Train and deploy with private registry on Kubeflow from Notebooks

In order to use a private registry in fairing append builder on the Jupyter notebook, two settings are required.

  • Copy the .docker/config.json containing the private registry connection information to /home/jovyan/.docker/config.json on Jupyter-notebook container for docker-image-push by the append builder.

      # under docker client environ.
      $ docker login <private_registry>
      $ cat ~/.docker/config.json
      # in notebook console
      $ mkdir /home/jovyan/.docker
      $ vi /home/jovyan/.docker/config.json
  • Patch imagePullSecrets on the service account so that the deployer can pull the private registry image.
     # in current context(or in notebook console)
     $ kubectl create secret generic regcred --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=/home/${USER}/.docker/config.json \ -n anonymous  
     $ kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "regcred"}]}' -n anonymous

In [ ]:
import os
from kubeflow import fairing
import time

In [ ]:
DOCKER_REGISTRY = '<private_registry>'
fairing.config.set_builder('append',base_image='', registry=DOCKER_REGISTRY, push=True)

In [ ]:
def train():
    print("hello world!")

In [ ]:
# Training on notebook 

In [ ]:
# Training on current kubernetes context.
remote_train = fairing.config.fn(train)