This notebook is tested with Python 3.5 and ELFI v. 0.7.1

In [1]:
import time
import sys
import operator

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython import display

import elfi

%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
# Add the code folder to the path

In [3]:
import simulator as si
import elfi_operations as ops

Simulator illustration

Run the simulator but track only the population sizes.

In [4]:
s = si.Simulator(200, 0.1, 6, trans_non_c=4.35, death_non_c=0.35, t_obs=np.inf, t_warmup=0,

# Placeholders for population sizes and number of deaths
pops = [[0,0]]
deaths = [0]

for y in range(71):
    pops.append([s.n_c, s.n_nc])

plt.ylabel('Population size')
plt.legend(['Compliant population', 'Non-compliant population'])

print('Balance sizes (compliant, non-compliant) = ', s.analytical_means[:-1])

Balance sizes (compliant, non-compliant) =  (87.298982605842141, 78.765999343616869)

ELFI model

In [5]:
# Observation pediod in years
t_obs = 2

# Some bounds that discard unrealistic initial values to optimize the computation
mean_obs_bounds = (0, 350)
# Upper bounds for t1 and a1
t1_bound = 30
a1_bound = 40

# Upper bound for the largest allowed cluster size within the observation period.
# These are chosen to eliminate outcomes that are clearly different from the observed data early
cluster_size_bound = 80
# Restrict warmup between 15 and 300 years
warmup_bounds = (15, 300)

# Set observed data and a fixed value for delta_2
y0 = ops.get_SF_data(cluster_size_bound)
d2 = 5.95

In [6]:
m = elfi.new_model()

burden = elfi.Prior('normal', 200, 30)

joint = elfi.RandomVariable(ops.JointPrior, burden, mean_obs_bounds, t1_bound, a1_bound)

# DummyPrior takes a marginal from the joint prior
R2 = elfi.Prior(ops.DummyPrior, joint, 0)
R1 = elfi.Prior(ops.DummyPrior, joint, 1)
t1 = elfi.Prior(ops.DummyPrior, joint, 2)

# Turn the epidemiological parameters to rate parameters for the simulator
a2 = elfi.Operation(operator.mul, R2, d2)
a1 = elfi.Operation(ops.Rt_to_a, R1, t1)
d1 = elfi.Operation(ops.Rt_to_d, R1, t1)

# Add the simulator
sim = elfi.Simulator(ops.simulator, burden, a2, d2, a1, d1, 2, cluster_size_bound, warmup_bounds, observed=y0)

# Summaries extracted from the simulator output
clusters = elfi.Summary(ops.pick, sim, 'clusters')
n_obs = elfi.Summary(ops.pick, sim, 'n_obs')
n_clusters = elfi.Summary(ops.pick, sim, 'n_clusters')
largest = elfi.Summary(ops.pick, sim, 'largest')
obs_times = elfi.Summary(ops.pick, sim, 'obs_times')

# Distance
dist = elfi.Discrepancy(ops.distance, n_obs, n_clusters, largest, clusters, obs_times)

# Add some other interesting side products of the simulations
n_oversized = elfi.Operation(ops.pick, sim, 'n_oversized')
elfi.Operation(ops.pick, sim, 'time', name='time')
n_c = elfi.Operation(ops.pick, sim, 'n_c')
n_nc = elfi.Operation(ops.pick, sim, 'n_nc')
m_obs = elfi.Operation(operator.getitem, joint, (slice(None), 3))


%3 R2 R2 a2 a2 R2->a2 a1 a1 sim sim a1->sim obs_times obs_times dist dist obs_times->dist t1 t1 t1->a1 d1 d1 t1->d1 m_obs m_obs n_c n_c largest largest largest->dist d1->sim a2->sim n_nc n_nc n_obs n_obs n_obs->dist burden burden burden->sim joint joint burden->joint R1 R1 R1->a1 R1->d1 sim->obs_times sim->n_c sim->largest sim->n_nc sim->n_obs time time sim->time n_oversized n_oversized sim->n_oversized n_clusters n_clusters sim->n_clusters clusters clusters sim->clusters joint->R2 joint->t1 joint->m_obs joint->R1 n_clusters->dist clusters->dist

Test the model

In [ ]:
# Generate 3 values from each node of the model

The inference

In [8]:
# Set up a real time plotting environment for jupyter notebook.

def create_axes():
    ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0))
    ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 1))
    ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 0)) #, colspan=2)
    ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 1)) #, colspan=2)
    return ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4

def draw(rej, thresholds, ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4):
    b = rej.state['samples']
    ax1.set_xlim([-1, 13])
    ax1.set_ylim([-1, t1_bound])
    ax1.scatter(b['R1'], b['t1'])
    ax2.set_xlim([-1, 13])
    ax2.set_ylim([0, 0.6])
    ax2.scatter(b['R1'], b['R2'])
    ax3.set_xlabel('num of batches')
    ax3.legend(['1', '100', '1000'])
    ax4.set_xlim([0, 13])
    ax4.hist(b['R1'][np.isfinite(b['dist'])], range=(-1,14), bins=20)

In [9]:
# Setup a pool to store selected outputs from the ELFI model nodes (optional)
# In production, it is recommended to use the `elfi.ArrayPool` that uses persisted numpy arrays
pool = elfi.OutputPool(m.parameter_names + ['n_obs', 'n_clusters', 'largest', 'clusters', 'time', 'obs_times', 
                                           'n_oversized', 'n_c', 'n_nc', 'm_obs'], name='tbpool')

In [10]:
# Setup the parallel client
# The actual study used ipyparallel client connected to a slurm based computational cluster.

In [11]:
# In the study, the randomly selected seed and the batch_size were
# seed = 3331714042
# batch_size = 200

# Create the inference object. Using a smaller batch_size for demonstration purposes.
# In production, adjust the max_parallel_batches according to the available memory and cores
rej = elfi.Rejection(m, 'dist', seed=None, batch_size=10, pool=pool, output_names=pool.output_names,

# Set the number of simulations and the sample size (we used 6M simulations in the study)
n_sim = 5000
rej.set_objective(n_samples=1000, n_sim=n_sim)

We will create a sample of 1000 points from the approximate posterior distribution with ELFI.

The first 1000 points in the animation below are directly from the prior. After that points with largest distances are started to be discarded as the threshold of the 1000 sample points shrinks. You will see in real time how the scatter plot slowly transforms from the prior towards the posterior starting after 1000 simulations (100 batches with batch size 10).

We also show the thresholds for samples of size 1 and 100. After sufficient number of simulations, also the sample of size 1000 will reach a similar threshold. The threshold of the sample of size 1 is the minimum distance found so far among all simulations.

Below we run 5000 simulations for illustration. This will take some minutes to run. Adjusting batch size to a larger value can speed up the inference but requires more memory. In the actual study 6M simulations were generated using a computational cluster.

In [12]:
axes = create_axes()

thresholds = []

while not rej.finished:
    thresholds.append([rej.state['samples']['dist'][ss] for ss in [0, 99, 999]])
    draw(rej, thresholds, *axes)
    print(time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"), ':', rej.state['n_sim'], "simulations generated.")


The approximation error after 5000 simulations is still significant due to the small number of simulations. However we can see that the approximate marginal posteriors of R1 and R2 have started to slowly progress towards the true posterior.

In [13]:
sample = rej.extract_result()

OrderedDict([('R1', 5.8482940273214519),
             ('R2', 0.11339691872441383),
             ('burden', 189.68320422784751),
             ('t1', 11.705464551198604)])