In this notebook, we will go over the steps to setup a CentOS7 VM inside VirtualBox on a Windows host. The interface of VirtualBox for this process will be similar for MacOS and Linux. Students with Mac laptops can visit the following resources for more details:
Installation of VirtualBox
CentOS 7
CentOS 7 will be used as the default guest OS for the VM. You will need to dowload this ISO
Step 1: Name and operating system
Step 2: Memory size
Step 3: Hard disk
Step 4: Hard disk file type
Step 5: Storage on physical hard disk
Step 6: File location and size
Step 7: Set up the VM
Step 8: Settings - General
Step 9: Settings - System
Step 10: Settings - Storage
Step 11: Launch the VM
Step 1: Lanuage selection
Step 2: Installation Summary
Step 3: Installation Summary
Step 4: User Settings
Step 5: User Settings - Root Password
Step 6: User Settings - User Creation
Step 7: Finish Configuration
After the reboot is completed, you will be able to login to the newly created CentOS 7 VM
Download wget, bzip2, and curl
$ sudo yum install -y wget curl bzip2
Download Anaconda
$ wget
$ bash
$ source ~/.bashrc
You can now access a Jupyter Notebook server from your host machine's browser. This will be the default platform for the majority of lectures and labs in this class.