In [2]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
We will use some of Ben's Sjorgrens data for this. We will generate a random sample of 1 million reads from the full data set.
Prepare data with Snakemake
snakemake -s aligners.snakefile
It appears that kallisto needs at least 51 bases of the reference to successfully align most of the reads. Must be some kind of off-by-one issue with the data structures.
Load alignments
In [5]:
names = ['QNAME', 'FLAG', 'RNAME', 'POS', 'MAPQ', 'CIGAR', 'RNEXT', 'PNEXT', 'TLEN', 'SEQ', 'QUAL']
In [20]:
bowtie_alns = pd.read_csv('alns/bowtie-51mer.aln', sep='\t', header=None, usecols=list(range(11)), names=names)
bowtie2_alns = pd.read_csv('alns/bowtie2-51mer.aln', sep='\t', header=None, usecols=list(range(11)), names=names)
kallisto_alns = pd.read_csv('alns/kallisto-51mer.sam', sep='\t', header=None, usecols=list(range(11)), names=names, comment='@')
In [21]:
(bowtie_alns.RNAME != '*').sum() / len(bowtie_alns)
In [22]:
(bowtie2_alns.RNAME != '*').sum() / len(bowtie2_alns)
In [23]:
(kallisto_alns.RNAME != '*').sum() / len(kallisto_alns)
In [29]:
bt2_k_joined = pd.merge(bowtie2_alns, kallisto_alns, how='inner', on='QNAME', suffixes=['_bt2', '_k'])
How many reads do bowtie2 and kallisto agree on?
In [31]:
(bt2_k_joined.RNAME_bt2 == bt2_k_joined.RNAME_k).sum()
In [43]:
For the minority of reads they disagree on, what do they look like?
For the minority of reads they disagree on, what do they look like
In [40]:
bt2_k_joined[bt2_k_joined.RNAME_bt2 != bt2_k_joined.RNAME_k].RNAME_k
Mostly lower sensitivity of kallisto due to indels in the read. Specifically, out of
In [45]:
(bt2_k_joined.RNAME_bt2 != bt2_k_joined.RNAME_k).sum()
discordant reads, the number where kallisto failed to map is
In [46]:
(bt2_k_joined[bt2_k_joined.RNAME_bt2 != bt2_k_joined.RNAME_k].RNAME_k == '*').sum()
or as a fraction
In [49]:
(bt2_k_joined[bt2_k_joined.RNAME_bt2 != bt2_k_joined.RNAME_k].RNAME_k == '*').sum() / (bt2_k_joined.RNAME_bt2 != bt2_k_joined.RNAME_k).sum()
Are there any cases where bowtie2 fails to align
In [50]:
(bt2_k_joined[bt2_k_joined.RNAME_bt2 != bt2_k_joined.RNAME_k].RNAME_bt2 == '*').sum()
Which means there are no cases where bowtie and kallisto align to different peptides.
In [57]:
((bt2_k_joined.RNAME_bt2 != bt2_k_joined.RNAME_k) & (bt2_k_joined.RNAME_bt2 != '*') & (bt2_k_joined.RNAME_k != '*')).sum()
What do examples look like of kallisto aligning and bowtie2 not?
In [59]:
bt2_k_joined[(bt2_k_joined.RNAME_bt2 != bt2_k_joined.RNAME_k) & (bt2_k_joined.RNAME_bt2 == '*')]
Looks like there is a perfect match to a prefix and the latter part of the read doesn't match
In [61]:
bt_k_joined = pd.merge(bowtie_alns, kallisto_alns, how='inner', on='QNAME', suffixes=['_bt', '_k'])
How many reads do bowtie and kallisto agree on?
In [62]:
(bt_k_joined.RNAME_bt == bt_k_joined.RNAME_k).sum()
For the minority of reads they disagree on, what do they look like
In [65]:
bt_k_joined[bt_k_joined.RNAME_bt != bt_k_joined.RNAME_k][['RNAME_bt', 'RNAME_k']]
Looks like many disagreeents, but probably still few disagreements on a positive mapping.
In [66]:
(bt_k_joined.RNAME_bt != bt_k_joined.RNAME_k).sum()
discordant reads, the number where kallisto failed to map is
In [67]:
(bt_k_joined[bt_k_joined.RNAME_bt != bt_k_joined.RNAME_k].RNAME_k == '*').sum()
and the number where bowtie failed is
In [68]:
(bt_k_joined[bt_k_joined.RNAME_bt != bt_k_joined.RNAME_k].RNAME_bt == '*').sum()
which means there are no disagreements on mapping. kallisto appears to be somewhat higher sensitivity.
In [4]:
bowtie_counts = pd.read_csv('counts/bowtie-51mer.tsv', sep='\t', header=0, names=['id', 'input', 'output'])
bowtie2_counts = pd.read_csv('counts/bowtie2-51mer.tsv', sep='\t', header=0, names=['id', 'input', 'output'])
kallisto_counts = pd.read_csv('counts/kallisto-51mer.tsv', sep='\t', header=0)
In [8]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
_ = ax.hist(bowtie_counts.output, bins=100, log=True)
_ = ax.set(title='bowtie')
In [9]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
_ = ax.hist(bowtie2_counts.output, bins=100, log=True)
_ = ax.set(title='bowtie2')
In [10]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
_ = ax.hist(kallisto_counts.est_counts, bins=100, log=True)
_ = ax.set(title='kallisto')
In [17]:
bt2_k_counts = pd.merge(bowtie2_counts, kallisto_counts, how='inner', left_on='id', right_on='target_id')
In [25]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(bt2_k_counts.output, bt2_k_counts.est_counts)
In [28]:
sp.stats.pearsonr(bt2_k_counts.output, bt2_k_counts.est_counts)
In [30]:
sp.stats.spearmanr(bt2_k_counts.output, bt2_k_counts.est_counts)
Otherwise, the kallisto index is about 3x bigger than the bowtie indices, but kallisto (5.7 s single-threaded) is about 3.5x faster than bowtie2 (20 s) and 7.3x faster than bowtie (42 s; though still appears to be using 2 threads).
Note: it appears that kallisto needs a few extra bases on the reference to achieve its sensitivity. Performed an analysis like so:
Looked at discordant cells according to Ben.
cpm = pd.read_csv('cpm.tsv', sep='\t', index_col=0, header=0)
mlxp = pd.read_csv('mlxp.tsv', sep='\t', index_col=0, header=0)
beadsonlycols = list(filter(lambda c: 'BEADS_ONLY' in c, mlxp.columns))
samples = ['Sjogrens.serum.Sjogrens.FS08-01647.20A20G.1']
oligo1 = list(filter(lambda c: 'hblOligo32108' in c, mlxp.index))[0] # hit for Ben
oligo2 = list(filter(lambda c: 'hblOligo223219' in c, mlxp.index))[0] # null for Ben
oligos = [oligo1, oligo2]
print(cpm[beadsonlycols + samples].loc[oligos].to_csv(sep='\t'))
print(mlxp[beadsonlycols + samples].loc[oligos].to_csv(sep='\t'))
Built some indices of different sizes
from Bio import SeqIO
k = 60
output = f'reference{k}.fasta'
with open(output, 'w') as op:
for sr in SeqIO.parse('/Users/laserson/repos/phage_libraries_private/human90/human90-ref.fasta', 'fasta'):
print(sr[:k].format('fasta'), end='', file=op)
kallisto index -i human90-50.idx reference50.fasta
kallisto index -i human90-51.idx reference51.fasta
kallisto index -i human90-52.idx reference52.fasta
kallisto index -i human90-55.idx reference55.fasta
kallisto index -i human90-60.idx reference60.fasta
kallisto quant -i human90-50.idx -o quant-50 --single -l 50 -s 0.1 --pseudobam Sjogrens.serum.Sjogrens.FS08-01647.20A20G.1.fastq.gz > aln-50.sam
kallisto quant -i human90-51.idx -o quant-51 --single -l 50 -s 0.1 --pseudobam Sjogrens.serum.Sjogrens.FS08-01647.20A20G.1.fastq.gz > aln-51.sam
kallisto quant -i human90-52.idx -o quant-52 --single -l 50 -s 0.1 --pseudobam Sjogrens.serum.Sjogrens.FS08-01647.20A20G.1.fastq.gz > aln-52.sam
kallisto quant -i human90-55.idx -o quant-55 --single -l 50 -s 0.1 --pseudobam Sjogrens.serum.Sjogrens.FS08-01647.20A20G.1.fastq.gz > aln-55.sam
kallisto quant -i human90-60.idx -o quant-60 --single -l 50 -s 0.1 --pseudobam Sjogrens.serum.Sjogrens.FS08-01647.20A20G.1.fastq.gz > aln-60.sam
Generated the following numbers of alignments
6,369 reads pseudoaligned
1,419,515 reads pseudoaligned
1,477,736 reads pseudoaligned
1,490,788 reads pseudoaligned
1,498,420 reads pseudoaligned
But looking at the results
grep hblOligo32108 quant-50/abundance.tsv
grep hblOligo32108 quant-51/abundance.tsv
grep hblOligo32108 quant-52/abundance.tsv
grep hblOligo32108 quant-55/abundance.tsv
grep hblOligo32108 quant-60/abundance.tsv
It was clear that at least 52 bases was necessary for the 50 base read to get max alignments for the peptides chosen.
In [ ]: