Jupyter Notebook problems in the Essentials of Paleomagnetism Textbook by L. Tauxe

Problems in Chapter 11

Problem 1a

To do this problem, we need to call a few functions from pmag and ipmag to create the Fisher distributed set of directions and then plot them.

In [1]:
# import PmagPy functions
import pmagpy.pmag as pmag # import the pmag module
import pmagpy.ipmag as ipmag 
import numpy as np # while we are at it, let's import numpy
# allows plotting figures in the notebook
%matplotlib inline

Let's first use ipmag.fishrot() to generate a Fisher distributed set of directions and then plot it with the pair of functions ipmag.plot_net() and ipmag.plot_di().

In [2]:

Help on function fishrot in module pmagpy.ipmag:

fishrot(k=20, n=100, dec=0, inc=90, di_block=True)
    Generates Fisher distributed unit vectors from a specified distribution
    using the pmag.py fshdev and dodirot functions.
    k : kappa precision parameter (default is 20)
    n : number of vectors to determine (default is 100)
    dec : mean declination of distribution (default is 0)
    inc : mean inclination of distribution (default is 90)
    di_block : this function returns a nested list of [dec,inc,1.0] as the default
    if di_block = False it will return a list of dec and a list of inc
    di_block : a nested list of [dec,inc,1.0] (default)
    dec, inc : a list of dec and a list of inc (if di_block = False)
    >>> ipmag.fishrot(k=20, n=5, dec=40, inc=60)
    [[44.766285502555775, 37.440866867657235, 1.0],
     [33.866315796883725, 64.732532250463436, 1.0],
     [47.002912770597163, 54.317853800896977, 1.0],
     [36.762165614432547, 56.857240672884252, 1.0],
     [71.43950604474395, 59.825830945715431, 1.0]]

So we can just define the parameters and assign the output to a list

In [6]:
prob1a_data=ipmag.fishrot(k=25,n=20, dec=12,inc=45)

In [7]:

Help on function plot_di in module pmagpy.ipmag:

plot_di(dec=None, inc=None, di_block=None, color='k', marker='o', markersize=20, legend='no', label='', title='', edge='')
    Plot declination, inclination data on an equal area plot.
    Before this function is called a plot needs to be initialized with code that looks
    something like:
    >fignum = 1
    Required Parameters
    dec : declination being plotted
    inc : inclination being plotted
    di_block: a nested list of [dec,inc,1.0]
    (di_block can be provided instead of dec, inc in which case it will be used)
    Optional Parameters (defaults are used if not specified)
    color : the default color is black. Other colors can be chosen (e.g. 'r')
    marker : the default marker is a circle ('o')
    markersize : default size is 20
    label : the default label is blank ('')
    legend : the default is no legend ('no'). Putting 'yes' will plot a legend.
    edge : marker edge color - if blank, is color of marker

In [8]:
ipmag.plot_di(di_block=prob1a_data,title="Fisher distributed directions")

Problem 1b

Here we have to write a program to calcualate the Fisher statistics for the data in Problem 1a (here called prob1a_data). We can re-use some of the code we wrote in the Chapter 2 problem sets (dir2cart and cart2dir) (which also happen to be part of the pmag module) and write a new function for doing the Fisher statistics. Notice the use of a doc string (enclosed in triple quotes) at the front of the function.

In [9]:
def fisher_mean(data):
    calculates fisher statistics for data where data is an array of Dec, inc pairs.
    Returns a dictionary fpars with  dec, inc, n, R, alpha95 and CSD as keys. 
    dec and inc are the mean dec and inc for the data set. 
    R = 0 # initialize R, the resultant vector length to zero
    Xbar,X=[0,0,0],[]# initialize Xbar, the container for mean x,y,z
    fpars={} # dictionary for the Fisher statistics
    N=len(data) # number of data points incoming
    if N <2: # You can't do Fisher statistics on less than 2 numbers. 
       return fpars
    # call to dir2cart transforms directions to cartesian coordinates
    X=pmag.dir2cart(data) # pmag needs to be imported before calling. 
    for i in range(len(X)):
        for c in range(3):
           Xbar[c]+=X[i][c]  # get the sum of each cartesian coordinate
    for c in range(3):
        R+=Xbar[c]**2  # get the sum of squares of the component sums.  
    R=np.sqrt(R) # take the square root
    for c in range(3):
        Xbar[c]=Xbar[c]/R  # normalize by the Resultant vector length
    dir=pmag.cart2dir(Xbar) # convert back to directions
    if N!=R: # if perfectly aligned kappa infinite! 
    b=20.**(1./(N-1.)) -1
    if a<-1:a=-1
    if a<0: fpars["alpha95"] = 180.0
    return fpars

In [10]:
fpars= fisher_mean(prob1a_data)
print (fpars) # it isn't pretty, but it works.

{'dec': 7.457529005317821, 'inc': 43.47061916238313, 'n': 20, 'r': 19.069300597577413, 'k': 20.414754700114226, 'alpha95': 7.402790860280717, 'csd': 17.92721949746367}

Problem 1c

Here we call ipmag.fishrot() again.

In [11]:
prob1c_data=ipmag.fishrot(k=25,n=20, dec=12,inc=45)
print (fpars2)

{'dec': 16.830991512248627, 'inc': 43.23446681066173, 'n': 20, 'r': 19.119814781567243, 'k': 21.586365689974976, 'alpha95': 7.189292651211202, 'csd': 17.43392823164575}

Now we can write a little function to calculate Watson's F statistic (Equation 11.16 in the Essentials textbook).

In [12]:
def watsons_f(DI1,DI2):
    # first calculate R for the combined data set, then R1 and R2 for each individually.
    DI=np.concatenate((DI1,DI2),axis=0) # create a new array from two smaller ones
    fpars=fisher_mean(DI) # re-use our functionfrom problem 1b
    return F

And now we call it.

In [13]:
print ('F = %10.5f'%watsons_f(prob1a_data,prob1c_data))

F =    1.41733

So, how do we figure out what the critical value of F is? I found this website with F tables at: http://www.socr.ucla.edu/Applets.dir/F_Table.html looking at the table for $\alpha$=0.05 (95% confidence) with df$_1$=2 and df$_2$= 2(N-2), I found the value of 3.117. Our value above is much lower than that, so indeed these two data sets are probably drawn from the same distribution.

Better yet, there is a function pmag.fcalc( ) that will also help...

In [14]:

Help on function fcalc in module pmagpy.pmag:

fcalc(col, row)
    looks up an F-test stastic from F tables F(col,row), where row is number of degrees of freedom - this is 95% confidence (p=0.05).
          col : degrees of freedom column
          row : degrees of freedom row
          F : value for 95% confidence from the F-table

In [15]:


Problem 1d

So here all our work will pay off, because we can just re-use the functions we already wrote.

In [17]:
prob1d_data=ipmag.fishrot(k=25,n=20, dec=55,inc=60)
print ('F = %10.5f'%(watsons_f(prob1a_data,prob1d_data))) # we already did the tranpose thing

F =   43.08511

And those two are clearly NOT drawn from the same distribution!

To check with the function pmag.watsons_f:

In [18]:

Help on function watsons_f in module pmagpy.pmag:

watsons_f(DI1, DI2)
    calculates Watson's F statistic (equation 11.16 in Essentials text book).
    DI1 : nested array of [Dec,Inc] pairs
    DI2 : nested array of [Dec,Inc] pairs
    F : Watson's F
    Fcrit : critical value from F table

So now we do this:

In [19]:

(1.417329638522164, 3.117)

These are the values for F and the critical value of F for this N. The first value is way less than 3.1, so these two data sets are likely drawn from the same distribution.

Now we re-run it with ps11_prob1d.dat and see what we get:

In [20]:

(43.085106586142196, 3.117)

Looks like these two are different....
So our code is working the same way watsons_f.py works.

Problem 1e

Now we can run the function ipmag.common_mean_watson( ) for use within a notebok and see how the two Watson methods compare.

In [21]:

Help on function common_mean_watson in module pmagpy.ipmag:

common_mean_watson(Data1, Data2, NumSims=5000, print_result=True, plot='no', save=False, save_folder='.', fmt='svg')
    Conduct a Watson V test for a common mean on two directional data sets.
    This function calculates Watson's V statistic from input files through
    Monte Carlo simulation in order to test whether two populations of
    directional data could have been drawn from a common mean. The critical
    angle between the two sample mean directions and the corresponding
    McFadden and McElhinny (1990) classification is printed.
    Data1 : a nested list of directional data [dec,inc] (a di_block)
    Data2 : a nested list of directional data [dec,inc] (a di_block)
    NumSims : number of Monte Carlo simulations (default is 5000)
    print_result : default is to print the test result (True)
    plot : the default is no plot ('no'). Putting 'yes' will the plot the CDF
        from the Monte Carlo simulations.
    save : optional save of plots (default is False)
    save_folder : path to where plots will be saved (default is current)
    fmt : format of figures to be saved (default is 'svg')
    printed text : text describing the test result is printed
    result : a boolean where 0 is fail and 1 is pass
    angle : angle between the Fisher means of the two data sets
    critical_angle : critical angle for the test to pass
    Develop two populations of directions using ``ipmag.fishrot``. Use the
    function to determine if they share a common mean.
    >>> directions_A = ipmag.fishrot(k=20, n=30, dec=40, inc=60)
    >>> directions_B = ipmag.fishrot(k=35, n=25, dec=42, inc=57)
    >>> ipmag.common_mean_watson(directions_A, directions_B)

In [37]:

Results of Watson V test: 

Watson's V:           3.5
Critical value of V:  6.3
"Pass": Since V is less than Vcrit, the null hypothesis
that the two populations are drawn from distributions
that share a common mean direction can not be rejected.

M&M1990 classification:

Angle between data set means: 6.3
Critical angle for M&M1990:   8.4
The McFadden and McElhinny (1990) classification for
this test is: 'B'
(1, 6.2501882511592033, 8.44448050102773)

Re-doing this for the other pair of files:

In [38]:

Results of Watson V test: 

Watson's V:           64.4
Critical value of V:  6.0
"Fail": Since V is greater than Vcrit, the two means can
be distinguished at the 95% confidence level.

M&M1990 classification:

Angle between data set means: 29.2
Critical angle for M&M1990:   8.9

(0, 29.190965523872098, 8.8987701592550383)

So the two methods give the same answer.

Problem 2a

For this, we use ipmag.fishrot() as before. But that returns a nested list of declination, inclination data, so to just work on the inclinations, I should turn it into an array, take the transpose (so declination is in the first row and inclination is in the second). Then I can get the inclinations out easily and calculate the average inclination value (using the Numpy functions for Gaussian statistics).

In [56]:
prob2a_data=np.array(ipmag.fishrot(k=20,n=20,inc=50)) # I'm using the same N and kappa as for the others
Incs=prob2a_data.transpose()[1] # fish out the inclinations

array([ 55.1309232 ,  63.12423536,  59.95168288,  65.29808285,
        63.28924271,  61.74565482,  49.23345375,  57.36373912,
        55.6771035 ,  55.15047068,  42.59171052,  65.97123302,
        32.28870883,  37.06095759,  53.97790742,  48.20784012,
        66.363052  ,  33.00330053,  59.07110272,  32.337026  ])

In [57]:
Incs.mean() # gaussian mean of the inclinations


Problem 2b

For this, I can re-use fisher_mean( ) from above. I like this function stuff - it saves a lot of time!

