In [1]:
%pylab inline
import sys

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from SimPEG import TensorMesh

Welcome to pylab, a matplotlib-based Python environment [backend: module://IPython.kernel.zmq.pylab.backend_inline].
For more information, type 'help(pylab)'.

Set up mesh

In [2]:
x0 = np.zeros(3)
h1 = np.ones(100)*0.5
h2 = np.ones(100)*0.5
h3 = np.ones(100)*0.5
mesh = TensorMesh([h1,h2,h3],x0)

Define magnetic dipole (MD) source

In [115]:
def sourceMD(mesh,dipoleLoc,dimDip=3):
    Calculates the response from magnetic dipole source(s). 
        mesh      - tensorMesh object
        dipoleLoc - an array of [n x 3] dipole locations (xyz)
        dimDip    - dipole dimension (e.g., x = 1,y = 2,z = 3); Default is 3.

        b - the magnetic field on the face grid
    def getMagneticDipolePotential(loc,m,grid,dimAxis):
        # Get the potential of the dipole
        # Returns A(# faces x # transmitters)
        nL = grid.shape[0]
        nT = loc.shape[0]
        fullLoc = ones((nL,3))
        A = zeros((nL,nT))
        for ii in range(nT):
            fullM = ones((nL,3))*m[ii,:]
            br = grid - fullLoc*loc[ii,:]
            cp = np.cross(fullM,br)
            r = sqrt(br[:,0]**2 + br[:,1]**2 + br[:,2]**2)
            A[:,ii] = ((1e-6)*cp[:,dimAxis-1])/r**3
        return A
    dipoleLoc = np.atleast_2d(dipoleLoc)
    dimDip = np.atleast_2d(dimDip)
    m = np.zeros((dipoleLoc.shape[0],3))
    if (dimDip.shape[0] == 1):
            m[:,dimDip-1] = 1
        except IndexError:
            print "magneticSource:Error: Dipole dimension should be 1 (x), 2 (y), or 3 (z)."
    elif (dimDip.shape[0] == dipoleLoc.shape[0]):
            for jj in range(dipoleLoc.shape[0]):
                m[jj,dimDip[jj] - 1] = 1

        except IndexError:
           print "magneticSource:Error: Dipole dimension should be 1 (x), 2 (y), or 3 (z)."
        print "magneticSource:Error: Dipole direction should also be vector of same length as dipole locations."

    # Get magnetic potential at each set of orthogonal faces:
    Ax = getMagneticDipolePotential(dipoleLoc,m,mesh.gridEx,1)
    Ay = getMagneticDipolePotential(dipoleLoc,m,mesh.gridEy,2)
    Az = getMagneticDipolePotential(dipoleLoc,m,mesh.gridEz,3)

    # Combine potential
    A = concatenate((Ax, Ay, Az),axis=0)
    # B = curl A
    CURL = mesh.edgeCurl
    b0 = CURL*A

    return b0

Dipole location and oriention

In [112]:
# make 2 dipole locations
loc = np.array([[3.2,27.1,40.1],[42.0,5,10]])
m = np.array((3,1),'i') # vertical dipole

Test code

In [117]:
A = sourceMD(mesh,loc,m)
print A.shape
#newL = np.atleast_2d(loc)
#print newM.shape,newL.shape
#mVec = np.zeros((newL.shape[0],3))
#print mVec
#for jj in range(mVec.shape[0]):
#    mVec[jj, m[jj] - 1] = 1
#print "m: ",m,m.shape[0]

(3030000L, 2L)

Plot faces

In [98]:

-c:1: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
C:\Users\kdavis\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\App\appdata\\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\ UserWarning: matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure
  "matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, "
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar instance at 0x0000000008A1AC48>

In [100]:

-c:1: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
C:\Users\kdavis\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\App\appdata\\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  resdat /= (vmax - vmin)
C:\Users\kdavis\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\App\appdata\\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater
  inrange = (ticks > -0.001) & (ticks < 1.001)
C:\Users\kdavis\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\App\appdata\\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less
  inrange = (ticks > -0.001) & (ticks < 1.001)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar instance at 0x0000000018D2BAC8>
C:\Users\kdavis\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\App\appdata\\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in subtract
  resdat -= vmin
C:\Users\kdavis\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\App\appdata\\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less
  cbook._putmask(xa, xa < 0.0, -1)

In [20]:

<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar instance at 0x00000000342B2208>

In [ ]: