OpenMC's general tally system accommodates a wide range of tally filters. While most filters are meant to identify regions of phase space that contribute to a tally, there are a special set of functional expansion filters that will multiply the tally by a set of orthogonal functions, e.g. Legendre polynomials, so that continuous functions of space or angle can be reconstructed from the tallied moments.

In this example, we will determine the spatial dependence of the flux along the $z$ axis by making a Legendre polynomial expansion. Let us represent the flux along the z axis, $\phi(z)$, by the function

$$ \phi(z') = \sum\limits_{n=0}^N a_n P_n(z') $$

where $z'$ is the position normalized to the range [-1, 1]. Since $P_n(z')$ are known functions, our only task is to determine the expansion coefficients, $a_n$. By the orthogonality properties of the Legendre polynomials, one can deduce that the coefficients, $a_n$, are given by

$$ a_n = \frac{2n + 1}{2} \int_{-1}^1 dz' P_n(z') \phi(z').$$

Thus, the problem reduces to finding the integral of the flux times each Legendre polynomial -- a problem which can be solved by using a Monte Carlo tally. By using a Legendre polynomial filter, we obtain stochastic estimates of these integrals for each polynomial order.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import openmc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

To begin, let us first create a simple model. The model will be a slab of fuel material with reflective boundaries conditions in the x- and y-directions and vacuum boundaries in the z-direction. However, to make the distribution slightly more interesting, we'll put some B4C in the middle of the slab.

In [2]:
# Define fuel and B4C materials
fuel = openmc.Material()
fuel.add_element('U', 1.0, enrichment=4.5)
fuel.add_nuclide('O16', 2.0)
fuel.set_density('g/cm3', 10.0)

b4c = openmc.Material()
b4c.add_element('B', 4.0)
b4c.add_nuclide('C0', 1.0)
b4c.set_density('g/cm3', 2.5)

In [3]:
# Define surfaces used to construct regions
zmin, zmax = -10., 10.
box = openmc.model.get_rectangular_prism(10., 10., boundary_type='reflective')
bottom = openmc.ZPlane(z0=zmin, boundary_type='vacuum')
boron_lower = openmc.ZPlane(z0=-0.5)
boron_upper = openmc.ZPlane(z0=0.5)
top = openmc.ZPlane(z0=zmax, boundary_type='vacuum')

# Create three cells and add them to geometry
fuel1 = openmc.Cell(fill=fuel, region=box & +bottom & -boron_lower)
absorber = openmc.Cell(fill=b4c, region=box & +boron_lower & -boron_upper)
fuel2 = openmc.Cell(fill=fuel, region=box & +boron_upper & -top)
geom = openmc.Geometry([fuel1, absorber, fuel2])

For the starting source, we'll use a uniform distribution over the entire box geometry.

In [4]:
settings = openmc.Settings()
spatial_dist = openmc.stats.Box(*geom.bounding_box)
settings.source = openmc.Source(space=spatial_dist)
settings.batches = 210
settings.inactive = 10
settings.particles = 1000

Defining the tally is relatively straightforward. One simply needs to list 'flux' as a score and then add an expansion filter. For this case, we will want to use the SpatialLegendreFilter class which multiplies tally scores by Legendre polynomials evaluated on normalized spatial positions along an axis.

In [8]:
# Create a flux tally
flux_tally = openmc.Tally()
flux_tally.scores = ['flux']

# Create a Legendre polynomial expansion filter and add to tally
order = 8
expand_filter = openmc.ZernikeFilter(order)

The last thing we need to do is create a Tallies collection and export the entire model, which we'll do using the Model convenience class.

In [9]:
tallies = openmc.Tallies([flux_tally])
model = openmc.model.Model(geometry=geom, settings=settings, tallies=tallies)

In [11]:

Running a simulation is now as simple as calling the run() method of Model.

In [7]:


Now that the run is finished, we need to load the results from the statepoint file.

In [8]:
with openmc.StatePoint('statepoint.210.h5') as sp:
    df = sp.tallies[].get_pandas_dataframe()

We've used the get_pandas_dataframe() method that returns tally data as a Pandas dataframe. Let's see what the raw data looks like.

In [9]:

spatiallegendre nuclide score mean std. dev.
0 P0 total flux 36.434828 0.076755
1 P1 total flux 0.021797 0.043545
2 P2 total flux -4.380892 0.025739
3 P3 total flux 0.001448 0.020740
4 P4 total flux -0.295439 0.014215
5 P5 total flux 0.003514 0.012017
6 P6 total flux 0.105213 0.010103
7 P7 total flux 0.002595 0.009265
8 P8 total flux -0.096197 0.007513

Since the expansion coefficients are given as

$$ a_n = \frac{2n + 1}{2} \int_{-1}^1 dz' P_n(z') \phi(z')$$

we just need to multiply the Legendre moments by $(2n + 1)/2$.

In [10]:
n = np.arange(order + 1)
a_n = (2*n + 1)/2 * df['mean']

To plot the flux distribution, we can use the numpy.polynomial.Legendre class which represents a truncated Legendre polynomial series. Since we really want to plot $\phi(z)$ and not $\phi(z')$ we first need to perform a change of variables. Since

$$ \lvert \phi(z) dz \rvert = \lvert \phi(z') dz' \rvert $$

and, for this case, $z = 10z'$, it follows that

$$ \phi(z) = \frac{\phi(z')}{10} = \sum_{n=0}^N \frac{a_n}{10} P_n(z'). $$

In [11]:
phi = np.polynomial.Legendre(a_n/10, domain=(zmin, zmax))

Let's plot it and see how our flux looks!

In [12]:
z = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, 1000)
plt.plot(z, phi(z))
plt.xlabel('Z position [cm]')
plt.ylabel('Flux [n/src]')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x14b35bb035c0>

As you might expect, we get a rough cosine shape but with a flux depression in the middle due to the boron slab that we introduced. To get a more accurate distribution, we'd likely need to use a higher order expansion.

One more thing we can do is confirm that integrating the distribution gives us the same value as the first moment (since $P_0(z') = 1$). This can easily be done by numerically integrating using the trapezoidal rule:

In [13]:
np.trapz(phi(z), z)


In addition to being able to tally Legendre moments, there are also functional expansion filters available for spherical harmonics (SphericalHarmonicsFilter) and Zernike polynomials over a unit disk (ZernikeFilter). A separate LegendreFilter class can also be used for determining Legendre scattering moments (i.e., an expansion of the scattering cosine, $\mu$).

Next task is to put in some absorbers and see whether I can get a Zernike flux shape that I like

In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import openmc
from openmc.examples import pwr_pin_cell
import numpy as np
from series.Zernike import Zernike

model = openmc.model.Model()

# Define materials.
fuel = openmc.Material(name='UO2 (2.4%)')
fuel.set_density('g/cm3', 10.29769)
fuel.add_nuclide("U234", 4.4843e-6)
fuel.add_nuclide("U235", 5.5815e-4)
fuel.add_nuclide("U238", 2.2408e-2)
fuel.add_nuclide("O16", 4.5829e-2)

clad = openmc.Material(name='Zircaloy')
clad.set_density('g/cm3', 6.55)
clad.add_nuclide("Zr90", 2.1827e-2)
clad.add_nuclide("Zr91", 4.7600e-3)
clad.add_nuclide("Zr92", 7.2758e-3)
clad.add_nuclide("Zr94", 7.3734e-3)
clad.add_nuclide("Zr96", 1.1879e-3)

hot_water = openmc.Material(name='Hot borated water')
hot_water.set_density('g/cm3', 0.740582)
hot_water.add_nuclide("H1", 4.9457e-2)
hot_water.add_nuclide("O16", 2.4672e-2)
hot_water.add_nuclide("B10", 8.0042e-6)
hot_water.add_nuclide("B11", 3.2218e-5)

b4c = openmc.Material()
b4c.add_element('B', 4.0)
b4c.add_nuclide('C0', 1.0)
b4c.set_density('g/cm3', 2.5)

