Linear inverse solutions in NumPy

An exploration of linear seismic inversion — considering the particular problem of getting reflectivity from a seismic trace, given the wavelet.

We'll be working on a model, so we know the correct answer from the start.

This notebook requires Python 3.5, Numpy 1.11, and scikit-learn 0.18.

In [1]:
import sys

'3.5.2 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Jul 26 2016, 01:32:08) \n[GCC 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15)]'

In [2]:
import numpy as np


In [3]:
import sklearn


Now for the rest of the preliminaries.

In [4]:
import numpy.linalg as la
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [5]:
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed
import ipywidgets as widgets

Some helpful functions

These are some functions we will use later. I'm defining them up-front so that we can talk about the maths without too much code getting in the way. It's probably best to ignore these for now, but when we get to them, you might want to come back here to understand what they do.

In [6]:
def norm(m):
    return m.T @ m

def misfit(d, d_pred):
    misfit = (d_pred - d).T @ (d_pred - d)
    return np.asscalar(misfit)

In [7]:
from scipy import linalg as spla

def convmtx(h, n):
    Equivalent of MATLAB's convmtx function,
    Makes the convolution matrix, C. The product C.x is the convolution of h and x.
        h (ndarray): a 1D array, the kernel.
        n (int): the number of rows to make.
        ndarray. Size m+n-1
    col_1 = np.r_[h[0], np.zeros(n-1)]
    row_1 = np.r_[h, np.zeros(n-1)]
    return spla.toeplitz(col_1, row_1)

In [9]:
convmtx([1, -1], 5)

array([[ 1., -1.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  1., -1.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  1., -1.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1., -1.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  1., -1.]])

Construct the model m

We start with the slightly odd-seeming number of samples 51. This is because when we calculate the impedance contrasts (reflectivities), we'll lose a sample. Since I'd like 50 samples in the final reflectivity model m, we have to start with 50 + 1 samples in the impedance model.

In [10]:
# Impedance, imp     VP    RHO
imp = np.ones(51) * 2550 * 2650
imp[10:15] =        2700 * 2750
imp[15:27] =        2400 * 2450
imp[27:35] =        2800 * 3000

Make a consistent x space for the model to live in. This might be 'depth'.

In [11]:

But I really want to use the reflectivity, so let's compute that:

In [12]:
m = (imp[1:] - imp[:-1]) / (imp[1:] + imp[:-1])

In [13]:

# We can plot the impedance too, scaled to fit on this plot, so we
# can see how the interface property relates to the rock property.
plt.plot(imp/1e8, alpha=0.5)

Notice that we lost a sample: now there are only 50 samples. This is what we wanted.

Forward operator: convolution with wavelet

Now we make the kernel matrix G, which represents convolution.

In [14]:
from scipy.signal import ricker
wavelet = ricker(points=20, a=2)


Let's normalize the wavelet amplitude to 1 so that the amplitude relates directly to the reflectivity.

In [16]:
wavelet /= np.amax(wavelet)

In [17]:
# Downsampling: set to 1 to use every sample.
s = 2

# Make G.
G = convmtx(wavelet, m.size)[::s, 10:60]
plt.imshow(G, cmap='viridis', interpolation='none')

In [ ]:
# Or we can use bruges (pip install bruges)
# from bruges.filters import ricker
# wavelet = ricker(duration=0.04, dt=0.001, f=100)
# G = convmtx(wavelet, m.size)[::s, 21:71]

# f, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
# ax0.plot(wavelet)
# ax1.imshow(G, cmap='viridis', interpolation='none', aspect='auto')

Forward model the data d

Now we can perform the forward problem: computing the data. We use the formulation

$$ \mathbf{d} = \mathbf{Gm} $$

Note that this equation is often rearranged and written $$ \mathbf{Ax} = \mathbf{b} $$ in linear algebra textbooks and in other tutorials, etc. Just in case you're looking for more examples. In that case, A is analogous to G, and b to d, and we're solving for x not m. All just notation — we can of course call things whatever we want.

In [20]:
d = G @ m

Let's visualize these components for fun. This is Figure 1 in the printed manuscript. I've hidden all the plotting in the file. You could do the basics with a lot less code, but I wanted it to look nice for the paper.

In [21]:
from utils import plot_gmd

plot_gmd(G, m, d)

/home/matt/anaconda/envs/linalg/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: This figure includes Axes that are not compatible with tight_layout, so its results might be incorrect.
  warnings.warn("This figure includes Axes that are not "

Note that G * m gives us exactly the same result as np.convolve(w_, m). This is just another way of implementing convolution that lets us use linear algebra to perform the operation, and its inverse.

In [22]:
plt.plot(np.convolve(wavelet, m, mode='same')[::s], c='#462f7c', lw=3)
plt.plot(G @ m, 'red')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fdd15324a20>]

Now we can move on to the more interesting problem: if we only know a few measurements (i.e. this data d) and the kernel G that represents our understanding of the geophysics, can we guess the model?

