In [1]:
import os
import shutil
import numpy as np
import pandas
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.misc import imresize,imsave
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
def resize_all(id,namelist,path2):
    im = plt.imread(namelist[id])
    resizeim = imresize(im,(299,299))
    if len(resizeim.shape) == 2:
        resizeim = np.array([resizeim]*3).transpose([1,2,0])

generate the training set, set your imagenet_path

dataset1: the default dataset

dataset2: only 750 classes in the training set, and 250 classes in the testset, designed to evaluate the transferability

the training and validation sets are extracted from the training set of the imagenet

In [3]:
imagenet_path = '/work/imagenet/train/'
path2 = './Originset/'
n_per_class = 4 # train
n_per_class_test = [10,40] # test

n_train = int(n_per_class*0.75 )
subdirs = os.listdir(imagenet_path)
subdirs = np.sort(subdirs)
example = pandas.read_csv('./sample_dev_dataset.csv')

for id,name in enumerate(subdirs):
    label_mapping[name] = id+1

In [4]:
class1 = np.load('utils/dataset2_trainclass.npy')
class2 = np.load('utils/dataset2_valclass.npy')
class1 = [label_mapping[name] for name in class1]
class2 = [label_mapping[name] for name in class2]

In [5]:
n_repeat = n_per_class
info_list = np.zeros([n_repeat*1000,12]).astype('str')
trainset_d1 = np.array([])
valset_d1 = np.array([])
trainset_d2 = np.array([])
valset_d2 = np.array([])
namelist = np.array([])

i_cum =0

for i_dir,dir in enumerate(subdirs):
    fullpath = os.path.join(imagenet_path,dir)
    filelist = os.listdir(fullpath)
    randid = np.random.permutation(len(filelist))[:n_repeat]

    chosen_im = np.array(filelist)[randid]
    rename_im = np.array([n.split('.')[0]+'png' for n in chosen_im])
    trainset_d1 = np.concatenate([trainset_d1,rename_im[:n_train]])
    valset_d1 = np.concatenate([valset_d1,rename_im[n_train:]])
    fullimpath = [os.path.join(fullpath,f) for f in chosen_im]
    namelist = np.concatenate([namelist,fullimpath])

    labels = label_mapping[dir]
    if labels in class1:
        trainset_d2 = np.concatenate([trainset_d2,rename_im])
        valset_d2 = np.concatenate([valset_d2,rename_im])

    for i in range(n_repeat):
        target_class = labels
        while target_class==labels:
            target_class = np.random.randint(1000)
#         info_list[i].append([chosen_im[i].split('.')[0],0,0,0,1,1,labels,target_class,0,0,0,0])
        info_list[i_cum] = np.array([chosen_im[i].split('.')[0],0,0,0,1,1,labels,target_class,0,0,0,0])
        i_cum += 1
newpd = pandas.DataFrame(info_list)
newpd.columns = example.columns

In [6]:
pool = Pool()
resize_partial = partial(resize_all,namelist=namelist,path2=path2)
_ =,range(len(namelist)))

In [7]:'./utils/dataset1_train_split.npy',trainset_d1)'./utils/dataset1_val_split.npy',valset_d1)'./utils/dataset2_train_split.npy',trainset_d2)'./utils/dataset2_val_split.npy',valset_d2)

generate the testing set

the test set is extracted from the validation set of the imagenet

In [8]:
imagenet_path = '/work/imagenet/val/'
path2 = './Originset_test/'

In [9]:
with open('/work/imagenet/meta/val.txt') as f:
    tmp = f.readlines()
label_val = {}
for line in tmp:
    label_val[line.split(' ')[0]] = int(line.split(' ')[1].split('\n')[0])+1

In [10]:
example = pandas.read_csv('/work/adv/toolkit/dataset/dev_dataset.csv')
keys = np.array(label_val.keys())
values = np.array(label_val.values())

In [11]:
i_cum =0
namelist = []
# info_list = np.zeros([n_repeat*1000,12]).astype('str')
info_list = []

for i_class in range(1,1001):
    if i_class in class1:
        n_repeat = n_per_class_test[0]
        n_repeat = n_per_class_test[1]
    filelist = keys[values == i_class]
    randid = np.random.permutation(len(filelist))[:n_repeat]
    chosen_im = np.array(filelist)[randid]
    fullimpath = [os.path.join(imagenet_path,f) for f in chosen_im]
    labels = i_class
    for i in range(n_repeat):
        target_class = labels
        while target_class==labels:
            target_class = np.random.randint(1000)
#         info_list[i_cum] = np.array([chosen_im[i].split('.')[0],0,0,0,1,1,labels,target_class,0,0,0,0])
        i_cum += 1
newpd = pandas.DataFrame(info_list)
newpd.columns = example.columns

In [12]:
label1 = pandas.read_csv('dev_dataset.csv')
label1 = np.array([label1['ImageId'],label1['TrueLabel']])
label2 = pandas.read_csv('dev_dataset_test.csv')
label2 = np.array([label2['ImageId'],label2['TrueLabel']])

tmp = np.concatenate([label1,label2],1).T
labels = {}
for key,value in tmp:
    labels[key] = value'utils/labels.npy',labels)

In [13]:
names = label2[0]
values = label2[1]
allnames = []
for i in range(1,1001):
    class_names = names[values==i][:10]
allnames = np.concatenate(allnames)'utils/dataset1_test_split.npy',allnames)

allnames = []
class2 = np.load('utils/dataset2_valclass.npy')
class2 = [label_mapping[name] for name in class2]
for i in class2:
    class_names = names[values==i]
allnames = np.concatenate(allnames)'utils/dataset2_test_split.npy',allnames)

In [14]:
resize_partial = partial(resize_all,namelist=namelist,path2=path2)
_ =,range(len(namelist)))