# Define the materials file.
model.materials = (fuel, b4c, hot_water)

# Instantiate ZCylinder surfaces
pitch = 1.26
fuel_or = openmc.ZCylinder(x0=0, y0=0, R=0.39218, name='Fuel OR')
absorber_or = openmc.ZCylinder(x0=0, y0=0, R=0.45720, name='Absorber OR')
left = openmc.XPlane(x0=-pitch/2, name='left', boundary_type='reflective')
right = openmc.XPlane(x0=pitch/2, name='right', boundary_type='reflective')
bottom = openmc.YPlane(y0=-pitch/2, name='bottom',
top = openmc.YPlane(y0=pitch/2, name='top', boundary_type='reflective')

# Instantiate Cells
fuel_pin = openmc.Cell(name='Fuel', fill=fuel)
absorber = openmc.Cell(name='Absorber', fill=b4c)
water = openmc.Cell(name='Water', fill=hot_water)

# Use surface half-spaces to define regions
fuel_pin.region = -fuel_or
absorber.region = +fuel_or & -absorber_or
water.region = +absorber_or & +left & -right & +bottom & -top

# Create root universe
model.geometry.root_universe = openmc.Universe(0, name='root universe')
model.geometry.root_universe.add_cells([fuel_pin, absorber, water])

model.settings.batches = 210
model.settings.inactive = 10
model.settings.particles = 1000

max_zernike_order = 10
flux_tallies = [openmc.Tally() for i in range(max_zernike_order, -1, -1)]
fission_tallies = [openmc.Tally() for i in range(max_zernike_order, -1, -1)]
zernike_filters = [openmc.ZernikeFilter(n, r=.63) for n in range(max_zernike_order, -1, -1)]

for fiss_tally,flux_tally,tfilter in zip(fission_tallies, 
    fiss_tally.scores = ['fission']
    flux_tally.scores = ['flux']
    fiss_tally.filters = [tfilter]
    flux_tally.filters = [tfilter]
mesh = openmc.Mesh()
mesh.dimension = [100, 100]
mesh.lower_left = [-0.63, -0.63]
mesh.upper_right = [0.63, 0.63]

# Create mesh filter for tally
mesh_filter = openmc.MeshFilter(mesh)

# Create mesh tally to score flux and fission rate
mesh_tally = openmc.Tally(name='mesh_flux')
mesh_tally.filters = [mesh_filter]
mesh_tally.scores = ['flux', 'fission']

model.tallies = flux_tallies + fission_tallies + [mesh_tally]"/Users/lindad/projects/Okapi/openmc/build/bin/openmc")

                ###############      %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
               ##################     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
               ###################     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
               ####################     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
               #####################     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
               ######################     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
               #######################     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                #######################     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                ######################     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                 ####################     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                   #################     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                    ###############     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                      ############     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                         ########     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%

                   | The OpenMC Monte Carlo Code
         Copyright | 2011-2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
           License |
           Version | 0.10.0
          Git SHA1 | b4d0cb47eddc38759ddc04a037c1ce9a02484567
         Date/Time | 2018-05-09 15:41:12
     MPI Processes | 1
    OpenMP Threads | 24

 Reading settings XML file...
 Reading cross sections XML file...
 Reading materials XML file...
 Reading geometry XML file...
 Building neighboring cells lists for each surface...
 Reading U234 from /Users/lindad/openmc/jeff-3.2-hdf5/U234.h5
 Reading U235 from /Users/lindad/openmc/jeff-3.2-hdf5/U235.h5
 Reading U238 from /Users/lindad/openmc/jeff-3.2-hdf5/U238.h5
 Reading O16 from /Users/lindad/openmc/jeff-3.2-hdf5/O16.h5
 Reading H1 from /Users/lindad/openmc/jeff-3.2-hdf5/H1.h5
 Reading B10 from /Users/lindad/openmc/jeff-3.2-hdf5/B10.h5
 Reading B11 from /Users/lindad/openmc/jeff-3.2-hdf5/B11.h5
 Reading C0 from /Users/lindad/openmc/jeff-3.2-hdf5/C0.h5
 Reading c_H_in_H2O from /Users/lindad/openmc/jeff-3.2-hdf5/c_H_in_H2O.h5
 Maximum neutron transport energy: 2.00000E+07 eV for H1
 Reading tallies XML file...
 Writing summary.h5 file...
 Initializing source particles...

