</p>Run simulation of filling in network corresponding to the Alameda neighborhood from Araijan, Panama</p>
**Only have .inp and suggested .config file output from cleanupinpfiles.py**
Below you see how to:
In [1]:
import sys
from allthethings import PyNetwork, PyPipe_ps
from allthethings import PyBC_opt_dh
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%pylab inline
from writeit import *
import pickle
import time
In [2]:
def idx_t(i,j,n,N):
return (2*(N+2)*n+(N+2)*i+j)
In [3]:
#first load information from the output of cleanupinpfiles.py to get network connectivity and geometry info
fi = "../indata/Alameda62.0.0.inp"
fc = "../indata/Alameda62.0.config"
n0 = PyNetwork(fi,fc,1)
In [4]:
Ls = n0.Ls
T = 20 #set simulation time per run
Mi = 10 #number of time steps in between writes
Nt =1 #number of simulations to do
Ttot = Nt*T # total simulation time
Np = n0.Nedges
a = 100 #pressure wave speed (this determines slot width)
Ns = [int(l) for l in Ls] # set dx = 1 meter by assigning 1 grid cell per meter of length
Ds = n0.Ds
dx = [Ls[i]/Ns[i] for i in range(Np)]
M = int(T*a/(max(dx)*.8))*4#set time steps based on dx to assure CFL condition
M = (M+Mi-M%Mi) #round it up to be an even multiple of Mi
jt = n0.nodeTypes
Nn = len(jt)
#boundary types: need to specify three parameters for each junction1:
#--r: reflection (1 means reflect all waves, -1 means reflect none, 0 means apply one of the cases (0-2) in bt )
#--bt: boundary type (0 means specify A, 1 means specify Q, 2 means orifice outflow)
#--bv: boundary value (a float that specifies value, if constant)
# if nonconstant, subsequently use setBval(i,Y) for time series Y (length M+1)
#set boundary type (this will only matter for nodes where r =0)
bt = [2]*Nn #all nodes orifice outflow
bt[0] = 1 #node 0 we'll specify inflow
if bt[0] ==0:
sbtype = 'A'
elif bt[0]==1:
sbtype ='Q'
#set boundary values to 0(this will only matter for nodes where r =0)
bv = [0]*Nn
#set reflection
r = [0]*Nn
r[0] = 0 # this node we'll specify inflow
r[17] =1 #these nodes will reflect everything
bt[0] =1 #set boundary type of node 0 to specify Q(t)
h0s = [0]*Np #initialize .config file to (A,Q) =(0,0) in all pipes
q0s = [0]*Np
Mrs =[0.007]*Np #Manning roughness coefficient =0.007 for all pipes
Nstar =1 #measuring point for each pipe
#elevation data for all nodes
elevs = [127.10, 126.19, 98.76, 91.44, 83.82, 78.029, 70.74, 61.26, 53.95, 57.9, 58.52, 60.05, 60.66, 62.79, 63.70, 73.15, 76.81, 76.2, 86.26, 84.43, 88.09, 96.32, 96.012, 99.67, 101.80, 103.63, 101.80, 101.19, 101.50, 103.95, 117.96, 129.84, 87.48, 97.23]
In [5]:
t0 = time.clock()
startfromsaved = 0 #set = 1 to start from saved data
#create matrices to store pressure and velocity data
# i^th row of Hs is the i^th timeslice, where we take Mi time steps of length dt in between storing each time slice
# the i^th time slice consists of the [H0[i], H1[i], ...H_Np[i]],
# where H0[i] is the pressure data as a function of x in pipe 0 at time slice i, etc
# same indexing scheme holds for Us
Hs =np.zeros((M/Mi*Nt,sum(Ns)))
Us =np.zeros((M/Mi*Nt,sum(Ns)))#
#new prefix for .inp and .config files that will be used for actual runtime parameters
fn = "../indata/Alameda_m4"
#old .inp file with network connectivity
oldinp = "../indata/Alameda62.0.0.inp"
#write new files [fn].inp and [fn].config with new info
(fi, fc) = rewritePipes(fn,oldinp, Ns, Ls, Mrs, Ds, jt, bt, bv, r, h0s, q0s, T, M, a, elevs)
#create the network you're actually going to run
n1 = PyNetwork(fi,fc,1)
dt = n1.T/float(n1.M)
#now set the initial conditions
if startfromsaved: #initialize with data from a previous simulation
ICdata = pickle.load(open('summary_results_saved_at2015_11_15_16_40_13.pkl','rb'))
Af = ICdata['Af']
Qf = ICdata['Qf']
for i in range(0,Np):
#print "Af = %f, A0= %f, H0/D = %f"%(Ai, A0[0], p0.HofA(A0[0],False)/Ds[i])
if startfromsaved:
#subsequent runs use old data
A0 = Af[i]
Q0 = Qf[i]
Ai = ((Ds[i]**2)/4.)*np.pi
#initial condition empty
A0 = .01*Ai*ones(n1.Ns[i])
p0 = PyPipe_ps(n1.Ns[i],n1.Ds[i], n1.Ls[i],M,a)
Q0 = 0*np.ones(n1.Ns[i])
N = n1.Ns[0]
p0 = PyPipe_ps(N,n1.Ds[0], n1.Ls[0],M,a)
A00 = p0.AofH(20,False)
Q00 = 0.0087
n1.setIC(0,A00*np.ones(n1.Ns[0]), Q00*np.ones(n1.Ns[0]))
Qb = Q00*np.ones(M+1)
for j in range(len(aa[n1.nodeTypes==1])):#find the junction1s and set boundary value time series to .1*(pipe diameter)
bvt = n1.Ds[0]*.1*np.ones(M+1)
bv[j] =bvt[0]#record boundary value
#specify an boundary inflow at node 0
print "size of matrix storing pressure head history is"
print shape(Hs)#watch out if this matrix is huge--make Mi bigger or Nt smaller so you don't have such large data sets.
print "simulation time between checkpoints is %f s"%(dt*Mi)
print "specifying %s = %f at node 0"%(sbtype, Qb[0])
In [6]:
#Show the initial conditions before you start the simulation
In [7]:
#draw a map of the network
(xs,ys,conns,ls) = getBasicConnectivity(fi)
Np = shape(conns)[0]
In [8]:
t0= time.clock()
Vs = [n1.getTotalVolume()] #store the system volume at times [0, T, 2*T, ...Nt*T]
for m in range(Nt):
n1.runForwardProblem(dt)#run the forward problem
print 'simulation time =%f s'%(T*(m+1))#show what time we're at
Ntot = 0
for j in range(Np):
N = n1.Ns[j]
qh = n1.qhist(j)
for n in range(1,M+1,Mi):
Px = n1.pressureSpaceSeries(j,n)
Utemp = [qh[idx_t(1,k,n,N)]/qh[idx_t(0,k,n,N)] for k in range(1,N+1)]
Hs[(n-1)/Mi+m*(M/Mi),Ntot:Ntot+N] = Px
Us[(n-1)/Mi+m*(M/Mi),Ntot:Ntot+N] = Utemp
print m
print Vs
n1.reset() #reset internal counter to zero so network can be run again
elapsed_t = time.clock()-t0
print "Wall clock time = %f"%elapsed_t
In [12]:
m2psi = 1.42 #conversion factor, meters to psi
m32gal=264.172052 #conversion factor m^3 to gallons
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.colors as colors
cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=Np+1)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10))
scalarMap = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cm.get_cmap('ocean'))
t = linspace(0,Ttot,M/Mi*Nt)
Ntot = 0
interesting = arange(1,Np)
for k in interesting:
plot(t,m2psi*Hs[:,sum(Ns[0:k])],label="%d"%k, color = scalarMap.to_rgba(k))
#plot(t,m2psi*Hs2[k,:],'g',label="%d"%k)# color = scalarMap.to_rgba(k))
xlabel('t (s)')
ylabel('pressure head (psi)')
print "a = %.1f m/s" %a
Vsys = 0
for k in range(Np):
Vsys +=Ls[k]*(Ds[k]**2)/4.*np.pi
print "inflow volume = %.2f gallons"%((Vs[-1])*m32gal)
print "system volume = %f"% (Vsys*m32gal)
print "Elapsed time = %f" %elapsed_t
In [11]:
#show max pressure in each pipe
print "pipe max(H)"
for k in range(Np):
print "%d %f"%(k,m2psi*max(Hs[-1,sum(Ns[0:k]):sum(Ns[0:k+1])]))
In [78]:
#set up data to save to a file
Note = "initial condition is specify %s = 0 at node 0\
base inp file is %s"%(sbtype,oldinp)
In [79]:
Af = []
Qf = []
for k in range(Np):
q = n1.q(k)
Qf.append(np.array(q[ Ns[k]:]))
In [80]:
solve_t = elapsed_t
s = "%d_%d_%d_%d_%d_%d"%(tuple([t[i] for i in range(6)]))
f1= open('results_%d_s_saved_at%s.pkl'%(int(Ttot),s),'wb')
data = {'Hs':Hs, 'Us':Us, 'elevs':elevs,'T':T,'Tot':Ttot,
'conns': n1.conn,
'Ds': n1.Ds,
'Nt': Nt,
'Mi': Mi, 'a':a, 'solve_t':solve_t, 'Q00': Q00,
"reported time":rtime,
'Qf': Qf,
In [81]:
print f1
In [82]:
#save smaller data set to a summeary file (without big Hs and Us matrices)
f2 = open('summary_results_saved_at%s.pkl'%s,'wb')
In [83]:
data = {'elevs':elevs,'T':T,'Tot':Ttot,
'conns': n1.conn,
'Ds': n1.Ds,
'Nt': Nt,
'Mi': Mi, 'a':a, 'solve_t':solve_t, 'Q00': Q00,
"reported time":rtime,
'Qf': Qf,
In [ ]: