Ubiquitous NumPy

I called this notebook ubiquitous numpy as the main goal of this section is to show examples of how much is the impact of NumPy over the Scientific Python Ecosystem.

Later on, see also this extra notebook: Extra Torch Tensor - Requires PyTorch

1. pandas and pandas.DataFrame

Machine Learning (and Numpy Arrays)

Machine Learning is about building programs with tunable parameters (typically an array of floating point values) that are adjusted automatically so as to improve their behavior by adapting to previously seen data.

Machine Learning can be considered a subfield of Artificial Intelligence since those algorithms can be seen as building blocks to make computers learn to behave more intelligently by somehow generalizing rather that just storing and retrieving data items like a database system would do.

We'll take a look at a very simple machine learning tasks here: the clustering task

Data for Machine Learning Algorithms

Data in machine learning algorithms, with very few exceptions, is assumed to be stored as a two-dimensional array, of size [n_samples, n_features].

The arrays can be either numpy arrays, or in some cases scipy.sparse matrices. The size of the array is expected to be [n_samples, n_features]

  • n_samples: The number of samples: each sample is an item to process (e.g. classify). A sample can be a document, a picture, a sound, a video, an astronomical object, a row in database or CSV file, or whatever you can describe with a fixed set of quantitative traits.

  • n_features: The number of features or distinct traits that can be used to describe each item in a quantitative manner. Features are generally real-valued, but may be boolean or discrete-valued in some cases.

The number of features must be fixed in advance. However it can be very high dimensional (e.g. millions of features) with most of them being zeros for a given sample.

This is a case where scipy.sparse matrices can be useful, in that they are much more memory-efficient than numpy arrays.


There is a dedicated notebook in the training material, explicitly dedicated to scipy.sparse: 07_1_Sparse_Matrices

A Simple Example: the Iris Dataset

In [1]:
from IPython.core.display import Image, display
print("Iris Setosa\n")

print("Iris Versicolor\n")

print("Iris Virginica")

Iris Setosa

Iris Versicolor

Iris Virginica
  • Features in the Iris dataset:

    1. sepal length in cm
    2. sepal width in cm
    3. petal length in cm
    4. petal width in cm
  • Target classes to predict:

    1. Iris Setosa
    2. Iris Versicolour
    3. Iris Virginica

In [2]:
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
iris = load_iris()

Try by yourself one of the following commands where 'd' is the variable containing the dataset:

print(iris.keys())           # Structure of the contained data
print(iris.DESCR)            # A complete description of the dataset
print(iris.data.shape)       # [n_samples, n_features]
print(iris.target.shape)     # [n_samples,]
datasets.get_data_home() # This is where the datasets are stored

In [3]:

dict_keys(['data', 'target', 'target_names', 'DESCR', 'feature_names', 'filename'])

In [4]:

.. _iris_dataset:

Iris plants dataset

**Data Set Characteristics:**

    :Number of Instances: 150 (50 in each of three classes)
    :Number of Attributes: 4 numeric, predictive attributes and the class
    :Attribute Information:
        - sepal length in cm
        - sepal width in cm
        - petal length in cm
        - petal width in cm
        - class:
                - Iris-Setosa
                - Iris-Versicolour
                - Iris-Virginica
    :Summary Statistics:

    ============== ==== ==== ======= ===== ====================
                    Min  Max   Mean    SD   Class Correlation
    ============== ==== ==== ======= ===== ====================
    sepal length:   4.3  7.9   5.84   0.83    0.7826
    sepal width:    2.0  4.4   3.05   0.43   -0.4194
    petal length:   1.0  6.9   3.76   1.76    0.9490  (high!)
    petal width:    0.1  2.5   1.20   0.76    0.9565  (high!)
    ============== ==== ==== ======= ===== ====================

    :Missing Attribute Values: None
    :Class Distribution: 33.3% for each of 3 classes.
    :Creator: R.A. Fisher
    :Donor: Michael Marshall (MARSHALL%PLU@io.arc.nasa.gov)
    :Date: July, 1988

The famous Iris database, first used by Sir R.A. Fisher. The dataset is taken
from Fisher's paper. Note that it's the same as in R, but not as in the UCI
Machine Learning Repository, which has two wrong data points.

This is perhaps the best known database to be found in the
pattern recognition literature.  Fisher's paper is a classic in the field and
is referenced frequently to this day.  (See Duda & Hart, for example.)  The
data set contains 3 classes of 50 instances each, where each class refers to a
type of iris plant.  One class is linearly separable from the other 2; the
latter are NOT linearly separable from each other.

.. topic:: References

   - Fisher, R.A. "The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems"
     Annual Eugenics, 7, Part II, 179-188 (1936); also in "Contributions to
     Mathematical Statistics" (John Wiley, NY, 1950).
   - Duda, R.O., & Hart, P.E. (1973) Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis.
     (Q327.D83) John Wiley & Sons.  ISBN 0-471-22361-1.  See page 218.
   - Dasarathy, B.V. (1980) "Nosing Around the Neighborhood: A New System
     Structure and Classification Rule for Recognition in Partially Exposed
     Environments".  IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
     Intelligence, Vol. PAMI-2, No. 1, 67-71.
   - Gates, G.W. (1972) "The Reduced Nearest Neighbor Rule".  IEEE Transactions
     on Information Theory, May 1972, 431-433.
   - See also: 1988 MLC Proceedings, 54-64.  Cheeseman et al"s AUTOCLASS II
     conceptual clustering system finds 3 classes in the data.
   - Many, many more ...

In [5]:

<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

In [6]:
X = iris.data
print(X.size, X.shape)

600 (150, 4)

In [7]:
y = iris.target



Clustering example on iris dataset data using sklearn.cluster.KMeans

In [8]:
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

In [9]:
kmean = KMeans(n_clusters=3)

array([[5.9016129 , 2.7483871 , 4.39354839, 1.43387097],
       [5.006     , 3.428     , 1.462     , 0.246     ],
       [6.85      , 3.07368421, 5.74210526, 2.07105263]])

In [10]:

(3, 4)

Plotting using matplotlib

Matplotlib is one of the most popular and widely used plotting library in Python. Matplotlib is tightly integrated with NumPy as all the functions expect ndarray in input.

In [11]:
from itertools import combinations
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [12]:
rgb = np.empty(shape=y.shape, dtype='<U1')
rgb[y==0] = 'r'
rgb[y==1] = 'g'
rgb[y==2] = 'b'

In [13]:
for cols in combinations(range(4), 2):
    f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7.5, 7.5))
    ax.scatter(X[:, cols[0]], X[:, cols[1]], c=rgb)
    ax.scatter(kmean.cluster_centers_[:, cols[0]],
               kmean.cluster_centers_[:, cols[1]], marker='*', s=250,
               color='black', label='Centers')
    feature_x = iris.feature_names[cols[0]]
    feature_y = iris.feature_names[cols[1]]
    ax.set_title("Features: {} vs {}".format(feature_x.title(),
