Input: a sorted list and a search term
Operation: find the element in the list
Output: the location of the item in the list or indicate if it's not there
In [4]:
import random
In [5]:
#We can do this in two different ways.
#I will do both and see the time difference.
#With the ---linear search--- we can check ALL values in order until we find the one we want
#With the ---binary search--- we check for the value in the middle of the list, eliminating the
#half of the list that are smaller or bigger than the number we are looking for.
In [6]:
def sorting_function(my_list):
for index in range(1,len(my_list)):
index_number= my_list[index]
index_to_the_left= index - 1
while index_to_the_left >=0:
if index_number < my_list[index_to_the_left]:
my_list[index_to_the_left+1] = my_list[index_to_the_left]
my_list[index_to_the_left] = index_number
index_to_the_left = index_to_the_left -1
return my_list
In [7]:
list_of_10= random.sample(range(1,11),10)
In [8]:
def linear_search_function(list_of_items, item_we_want):
for index_number, item in enumerate(list_of_items):
if item == item_we_want:
return index_number
raise ValueError("%s was not found in the list." % desired_item)
In [9]:
% time linear_search_function(list_of_10, 6) #it works!
# CPU times: user 7 µs, sys: 1e+03 ns, total: 8 µs
# Wall time: 20 µs
In [27]:
list_of_twenty= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
In [32]:
def binary_search_function(list_of_items, value):
start= 0
end= len(list_of_items)-1
while end - start >1:
if value == list_of_items[start]:
return start
if value == list_of_items[end]:
return end
mid = int((start + end) // 2)
if value == int(list_of_items[mid]):
return mid
elif value > list_of_items[mid]:
start = mid
end = mid
In [33]:
binary_search_function(list_of_twenty, 9)
In [ ]: