In [6]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
%matplotlib inline

In [12]:
import pg8000
conn = pg8000.connect(host='', database="training", port=5432, user='dot_student', password='qgis')
#cursor = conn.cursor()

In [20]:
df = pd.read_sql("select * from noise_311", conn)

In [21]:
df['time'] = df[b'closed_date'] - df[b'created_date']

In [22]:

/Users/paul/.virtualenvs/dataanalysis/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/lib/ RuntimeWarning: Invalid value encountered in percentile
b'unique_key' b'x_coordinate' b'y_coordinate' b'latitude' b'longitude' time
count 3.761500e+04 3.736300e+04 37363.000000 37363.000000 37363.000000 37615
mean 2.848004e+07 1.002332e+06 212926.874207 40.751076 -73.934715 0 days 07:44:22.532500
std 1.892448e+05 1.727615e+04 29488.008628 0.080940 0.062316 1 days 12:06:09.012799
min 2.815695e+07 9.143810e+05 121683.000000 40.500415 -74.251277 0 days 00:01:00
25% 2.831167e+07 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 days 00:54:00
50% 2.849327e+07 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 days 02:02:00
75% 2.865054e+07 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 days 04:15:00
max 2.879956e+07 1.066985e+06 271639.000000 40.912218 -73.701409 48 days 05:45:00

In [23]:
from datetime import timedelta
from math import nan

no_delta_count = 0

def delta_to_seconds(delta):
    if not isinstance(delta, timedelta):
        global no_delta_count
        no_delta_count = no_delta_count + 1
        return nan
        return timedelta.total_seconds(delta)

df['time_seconds'] = df['time'].apply(delta_to_seconds)

print(no_delta_count, "values out of", len(df), "weren't time deltas.")

0 values out of 37615 weren't time deltas.

In [25]:
df['time_seconds'].hist(bins=30, figsize=(30, 6))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x117df24a8>

In [26]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e1754e0>

In [47]:
# The maximum time
print("The maximum time is", df['time'].max())

The maximum time is 48 days 05:45:00
b'unique_key' b'created_date' b'closed_date' b'agency' b'agency_name' b'complaint_type' b'descriptor' b'location_type' b'incident_zip' b'incident_address' ... b'road_ramp' b'bridge_highway_segment' b'garage_lot_name' b'ferry_direction' b'ferry_terminal_name' b'latitude' b'longitude' b'location' time time_seconds
3797 28742581 2014-08-23 09:42:00 2014-10-10 15:27:00 EDC Economic Development Corporation Noise - Helicopter Other Above Address 11209 19 MARINE AVENUE ... None None None None None 40.619919 -74.037664 (40.61991948587691, -74.03766382225142) 48 days 05:45:00 4167900.0

1 rows × 55 columns

In [48]:
# Minimum time
print("The minimum time is", df['time'].min())


The minimum time is 0 days 00:01:00
b'unique_key' b'created_date' b'closed_date' b'agency' b'agency_name' b'complaint_type' b'descriptor' b'location_type' b'incident_zip' b'incident_address' ... b'road_ramp' b'bridge_highway_segment' b'garage_lot_name' b'ferry_direction' b'ferry_terminal_name' b'latitude' b'longitude' b'location' time time_seconds
11089 28625381 2014-08-05 08:59:00 2014-08-05 09:00:00 DEP Department of Environmental Protection Noise Noise, Barking Dog (NR5) None 11211 145 DEVOE STREET ... None None None None None 40.713745 -73.944868 (40.71374540889199, -73.94486761672988) 00:01:00 60.0

1 rows × 55 columns

In [54]:
df.boxplot(column='time_seconds', return_type='axes')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10de25ba8>

After this comment: assignment 4

In [19]:
def set_timeframe(time_seconds):
    if time_seconds < 0:
        return 'Negative'
    elif time_seconds == 0:
        return 'Zero'
    elif time_seconds < 604800:
        return 'Less than a week'
    elif time_seconds >= 604800:
        return 'More than a week'
        return 'Undefined'
df['timeframe'] = df['time_seconds'].apply(set_timeframe)

In [20]:

Less than a week    3499
More than a week    1048
Negative             582
Zero                 521
Undefined            201
Name: timeframe, dtype: int64

In [21]:
print("Top complaints per timeframe:")

Top complaints per timeframe:
timeframe         complaint                 
Less than a week  Street Condition              1640
                  Traffic Signal Condition       762
                  Street Light Condition         739
                  Sidewalk Condition              86
                  Highway Condition               67
                  Street Sign - Damaged           42
                  Street Sign - Missing           33
                  DOT Literature Request          31
                  Street Sign - Dangling          30
                  Curb Condition                  17
                  Bridge Condition                14
                  Ferry Inquiry                   13
                  Broken Muni Meter               12
                  Bus Stop Shelter Placement       6
                  Ferry Complaint                  4
                  Public Toilet                    2
                  Highway Sign - Damaged           1
More than a week  Broken Muni Meter              513
                  Street Light Condition         244
                  Street Condition                67
                  Traffic Signal Condition        45
                  Broken Parking Meter            32
                  Street Sign - Damaged           29
                  Street Sign - Dangling          24
                  DOT Literature Request          22
                  Sidewalk Condition              19
                  Highway Condition               18
                  Street Sign - Missing           17
                  Bridge Condition                 4
                  Curb Condition                   3
                  Ferry Complaint                  3
                  Highway Sign - Damaged           3
                  Municipal Parking Facility       3
                  Bus Stop Shelter Placement       1
                  Parking Card                     1
Negative          Street Light Condition         582
Undefined         Street Light Condition          89
                  Street Condition                75
                  Street Sign - Missing           17
                  Street Sign - Damaged           12
                  Highway Condition                5
                  Curb Condition                   1
                  Sidewalk Condition               1
                  Street Sign - Dangling           1
Zero              Street Light Condition         386
                  Street Condition               134
                  Traffic Signal Condition         1
Name: complaint, dtype: int64

In [23]:
# Let's have a closer look at these four groups

df.groupby('timeframe').boxplot(figsize=(15, 10), return_type='axes')

Less than a week    [[Axes(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.775)]]
More than a week    [[Axes(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.775)]]
Negative            [[Axes(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.775)]]
Undefined           [[Axes(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.775)]]
Zero                [[Axes(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.775)]]
dtype: object

In [22]:
# Fun with small multiples!

category = 'timeframe'
categories = df[category].unique().tolist()

nrows = 2; ncols = 2
num_plots = nrows * ncols  # number of subplots

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))

axes = [plt.subplot(nrows,ncols,i) for i in range(1,num_plots+1)]

plt.tight_layout(pad=0, w_pad=3, h_pad=1)

for i in range(num_plots):
    ax = axes[i]
    dfx = df[df[category]==categories[i]]#.head(5)
    x = dfx['complaint']
    y = dfx['time_seconds']
    ax.set_title(categories[i]), len(dfx)), height=dfx['time_seconds'], linewidth=0)