Jupyter Notebook problems in the Essentials of Paleomagnetism Textbook by L. Tauxe

Problems in Chapter 4

Problem 1a

Self energy density (or demagnetizing energy density) is given by Equation 4.5 in the text and when multiplied by volume we get:
$$E_{self} = -{ {1\over 2} } \mu_o N M^2 v. $$
Given that $$ \mu_o = 4 \pi \times 10 ^{-7} [H/m] $$ From the text we know that $N_a+N_b+N_c = 1$ in SI units, so for a sphere where the axes $a, b, c$ are all equal, $$ N = {1\over 3} $$ For magnetite the magnetization is 480 mA/m or $$ M= 4.8 \times 10^5 [A/m]. $$ and the volume of a sphere is given by $$ v= {4\over 3} \pi ( {d\over 2} )^3 [m^3] $$ where $d$ is diameter. Here's a little python script that does this for us:

In [1]:
import numpy as np # import the fabulous NumPy package
mu0=4*np.pi*1e-7 # permeability of free space in henries per meter
N=1./3.   # demagnetizing factor for  a sphere
M=4.8e5   # magnetization of magnetite in A/m
diameters=[1e-6,10e-6,100e-6]  # list of diameters in meters that are required for the calculation
for d in diameters:
    r=d/2. # calculate radius
    v=(4./3.)* np.pi*r**3  # calculate volume
    E=(-1./2.)*mu0*N*v*M**2 # calculate E_self
    print ('diameter: ','%i'%(d*1e6), 'microns,  self energy: ','%8.2e'%(E),' joules' ) 
    # print diameter in microns, self energy in Joules

diameter:  1 microns,  self energy:  -2.53e-14  joules
diameter:  10 microns,  self energy:  -2.53e-11  joules
diameter:  100 microns,  self energy:  -2.53e-08  joules

Problem 1b

The demagnetizing factor for `nearly spherical particles' is given in the text as: $$ N_a = {1\over 3} [ 1 - {2\over 5}(2 - {b\over a} - {c\over a} )].$ $$ For this problem, we can assume that $N_b=N_c$ so we can use the approximation in Equation 4.7 for energy density resulting from shape (multiplied by the volume) of

$$ E_{ms} = {1\over 2} \mu_o N_c M^2 v. $$

To get $N_c$, use the formula:

Assuming that $a=4b$ and $b=c$, we get $N_a$=0.13. We also know that $N_a+N_b+N_c=1$, hence $N_b=N_c=0.433$.

The volume of a prolate ellipsoid is: $v= {4\over 3} \pi b^2 a = 2.62 \cross 10^{-19}$m$^3$. Putting it all together we have:

$$ E_{ms} = {1\over 2} \times 4 \pi \times 10^{-7} \times 0.433 \times 2.62 \times 10^{-19} \cdot (4.8 \times 10^5)^2$$$$ = 1.64 x 10^{-14}J. $$

So, here's a little program to do this:

In [2]:
a,b,c=1e-6,0.25*1e-6,0.25*1e-6 # semi-axes in microns
Na=(1./3.)*(1.-(2./5.)*(2-b/a-c/a)) # get Na from formula in lecture notes
Nb=(1./2.)*(1.-Na)   # Na+Nb+Nc=1
v=(4./3.)*np.pi*a*b*c # volume of ellipsoid - convert lengths to semi-axes
print ('E_ms = ','%8.2e'%(Ems),' joules')

E_ms =  1.64e-14  joules

Problem 1c

Wall energy is the wall energy density ($E_w = 2\pi (AK)^{1\over 2}$) times the wall area, $E_w \pi r^2$ joules and self energy is ${ {1\over 2} } \mu_o N M^2 {4\over 3} \pi r^3$. Taking $N = {1\over 3}$ for a sphere and setting the two to be equal, we have:

$$ E_w \pi r^2 = {2\over 9 }\mu_o M^2\pi r^3 $$

Solving for $r$ we have

$$ r_{crit} = {9\over 2} {{ E_w}\over {M^2\mu_o} } $$

Given that $A = 1.3 \times 10^{-11}$J/m , $K=1.3 \times 10^4$J/m$^3$, we get $E_w = 2.6 \times 10^{-3}$ Jm$^{-2}$. $M=4.8 \times 10^5$ A/m and $\mu_o = 4\pi \times 10^{-7}$. So, $r_{crit} \sim$ 40 nm.

Here's a little script that builds on 1b:

In [4]:
print ("\n\nAnswer for problem 1c:")
A=1.33e-11 # A in J/m
K=1.35e4 # K1 in J/m^3
Ew=2.*np.pi*np.sqrt(A*K) # wall energy
rcrit=(9./2.) * Ew/(mu0*M**2)  # equation for critical radius
print ('critical radius: ','%i'%(rcrit*1e9),' nm') # print out in nm

Answer for problem 1c:
critical radius:  41  nm

Problem 2

We know that $$\tau = { {1\over C}} \exp { {Kv}\over {kT} }$$

Rearranging and taking the log of both sides, we get $$ \hbox{ln }( \tau C )= { {K {4} \pi r^3}\over {3kT} }. $$ Solving for $r^3$ gives $$ r^3 = {3\over 4} { {kT}\over { K\pi} }ln \tau C. $$

We set $k= 1.38 \times 10^{-23}$J/K (Boltzmann's constant), $T=300$K (room temperature), $C=10^{10}$s, and $K=1.3 \times 10^4$J/m$^3$ (the anisotropy constant for magnetite). Knowing that $d=2r$, we can write the script:

In [5]:
k=1.38e-23 # Boltzmann's constant
T=300 # room T
C=1e10 # frequency factor
K=1.3e4 # anisotropy constant for magnetite
print (' tau (s)  d (microns)')
for tau in taus:
    r3=((3./4.)*(k*T/(K*np.pi)))*np.log(tau*C) # equation relating r^3 to tau above. 
    r=r3**(1./3.) # take the cube root
    print ('%8.0e'%(tau), '  %5.3f'%(2*r*1e6)) # print tau (seconds) and d (in microns)

 tau (s)  d (microns)
   1e-01   0.023
   1e+01   0.025
   1e+02   0.026
   1e+03   0.026
   1e+05   0.028
   1e+09   0.030
   1e+15   0.033

You were supposed to notice how extremely sensitive $\tau$ is to tiny changes in grain size.

Problem 3a

For a highly elongate rod, the magnetization along the long axis ($z$) results in magnetic surface charge only at the ends of the rod. These ends account for a very small percent of total surface area. From this simple logic, we argue that$ N$ along the long axis of the rod is: $N_a \simeq 0$.

From the symmetry of the rod, we know that$ N_b = N_c$. (The percent surface area covered by magnetic charges is the same whether the grain is magnetized along $b$ or along the $c$.) From the text we know that $N_a+N_b+N_c=1$. From this and the observations that $N_a\simeq 0$ and $N_b=N_c$, we can derive: $ N_a+N_b+N_c=1 = 2N_b. $ Hence, $N_b={1\over 2}$.

Problem 3b

From the text, we know that the magnetostatic self energy is: $-{1\over 2} \mu_o \Delta N M^2$, so knowing relationship of $\Delta N$ ($N_a-N_c$) to aspect ratio $AR$ in the file Chapter_4/prolate.txt, we can graph self energy versus aspect ratio:

In [26]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
T=300 # room temperature kelvin
K1=1.34e4 #J/m^3 # value for K_1
Ms=4.8e5 # M in A/m
mu_0=np.pi*4*1e-7 #  conversion from H to B
plt.plot(data['AR'],data['E_self']*1e-3) # convert to kJ/m^3
plt.xlabel('Aspect Ratio')

So it looks like the cross-over Aspect Ratio is about 1.33.

Problem 3c

From Equation 4.5 in the text, we know that the magnetic field required to overcome magnetic anisotropy energy barrier is the microscopic coercivity $\mu_o H_k$.

For shape anisotropy, $\mu_o H_k= \Delta N M$. Here, the maximum $\Delta N$ is about $1\over 2$, so we have $\mu_o H_k $ = 0.3 T = 300 mT which would be the maximum microscopic coercivity for magnetite.

In [ ]: