
Deploying a trained model to Cloud Machine Learning Engine


Cloud Storage, Cloud ML Engine, Kubeflow, Pipeline


A Kubeflow Pipeline component to deploy a trained model from a Cloud Storage location to Cloud ML Engine.


Intended use

Use the component to deploy a trained model to Cloud ML Engine. The deployed model can serve online or batch predictions in a Kubeflow Pipeline.

Runtime arguments

Argument Description Optional Data type Accepted values Default
model_uri The URI of a Cloud Storage directory that contains a trained model file.
An Estimator export base directory that contains a list of subdirectories named by timestamp. The directory with the latest timestamp is used to load the trained model file.
No GCSPath
project_id The ID of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project of the serving model. No GCPProjectID
model_id The name of the trained model. Yes String None
version_id The name of the version of the model. If it is not provided, the operation uses a random name. Yes String None
runtime_version The Cloud ML Engine runtime version to use for this deployment. If it is not provided, the default stable version, 1.0, is used. Yes String None
python_version The version of Python used in the prediction. If it is not provided, version 2.7 is used. You can use Python 3.5 if runtime_version is set to 1.4 or above. Python 2.7 works with all supported runtime versions. Yes String 2.7
model The JSON payload of the new model. Yes Dict None
version The new version of the trained model. Yes Dict None
replace_existing_version Indicates whether to replace the existing version in case of a conflict (if the same version number is found.) Yes Boolean FALSE
set_default Indicates whether to set the new version as the default version in the model. Yes Boolean FALSE
wait_interval The number of seconds to wait in case the operation has a long run time. Yes Integer 30

Input data schema

The component looks for a trained model in the location specified by the model_uri runtime argument. The accepted trained models are:

The accepted file formats are:

  • *.pb
  • *.pbtext
  • model.bst
  • model.joblib
  • model.pkl

model_uri can also be an Estimator export base directory, which contains a list of subdirectories named by timestamp. The directory with the latest timestamp is used to load the trained model file.


Name Description Type
job_id The ID of the created job. String
job_dir The Cloud Storage path that contains the trained model output files. GCSPath

Cautions & requirements

To use the component, you must:

Detailed description

Use the component to:

  • Locate the trained model at the Cloud Storage location you specify.
  • Create a new model if a model provided by you doesn’t exist.
  • Delete the existing model version if replace_existing_version is enabled.
  • Create a new version of the model from the trained model.
  • Set the new version as the default version of the model if set_default is enabled.

Follow these steps to use the component in a pipeline:

  1. Install the Kubeflow Pipeline SDK:

In [ ]:
%%capture --no-stderr

!pip3 install $KFP_PACKAGE --upgrade
  1. Load the component using KFP SDK

In [ ]:
import kfp.components as comp

mlengine_deploy_op = comp.load_component_from_url(


Note: The following sample code works in IPython notebook or directly in Python code.

In this sample, you deploy a pre-built trained model from gs://ml-pipeline-playground/samples/ml_engine/census/trained_model/ to Cloud ML Engine. The deployed model is kfp_sample_model. A new version is created every time the sample is run, and the latest version is set as the default version of the deployed model.

Set sample parameters

In [ ]:
# Required Parameters
PROJECT_ID = '<Please put your project ID here>'

# Optional Parameters
TRAINED_MODEL_PATH = 'gs://ml-pipeline-playground/samples/ml_engine/census/trained_model/'

Example pipeline that uses the component

In [ ]:
import kfp.dsl as dsl
import json
    name='CloudML deploy pipeline',
    description='CloudML deploy pipeline'
def pipeline(
    model_uri = 'gs://ml-pipeline-playground/samples/ml_engine/census/trained_model/',
    project_id = PROJECT_ID,
    model_id = 'kfp_sample_model',
    version_id = '',
    runtime_version = '1.10',
    python_version = '',
    version = '',
    replace_existing_version = 'False',
    set_default = 'True',
    wait_interval = '30'):
    task = mlengine_deploy_op(

Compile the pipeline

In [ ]:
pipeline_func = pipeline
pipeline_filename = pipeline_func.__name__ + '.zip'
import kfp.compiler as compiler
compiler.Compiler().compile(pipeline_func, pipeline_filename)

Submit the pipeline for execution

In [ ]:
#Specify pipeline argument values
arguments = {}

#Get or create an experiment and submit a pipeline run
import kfp
client = kfp.Client()
experiment = client.create_experiment(EXPERIMENT_NAME)

#Submit a pipeline run
run_name = pipeline_func.__name__ + ' run'
run_result = client.run_pipeline(, run_name, pipeline_filename, arguments)



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