Import agate, a Python-based data analysis library
In [86]:
import agate
Create agate Table of csv file from Nebraska registered voters data from 2000 to 2014
In [87]:
parties = agate.Table.from_csv('CleanPoliticalData.csv')
Check out column names & types from parties table
In [88]:
Let's see some stats about Nebraska political party distributions and calculate when the independent party would overtake the Democratic Party, given the growth rates continue.
Grab the total row form the parties table
In [26]:
totalRow = parties.where(lambda row: row['County Name'] == 'Total State')
Calculate the percent of each party in 2000
In [61]:
def calculateNP00(row):
return row['NP2000'] / row['Total2000']
def calculateDem00(row):
return row['Dem2000'] / row['Total2000']
def calculateGOP00(row):
return row['GOP2000'] / row['Total2000']
In [62]:
distributions00 = totalRow.compute([
('nonparty_distribution2000', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), calculateNP00)),
('demparty_distribution2000', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), calculateDem00)),
('gopparty_distribution2000', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), calculateGOP00)),
View each party's percent in 2000
In [64]:
printDistribution00 =['nonparty_distribution2000', 'demparty_distribution2000', 'gopparty_distribution2000'])
Calculate the percent of each party in 2014
In [65]:
def calculateNP14(row):
return row['NP2014'] / row['Total2014']
def calculateDem14(row):
return row['Dem2014'] / row['Total2014']
def calculateGOP14(row):
return row['GOP2014'] / row['Total2014']
In [66]:
distributions14 = totalRow.compute([
('nonparty_distribution2014', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), calculateNP14)),
('demparty_distribution2014', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), calculateDem14)),
('gopparty_distribution2014', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), calculateGOP14)),
View each party's percent in 2014
In [69]:
printDistribution14 =['nonparty_distribution2014', 'demparty_distribution2014', 'gopparty_distribution2014'])
Calculate how long until the independent party overtakes the Democratic party. Using the Investigative Reporters & Editors' Number in the Newsrooms, I took the average of the last three election years other than the last. Then, I divided the last year by that average. That percent change was taken to the third power, which computes the percent growth in three election cycles or 6 years. Finally, the last year is multiplied by this growth value to find the estimated party numbers 6 years from 2014 or 2020.
In [79]:
def futureNP(row):
average = (row['NP2012'] + row['NP2010'] + row['NP2008'])/3
percentChange = row['NP2014'] / average
change3elections = percentChange ** 3
futureValue = row['NP2014'] * change3elections
return futureValue
def futureDem(row):
average = (row['Dem2012'] + row['Dem2010'] + row['Dem2008'])/3
percentChange = row['Dem2014'] / average
change3elections = percentChange ** 3
futureValue = row['Dem2014'] * change3elections
return futureValue
def futureGOP(row):
average = (row['GOP2012'] + row['GOP2010'] + row['GOP2008'])/3
percentChange = row['GOP2014'] / average
change3elections = percentChange ** 3
futureValue = row['GOP2014'] * change3elections
return futureValue
In [83]:
future = totalRow.compute([
('futureNP', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), futureNP)),
('futureDem', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), futureDem)),
('futureGOP', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), futureGOP)),
Given the same growth/decline rates, the parties will have the following estimated registered voters in 2020.
In [85]:
printfuture =['futureNP', 'futureDem', 'futureGOP'])
Let's compute percent change from 2010 to 2014
In [17]:
changes0014 = parties.compute([
('total_change', agate.PercentChange('Total2000', 'Total2014')),
('nonparty_change', agate.PercentChange('NP2000', 'NP2014')),
('gopparty_change', agate.PercentChange('GOP2000', 'GOP2014')),
('demparty_change', agate.PercentChange('Dem2000', 'Dem2014')),
Lets round those values to one decimal place
In [18]:
from decimal import Decimal
def round_total_change(row):
return row['total_change'].quantize(Decimal('0.1'))
def round_nonparty_change(row):
return row['nonparty_change'].quantize(Decimal('0.1'))
def round_gopparty_change(row):
return row['gopparty_change'].quantize(Decimal('0.1'))
def round_demparty_change(row):
return row['demparty_change'].quantize(Decimal('0.1'))
rounded_changes = changes0014.compute([
('total_change_round', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), round_total_change)),
('nonparty_change_round', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), round_nonparty_change)),
('gopparty_change_round', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), round_gopparty_change)),
('demparty_change_round', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), round_demparty_change)),
Ugh it's ugly lets see only the fields we need
In [19]:
for_printing =['County Name', 'total_change_round', 'nonparty_change_round', 'gopparty_change_round', 'demparty_change_round'])
Sort the table so largest growing to smallest
In [20]:
sorted_change = for_printing.order_by('nonparty_change_round', reverse=True)
Print top 50 highest growing populations
In [21]:
In [23]: