Introductory examples for Data Bootcamp, a course at NYU's Stern School of Business. The course is designed to introduce students to economic and financial data and the Python tools to work with it effectively. The code that follows will be obscure if you're new to Python, but you will be able to do all of this and more by the end of the course.
Written by Dave Backus. A product of the #nyuecon NYU Python Factory at NYU's Stern School of Business
In [196]:
# checks
# anything after a hash (#) is a comment
import datetime as dt
import sys
print('Today is: ',
print('What version of Python are we running? \n', sys.version, sep='')
In [181]:
# This is an IPython command: it says to put plots here in the notebook, rather than open separate windows.
%matplotlib inline
GDP is the total value of output produced in a country. GDP per capita is the per person version: GDP divided by the population. Both are expressed in 2011 US dollars with an adjustment for the cost of living. They come from the World Bank's World Development Indicators, a great source of information about economic and social conditions around the world. See the World Bank's data catalog.
For more information about accessing World Bank data in Python, see the Pandas documentation.
In [182]:
# load packages (redundancy is ok)
import pandas as pd # data management tools
from import wb # World Bank api
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plotting tools
In [183]:
# look for variable codes'gdp.*capita.*const').iloc[:,:2]
In [184]:
# read data from World Bank
var = ['NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD', 'NY.GDP.MKTP.PP.KD'] # variable list
iso = ['USA', 'FRA', 'JPN', 'CHN', 'IND', 'BRA', 'MEX'] # country list (ISO codes)
year = 2014
df =, country=iso, start=year, end=year)
In [185]:
# massage data
df = df.reset_index(level='year', drop=True)
df.columns = ['gdppc', 'gdp']
df['gdp'] = df['gdp']/10**12 # convert to trillions
df['gdppc'] = df['gdppc']/10**3 # convert to thousands
df['order'] = [5, 3, 1, 4, 2, 6, 0] # reorder countries
df = df.sort(columns='order', ascending=False)
In [186]:
ax = df['gdp'].plot(kind='barh')
ax.set_title('GDP', loc='left', fontsize=14)
ax.set_xlabel('Trillions of US Dollars')
In [187]:
ax = df['gdppc'].plot(kind='barh', alpha=0.5)
ax.set_title('GDP Per Capita', loc='left', fontsize=14)
ax.set_xlabel('Thousands of US Dollars')
Fluctuations... Investors -- and others -- keep a close eye on the state of the economy because it affects the performance and value of firms. We'll go into this more extensively later, but for now we want to see what the economy has done in the past, especially the recent past. We use the St Louis Fed's FRED database (Federal Reserve Economic Data), one of the best sources of macroeconomic data.
For more information about accessing FRED data in Python, see the Pandas documentation.
In [215]:
# get data from FRED
fred_series = ["GDPC1"]
start_date = dt.datetime(1960, 1, 1)
fred = web.DataReader(fred_series, "fred", start_date)/10**3
In [222]:
# print last 3 data points to see what we've got
# note: quarterly data
# plot
ax = fred.plot(legend=False)
ax.set_title('US Real GDP', fontsize=14, loc='left')
ax.set_ylabel('Trillions of Chained US Dollars')
In [224]:
# compute quarterly growth rates
g = 400*fred.pct_change() # 400 makes this an annual percentage
# change label
g.columns = ['US GDP Growth']
In [211]:
# get mean and standard deviation
gmean = g.mean()
gstd = g.std()
In [231]:
g[DATE>=(1990, 1, 1)].plot(kind='bar')
In [209]:
# simple plot
# note the financial crisis: GDP fell 8% one quarter (annual rate, so really 2%)
ax = g.plot()
In [193]:
# fix up plot
plt.title('US GDP Growth')
In [194]:
# more complex plot, bar chart for last 6 quarters
# put mean
Gene Fama and Ken French are two of the leading academics studying (primarily) equity returns. Some of this work is summarized in the press release and related material for the 2013 Nobel Prize in economics, which was shared by Fama with Lars Hansen and Robert Shiller. For now, it's enough to say that Ken French posts an extensive collection of equity data on his website.
We'll look at what have come to be called the Fama-French factors. The data includes:
We download all of these at once, monthly from 1926. Each is reported as a percentage. Since they're monthly, you can get a rough annual number if you multiply by 12.
The question we address is how the returns compare: their means, their variability, and so on.
[Ask yourself: how would I answer this? What would I like to do with the data?]
In [195]:
# load packages (if it's redundant it'll be ignored)
import as web
# read data from Ken French's website
ff = web.DataReader('F-F_Research_Data_Factors', 'famafrench')[0]
# NB: ff.xs is a conflict, rename to xsm
ff.columns = ['xsm', 'smb', 'hml', 'rf']
# see what we've got
In [ ]:
# compute and print summary stats
moments = [ff.mean(), ff.std(), ff.skew(), ff.kurtosis() - 3]
# \n here is a line break
print('Summary stats for Fama-French factors (mean, std, skew, ex kurt)') #, end='\n\n')
#[print(moment, end='\n\n') for moment in moments]
In [ ]:
# try some things yourself
# like what? type ff.[tab]
import pandas as pd
In [ ]:
# some plots
ff.hist(bins=50, sharex=True)
ff.boxplot(whis=0, return_type='axes')
Answer(s)? Aren't the boxplots in the last figure cool? The histograms above them? What do you see in them? How do the various returns compare?
The World Bank collects a broad range of economic and social indicators for most countries in the World. They also have a nice interface. It's a good source for basic information about the economic climate compares across countries.
We illustrate its usefulness with a scatterplot of life expectancy v GDP per capita.
Question(s). How closely are these two indicators of quality of life are related.
In [ ]:
# load package under name wb
from import wb
# find the codes for the variables of interest'gdp.*capita').iloc[:2]
In [ ]:
# specify dates, variables, and countries
start = 2011
# GDP per capita, population, life expectancy
variable_list = ['NY.GDP.PCAP.KD', 'SP.POP.TOTL', 'SP.DYN.LE00.IN']
country_list = ['US', 'FR', 'JP', 'CN', 'IN', 'BR', 'MX']
# Python understands we need to go to the second line because ( hasn't been closed by )
data =,
country=country_list, start=start, end=start).dropna()
# see what we've got
In [ ]:
# check the column labels, change to something simpler
data.columns = ['gdppc', 'pop', 'le']
In [ ]:
# scatterplot
# life expectancy v GDP per capita
# size of circles controlled by population
# load packages (ignored if redundant)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(data['gdppc'], data['le'], s=0.000001*data['pop'], alpha=0.5)
plt.ylabel('Life Expectancy')
plt.xlabel('GDP Per Capita')
In [ ]:
# Note: size of circles based on population
A financial option gives its owner the right to buy or sell an asset (the "underlying") at a preset price (the "strike") by a specific date (the "expiration date"). Puts are options to sell, calls are options to buy. We explore option prices with Yahoo Finance, specifically options on the S&P 500 exchange-traded fund, ticker SPY.
We illustrate its usefulness with a scatterplot of life expectancy v GDP per capita.
Question(s). How do put and call prices vary with their strike price? [Think about this. What would you expect?]
Warning. This won't work in Python 2.7 or, in fact, in any environment that uses versions of Pandas prior to 0.14.1. The Yahoo Option API is labeled experimental and it seems the earlier versions don't allow easy access to the strike prices.
In [ ]:
# load packages
import pandas as pd
import as web
from import Options
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# ticker
ticker = 'spy'
In [ ]:
# load stock price first (the underlying)
# pick a recent date and subtract seven days to be sure we get a quote
today =
one_week = dt.timedelta(days=7)
start = today - one_week
stock = web.DataReader(ticker, 'yahoo', start)
print(stock) # just to see what we have
# take the last close (-1 is the last, 'Close' is the close)
# this shows up in our figure
atm = stock.ix[-1,'Close'] # the -1 takes the last observation
In [ ]:
# get option prices for same ticker
option = Options(ticker, 'yahoo')
expiry =, 11, 20)
data_calls = option.get_call_data(expiry=expiry).dropna()
data_puts = option.get_put_data(expiry=expiry).dropna()
# check what we have
In [ ]:
# compute mid of bid and ask and arrange series for plotting
calls_bid = data_calls['Bid']
calls_ask = data_calls['Ask']
calls_strikes = data_calls['Strike']
calls_mid = (data_calls['Bid'] + data_calls['Ask'])/2
puts_strikes = data_puts['Strike']
puts_mid = (data_puts['Bid'] + data_puts['Ask'])/2
Note to self. In older versions of Pandas, prior to 0.14.1, the option input puts the strike in the index, not as a column of data. The next two lines check the versions of pandas and python on the off chance we want to check: print(pd.version), ! python --version
In [ ]:
# plot call and put prices v strike
plt.plot(calls_strikes, calls_mid, 'r', lw=2, label='calls')
plt.plot(puts_strikes, puts_mid, 'b', lw=2, label='puts')
# prettify it
#plt.axis([120, 250, 0, 50])
plt.axvline(x=atm, color='k', linestyle='--', label='ATM')
In [ ]:
# rerun the figure above with different color lines. Or dashed lines for call and put prices.
# or change the form of the vertical ATM line: solid? another color?
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