rosamond': 2,
          'Vincy': 7,
          'Vincys': 1}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Alfred': 4,
          'Ben': 20,
          'Caleb': 11,
          'Caleb Garth': 2,
          'Cincinnatus': 1,
          'Featherstone': 1,
          'Fred': 31,
          'Fred Vincy': 2,
          'Frenchwoman': 1,
          'Garth': 44,
          "Garth's": 1,
          'Garths': 2,
          'Hanmer': 1,
          'Hark': 1,
          'Job': 1,
          'Letty': 11,
          'Lindley Murray': 1,
          "Lord Medlicote's": 1,
          'Mary': 9,
          'Mary\nGarth': 1,
          'Roman': 1,
          'Sally': 1,
          'Susan': 6,
          'Vincy': 1,
          "Yo goo'--that's": 1}),
 Counter({'Alfred': 2,
          'Beck': 1,
          'Bowyer': 1,
          'Caleb': 4,
          'Caleb Garth': 1,
          'Featherstone': 7,
          'Featherstone Caleb': 1,
          'Fred': 17,
          'Fred Vincy': 1,
          'Garth': 2,
          'Hanmer': 1,
          'Johnson': 1,
          'Mary': 41,
          'Piozzi': 1,
          'Susan': 1}),
 Counter({'Bulstrode': 3,
          'Ellen Bulstrode': 1,
          'Farebrother': 2,
          'Fred': 7,
          'Hicks': 1,
          'Larcher': 1,
          'Lucy': 1,
          'Lydgate': 17,
          'Minchin': 1,
          'Peacock': 2,
          'Pritchard': 1,
          'Rosamond': 4,
          'Taft': 1,
          'Vincy': 15,
          'Vincys': 1,
          'Wrench': 25}),
 Counter({'Bulstrode': 2,
          'Caius Larcher': 1,
          'Circumstance': 1,
          'Farebrother': 1,
          'Featherstone': 1,
          'Fred': 16,
          "James Chettam's": 1,
          'Keepsake': 2,
          'L. E. L." Rosamond': 1,
          'Lady Blessington': 1,
          'Lemon': 1,
          'Lydgate': 16,
          'Mamma': 1,
          'Mary': 1,
          'Miss Morgan': 1,
          'Ned': 5,
          'Ned Plymdale': 1,
          'Peacock': 2,
          'Peter Featherstone': 1,
          'Plymdale': 4,
          'Rosamond': 28,
          'Scott': 1,
          'Sprague': 1,
          'Vincy': 9,
          'Vincys': 1,
          'Walter Scott': 1,
          'Wrench': 3,
          'Young Plymdale': 1}),
 Counter({'Aquinas': 3,
          'Brooke': 3,
          'Cadwallader': 1,
          'Casaubon': 5,
          'Casaubon--"about': 1,
          'Celia': 13,
          'Dodo': 2,
          'Dorothea': 11,
          'James': 2,
          'Julia': 1,
          'Kitty': 1,
          'Lady Chettam': 1,
          'Tucker': 2,
          "Will Ladislaw's": 1}),
 Counter({'Archdeacon': 1,
          'Brasenose': 2,
          'Brooke': 2,
          'Carp': 3,
          'Casaubon': 25,
          'Celia': 7,
          'Dodo': 1,
          'Dorothea': 16,
          'Edward Casaubon': 1,
          'James': 12,
          'James Chettam': 1,
          "James Chettam's": 1,
          'John Milton': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 2,
          'Lowick': 1,
          'Lydgate': 2,
          'Pike': 1,
          'Tench': 1,
          'Vincy': 1,
          'Warburton': 1}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Brooke': 10,
          'Casaubon': 19,
          'Celia': 2,
          'Dorothea': 14,
          'Humphrey Clinker': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 4,
          'Lydgate': 6,
          'Naumann': 1,
          'Peel': 1,
          'Poste Restante': 1,
          "Smollett--'Roderick Random": 1}),
 Counter({'Abraham': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 25,
          'Casaubon': 1,
          'Farebrother': 1,
          'Featherstone': 4,
          'Fred': 3,
          "Fred Vincy's": 1,
          'Harriet': 3,
          'Kate': 2,
          'Lowick Manor': 1,
          'Lydgate': 23,
          'Mary Garth': 1,
          'Moses': 1,
          'Ned': 1,
          'Ned Plymdale': 2,
          'Plymdale': 6,
          'Rosamond': 20,
          'Selina': 2,
          'Solomon': 1,
          'Vincy': 13}),
 Counter({'Borrow': 1,
          'Borthrop': 1,
          'Borthrop Trumbull': 5,
          'Cranch': 4,
          'Featherstone': 13,
          "Featherstone's": 1,
          'Featherstones': 1,
          'Fred': 5,
          'Fred Vincy': 1,
          'Garth': 5,
          'Jane': 5,
          'Jane Featherstone': 1,
          'Jonah': 11,
          'Jonah Featherstone': 1,
          'Judy': 1,
          'Martha': 2,
          'Mary': 6,
          'Mary Garth': 6,
          'Mary re-entered': 1,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Murillo': 1,
          'Peel': 1,
          'Peter': 12,
          'Peter\nFeatherstone': 1,
          'Peter Featherstone': 2,
          'Robert': 1,
          'Rubens': 1,
          'Sister Jane': 1,
          'Sister Martha': 2,
          'Solomon': 21,
          'Teniers': 1,
          'Tom': 2,
          'Trumbull': 14,
          "Trumbull's": 1,
          'Vincy': 3,
          'Vincys': 1,
          'Walter Scott': 1,
          'Waule': 15,
          'Young Cranch': 1}),
 Counter({'Cranch': 1,
          'Featherstone': 5,
          "Featherstone's": 1,
          'Fred': 3,
          'Henry VI.': 1,
          'Jane': 1,
          'Jonah': 1,
          'Jonah Featherstone': 1,
          'Last Will': 1,
          'Mary': 20,
          'Mary Garth': 1,
          'Missy': 2,
          'Peter Featherstone': 2,
          'Simmons': 1,
          'Solomon': 2,
          'Tucker': 1,
          'Vincy': 1,
          'Vincys': 1,
          'Waule': 1}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Aquinas': 1,
          'Brooke': 8,
          'Cadwallader': 16,
          'Casaubon': 16,
          'Celia': 4,
          'Cush': 1,
          'Dodo': 2,
          'Dorothea': 7,
          'Featherstone': 7,
          "Featherstone's": 1,
          'Humphrey': 2,
          'James': 6,
          'Jane': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 3,
          'Lady Chettam': 1,
          'Lydgate': 1,
          'Martha': 1,
          'Milton': 1,
          'Peter Featherstone': 2,
          'Rector': 1,
          'Swift': 1,
          'Vincy': 2,
          'Will': 1}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Borthrop Trumbull': 2,
          'Brassing': 1,
          'Caleb': 2,
          'Caleb Garth': 2,
          'Clemmens': 1,
          'Cranch': 3,
          'Featherstone': 10,
          'Fred': 14,
          'Fred Vincy': 2,
          'Garth': 1,
          'Garths': 1,
          'Jane': 4,
          'Jonah': 6,
          'Jonah Featherstone': 2,
          'Joshua\nRigg': 1,
          'Joshua Rigg': 3,
          'Lucy': 1,
          'Martha': 7,
          'Mary': 4,
          'Mary\nGarth': 1,
          'Mary Garth': 5,
          "Mary Garth's": 1,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Peter': 9,
          'Peter Featherstone': 1,
          "Peter Featherstone's": 1,
          'Rigg': 5,
          'Rigg Featherstone': 1,
          'Rosamond': 1,
          'Solomon': 12,
          'Standish': 10,
          'Trumbull': 8,
          'Vincy': 7,
          'Vincys': 1,
          'Waule': 7,
          'Waules': 1}),
 Counter({'Arabella Hawley': 1,
          'Bretton': 3,
          'Bulstrode': 13,
          'Eros': 1,
          'Farebrother': 2,
          'Fred': 6,
          'Furnishing': 1,
          'Garth': 1,
          'Godwin': 2,
          "Godwin Lydgate's": 1,
          'Harriet': 2,
          'Hopkins': 1,
          'Lucy': 1,
          'Lydgate': 34,
          'Mamma': 1,
          'Mary': 2,
          'Mary Garth': 1,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Morgan': 1,
          'Papa': 2,
          'Peacock': 1,
          'Quallingham': 1,
          'Rosamond': 25,
          'Rosy': 2,
          'Sadler': 1,
          "Santa Lucia's": 1,
          'Truly': 1,
          'Vincy': 28,
          'Vincys': 1,
          'Walter': 2,
          'Willoughby': 1,
          'Wrench': 2}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Archdeacon': 1,
          'Aunt Julia': 1,
          'Baal': 1,
          'Brasenose': 1,
          'Brooke': 16,
          "Brooke's": 1,
          'Browne': 1,
          'Carp': 1,
          'Casaubon': 55,
          'Celia': 1,
          'Charles James Fox': 1,
          'Chettam': 1,
          'Dante': 1,
          'Dorothea': 32,
          'George': 1,
          'Hackbutt': 2,
          'Halsell Common': 1,
          'Hawley': 5,
          'Huskisson': 1,
          'James': 1,
          'James Chettam': 2,
          'Julia': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 13,
          'Ladislaws': 1,
          'Latin': 1,
          'Laura': 1,
          'Lowick': 2,
          'Lowick Manor': 1,
          'Ministers': 1,
          'Peel': 2,
          'Spanning': 1,
          'Thomas': 1,
          'Vincy': 1,
          'Will': 1,
          'Will Ladislaw': 1,
          "Will Ladislaw's": 1,
          'Young Ladislaw': 1}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Aquinas': 1,
          'Archdeacon': 1,
          'Brooke': 33,
          'Brougham': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 2,
          'Cadwallader': 11,
          'Cadwallader--"when': 1,
          'Casaubon': 3,
          'Celia': 2,
          'Chettam': 4,
          'Elinor': 1,
          'Farebrother': 1,
          'Garth': 7,
          'Giles': 1,
          'Hawley': 1,
          'Humphrey': 2,
          'James': 21,
          'James Chettam': 1,
          'Keck': 2,
          'Ladislaw': 5,
          'Lafitte': 1,
          'Lord Plessy': 1,
          'Lovegood': 1,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Ministers': 1,
          'Rector': 11,
          'Thomas\nAquinas': 1,
          'Whig': 1}),
 Counter({'Apollos': 1,
          'Brooke': 18,
          'Caleb Garth': 1,
          'Casaubon': 8,
          'Celia': 2,
          'Chettam': 2,
          'Dagley': 18,
          'Dagleys': 1,
          'Dorothea': 12,
          'Fag': 4,
          'Freeman': 2,
          'Garth': 1,
          'Homeric': 1,
          'I.': 1,
          'Isaiah': 1,
          'Jacob': 1,
          'James': 4,
          "James Chettam's": 1,
          'Johnson': 3,
          'Kit Downes': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 4,
          'Latin': 1,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Monk': 5,
          'Nimrod': 1,
          'Rinform': 1,
          'Scott': 2,
          'Will': 1,
          'Young': 2}),
 Counter({'Alfred': 6,
          'Ballard': 1,
          'Ben': 3,
          'Bott': 1,
          'Brooke': 3,
          'Bulstrode': 3,
          'Caleb': 32,
          "Caleb Garth's": 1,
          'Christy': 3,
          'Farebrother': 9,
          'Farebrother"--here Caleb': 1,
          "Featherstone's": 1,
          'Fred': 15,
          'Fred Vincy': 6,
          'Garth': 35,
          'Garths': 2,
          'Hanmer': 1,
          'James': 1,
          'James Chettam': 1,
          'Jim': 2,
          'Letty': 11,
          'Lydgate': 1,
          'Mary': 47,
          'Mary Garth': 2,
          "Mary Garth's": 1,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Mischief': 1,
          'Rigg': 1,
          'Rigg Featherstone': 1,
          'Rosamond Vincy': 1,
          'Susan': 12,
          'Vicar': 6,
          'Vincy': 2,
          'Vincys': 1}),
 Counter({'Adonis': 1,
          'B.A.': 1,
          'Ba-Lamb': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 1,
          'Caleb Garth': 1,
          'Featherstone': 1,
          'John Raffles': 1,
          'Josh': 6,
          'Joshua Rigg': 1,
          'Joshua Rigg Featherstone': 1,
          'Leonard Lamb': 1,
          'Nicholas\nBulstrode': 1,
          'Peter': 4,
          'Raffles': 10,
          'Rigg': 7,
          'Rigg Featherstone': 1,
          "Rigg Featherstone's": 1}),
 Counter({'Carp': 2,
          'Casaubon': 30,
          'Dorothea': 15,
          'Dorothea Brooke': 1,
          'Freshitt Hall': 1,
          'Henry VIII.': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 1,
          'Lydgate': 10,
          'Will Ladislaw': 1,
          "Will Ladislaw's": 1,
          'Yew': 1}),
 Counter({'Casaubon': 12,
          'Diana': 1,
          'Dorothea': 11,
          "Godwin Lydgate's": 1,
          'Ladislaw': 1,
          'Lemon': 1,
          'Lydgate': 14,
          'Rosamond': 8,
          'Rosy': 1,
          'Tertius': 3,
          'Will Ladislaw': 2,
          'Worthy': 1,
          'Yew': 1}),
 Counter({'Bulstrode': 4,
          'Casaubon': 4,
          'Dorothea': 6,
          'Lydgate': 5,
          'Middlemarch': 1}),
 Counter({'Borthrop Trumbull': 1,
          'Brooke': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 11,
          'Burke': 1,
          'Caleb Garth': 1,
          'Cheshire': 1,
          'Churchyard Lane': 1,
          'Dibbitts': 1,
          'Dollop': 3,
          'Dorothea': 1,
          'Farebrother': 5,
          "Farebrother's": 1,
          'Featherstone': 1,
          "Fred Vincy's": 1,
          'Galen': 2,
          'Gambit': 7,
          'Goby': 3,
          'Hackbutt': 3,
          'Hare': 2,
          'Hawley': 5,
          'Horace': 1,
          'John Long': 1,
          'Juvenal': 1,
          'Larcher': 3,
          'Lemon': 1,
          'Lord Medlicote': 1,
          'Lydgate': 42,
          'Mawmsey': 16,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Minchin': 7,
          'Nancy': 4,
          'Nancy Nash': 2,
          'Padua': 1,
          'Peacock': 6,
          'Persius': 1,
          'Peter': 1,
          'Powderell': 2,
          'Raspail': 1,
          'Rosamond': 9,
          'Rosy': 2,
          'St.': 1,
          'THOMAS BROWNE': 1,
          'Taft': 3,
          'Tertius': 1,
          'Toller': 11,
          'Trumbull': 2,
          'Vesalius': 1,
          'Webbe': 1,
          'Wrench': 9}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Antichrist': 1,
          'Brooke': 13,
          'Bulstrode': 4,
          'Burke': 4,
          'Casaubon': 6,
          'Dorothea': 1,
          'Farebrother': 3,
          'Halsell Wood': 1,
          'Hawley': 1,
          'Keck': 4,
          'Ladislaw': 10,
          "Lord John Russell's": 1,
          'Lydgate': 10,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Noble': 1,
          'Romilly': 1,
          'Rosamond': 5,
          'Sprague': 1,
          'Tertius': 1,
          'Wilberforce': 1,
          'Will': 2,
          'Will Ladislaw': 1}),
 Counter({'Brooke': 2,
          'Casaubon': 10,
          'Dorothea': 12,
          'Drayton': 1,
          'Halsell Common': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 1,
          'Lowick': 2,
          'Lowick Church': 2,
          'Lydgate': 1,
          'Rigg': 1,
          'Samuel': 1,
          'Tuckers': 2,
          'Will Ladislaw': 1}),
 Counter({'Casaubon': 19,
          'Celia': 1,
          'Dorothea': 26,
          'Edward': 2,
          'Gog': 1,
          'Keble': 1,
          'Lydgate': 3,
          'Pascal': 1,
          'Tantripp': 4,
          'Wake': 1,
          'Will Ladislaw': 1,
          'Yew': 2}),
 Counter({'Brooke': 10,
          'Casaubon': 9,
          'Celia': 2,
          'Chettam': 4,
          'Dorothea': 10,
          'Freshitt': 1,
          'James': 12,
          'James Chettam': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 11,
          'Mr Brooke': 1,
          'Thoth': 1}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Botolph': 1,
          'Bouddha': 1,
          'Brooke': 7,
          'Cadwallader': 2,
          'Casaubon': 13,
          "Casaubon's": 1,
          'Celia': 20,
          'Dodo': 4,
          'Dorothea': 22,
          'Farebrother': 5,
          'James': 12,
          'Kitty': 2,
          'Ladislaw': 8,
          'Latimer': 1,
          'Lydgate': 7,
          'Noble': 1,
          'Rosamond': 1,
          'Tucker': 1,
          'Tyke': 5,
          'Uncle': 1,
          'Will Ladislaw': 2,
          "Will Ladislaw's": 1}),
 Counter({'Adam Smith': 1,
          'Althorpe': 1,
          'Bagster': 3,
          'Bill': 4,
          'Blast': 1,
          'Bowyer': 1,
          'Brooke': 52,
          'Buffoonery': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 2,
          'Burke': 1,
          'Casaubon': 2,
          'Chatham': 1,
          'Dorothea': 2,
          'Farebrother': 1,
          'Hawley': 2,
          "James Chettam's": 1,
          'Johnson': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 10,
          'Lowick': 1,
          'Lydgate': 1,
          'Mawmsey': 10,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Pitt': 2,
          'Plymdale': 1,
          'Pope': 2,
          'Punch': 1,
          'Reform Bill': 1,
          'Standish': 4,
          'Vincy': 1,
          'Will': 1}),
 Counter({'Cam': 1,
          'Crowse': 1,
          'Farebrother': 21,
          'Featherstone': 1,
          'Fred': 28,
          'Fred Vincy': 4,
          'Garth': 7,
          'Henrietta Noble': 1,
          'Lowick': 2,
          'Lydgate': 1,
          'Mary': 25,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Miss Winifred': 1,
          'Noble': 1,
          'Solomon Featherstone': 1,
          'Vicar': 4,
          'Winifred': 2}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Boguy': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 40,
          'Caleb': 2,
          'Caleb Garth': 4,
          'Daylesford': 1,
          'Farebrother': 2,
          'John Raffles': 1,
          'Josh': 3,
          'Joshua': 1,
          'Joshua Rigg': 2,
          "Joshua Rigg's": 2,
          'Lowick Church': 1,
          'Martha': 1,
          'Nicholas': 1,
          'Nick': 11,
          'Peter': 2,
          'Peter Featherstone': 1,
          'Raffles': 29,
          'Rigg': 1,
          'Rigg Featherstone': 2,
          'Sarah': 1,
          'Solomon': 1,
          'Warren Hastings': 1,
          'Waule': 1}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Aiutatemi': 1,
          'Amore': 1,
          'Arthur': 2,
          "Aunt Julia's": 1,
          'Bouddha': 1,
          'Brooke': 1,
          'Cadwallader': 4,
          'Casaubon': 12,
          'Celia': 9,
          'Cheltenham': 1,
          'Dodo': 1,
          'Dorothea': 19,
          'Elinor': 3,
          'Farebrother': 5,
          'Freshitt': 1,
          'Garth': 2,
          'Grange': 1,
          'Humphrey': 1,
          'James': 12,
          'James Chettam': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 3,
          'Lord Triton': 1,
          'Lowick': 1,
          'Lydgate': 3,
          'Madam': 1,
          'Mark': 1,
          'Mrs Cadwallader': 1,
          'Pratt': 1,
          'Quel': 1,
          'Raffles': 1,
          'Rector': 1,
          'Saint Catherine': 1,
          'Sicchè': 1,
          'Tantripp': 1,
          'Vigo': 2,
          'Will': 3,
          'Will Ladislaw': 3}),
 Counter({'Arthur': 1,
          'Beevor': 2,
          'Cadwallader': 9,
          'Captain Beevor': 1,
          'Casaubon': 3,
          'Celia': 11,
          'Dodo': 4,
          'Dorothea': 5,
          'Garth': 1,
          'Human Nature': 1,
          'James': 10,
          'Kitty': 1,
          'Lady Chettam': 4,
          'Lord Grinsell': 1,
          'Love': 2,
          'Rector': 1,
          'Teveroy': 1}),
 Counter({'Baby': 1,
          'Caleb': 42,
          'Caleb Garth': 2,
          "Caleb Garth's": 2,
          'Callum': 1,
          'Casaubon': 1,
          'Dorothea': 2,
          'Farebrother': 4,
          'Featherstone': 1,
          'Fred': 60,
          'Fred Vincy': 2,
          'Frick': 5,
          'Garth': 28,
          'Hiram': 2,
          'Hiram Ford': 2,
          "Hiram Ford's": 1,
          'James': 1,
          'Jane': 1,
          'Lord': 1,
          'Lord Medlicote': 1,
          'Lowick': 2,
          'Lowick Manor': 2,
          'Lowick Parsonage': 1,
          'Lucy': 2,
          'Lydgate': 1,
          'Mary': 19,
          'Mary Garth': 1,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Mrs Garth': 1,
          'Muster Garth': 1,
          'Peter': 1,
          'Regen': 1,
          'Riverston': 1,
          'Rosamond': 2,
          'Scales': 1,
          'Solomon': 10,
          'Solomon Featherstone': 1,
          'Susan': 11,
          'Tim': 1,
          'Timothy': 2,
          'Timothy\nCooper': 1,
          'Tom': 2,
          'Vincy': 8,
          'Waule': 2,
          'Yo': 2,
          'Yoddrell': 1}),
 Counter({'': 2,
          'Ben': 5,
          'Bradwardine': 1,
          'Brownie': 3,
          'Caleb': 5,
          'Christy': 9,
          'Evan Dhu': 1,
          'Farebrother': 24,
          'Fred': 52,
          'Fred\nVincy': 1,
          'Fred Vincy': 2,
          'Garth': 30,
          'Jack': 1,
          'Jim': 3,
          'Letty': 6,
          'Lowick Parsonage': 1,
          'Mary': 43,
          'Miss Noble': 1,
          'Miss Winifred': 1,
          'Tully Veolan': 1,
          'Vicar': 1,
          'Vich Ian Vor': 1,
          'Vincys': 1,
          'Walter Scott': 1}),
 Counter({'Dorothea': 3,
          'Dover': 1,
          "Dover's": 1,
          'Godwin': 3,
          'Ladislaw': 4,
          'Lydgate': 51,
          'Mengan': 1,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Ned Plymdale': 1,
          'Quallingham': 4,
          'Rosamond': 42,
          'Rosamond re-entered': 1,
          'Rosy': 6,
          'Tertius': 6,
          'Vincy': 3,
          'Will': 1}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Casaubon': 5,
          'Casaubons': 1,
          'Dorothea': 1,
          'Farebrother': 2,
          'Fred': 5,
          'Fred Vincy': 1,
          'Garth': 2,
          'Ladislaw': 5,
          'Lydgate': 2,
          'Mary': 1,
          'Noble': 1,
          'Quallingham': 1,
          'Rosamond': 9,
          'Tertius': 1,
          'Winifred': 2}),
 Counter({'Archie Duncan': 1,
          'Bam': 1,
          'Bambridge': 4,
          'Borthrop Trumbull': 4,
          'Bowyer': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 7,
          'Clintup': 3,
          'Dante': 1,
          'Dorothea': 2,
          'Edwin Larcher': 1,
          'Esq': 1,
          'Gibbons': 1,
          'Guido': 1,
          'Hereupon Raffles': 1,
          'Horrock': 4,
          'John Bull': 1,
          'Joseph': 6,
          'Ladislaw': 9,
          'Ladislaw?--shall': 1,
          'Larcher': 3,
          "Larcher's": 1,
          'Mawmsey': 1,
          'Mawmsey?--four': 1,
          'Middlemarchers': 1,
          'Powderell': 3,
          'Raffles': 4,
          'Sarah': 1,
          'Sarah Dunkirk': 1,
          'Spa': 1,
          'Spilkins': 1,
          'Thesiger': 1,
          'Toller': 3,
          'Trumbull': 8,
          'Will': 1,
          'Will Ladislaw': 2}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Blucher': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 47,
          'Casaubon': 1,
          'Dorothea': 1,
          'Dunkirk': 3,
          'Harriet': 1,
          'Harriet Vincy': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 7,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Nicholas': 2,
          'Nicholas Bulstrode': 1,
          'Nick': 2,
          'Raffles': 5,
          'Sarah Dunkirk': 1,
          'Vincy': 1,
          'Will': 2,
          "Will Ladislaw's": 1}),
 Counter({'Brooke': 2,
          'Bulstrode': 1,
          'Cadwallader': 6,
          'Caleb': 2,
          'Casaubon': 3,
          'Celia': 3,
          'Clara Harfager': 1,
          'Dorothea': 23,
          'Garth': 1,
          'James': 9,
          'James Chettam': 1,
          'Kell': 4,
          'Ladislaw': 4,
          'Lowick Manor': 2,
          'Lydgate': 4,
          'Orlando Ladislaw': 1,
          'Standish': 1,
          'Will': 2,
          'Will Ladislaw': 1}),
 Counter({'': 3,
          'Brooke': 2,
          'Bulstrode': 1,
          'Casaubon': 4,
          'Chichely': 3,
          'Farebrother': 19,
          'Fred': 9,
          'Garth': 2,
          'Garths': 1,
          'Harry Toller': 1,
          'Henrietta Noble': 1,
          'Letty': 1,
          'Loo': 1,
          'Louisa': 3,
          'Lydgate': 18,
          'Mary': 15,
          'Mary Garth': 2,
          'Minchin': 1,
          'Miss Garth': 1,
          'Rector': 1,
          'Rosamond': 9,
          'Standish': 1,
          'Tillotson': 1,
          'Toller': 6,
          'Tom': 1,
          'Vicar': 2,
          'Vincy': 9,
          'Wrench': 1}),
 Counter({'Borthrop Trumbull': 1,
          "Borthrop Trumbull's": 1,
          'Bulstrode': 3,
          'Casaubon': 1,
          'Croly': 1,
          'Farebrother': 2,
          'Godwin': 7,
          'Hackbutt': 3,
          'Lowick Manor': 1,
          'Lydgate': 28,
          'Mengan': 1,
          'Ned': 6,
          'Ned Plymdale': 3,
          'Peacock': 1,
          'Plymdale': 6,
          'Quallingham': 1,
          'Rosamond': 41,
          'Rosy': 1,
          'Sophy': 1,
          'Sophy Toller': 1,
          'Tertius': 2,
          'Tollers': 1,
          'Trumbull': 14,
          'Will Ladislaw': 1,
          'Wrench': 1}),
 Counter({'Charles': 1,
          'Godwin': 3,
          'Godwin Lydgate': 1,
          'Lydgate': 9,
          'Quallingham': 1,
          'Rosamond': 11,
          'Tertius': 1}),
 Counter({'Bambridge': 7,
          'Farebrother': 16,
          'Fred': 29,
          'Fred Vincy': 4,
          'Garth': 8,
          'God': 1,
          'Hawley': 2,
          'Horrock': 1,
          'Lydgate': 13,
          'Mary': 6,
          'Mistress Mary': 1,
          'Rosy': 1,
          'Vicar': 2,
          'Young Hawley': 1}),
 Counter({'Bulstrode': 22,
          'Casaubon': 4,
          'Godwin': 1,
          'James': 1,
          'Lady Chettam': 1,
          'Lydgate': 21,
          'Papa': 1,
          'Rosamond': 3,
          'Truly': 1,
          'Vincy': 1}),
 Counter({'Bulstrode': 29,
          'Caleb': 6,
          'Caleb Garth': 2,
          'Featherstone': 1,
          'Fred': 5,
          'Fred Vincy': 2,
          "Fred Vincy's": 1,
          'Garth': 7,
          "Garth's": 1,
          'Harriet': 1,
          'Larcher': 1,
          'Lydgate': 3,
          'Mary': 2,
          'Middlemarch': 4,
          'Nicholas': 1,
          'Raffles': 10,
          'Rosamond': 2,
          'Susan': 1,
          'Susan!': 1,
          'Vincy': 1,
          'Will Ladislaw': 1}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Abel': 5,
          'Bulstrode': 32,
          'Caleb': 19,
          'Caleb Garth': 2,
          "Caleb Garth's": 1,
          'Garth': 14,
          'John Raffles': 1,
          'Lydgate': 15,
          'Raffles': 7,
          'Rigg': 2,
          'Rosamond': 6,
          'Tertius': 1,
          'Ware': 1}),
 Counter({'Abel': 12,
          'Balstrode': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 36,
          'Caleb Garth': 1,
          'Casaubon': 1,
          'Farebrother': 7,
          'Fred': 1,
          'Lydgate': 31,
          'Middlemarch': 2,
          'Raffles': 11,
          'Rigg': 1,
          'Robisson': 1,
          'Spicer': 1,
          'Vicar': 1}),
 Counter({'': 2,
          'Abel': 2,
          'Baldwin': 3,
          'Bambridge': 11,
          'Bilkley': 1,
          'Brooke': 6,
          'Bulstrode': 42,
          'Byles': 1,
          'Caleb': 3,
          'Caleb Garth': 1,
          'Casaubon': 1,
          'Chichely': 1,
          'Crabbe': 2,
          'Dallop': 1,
          'Dill': 3,
          'Dollop': 8,
          'Dorothea': 3,
          'Farebrother': 9,
          'Faulkner': 2,
          'Fens': 1,
          'Fletcher': 4,
          'Frank': 1,
          'Frank Hawley': 2,
          'Garth': 4,
          'Godwin': 1,
          'Hackbutt': 1,
          'Harry': 1,
          'Hawley': 26,
          'Hopkins': 4,
          'Jonas': 1,
          'Killjoy': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 1,
          'Larcher': 1,
          'Limp': 3,
          'Lowick Parsonage': 1,
          'Lydgate': 14,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Mrs Dollop': 1,
          "Old Harry's": 1,
          'Plymdale': 1,
          'Raffles': 4,
          'Slaughter Lane': 2,
          'Thesiger': 5,
          'Toller': 2,
          'Vincy': 1,
          'Wrench': 1}),
 Counter({'Brooke': 2,
          'Bulstrode': 1,
          'Casaubon': 4,
          'Celia': 5,
          'Chettam': 1,
          'Chettams': 1,
          'Dodo': 1,
          'Dorothea': 7,
          'Dorothea "': 1,
          'Farebrother': 5,
          'Garth': 1,
          'James': 6,
          'James Chettam': 1,
          'Lydgate': 6}),
 Counter({'Bulstrode': 9, 'Lydgate': 5, 'Raffles': 1, 'Rosamond': 1}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 34,
          'Bulstrodes': 1,
          'Ellen': 1,
          'Hackbutt': 18,
          'Hackbutts': 1,
          'Harriet': 7,
          'Harriet Vincy': 2,
          'Kate': 1,
          'Lydgate': 7,
          'Lydgates': 1,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Nicholas': 1,
          'Plymdale': 13,
          'Raffles': 1,
          'Rosamond': 4,
          'Sprague': 6,
          'Thesiger': 3,
          'Tom Toller': 3,
          'Tyke': 3,
          'Vincy': 3,
          'Walter': 2}),
 Counter({'Bulstrode': 2,
          'Casaubon': 2,
          'Chichely': 1,
          'Farebrother': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 1,
          'Lucy': 1,
          'Lydgate': 17,
          'Papa': 1,
          'Quallingham': 1,
          'Rosamond': 21,
          'Tertius': 1,
          'Vincy': 4,
          'Will Ladislaw': 3}),
 Counter({'Bulstrode': 11,
          'Casaubon': 4,
          'Dorothea': 19,
          'Farebrother': 3,
          'James': 3,
          'Lowick Manor': 1,
          'Lydgate': 20,
          'Middlemarch': 2,
          'Rosamond': 3}),
 Counter({'Arthur': 1,
          'Brooke': 1,
          "Brooke's": 1,
          'Bulstrode': 1,
          'Cadwallader': 1,
          'Casaubon': 1,
          'Celia': 4,
          'Dodo': 1,
          'Dorothea': 14,
          'Farebrother': 1,
          'Freshitt': 1,
          'James': 3,
          'James Chettam': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 2,
          'Lydgate': 13,
          'Martha': 4,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Rosamond': 9,
          'Vincy': 1,
          'Will Ladislaw': 2}),
 Counter({'Casaubon': 1,
          'Dorothea': 2,
          'Lydgate': 3,
          'Martha': 1,
          'Rosamond': 11,
          'Tertius': 1}),
 Counter({'Bulstrode': 3,
          'Casaubon': 2,
          'Dorothea': 4,
          'Ladislaw': 1,
          'Lydgate': 6,
          'Raffles': 1,
          'Rosamond': 4}),
 Counter({'Casaubon': 1,
          'Dorothea': 4,
          'Farebrother': 8,
          'Heavens': 1,
          'Henrietta Noble': 3,
          'Ladislaw': 3,
          'Lydgate': 1,
          'Noble': 2,
          'Rosamond': 1,
          'Tantripp': 2}),
 Counter({'Brooke': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 1,
          'Casaubon': 9,
          'Coleman': 1,
          'Dorothea': 20,
          'Farebrother': 2,
          'James Chettam': 1,
          'Ladislaw': 1,
          'Lowick': 1,
          'Lydgate': 11,
          'Martha': 2,
          'Nacht': 1,
          'Raffles': 1,
          'Rosamond': 31,
          'Rosy': 3,
          'Tertius': 1,
          'Will Ladislaw': 1}),
 Counter({'Casaubon': 1,
          'Dorothea': 3,
          'Lydgate': 2,
          'Middlemarch': 1,
          'Riverston': 2,
          'Rosamond': 8}),
 Counter({'Asia Minor': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 2,
          'Casaubon': 2,
          'Dorothea': 15,
          'Ladislaw': 1,
          'Levantine': 1,
          'Miss Noble': 2,
          'Noble': 1,
          'Paphlagonia': 1,
          'Rosamond': 1,
          'Will': 1}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Arthur': 5,
          'Baronet': 1,
          'Bouddha': 1,
          'Briggs': 1,
          'Brooke': 20,
          'Cadwallader': 8,
          'Cadwalladers': 1,
          'Casaubon': 5,
          'Celia': 34,
          'Chettam': 8,
          'Dodo': 8,
          'Dorothea': 13,
          'Dowager': 1,
          'Earl': 1,
          'Elinor': 2,
          'Humphrey': 2,
          'James': 36,
          'Jeffreys': 1,
          'Kitty': 2,
          'Ladislaw': 9,
          'Lady Chettam': 3,
          'Lowick': 1,
          'Rector': 8,
          'Trapping Bass': 1,
          'Truberry': 2}),
 Counter({'': 1,
          'Blindman': 2,
          'Bulstrode': 7,
          'Bunyan': 1,
          'Casaubon': 1,
          'Cruelty': 2,
          'Enmity': 2,
          'Faithful': 1,
          'Garth': 4,
          'Harriet': 3,
          'Heady': 2,
          'Implacable': 2,
          'Liar': 2,
          'Love': 1,
          'Lydgate': 2,
          'Malice': 2,
          'Nicholas': 1,
          'No-good': 1,
          'Rosamond': 1,
          'Walter': 2}),
 Counter({'Ben': 1,
          'Borthrop Trumbull': 1,
          'Brownie': 1,
          'Bulstrode': 1,
          'Caleb': 10,
          'Domini': 1,
          'Fred': 18,
          'Garth': 5,
          'Letty': 4,
          'Mary': 28}),
 Counter({'Adam': 2,
          'Arthur': 1,
          'Ben': 4,
          'Brooke': 5,
          'Celia': 5,
          'Dodo': 1,
          'Dorothea': 8,
          'Eve': 2,
          'Farebrother': 2,
          'Fred': 11,
          'Fred Vincy': 1,
          'Freshitt': 1,
          'Garth': 3,
          'James': 8,
          'James Chettam': 2,
          'Ladislaw': 3,
          'Letty': 2,
          'Letty Garth': 1,
          'Lydgate': 3,
          'Mary': 10,
          'Mary Garth': 2,
          'Middlemarch': 2,
          'Peter Featherstone': 1,
          'Rosamond': 3,
          'Tertius': 1,
          'Vincy': 1,
          'Vincys': 1})]

In [51]:
df = pd.DataFrame(people).fillna(0)

In [53]:
allChars = df.columns

 'Adam Smith',
 'Adolf Naumann',
 'Aphis Brassicae',
 'Arabella Hawley',
 'Archie Duncan',
 'Asia Minor',
 'Aunt Julia',
 "Aunt Julia's",
 'Borthrop Trumbull',
 "Borthrop Trumbull's",
 'Brenda Troil',
 'Caius Larcher',
 'Caleb Garth',
 "Caleb Garth's",
 'Camden Farebrother',
 'Captain Beevor',
 'Charles James Fox',
 'Churchyard Lane',
 'Clara Harfager',
 "De Quincey's",
 'Don Quijote."--CERVANTES.',
 'Don Quixote',
 'Dorothea "',
 'Dorothea Brooke',
 'Edward Casaubon',
 'Edward Thesiger',
 'Edwin Larcher',
 'Ellen Bulstrode',
 'Evan Dhu',
 'Farebrother"--here Caleb',
 'Featherstone Caleb',
 'Flora MacIvor',
 'Frank Hawley',
 'Fred Vincy',
 "Fred Vincy's",
 'Freshitt Hall',
 'George the Fourth',
 'Godwin Lydgate',
 "Godwin Lydgate's",
 'Guy Faux',
 'Halsell Common',
 'Halsell Wood',
 'Harriet Vincy',
 'Harry Toller',
 'Henrietta Noble',
 'Henry VI.',
 'Henry VIII.',
 'Henry of Navarre',
 'Hereupon Raffles',
 'Hiram Ford',
 "Hiram Ford's",
 'Human Nature',
 'Humphrey Clinker',
 'Humphry Davy',
 'James Chettam',
 "James Chettam's",
 'Jane Featherstone',
 'Jane Waule',
 'Jeremy Taylor',
 'John Bull',
 'John Long',
 'John Milton',
 'John Raffles',
 'John Waule',
 'Jonah Featherstone',
 'Joshua Rigg',
 'Joshua Rigg Featherstone',
 "Joshua Rigg's",
 'King James',
 'Kit Downes',
 'L. E. L." Rosamond',
 'Lady Blessington',
 'Lady Chettam',
 'Last Will',
 'Leonard Lamb',
 'Letty Garth',
 'Lindley Murray',
 'Lord Chancellors',
 'Lord Grinsell',
 "Lord John Russell's",
 'Lord Medlicote',
 "Lord Medlicote's",
 'Lord Megatherium',
 'Lord Plessy',
 'Lord Triton',
 'Lowick Church',
 'Lowick Manor',
 'Lowick Parsonage',
 'Madame Poincon',
 'Mary Garth',
 "Mary Garth's",
 'Mary re-entered',
 'Miss Garth',
 'Miss Morgan',
 'Miss Noble',
 'Miss Winifred',
 'Mistress Mary',
 'Monsieur Liret',
 'Mr Brooke',
 'Mr Casaubon',
 'Mrs Cadwallader',
 'Mrs Dollop',
 'Mrs Garth',
 'Mungo Park',
 'Muster Garth',
 'Nancy Nash',
 'Ned Plymdale',
 'Nicholas Bulstrode',
 "Old Harry's",
 'Orlando Ladislaw',
 'Peter Featherstone',
 "Peter Featherstone's",
 'Poste Restante',
 'Reform Bill',
 'Rigg Featherstone',
 "Rigg Featherstone's",
 "Robert Brown's",
 'Rosamond Vincy',
 'Rosamond re-entered',
 'Saint Catherine',
 'Saint Theresa',
 'Saint Thomas Aquinas',
 "Santa Lucia's",
 'Sarah Dunkirk',
 'Sister Jane',
 'Sister Martha',
 'Slaughter Lane',
 "Smollett--'Roderick Random",
 'Solomon Featherstone',
 'Sophia Primrose',
 'Sophy Toller',
 "Thomas Aquainas'",
 'Tom Toller',
 'Trapping Bass',
 'Tully Veolan',
 'Vich Ian Vor',
 'Walter Scott',
 'Walter Tyke',
 'Warren Hastings',
 'Will Ladislaw',
 "Will Ladislaw's",
 "Yo goo'--that's",
 'Young Cranch',
 'Young Hawley',
 'Young Ladislaw',
 'Young Plymdale']