In [59]:

{'alpha95': 8.2323694743552718,
 'csd': 19.824226813241047,
 'dec': 1.0512241332572441,
 'inc': 56.023289973817199,
 'k': 16.694657816355814,
 'n': 20,
 'r': 18.861911384527712}

See how the Fisher mean is steeper than the gaussian mean?

Program 2c

I'm going to call pmag.doincfish( ) to see if we can get a less biassed estimate for inclination.

In [60]:

Help on function doincfish in module pmagpy.pmag:

    gets fisher mean inc from inc only data
    input: list of inclination values
    output: dictionary of
        'n' : number of inclination values supplied
        'ginc' : gaussian mean of inclinations
        'inc' : estimated Fisher mean
        'r' : estimated Fisher R value
        'k' : estimated Fisher kappa
        'alpha95' : estimated fisher alpha_95
        'csd' : estimated circular standard deviation

In [61]:
print (pmag.doincfish(Incs))

{'n': 20, 'ginc': 52.841871381264866, 'inc': 54.511871381264761, 'r': 19.210197802185128, 'k': 24.056656277441206, 'alpha95': 0.99586692010255651, 'csd': 16.514574456112801}

So that program did better at fixing the problem!

Problem 3a

For this problem, we first need to read in the data file _ps11prob3a.dat from the Chapter_11 folder and peel off the declination, inclination data.

In [73]:
data=np.loadtxt('Chapter_11/ps11_prob3a.dat') # read in the data
import pandas as pd  # let's use this cool module for wrangling data!
print (df.head())

     dec   inc  dip_dir   dip
0    9.7  53.0    105.0  22.0
1  317.0  44.2    105.0  22.0
2  333.1   8.9    105.0  22.0
3  354.3  -0.1    105.0  22.0
4  338.9  50.2    105.0  22.0

And because we now know how, let's make a quickie plot.

In [74]:
ipmag.plot_net(2) # make the net
ipmag.plot_di(di_block=di_block) # plot the dec,inc data

Now we can use the function pmag.doprinc( ) to calculate the principal component of the directional data.

In [75]:

Help on function doprinc in module pmagpy.pmag:

    Gets principal components from data in form of a list of [dec,inc] data.
    data : nested list of dec, inc directions
    ppars : dictionary with the principal components
        dec : principal directiion declination
        inc : principal direction inclination
        V2dec : intermediate eigenvector declination
        V2inc : intermediate eigenvector inclination
        V3dec : minor eigenvector declination
        V3inc : minor eigenvector inclination
        tau1 : major eigenvalue
        tau2 : intermediate eigenvalue
        tau3 : minor eigenvalue
        N  : number of points
        Edir : elongation direction [dec, inc, length]

In [76]:
print (princ_pars)

{'Edir': array([ 335.70255066,  -34.70332457,    1.        ]), 'dec': 358.61577458597367, 'inc': 53.062603657226539, 'N': 80, 'tau1': 0.723094464380168, 'tau2': 0.2306561374717023, 'tau3': 0.046249398148129589, 'V2dec': 155.70255066070376, 'V2inc': 34.703324574333955, 'V3dec': 253.50393161917111, 'V3inc': 11.089856927852408}

Any vector with an angle of > 90 from the principal direction princ_pars['dec'] and princ_pars['inc'] belongs in the reverse polarity group. So we can use the function pmag.angle( ) to separate the two groups. First let's paste on the principal directions to our panda frame.

In [77]:
df['principal_dec']=princ_pars['dec'] # add the principal components to the panda frame.
print (frame.head()) # I love how this works

     dec   inc  dip_dir   dip  principal_dec  principal_inc
0    9.7  53.0    105.0  22.0     358.615775      53.062604
1  317.0  44.2    105.0  22.0     358.615775      53.062604
2  333.1   8.9    105.0  22.0     358.615775      53.062604
3  354.3  -0.1    105.0  22.0     358.615775      53.062604
4  338.9  50.2    105.0  22.0     358.615775      53.062604

Let's find out what pmag.angle expects.

In [78]:

Help on function angle in module pmagpy.pmag:

angle(D1, D2)
    Calculate the angle between two directions.
    D1 : Direction 1 as an array of [declination, inclination] pair or pairs
    D2 : Direction 2 as an array of [declination, inclination] pair or pairs
    angle : angle between the directions as a single-element array
    >>> pmag.angle([350.0,10.0],[320.0,20.0])
    array([ 30.59060998])

So first we have to set up D2 with the principal directions (DI1 is already set up - it is DI). Then we call pmag.angle( ).

In [80]:
print (df.head())

     dec   inc  dip_dir   dip  principal_dec  principal_inc      angle
0    9.7  53.0    105.0  22.0     358.615775      53.062604   6.659466
1  317.0  44.2    105.0  22.0     358.615775      53.062604  28.438617
2  333.1   8.9    105.0  22.0     358.615775      53.062604  48.741348
3  354.3  -0.1    105.0  22.0     358.615775      53.062604  53.284495
4  338.9  50.2    105.0  22.0     358.615775      53.062604  12.524863

Now all we have to do is test the angle and sort the two directions into their own frames.

In [81]:
Mode_1= df[df['angle']<=90] # these are the normal directions
Mode_2=df[df['angle']>90] # these are the reverse directions

In [84]:
Mode_2_flip=Mode_2.copy() # make a copy of Mode_2.  
Mode_2_flip['dec']=(Mode_2['dec']-180.)%360. # subtracts 180 but does modular 360 (stays 0=>360 this way.)
Mode_2_flip['inc']=-Mode_2['inc'] # take the negative of the inclination
flip_df=pd.concat([Mode_1,Mode_2_flip]) # this is the list of all the data, flipping the reverse mode.

Now we can call our old friend fisher_mean from Problem 1b and finish the job.

In [85]:
# print out the statistics for the (flipped) geographic reference frame.
print ('Fisher statistics for flipped data set',geo_stats)

Fisher statistics for flipped data set {'dec': 358.94196930277531, 'inc': 51.257553593765508, 'n': 80, 'r': 66.842155995160539, 'k': 6.0040231493049898, 'alpha95': 7.0721041360252466, 'csd': 33.057030603962104}

Now we can call pmag.dotilt_V( ) similar to in Chapter 9, but this one works on arrays of input data. We can the values from the pandas DataFrame flip_frame using the syntax df.Series.values where df is a DataFrame and Series is the column name.

In [86]:

dec inc dip_dir dip principal_dec principal_inc angle dec_rot inc_rot
0 9.7 53.0 105.0 22.0 358.615775 53.062604 6.659466 37.452467 49.579497
1 317.0 44.2 105.0 22.0 358.615775 53.062604 28.438617 336.467520 60.944720
2 333.1 8.9 105.0 22.0 358.615775 53.062604 48.741348 338.016562 22.992294
3 354.3 -0.1 105.0 22.0 358.615775 53.062604 53.284495 355.656248 7.515567
4 338.9 50.2 105.0 22.0 358.615775 53.062604 12.524863 8.176957 58.607949

Repeat fisher_mean( ) call with tilt corrected data:

In [87]:
print ('Fisher statistics for Mode 1',tilt_stats)

Fisher statistics for Mode 1 {'dec': 359.13686781062501, 'inc': 36.082941162612741, 'n': 80, 'r': 73.932311919916472, 'k': 13.019785947683799, 'alpha95': 4.5647302763823205, 'csd': 22.448281345346874}

To finish this off, we take the ratio of the two k values (before and after tilt) and compare with the F-table values ($\alpha$=.05 and degrees of freedom 2(N1-1) and 2(N2-1). Now you should know that there is also a pmag.fcalc()

In [88]:
print (geo_stats['k']/tilt_stats['k'])


In [89]:
print (pmag.fcalc(2*geo_stats['n']-1,2*tilt_stats['n']))


So our F value would pass the McElhinny fold test.