Assignment 2

Using the 2013_NYC_CD_MedianIncome_Recycle.xlsx file, calculate the correlation between the recycling rate and the median income. Discuss your findings in your PR.

In [2]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline

In [5]:
# Reading in the Data. The Abbreviation MdHHIncE stands for Median household income (dollars).
df = pd.read_excel('data/2013_NYC_CD_MedianIncome_Recycle.xlsx')

CD_Name MdHHIncE RecycleRate
0 Battery Park City, Greenwich Village & Soho 119596 0.286771
1 Battery Park City, Greenwich Village & Soho 119596 0.264074
2 Chinatown & Lower East Side 40919 0.156485
3 Chelsea, Clinton & Midtown Business Distric 92583 0.235125
4 Chelsea, Clinton & Midtown Business Distric 92583 0.246725

In [6]:

MdHHIncE RecycleRate
MdHHIncE 1.000000 0.884783
RecycleRate 0.884783 1.000000

In [8]:
df.plot(kind='scatter', x='MdHHIncE', y='RecycleRate')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fb320600e48>