In [127]:
#Create your own version of the Mayoral Excuse Machine in Python that
#takes in a name and location, selects an excuse at random and prints
#an excuse (“Sorry, Richard, I was late to City Hall to meet you, I had
#a very rough night and woke up sluggish”)
#Use the “excuses.csv” in the Github repository
#Extra credit if you print the link to the story as well
In [128]:
import pandas as pd
import random
from random import randint
In [ ]:
#Asking for the persons name:
Name = input("Who were you supposed to meet?")
In [ ]:
Location = input("Where were you supposed to meet them")
In [129]:
#Setting up the data. First, creating Pandas file:
df = pd.read_csv("data/excuse.csv")
In [130]:
#This is the formatting you need to change a Pandas DF into a list of Dictionaries:
list_of_dict = df.to_dict('records')
In [131]:
number = randint(0,9)
print("Sorry, {}, I was late to {} to meet you, {}. Story Link: {}"\
.format(Name, Location, list_of_dict[number]['excuse'], list_of_dict[number]['hyperlink']))
In [126]:
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