Basic example for python-highcharts

All datasets need to input using "add_data_set" method Highchart options can be either set by "set_options" method as showing here or construct a option dictionary object and input using "set_dict_options" method

In [1]:
from highcharts import Highchart # import highchart library
H = Highchart() # setup highchart instance

data = list(range(1,20))
data2 = list(range(20,1,-1)) # generate some random datasets

Each dataset needs to input using add_data_set and add_data_from_jsonp (not recommended) methods

  1. add_data_set(data, series_type="line", name=None, **kwargs)

    1. data is the dataset for chart
    2. series_type (default: "line") is the type of plot this dataset will be presented
    3. name is the variable name of dateset(default: Series X) used in python
    4. kwargs are for parameters in series or plotOptions (for detail please ref to highcharts API:
  2. add_data_from_jsonp(data_src, data_name='json_data', series_type="line", name=None, **kwargs) add dataset from the data_src using jsonp. It is converted to jquery function "$.getJSON" in javascript environment

    1. data_src is the url (https) for the dataset
    2. data_name is the variable name of dataset. This name is used for javascript environment (not in python)
    3. series_type( default: "line") is the type of plot this dataset will be presented
    4. kwargs are for parameters in series or plotOptions (for detail please ref to highcharts API:

In [2]:
H.add_data_set(data, 'line', 
        'states': {
            'hover': {
                'enabled': True, 
                'fillColor': 'white', 
                'lineColor': 'red',
                'lineWidth': 2
        'click': "function (event) { alert( + ' clicked\\n' + 'Alt: ' + event.altKey + '\\n' + \
                 'Control: ' + event.ctrlKey + '\\n' + 'Shift: ' + event.shiftKey + '\\n');}"}, 

Set up highchart options using

  • set_options method:
    set_options(option_type, option_dict) option_type is the keyword for highchart options option_dict is (python) dict for option settings (for option details please ref to highcharts API:

In [3]:
H.set_options('chart', {'resetZoomButton': {'relativeTo': 'plot', 'position': {'x': 0, 'y': -30}}})
H.set_options('xAxis', {'events': {'afterBreaks': 'function(e){return}'}})
H.set_options('tooltip', {'formatter': 'default_tooltip'})
H.set_options('xAxis', {'events': {'pointBreak': 'function(e){return}'}})
H.set_options('chart', {'style': {'fontFamily': 'Lucida Grande, sans-serif', "fontfontSize": '12px'}})
H.set_options('chart', {'style': {"fontfontSize": '22px'}})
H.set_options('chart', {'resetZoomButton': {'position': {'x': 10}}})
H.set_options('chart', {'resetZoomButton': {'relativeTo': 'chart'}})

Set up highchart options using

  • set_dict_options method: set_dict_options(options) option is a (python) dict for options settings

The way to use this method is very similar to the options object as on highcharts docs:

  1. construct option (python) dict similar to the option object in javascript
  2. input option dict using set_dict_options (for all the option details please ref to highcharts API:

In [4]:
options = {
            [{'color': '#FCFFC5', 'from': 2, 'to': 4}, 
            {'color': '#FCFFC5', 'from': 6, 'to': 8},
            {'color': '#FCFFC5', 'from': 10, 'to': 12}]
H.set_dict_options(options) # input option object using set_dict_options method

H # show the chart on ipython
