In [5]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
%matplotlib nbagg

Ordinary differential equations (ODE)


  • Widely used in physics
  • Closed form solutions only in particular cases
  • Need for numerical solvers

Ordinary differential equations vs. partial differential equation

Ordinary differential equations (ODE)

Derivatives of the inknown function only with respect to a single variable, time $t$ for example.

  • Example: the 1D linear oscillator equation
$$ \dfrac{d^2x}{dt^2} + 2 \zeta \omega_0 \dfrac{dx}{dt} + \omega_0 x = 0 $$

Partial differential equations (PDE)

Derivatives of the unknown function with respect to several variables, time $t$ and space $(x, y, z)$ for example. Special techniques not introduced in this course need to be used, such as finite difference or finite elements.

  • Example : the heat equation
$$ \rho C_p \dfrac{\partial T}{\partial t} - k \Delta T + s = 0 $$

Introductive example

Point mass $P$ in free fall.

Required data:

  • gravity field $\vec g = (0, -g)$,
  • Mass $m$,
  • Initial position $P_0 = (0, 0)$
  • Initial velocity $\vec V_0 = (v_{x0}, v_{y0})$

Problem formulation: $$ \left\lbrace \begin{align*} \ddot x & = 0\\ \ddot y & = -g \end{align*}\right. $$

Closed form solution

$$ \left\lbrace \begin{align*} x(t) &= v_{x0} t\\ y(t) &= -g \frac{t^2}{2} + v_{y0}t \end{align*}\right. $$

In [12]:
tmax = .2
t  = np.linspace(0., tmax, 1000) 
x0, y0   = 0., 0. 
vx0, vy0 = 1., 1.
g = 10.
x = vx0 * t
y = -g  * t**2/2. + vy0 * t
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(x, y, label = "Exact solution")


Any ODEs can be reformulated as a first order system equations. Let's assume that $$ X = \begin{bmatrix} X_0 \ X_1 \ X_2 \ X_3 \


\begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \\ \dot x \\ \dot y \\ \end{bmatrix}$$ As a consequence: $$

\dot X = \begin{bmatrix} \dot x \\ \dot y \\ \ddot x \\ \ddot y \\ \end{bmatrix} $$

Then, the initialy second order equation can be reformulated as:

$$ \dot X = f(X, t) = \begin{bmatrix} X_2 \\ X_3 \\ 0 \\ -g \\ \end{bmatrix} $$

Generic problem

Solving $\dot Y = f(Y, t)$

Numerical integration of ODE

Generic formulation

$$ \dot X = f(X, t) $$
  • approximate solution: need for error estimation
  • discrete time: $t_0$, $t_1$, $\ldots$
  • time step $dt = t_{i+1} - t_i$,

Euler method

  • Intuitive
  • Fast
  • Slow convergence
$$ X_{i+1} = X_i + f(X, t_i) dt $$

In [20]:
dt = 0.02 # Pas de temps
X0 = np.array([0., 0., vx0, vy0])
nt = int(tmax/dt) # Nombre de pas
ti = np.linspace(0., nt * dt, nt)

def derivate(X, t):
  return np.array([X[2], X[3], 0., -g])

def Euler(func, X0, t):
  dt = t[1] - t[0]
  nt = len(t)
  X  = np.zeros([nt, len(X0)])
  X[0] = X0
  for i in range(nt-1):
    X[i+1] = X[i] + func(X[i], t[i]) * dt
  return X

%time X_euler = Euler(derivate, X0, ti)
x_euler, y_euler = X_euler[:,0], X_euler[:,1]

plt.plot(x, y, label = "Exact solution")
plt.plot(x_euler, y_euler, "or", label = "Euler")

CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 227 µs

Runge Kutta 4


Evolution of the Euler integrator with:

  • Multiple slope evaluation (4 here),
  • Well chosen weighting to match simple solutions.
$$ X_{i+1} = X_i + \dfrac{dt}{6}\left(k_1 + 2k_2 + 2k_3 + k_4 \right) $$


  • $k_1$ is the increment based on the slope at the beginning of the interval, using $ X $ (Euler's method);
  • $k_2$ is the increment based on the slope at the midpoint of the interval, using $ X + dt/2 \times k_1 $;
  • $k_3$ is again the increment based on the slope at the midpoint, but now using $ X + dt/2\times k_2 $;
  • $k_4$ is the increment based on the slope at the end of the interval, using $ X + dt \times k_3 $.

In [19]:
def RK4(func, X0, t):
  dt = t[1] - t[0]
  nt = len(t)
  X  = np.zeros([nt, len(X0)])
  X[0] = X0
  for i in range(nt-1):
    k1 = func(X[i], t[i])
    k2 = func(X[i] + dt/2. * k1, t[i] + dt/2.)
    k3 = func(X[i] + dt/2. * k2, t[i] + dt/2.)
    k4 = func(X[i] + dt    * k3, t[i] + dt)
    X[i+1] = X[i] + dt / 6. * (k1 + 2. * k2 + 2. * k3 + k4)
  return X

%time X_rk4 = RK4(derivate, X0, ti)
x_rk4, y_rk4 = X_rk4[:,0], X_rk4[:,1]

plt.plot(x, y, label = "Exact solution")
plt.plot(x_euler, y_euler, "or", label = "Euler")
plt.plot(x_rk4, y_rk4, "gs", label = "RK4")

CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 444 µs

In [18]:
from scipy import integrate

X_odeint = integrate.odeint(derivate, X0, ti)
%time x_odeint, y_odeint = X_odeint[:,0], X_rk4[:,1]

plt.plot(x, y, label = "Exact solution")
plt.plot(x_euler, y_euler, "or", label = "Euler")
plt.plot(x_rk4, y_rk4, "gs", label = "RK4")
plt.plot(x_odeint, y_odeint, "mv", label = "ODEint")


CPU times: user 0 ns, sys: 0 ns, total: 0 ns
Wall time: 11.9 µs

Tutorial (TD)

In this example, you have to model and animate a pendulum.

  1. Write the constitutive equations.
  2. Reformulate the equations as a first order system of ODEs.
  3. Solve the problem using Euler, RK4 and ODE integrators.
  4. Compare the results.