 ====================>     K EIGENVALUE SIMULATION     <====================

  Bat./Gen.      k            Average k         
  =========   ========   ====================   
        1/1    0.13549                       
        2/1    0.11740                       
        3/1    0.13079                       
        4/1    0.13659                       
        5/1    0.13336                       
        6/1    0.12601                       
        7/1    0.12741                       
        8/1    0.13728                       
        9/1    0.13032                       
       10/1    0.12878                       
       11/1    0.13460                       
       12/1    0.13523    0.13491 +/- 0.00032
       13/1    0.13282    0.13422 +/- 0.00072
       14/1    0.12927    0.13298 +/- 0.00134
       15/1    0.13678    0.13374 +/- 0.00128
       16/1    0.12883    0.13292 +/- 0.00133
       17/1    0.13610    0.13338 +/- 0.00121
       18/1    0.13808    0.13396 +/- 0.00120
       19/1    0.13340    0.13390 +/- 0.00106
       20/1    0.12461    0.13297 +/- 0.00133
       21/1    0.13842    0.13347 +/- 0.00130
       22/1    0.13370    0.13349 +/- 0.00119
       23/1    0.13337    0.13348 +/- 0.00109
       24/1    0.12869    0.13314 +/- 0.00107
       25/1    0.12629    0.13268 +/- 0.00109
       26/1    0.13724    0.13297 +/- 0.00106
       27/1    0.12493    0.13249 +/- 0.00110
       28/1    0.12919    0.13231 +/- 0.00106
       29/1    0.13321    0.13236 +/- 0.00100
       30/1    0.13421    0.13245 +/- 0.00095
       31/1    0.13423    0.13253 +/- 0.00091
       32/1    0.13250    0.13253 +/- 0.00087
       33/1    0.14005    0.13286 +/- 0.00089
       34/1    0.13720    0.13304 +/- 0.00087
       35/1    0.13455    0.13310 +/- 0.00084
       36/1    0.13769    0.13328 +/- 0.00083
       37/1    0.13534    0.13335 +/- 0.00080
       38/1    0.13479    0.13340 +/- 0.00077
       39/1    0.11791    0.13287 +/- 0.00092
       40/1    0.12641    0.13265 +/- 0.00091
       41/1    0.12769    0.13249 +/- 0.00090
       42/1    0.13284    0.13251 +/- 0.00087
       43/1    0.13965    0.13272 +/- 0.00087
       44/1    0.13956    0.13292 +/- 0.00087
       45/1    0.12655    0.13274 +/- 0.00086
       46/1    0.12926    0.13264 +/- 0.00084
       47/1    0.13384    0.13268 +/- 0.00082
       48/1    0.13346    0.13270 +/- 0.00080
       49/1    0.13544    0.13277 +/- 0.00078
       50/1    0.12668    0.13262 +/- 0.00077
       51/1    0.12599    0.13245 +/- 0.00077
       52/1    0.13325    0.13247 +/- 0.00075
       53/1    0.12675    0.13234 +/- 0.00075
       54/1    0.13123    0.13231 +/- 0.00073
       55/1    0.14006    0.13249 +/- 0.00074
       56/1    0.13094    0.13245 +/- 0.00072
       57/1    0.13118    0.13243 +/- 0.00071
       58/1    0.13350    0.13245 +/- 0.00069
       59/1    0.13704    0.13254 +/- 0.00068
       60/1    0.12315    0.13235 +/- 0.00070
       61/1    0.13132    0.13233 +/- 0.00068
       62/1    0.13537    0.13239 +/- 0.00067
       63/1    0.13260    0.13240 +/- 0.00066
       64/1    0.12791    0.13231 +/- 0.00065
       65/1    0.12789    0.13223 +/- 0.00064
       66/1    0.12955    0.13218 +/- 0.00063
       67/1    0.13356    0.13221 +/- 0.00062
       68/1    0.13195    0.13220 +/- 0.00061
       69/1    0.12399    0.13207 +/- 0.00062
       70/1    0.13602    0.13213 +/- 0.00061
       71/1    0.12510    0.13202 +/- 0.00061
       72/1    0.12461    0.13190 +/- 0.00061
       73/1    0.13127    0.13189 +/- 0.00060
       74/1    0.13096    0.13187 +/- 0.00060
       75/1    0.13127    0.13186 +/- 0.00059
       76/1    0.13685    0.13194 +/- 0.00058
       77/1    0.12643    0.13186 +/- 0.00058
       78/1    0.12189    0.13171 +/- 0.00059
       79/1    0.12354    0.13159 +/- 0.00059
       80/1    0.13127    0.13159 +/- 0.00058
       81/1    0.13468    0.13163 +/- 0.00058
       82/1    0.13358    0.13166 +/- 0.00057
       83/1    0.13386    0.13169 +/- 0.00056
       84/1    0.13097    0.13168 +/- 0.00056
       85/1    0.13025    0.13166 +/- 0.00055
       86/1    0.13282    0.13167 +/- 0.00054
       87/1    0.13340    0.13170 +/- 0.00053
       88/1    0.12323    0.13159 +/- 0.00054
       89/1    0.12969    0.13156 +/- 0.00053
       90/1    0.12972    0.13154 +/- 0.00053
       91/1    0.13668    0.13160 +/- 0.00052
       92/1    0.13302    0.13162 +/- 0.00052
       93/1    0.13640    0.13168 +/- 0.00051
       94/1    0.13876    0.13176 +/- 0.00051
       95/1    0.13182    0.13176 +/- 0.00051
       96/1    0.12417    0.13168 +/- 0.00051
       97/1    0.13477    0.13171 +/- 0.00051
       98/1    0.13457    0.13174 +/- 0.00050
       99/1    0.13491    0.13178 +/- 0.00050
      100/1    0.14211    0.13189 +/- 0.00050
      101/1    0.13996    0.13198 +/- 0.00051
      102/1    0.11875    0.13184 +/- 0.00052
      103/1    0.13633    0.13189 +/- 0.00052
      104/1    0.12777    0.13184 +/- 0.00051
      105/1    0.13585    0.13189 +/- 0.00051
      106/1    0.14013    0.13197 +/- 0.00051
      107/1    0.12997    0.13195 +/- 0.00051
      108/1    0.12829    0.13191 +/- 0.00050
      109/1    0.13315    0.13193 +/- 0.00050
      110/1    0.13587    0.13197 +/- 0.00050
      111/1    0.13074    0.13195 +/- 0.00049
      112/1    0.13382    0.13197 +/- 0.00049
      113/1    0.13434    0.13199 +/- 0.00048
      114/1    0.13548    0.13203 +/- 0.00048
      115/1    0.12418    0.13195 +/- 0.00048
      116/1    0.13550    0.13199 +/- 0.00048
      117/1    0.12951    0.13196 +/- 0.00047
      118/1    0.12469    0.13190 +/- 0.00047
      119/1    0.13470    0.13192 +/- 0.00047
      120/1    0.13277    0.13193 +/- 0.00047
      121/1    0.13085    0.13192 +/- 0.00046
      122/1    0.12475    0.13186 +/- 0.00046
      123/1    0.13078    0.13185 +/- 0.00046
      124/1    0.13206    0.13185 +/- 0.00045
      125/1    0.12869    0.13182 +/- 0.00045
      126/1    0.12621    0.13177 +/- 0.00045
      127/1    0.13406    0.13179 +/- 0.00045
      128/1    0.13018    0.13178 +/- 0.00044
      129/1    0.12926    0.13176 +/- 0.00044
      130/1    0.13422    0.13178 +/- 0.00044
      131/1    0.13609    0.13181 +/- 0.00043
      132/1    0.12625    0.13177 +/- 0.00043
      133/1    0.12445    0.13171 +/- 0.00043
      134/1    0.13171    0.13171 +/- 0.00043
      135/1    0.12569    0.13166 +/- 0.00043
      136/1    0.13818    0.13171 +/- 0.00043
      137/1    0.13316    0.13172 +/- 0.00042
      138/1    0.12233    0.13165 +/- 0.00043
      139/1    0.12797    0.13162 +/- 0.00043
      140/1    0.13180    0.13162 +/- 0.00042
      141/1    0.13595    0.13166 +/- 0.00042
      142/1    0.12931    0.13164 +/- 0.00042
      143/1    0.12689    0.13160 +/- 0.00042
      144/1    0.13600    0.13164 +/- 0.00041
      145/1    0.12905    0.13162 +/- 0.00041
      146/1    0.12915    0.13160 +/- 0.00041
      147/1    0.13287    0.13161 +/- 0.00041
      148/1    0.14371    0.13169 +/- 0.00041
      149/1    0.13767    0.13174 +/- 0.00041
      150/1    0.13739    0.13178 +/- 0.00041
      151/1    0.12517    0.13173 +/- 0.00041
      152/1    0.13673    0.13177 +/- 0.00041
      153/1    0.12185    0.13170 +/- 0.00041
      154/1    0.12990    0.13168 +/- 0.00041
      155/1    0.12154    0.13161 +/- 0.00041
      156/1    0.12962    0.13160 +/- 0.00041
      157/1    0.12631    0.13157 +/- 0.00041
      158/1    0.13433    0.13158 +/- 0.00041
      159/1    0.12627    0.13155 +/- 0.00041
      160/1    0.12537    0.13151 +/- 0.00040
      161/1    0.13846    0.13155 +/- 0.00040
      162/1    0.12144    0.13149 +/- 0.00041
      163/1    0.13344    0.13150 +/- 0.00040
      164/1    0.13340    0.13151 +/- 0.00040
      165/1    0.13621    0.13154 +/- 0.00040
      166/1    0.12572    0.13150 +/- 0.00040
      167/1    0.13942    0.13156 +/- 0.00040
      168/1    0.13236    0.13156 +/- 0.00040
      169/1    0.13295    0.13157 +/- 0.00040
      170/1    0.12995    0.13156 +/- 0.00039
      171/1    0.13316    0.13157 +/- 0.00039
      172/1    0.13616    0.13160 +/- 0.00039
      173/1    0.12857    0.13158 +/- 0.00039
      174/1    0.13095    0.13157 +/- 0.00039
      175/1    0.13433    0.13159 +/- 0.00038
      176/1    0.13305    0.13160 +/- 0.00038
      177/1    0.13490    0.13162 +/- 0.00038
      178/1    0.12650    0.13159 +/- 0.00038
      179/1    0.13812    0.13163 +/- 0.00038
      180/1    0.12961    0.13162 +/- 0.00038
      181/1    0.13063    0.13161 +/- 0.00037
      182/1    0.13072    0.13161 +/- 0.00037
      183/1    0.12780    0.13158 +/- 0.00037
      184/1    0.13554    0.13161 +/- 0.00037
      185/1    0.12074    0.13154 +/- 0.00037
      186/1    0.13451    0.13156 +/- 0.00037
      187/1    0.12931    0.13155 +/- 0.00037
      188/1    0.12369    0.13150 +/- 0.00037
      189/1    0.13840    0.13154 +/- 0.00037
      190/1    0.13659    0.13157 +/- 0.00037
      191/1    0.12976    0.13156 +/- 0.00037
      192/1    0.13077    0.13156 +/- 0.00036
      193/1    0.13952    0.13160 +/- 0.00036
      194/1    0.12527    0.13157 +/- 0.00036
      195/1    0.13405    0.13158 +/- 0.00036
      196/1    0.13496    0.13160 +/- 0.00036
      197/1    0.13091    0.13159 +/- 0.00036
      198/1    0.12852    0.13158 +/- 0.00036
      199/1    0.11874    0.13151 +/- 0.00036
      200/1    0.13752    0.13154 +/- 0.00036
      201/1    0.13734    0.13157 +/- 0.00036
      202/1    0.12762    0.13155 +/- 0.00036
      203/1    0.13829    0.13159 +/- 0.00036
      204/1    0.13348    0.13160 +/- 0.00036
      205/1    0.13213    0.13160 +/- 0.00036
      206/1    0.12585    0.13157 +/- 0.00036
      207/1    0.13114    0.13157 +/- 0.00035
      208/1    0.13151    0.13157 +/- 0.00035
      209/1    0.14042    0.13161 +/- 0.00035
      210/1    0.12983    0.13160 +/- 0.00035
 Creating state point statepoint.210.h5...

 =======================>     TIMING STATISTICS     <=======================

 Total time for initialization     =  4.1274E+00 seconds
   Reading cross sections          =  4.0759E+00 seconds
 Total time in simulation          =  1.6825E+01 seconds
   Time in transport only          =  1.6242E+01 seconds
   Time in inactive batches        =  7.7232E-02 seconds
   Time in active batches          =  1.6747E+01 seconds
   Time synchronizing fission bank =  1.1302E-02 seconds
     Sampling source sites         =  7.5520E-03 seconds
     SEND/RECV source sites        =  1.8020E-03 seconds
   Time accumulating tallies       =  5.1222E-02 seconds
 Total time for finalization       =  3.3506E-01 seconds
 Total time elapsed                =  2.1293E+01 seconds
 Calculation Rate (inactive)       =  1.29480E+05 neutrons/second
 Calculation Rate (active)         =  11942.2 neutrons/second

 ============================>     RESULTS     <============================

 k-effective (Collision)     =  0.13132 +/-  0.00036
 k-effective (Track-length)  =  0.13160 +/-  0.00035
 k-effective (Absorption)    =  0.13093 +/-  0.00117
 Combined k-effective        =  0.13145 +/-  0.00032
 Leakage Fraction            =  0.00000 +/-  0.00000


In [2]:
with openmc.StatePoint('statepoint.210.h5') as sp:
    output_flux_tallies = [sp.tallies[].get_pandas_dataframe() 
            for ftally in flux_tallies]
    output_fission_tallies = [sp.tallies[].get_pandas_dataframe() 
                      for ftally in fission_tallies]
    output_mesh_tally = sp.get_tally(

In [3]:
fission_mesh = output_mesh_tally.get_slice(scores=['fission'])
flux_mesh = output_mesh_tally.get_slice(scores=['flux'])

In [6]:
flux_mesh.mean.shape = (100, 100)
fission_mesh.mean.shape = (100, 100)

In [7]:
fig = plt.subplot(121)
fig2 = plt.subplot(122)

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x11c3610b8>

In [8]:
flux_coeffs = [ftally['mean'] for ftally in output_flux_tallies]
fission_coeffs = [ftally['mean'] for ftally in output_fission_tallies]

In [9]:
flux_zernike_polys = [Zernike(order, 0, 0, .63) 
                         for order in range(max_zernike_order, -1, -1)]
fission_zernike_polys = [Zernike(order, 0, 0, .63) 
                         for order in range(max_zernike_order, -1, -1)]

for poly, coeffs in zip(fission_zernike_polys, fission_coeffs):
    poly.coefficients = coeffs
for poly, coeffs in zip(flux_zernike_polys, flux_coeffs):
    poly.coefficients = coeffs

In [10]:
x = np.linspace(-.63, .63, 1000)

flux_evals = [np.zeros((x.size)) for poly in flux_zernike_polys]
fission_evals = [np.zeros((x.size)) for poly in fission_zernike_polys]

for index, xval in enumerate(x):
    for fission_eval, poly in zip(fission_evals, fission_zernike_polys):
        fission_eval[index] = poly(xval, 0)
    for flux_eval, poly in zip(flux_evals, flux_zernike_polys):
        flux_eval[index] = poly(xval, 0)

In [12]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 10]

for i in range(10, -1, -2):
    plt.plot(x, flux_evals[max_zernike_order - i], label=str(i))

In [13]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 10]

for i in range(10, -1, -1):
    plt.plot(x, fission_evals[max_zernike_order - i], label=str(i))

In [12]:
for i in range(max_zernike_order, -1, -2):
    plt.plot(x, fission_evals[max_zernike_order - i], label=str(i))

In [13]:
for i in range(max_zernike_order - 1, -1, -2):
    plt.plot(x, fission_evals[max_zernike_order - i], label=str(i))

In [8]:
def nonsmooth_fission_shape(r, phi):
    fuel_radius = 0.39218
    outer_radius = .63
    if r <= fuel_radius:
        return cos(r * pi / (2 * fuel_radius))
        return 0

In [19]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import openmc
from openmc.examples import pwr_pin_cell
import numpy as np
from series.Zernike import Zernike

from math import cos, pi

max_radius = .63

max_zernike_order = 10

fission_zernike_polys = [Zernike(order, 0, 0, max_radius) 
                         for order in range(max_zernike_order, -1, -1)]

import sympy as sp

def sp_fission_shape():
    phi = sp.symbols('phi')
    r = sp.symbols('r')
    return sp.cos(r * sp.pi / 2)

def advanced_fission_shape(r, phi):
    fuel_radius = 0.39218
    if r < fuel_radius:
        return cos(r * pi / (2 * fuel_radius))
        return 0
def fission_shape(r, phi):
    fuel_radius = max_radius
    return cos(r * pi / (2 * fuel_radius))

def linear(r, phi):
    return r

def sp_linear():
    r = sp.symbols('r')
    return r

def constant(r, phi):
    return 1

def sp_constant():
    return 1

model_function = advanced_fission_shape
model_sym_function = fission_shape

plot_intervals = 100
r_array = np.linspace(0, max_radius, 100)
true_soln = np.zeros((r_array.size))

In [20]:
for poly in fission_zernike_polys:
    poly.generateCoefficients(model_function, num_rintervals=100,
num_poly_evals = [np.zeros((r_array.size)) for poly in fission_zernike_polys]

for index,r in enumerate(r_array):
    for poly_eval, poly in zip(num_poly_evals, fission_zernike_polys):
        poly_eval[index] = poly(r, 0)
    true_soln[index] = model_function(r, 0)

In [23]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 10]

for i in range(10, -1, -10):
    plt.plot(r_array, num_poly_evals[max_zernike_order-i], label=str(i))
plt.plot(r_array, true_soln, '--', label='true')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x117bc36a0>

In [10]:
for poly in fission_zernike_polys:

poly_evals = [np.zeros((r_array.size)) for poly in fission_zernike_polys]

for index,r in enumerate(r_array):
    for poly_eval, poly in zip(poly_evals, fission_zernike_polys):
        poly_eval[index] = poly.symbolicEval(r, 0)
    true_soln[index] = model_function(r, 0)

In [20]:
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 10]

for i in range(max_zernike_order, -1, -2):
    plt.plot(r_array, poly_evals[max_zernike_order-i], label=str(i))
plt.plot(r_array, true_soln, '--', label='true')
plt.ylim(.98, 1.02)

(0.98, 1.02)

In [32]:
def trap_integrate_cylindrical(num_rintervals, num_aintervals, function):
    integral = 0
    dr = 1 / num_rintervals
    dphi = 2 * pi / num_aintervals
    num_rpoints = num_rintervals + 1
    num_apoints = num_aintervals + 1
    for i in range(num_rpoints):
        for j in range(num_apoints):
            w = 1
            if i == 0 or i == num_rpoints - 1:
                w *= .5
            if j == 0 or j == num_apoints - 1:
                w *= .5
            integral += w * function(i * dr, j * dphi) * i * dr * dr * dphi
    return 1 / pi * integral

In [17]:
def test(r):
    return r

In [34]:
trap_integrate_cylindrical(1, 1, constant)


In [20]:
trap_integrate_cylindrical(10, test)


In [ ]: