Compute Project Stats

Ack: Derived from project_stats.ipynb and

  • This notebook uses the GitHub GraphQL API to compute the number of open and closed bugs pertaining to Kubeflow GitHub Projects
    • Stats are broken down by labels
  • Results are plotted using plotly
    • Plots are contained in the notebook itself.

Setup GitHub

  • You will need a GitHub personal access token in order to use the GitHub API
  • See these instructions for creating a personal access token
    • You will need the scopes:
      • repo
      • read:org
  • Set the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN to pass your token to the code

In [1]:
# Using Plotly v4.1.1 doesn't require account creation. Works offline.
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import itertools
import math
import pandas
from IPython.display import display, HTML

In [2]:
import project_stats

Process issues from the specified Project

In [3]:
c = project_stats.ProjectStats(project="KF1.0")

Make plots showing different groups of labels

  • Columns are multi level indexes
  • See here for instructions on multilevel indexes
    • We specify a list of tuples where each tuple specifies the item to select at the corresponding level in the index

Compute expected effort

The following section adds up the expected engineering effort required for the project. Here is the approach:

  • The issues in the 1.0 project need to be tagged with approprite expected effort labels. Each effort label is costed to #days of work as shown in the dictionary below.
  • Query KF1.0 project for all current issues and count the #issues with each effort label attached.
  • Compute the distribution of issues across different effort buckets.
  • Add the weighted effort to compute total number of days needed for all the issues.
  • Convert the effort to # engineering weeks needed based on 5 days for a week.

The distribution is computed for open issues as well as issues in any state to compare total expected effort vs. remaining effort required.

In [4]:
# Costs of effort labels in workdays per eng
effort_labels_costs = { 
    "effort/1-day" : 1,
    "effort/1-days" : 1,
    "effort/3-days" : 3,
    "effort/5-days" : 5,
    "effort/2-weeks" : 10,
# removed temporarily because no issues in KF1.0 refer to this label yet
#    "effort/2-weeks+" : 20

effort_labels = list(effort_labels_costs.keys())

In [5]:
def current_effort_distribution(stats_df, open_or_total='open'):
    return stats_df[open_or_total][effort_labels].tail(1)
def open_effort_distribution(stats_df):
    return current_effort_distribution(stats_df, 'open')

def total_effort_distribution(stats_df):
    return current_effort_distribution(stats_df, 'total')

def current_effort_weeks(stats_df, open_or_total='open'):
    e = current_effort_distribution(stats_df, open_or_total)
    days = sum([e.iloc[0, e.columns.get_loc(l)] * effort_labels_costs[l] for l in effort_labels])
    # consider 5 workdays in weeks
    return math.ceil(days / 5)

def open_effort_weeks(stats_df):
    return current_effort_weeks(stats_df, 'open')

def total_effort_weeks(stats_df):
    return current_effort_weeks(stats_df, 'total')

In [6]:

label effort/1-day effort/1-days effort/3-days effort/5-days effort/2-weeks
2019-09-18 13:18:46 4 6 7 7 7

In [7]:

label effort/1-day effort/1-days effort/3-days effort/5-days effort/2-weeks
2019-09-18 13:18:46 4 6 7 7 7

In [29]:
print("Open effort needed (in weeks):")

Open effort needed (in weeks):

In [28]:
print("Total expected effort for the project (in weeks):")

Total expected effort for the project (in weeks):

In [10]:
df = pandas.DataFrame({}, index = effort_labels)
df['open'] = open_effort_distribution(c.stats).values[0]
df['total'] = total_effort_distribution(c.stats).values[0]

data = [
    ) for col in df.columns


Compute Tracking Issue Stats

The following section computes the progress/completion tracking stats for the components of Kubeflow targeted for 1.0. For all those components, we categorize the issues under the application requirements set by

For each Application & Category combination the following code computes the total issues filed vs. those that are closed. This information is used to produce a completion heat map across the applications and categories.

The information is extracted as following:

- The tracking issues for all components are listed below.
- They follow a well defined template for listing requirement categories and associated Github issues.
- The parser downloads the issue body and extract sections for each of those categories.
- It then extracts the referenced github issues from those sections and computes the stats on total referenced issues vs. closed issues.

In [11]:
import os
import re
from github import Github

In [12]:
# Tracking issues for KF 1.0
kf1_tracking_issues = {
    'Kfctl' : '',
    'Central Dashboard' : '',
    'Notebooks Manager UI' : '',
    'Notebooks Controller' : '',
    'Profiles Controller' : '',
    'KFServing Deployments' : '',

kf1_tracking_cats = [
    'Configuration and deployment',
    'Logging and monitoring',

In [13]:
# NOTE: Setup GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to your Github access token
gh = Github(os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN'])
kf_org, = [o for o in gh.get_user().get_orgs() if == 'Kubeflow']


In [14]:
def parse_issue_url(url_str):
    """ Parse a github issue url to extrac the repo name and the issue id.
        url_str: url for the issue.
        return (repo_name, issue_id)
    url_parts = url_str.split('/')
    issue_id = url_parts[-1]
    repo_name = url_parts[-3]
    return (repo_name, int(issue_id))

In [15]:
def get_issue(gh_org, repo_name, issue_id):
    """ Fetch the specified Github Issue.
        gh_org: Org The Github org that owns the repo.
        repo_name: string Name of the repo
        issue_id: int
    return gh_org.get_repo(repo_name).get_issue(issue_id)

In [16]:
def extract_referenced_issues(content):
    """Collect a list of github issues referenced in the content.
       content: string markdown representing the body of the tracking issue.
    ref_issues = re.findall(r'[a-z/]*#\d+', content)
    return ref_issues

In [17]:
def get_issue_status(fq_issue_id, cur_repo):
    """Identify if the github issue is open or close.
        fq_issue_id: string representing github format for the issue id.
        cur_repo: string reponame of the current repository. All short form issues
                         are assumed to belong to this repository.
        returns 'open' or 'closed'.
    parts = fq_issue_id.split('#')
    issue_id = int(parts[-1])
    repo_name = cur_repo
    if len(parts[0]) > 0:
        repo_name = parts[0].split('/')[-1]
    iss = get_issue(kf_org, repo_name, issue_id)
    return iss.state

In [18]:
def get_ref_issues_stats(repo_name, content):
    """Compute state of issues referenced in the content.
    ref_issues = extract_referenced_issues(content)
    total_issues = len(ref_issues)
    ref_issue_states = [get_issue_status(r, repo_name) for r in ref_issues]
    closed = ref_issue_states.count('closed')
    return(closed, total_issues)

In [19]:
def tracking_issue_state(issue_url):
    """ Compute the tracking issue state given the tracking issue url
    repo_name, tr_issue_id = parse_issue_url(issue_url)
    tr_issue = get_issue(kf_org, repo_name, tr_issue_id)
    return get_ref_issues_stats(repo_name, tr_issue.body)

In [20]:
def get_sections(content):
    """ Split trakcing issue content into separate sections for each set of 1.0 requirements.
    headers = re.findall(r'### [A-Za-z/ ]+', content)
    sec_content = re.split(r'### [A-Za-z/ ]+', content)[1:] # Skip content previous to first header
    lower_kf1_tracking_cats = [cat.lower() for cat in kf1_tracking_cats]
    sections = {}
    for h,s in zip(headers, sec_content):
        hh = h[4:]
        if hh.lower() in lower_kf1_tracking_cats:
            sections[hh] = s
    return sections

In [21]:
def plot_tracking_stats():
    tracking_df = pandas.DataFrame({}, columns=['closed', 'total', 'percent'])
    print('Fetching stats on...')
    for k,v in kf1_tracking_issues.items():
        closed, total = tracking_issue_state(v)
        tracking_df.loc[k] = [closed, total, closed * 100.0 / total]
    bar_texts = [str(tracking_df.loc[i, 'closed']) + '/' + str(tracking_df.loc[i, 'total']) for i in tracking_df.index.values]
    data = [
        orientation = 'h',
        text = bar_texts,

    return go.Figure(data)

In [22]:

Fetching stats on...
Central Dashboard
Notebooks Manager UI
Notebooks Controller
Profiles Controller
KFServing Deployments

In [23]:
def tracking_heatmap():
    """Compute and display tracking heatmap across all components and categories.
    closed_df = pandas.DataFrame({}, columns=kf1_tracking_cats, index=kf1_tracking_issues.keys())
    total_df = pandas.DataFrame({}, columns=kf1_tracking_cats, index=kf1_tracking_issues.keys())
    percent_df = pandas.DataFrame({}, columns=kf1_tracking_cats, index=kf1_tracking_issues.keys())
    print('Fetching stats on...')
    for k,v in kf1_tracking_issues.items():
        repo_name, tr_issue_id = parse_issue_url(v)
        tr_issue = get_issue(kf_org, repo_name, tr_issue_id)
        sections = get_sections(tr_issue.body)
        for st, sc in sections.items():
            print('>>>' + st)
            closed, total = get_ref_issues_stats(repo_name, sc)
            closed_df.loc[k, st] = closed
            total_df.loc[k, st] = total
            if total != 0:
                percent_df.loc[k, st] = closed * 100.0 / total
                percent_df.loc[k, st] = 0.0
    fig = go.Figure(data=go.Heatmap(
                   z= percent_df,
                   x= percent_df.columns.values,
                   y= percent_df.index.values))

In [24]:

Fetching stats on...
Central Dashboard
>>>Configuration and deployment
>>>Logging and monitoring
Notebooks Manager UI
>>>Configuration and deployment
>>>Logging and monitoring
Notebooks Controller
>>>Configuration and deployment
>>>Logging and monitoring
Profiles Controller
>>>Configuration and deployment
>>>Logging and monitoring
KFServing Deployments
>>>Configuration and deployment
>>>Logging and monitoring
Configuration and deployment Logging and monitoring CI/CD Docs
Kfctl NaN NaN NaN NaN
Central Dashboard 0 0 0 0
Notebooks Manager UI 0 0 0 0
Notebooks Controller 0 0 0 0
Profiles Controller 0 0 0 0
KFServing Deployments 0 0 0 0
Configuration and deployment Logging and monitoring CI/CD Docs
Kfctl NaN NaN NaN NaN
Central Dashboard 0 2 4 1
Notebooks Manager UI 2 2 2 0
Notebooks Controller 2 3 4 0
Profiles Controller 2 2 2 2
KFServing Deployments 0 0 0 0
Configuration and deployment Logging and monitoring CI/CD Docs
Kfctl NaN NaN NaN NaN
Central Dashboard 0 0 0 0
Notebooks Manager UI 0 0 0 0
Notebooks Controller 0 0 0 0
Profiles Controller 0 0 0 0
KFServing Deployments 0 0 0 0

In [25]:
def issues_missing_effort_labels(stats_df):
    e = total_effort_distribution(stats_df)
    num_issues_with_effort = sum([e.iloc[0, e.columns.get_loc(l)] for l in effort_labels])

    projects = kf_org.get_projects()
    kf1_proj = [p for p in projects if == 'KF1.0'][0]
    kf1_cols = kf1_proj.get_columns()
    all_issues = 0
    for col in kf1_cols:
        l = col.get_cards()
        for i in l:
            all_issues = all_issues + 1
    return all_issues - num_issues_with_effort

print(issues_missing_effort_labels(c.stats), "issues are missing effort labels")

51 issues are missing effort labels