In [127]:
casaubons = [char for char in allChars if 'Casaubon' in char]
charDict = {char: [name for name in allChars if char in name] 
            for char in ['Casaubon', 'Dorothea', 'Celia', 'James', 'Rosamond', 'Mary', 
                         'Lydgate', 'Bulstrode', 'Raffles', 'Fred', 'Cadwallader', 
                         'Ladislaw', 'Caleb']}

In [128]:

{'Bulstrode': ['Bulstrode',
  'Ellen Bulstrode',
  'Nicholas Bulstrode'],
 'Cadwallader': ['Cadwallader',
  'Mrs Cadwallader'],
 'Caleb': ['Caleb',
  'Caleb Garth',
  "Caleb Garth's",
  'Farebrother"--here Caleb',
  'Featherstone Caleb'],
 'Casaubon': ['Casaubon',
  'Edward Casaubon',
  'Mr Casaubon'],
 'Celia': ['Celia', 'Celia\n\n"'],
 'Dorothea': ['Dorothea', 'Dorothea "', 'Dorothea Brooke'],
 'Fred': ['Fred', 'Fred\nVincy', 'Fred Vincy', "Fred Vincy's", 'Frederic'],
 'James': ['Charles James Fox',
  'James Chettam',
  "James Chettam's",
  'King James'],
 'Ladislaw': ['Ladislaw',
  'Orlando Ladislaw',
  'Will Ladislaw',
  "Will Ladislaw's",
  'Young Ladislaw'],
 'Lydgate': ['Godwin Lydgate', "Godwin Lydgate's", 'Lydgate', 'Lydgates'],
 'Mary': ['Mary',
  'Mary Garth',
  "Mary Garth's",
  'Mary re-entered',
  'Mistress Mary'],
 'Raffles': ['Hereupon Raffles', 'John Raffles', 'Raffles'],
 'Rosamond': ['L. E. L." Rosamond',
  'Rosamond Vincy',
  'Rosamond re-entered']}

In [129]:
# Add other known names. 
# charDict['Dorothea'].append('Miss Brooke')

# Remove erroneous names. 
charDict['Bulstrode'].remove('Ellen Bulstrode')

In [130]:

Abel Abraham Adam Adam Smith Adolf Adolf Naumann Adonis Aiutatemi Alfred ... Xisuthrus Yew Yo Yo goo'--that's Yoddrell Young Young Cranch Young Hawley Young Ladislaw Young Plymdale
0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
10 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
12 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
13 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
14 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
17 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
20 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
21 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
22 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
24 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
26 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
27 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
29 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
58 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
59 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
60 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
61 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
62 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
63 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
64 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
65 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
66 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
67 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
68 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
69 1.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
70 0.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
71 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
72 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
73 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
74 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
75 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
76 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
77 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
78 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
79 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
80 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
81 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
82 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
83 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
84 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
85 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
86 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
87 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

88 rows × 613 columns

In [131]:
dfNew = pd.DataFrame()

In [132]:
dfNew['Dorothea'] = df[charDict['Dorothea']].sum(axis=1)

In [133]:
charTotals = {char: df[charDict[char]].sum(axis=1) for char in charDict}

In [134]:
charDF = pd.DataFrame(charTotals)
charDF.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, figsize=(16, 6))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f97fac9d9b0>

In [136]:
charDF[['Dorothea', 'Casaubon', 'Ladislaw']].plot(figsize=(16,6))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f97fa659fd0>

In [141]:
charDF[['Dorothea', 'Casaubon', 'James', 'Celia']].plot(kind='area', figsize=(16,6))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f97f940e7b8>

In [123]:
charDF[['Dorothea', 'Casaubon', 'Fred', 'Mary']].plot(kind='area', figsize=(16,6), alpha=0.9)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f97fb71fba8>

In [125]:
charDF[['Dorothea', 'Casaubon', 'Fred', 'Mary']].plot(kind='bar', figsize=(16,6), alpha=0.9)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f97fb5a2400>

In [ ]: