Introduction to Hadoop MapReduce

4. Integrating Hadoop job into Palmetto workflow

With hdp module, access to Cypress Hadoop cluster can now be invoked within a Palmetto PBS script, allowing the integration of large-data processing components into a standard HPC workflow

In [ ]:
%%writefile movieAnalyzer.pbs

#PBS -N movieData
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=8:mem=8gb
#PBS -l walltime=00:15:00
#PBS -j oe

# load hdp module and initilalize Keberos tokens
module load hdp/0.1

# cd into directory containing the PBS script

# attempt to remove output directory
hdfs dfs -rm -r intro-to-hadoop/output-movielens-03

# submit Hadoop job to Cypress
yarn jar /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-streaming.jar \
    -input /repository/movielens/ratings.csv \
    -output intro-to-hadoop/output-movielens-03 \
    -file ./codes/ \
    -mapper \
    -file ./codes/ \
    -reducer \
    -file ./movielens/movies.csv

# export output data back to Palmetto for further analysis
hdfs dfs -get intro-to-hadoop/output-movielens-03/part-00000 .

Open a terminal, ssh to login001 (DUO required), and submit this script

ssh login001
cd ~/intro-to-hadoop-python
qsub movieAnalyzer.pbs

View the final output when the job is finished

In [ ]:
!qstat -anu $USER

In [ ]:
!cat part-00000 2>/dev/null | head -n 20

Final Cleanup

Executing the cell below will clean up all HDFS output directories created as a result of previous MapReduce programs.

In [ ]:
!hdfs dfs -ls intro-to-hadoop

In [ ]:
!hdfs dfs -rm -r intro-to-hadoop/
!rm -Rf codes/
!rm -Rf movielens/

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