Noise-free: minimum norm

In [23]:
# If G is square and invertible, we can use the inverse directly:
# m_est = la.inv(G) @ d

# If G is fat (more columns than rows: underdetermined system),
# then we use the 'right' pseduo-inverse of G:
m_est = G.T @ la.inv(G @ G.T) @ d

# If G is skinny (more rows than columns: overdetermined),
# we use the left inverse:
# m_est = la.inv(G.T @ G) @ G.T @ d

d_pred = G @ m_est

In [24]:
from utils import plot_two  # A print-ready plot

plot_two(m, d, m_est, d_pred)

It's interesting to look at these intermediate arrays:

In [31]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(121)
_ = ax0.imshow(la.inv(G @ G.T), cmap='viridis', interpolation='none')
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(122)
_ = ax1.imshow(G.T @ la.inv(G @ G.T), cmap='viridis', interpolation='none')

Aside: minimum norm without inverting G

"Don't invert that matrix!" — says John Cook, and we should listen to John because he is much smarter than us.

OK, no problem... We can use other solvers, like np.linalg.solve, or scipy.linalg.lu_solve. These are implemented via LAPACK gesv and are much faster than inverting matrices with NumPy.

linalg.solve or linalg.lstsq

In [32]:
    """Exact solution, matrix must be square and full-rank."""
    m_est = la.solve(G, d)
    print("Exact solution.")
except la.LinAlgError:
    """The problem is underdetermined, find optimal solution."""
    m_est = la.lstsq(G, d)[0]
    print("Best solution by least squares.")

d_pred = G @ m_est

Best solution by least squares.

In [33]:
from utils import plot_all

plot_all(m, d, m_est, d_pred)

This is essentially exactly what we got before using our method with inversion.

QR factorization

Only works if G is square.

In [35]:
q, r = la.qr(G)

In [36]:
plt.imshow(q, cmap='viridis', interpolation='none')

In [ ]:
m_est = la.inv(r) @ q.T @ d
d_pred = G @ m_est
plot_all(m, d, m_est, d_pred, equalize=False)

# NB This block will fail if G is not square.

LU factorization

Again, G must be square.

In [ ]:
lu, piv = spla.lu_factor(G)
plt.imshow(lu, cmap='viridis', interpolation='none')

# NB This block will fail if G is not square.

In [ ]:
m_est = spla.lu_solve((lu, piv), d)
d_pred = G @ m_est
plot_all(m, d, m_est, d_pred, equalize=False)

With noise: minimum weighted norm, or damped least squares

Now let's add noise! It's going to make things harder.

First, add noise:

In [38]:
s = 0.025
d = G @ m + s * (np.random.random(d.shape) - 0.5)

Now the minimum norm doesn't work so well:

In [39]:
m_est = G.T @ la.inv(G @ G.T) @ d
d_pred = G @ m_est

plot_all(m, d, m_est, d_pred, equalize=False)

Now use Mauricio's second form:

In [40]:
I = np.eye(G.shape[0])
µ = 2.5  # We can use Unicode symbols in Python 3, just be careful
m_est = G.T @ la.inv(G @ G.T + µ * I) @ d
d_pred = G @ m_est

In [41]:
plot_all(m, d, m_est, d_pred)

Minimum weighted norm with first derivative regularization

In [42]:
W = convmtx([1, -1], m.size)[:, :-1]  # Skip last column

Now we solve:

$$ \hat{\mathbf{m}} = (\mathbf{G}^\mathrm{T} \mathbf{G} + \mu \mathbf{W}^\mathrm{T} \mathbf{W})^{-1} \mathbf{G}^\mathrm{T} \mathbf{d} \ \ $$

In [43]:
m_est = la.inv(G.T @ G + µ * W.T @ W) @ G.T @ d
d_pred = G @ m_est

In [44]:
plot_all(m, d, m_est, d_pred)

Minimum weighted norm with second derivative regularization

In [45]:
W = convmtx([1, -2, 1], m.size)[:, 1:-1]  # Skip first and last columns.

In [46]:
Q = la.inv(W @ W.T)

In [47]:
m_est = Q @ G.T @ la.inv(G @ Q @ G.T) @ d
d_pred = G @ m_est

In [48]:
plot_all(m, d, m_est, d_pred, equalize=False)

Scikit Learn

Scikit-Learn is a machine learning package that has a large number of linear models, to do different kinds of regression with regularization. These will perform much better in the face of noise.

In [49]:
from sklearn import linear_model

Ridge regression

Linear Model trained with L2 regularization.


Also known as Tikhonov regularization.

In [52]:
reg = linear_model.Ridge(alpha=1, fit_intercept=False), d)
m_est = reg.coef_
d_pred = G @ m_est
plot_all(m, d, m_est, d_pred)


The docs

Linear Model trained with L1 prior as regularizer (aka the Lasso).

For reasons I don't understand, I cannot get the ordinary Lasso mode to fit.

In [65]:
reg = linear_model.LassoCV(fit_intercept=False), d)
m_est = reg.coef_
d_pred = G @ m_est
plot_all(m, d, m_est, d_pred)

Orthogonal matching pursuit

The docs

Seems like a sort of sparse spike inversion.

Can provide number of spikes, or tolerance. Try setting n_nonzero_coefs or tol hyperparameters.

In [66]:
reg = linear_model.OrthogonalMatchingPursuit(), d)
m_est = reg.coef_
d_pred = G @ m_est
plot_all(m, d, m_est, d_pred)

In [ ]: