Numba Speed-Test

In this notebook I'll test the speed of a simple hydrological model (the ABC-Model [1]) implemented in pure Python, Numba and Fortran. This should only been seen as an example of the power of numba in speeding up array-oriented python functions, that have to be processed using loops. This is for example the case for hydrological models that have to be processed timestep after timestep to update model states (depending on previous states) and calculate flows. Python is natively very slow for this kind of functions (loops). Normally hydrological (as well as meterological and environmental) models are implemented in Fortran or C/C++ which are known for their speed. The downside is, that this languages are quite harder to start with and the code often seems overly complicated for beginner. Numba is a library that performs just-in-time compilation on Python code and can therefore dramatically increase the speed of Python functions (without having to change much in the code).

Anyway, this is not meant to give an introduction to numba, but just to compare the execution speed against pure Python and Fortan. For everybody, who is interested in further explanations on Numba see:

If you want to reproduce the results and you have installed a conda environment using the environment.yml from the rrmpg github repository make sure to additionally install cython:

conda install -c anaconda cython

[1] Myron B. Fiering "Streamflow synthesis" Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1967. 139 P. (1967).

In [1]:
# Notebook setups
import numpy as np

from numba import njit, float64
from timeit import timeit

We'll use an array of random numbers as input for the model. Since we only want to test the execution time, this will work for now.

In [2]:
# Let's an array of 10 mio values
rain = np.random.random(size=10000000)

Next we are going to define three different functions:

  1. abc_model_py: An implementation of the ABC-Model using pure Python.
  2. abc_model_numba: A numba version of the ABC-model. The just-in-time compilation is achieved by adding a numba decorator over the function definition. I use the @njit to make sure an error is raised if numba can't compile the function.
  3. abc_model_fortan: A fortan version of the ABC-model. In previous version this was done using the f2py module which added some overhead to the function call and was no fair benchmark (see pull request #3). Now the Fortran implementation is wrapped in a Cython function.

Note how for this simple model the only difference between the pure Python version and the Numba version is the decorator. The entire code of the model is the same.

In [3]:
# pure Python implementation
def abc_model_py(a, b, c, rain):
    outflow = np.zeros((rain.size), dtype=np.float64)
    state_in = 0
    state_out = 0
    for i in range(rain.size):
        state_out = (1 - c) * state_in + a * rain[i]
        outflow[i] = (1 - a - b) * rain[i] + c * state_in
        state_in = state_out
    return outflow

# numba version of the ABC-model
def abc_model_numba(a, b, c, rain):
    outflow = np.zeros((rain.size), dtype=np.float64)
    state_in = 0
    state_out = 0
    for i in range(rain.size):
        state_out = (1 - c) * state_in + a * rain[i]
        outflow[i] = (1 - a - b) * rain[i] + c * state_in
        state_in = state_out
    return outflow

In [4]:
%%file abc.f90

module abc
use iso_c_binding, only: c_int, c_double
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(0d0)
public c_abc_model_fortran


subroutine c_abc_model_fortran(n, a, b, c, inflow, outflow) bind(c)
integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: n
real(c_double), intent(in), value :: a, b, c
real(c_double), intent(in) :: inflow(n)
real(c_double), intent(out) :: outflow(n)
call abc_model(a, b, c, inflow, outflow)
end subroutine

subroutine abc_model(a, b, c, inflow, outflow)
real(dp), intent(in) :: a, b, c, inflow(:)
real(dp), intent(out) :: outflow(:)
real(dp) :: state_in, state_out
integer :: t
state_in = 0
do t = 1, size(inflow)
    state_out = (1 - c) * state_in + a * inflow(t)
    outflow(t) = (1 - a - b) * inflow(t) + c * state_in
    state_in = state_out
end do
end subroutine

end module

Writing abc.f90

In [5]:
%%file abc_py.pyx

from numpy cimport ndarray
from numpy import empty, size

cdef extern:
    void c_abc_model_fortran(int n, double a, double b, double c, double *inflow, double *outflow)

def abc_model_fortran(double a, double b, double c, ndarray[double, mode="c"] inflow):
    cdef int N = size(inflow)
    cdef ndarray[double, mode="c"] outflow = empty(N, dtype="double")
    c_abc_model_fortran(N, a, b, c, &inflow[0], &outflow[0])
    return outflow

Writing abc_py.pyx

Compile the Fortran and Cython module

In [6]:
set -e
#set -x
# Debug flags
#FFLAGS="-Wall -Wextra -Wimplicit-interface -fPIC -fmax-errors=1 -g -fcheck=all -fbacktrace"
#CFLAGS="-Wall -Wextra -fPIC -fmax-errors=1 -g"
# Release flags
FFLAGS="-fPIC -O3 -march=native -ffast-math -funroll-loops"
CFLAGS="-fPIC -O3 -march=native -ffast-math -funroll-loops"
gfortran -o abc.o -c abc.f90 $FFLAGS
cython abc_py.pyx
gcc -o abc_py.o -c abc_py.c -I$CONDA_PREFIX/include/python3.6m/ $CFLAGS
gcc -o abc_py.o abc.o -L$CONDA_PREFIX/lib -lpython3.6m -lgfortran -shared

In file included from /usr/include/numpy/ndarraytypes.h:1777:0,
                 from /usr/include/numpy/ndarrayobject.h:18,
                 from /usr/include/numpy/arrayobject.h:4,
                 from abc_py.c:485:
/usr/include/numpy/npy_1_7_deprecated_api.h:15:2: warning: #warning "Using deprecated NumPy API, disable it by " "#defining NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION" [-Wcpp]
 #warning "Using deprecated NumPy API, disable it by " \

In [7]:
# Now we can import it like a normal Python module
from abc_py import abc_model_fortran

Now we'll use the timeit package to measure the execution time of each of the functions

In [8]:
# Measure the execution time of the Python implementation
py_time = %timeit -o abc_model_py(0.2, 0.6, 0.1, rain)

5.83 s ± 70.1 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

In [9]:
# Measure the execution time of the Numba implementation
numba_time = %timeit -o abc_model_numba(0.2, 0.6, 0.1, rain)

33.3 ms ± 707 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

In [10]:
# Measure the execution time of the Fortran implementation
fortran_time = %timeit -o abc_model_fortran(0.2, 0.6, 0.1, rain)

23.7 ms ± 37.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

As you can see by the raw numbers, Fortran (as expected) is the fastest, but what is interesting, that the Numba version of the ABC-Model does not perform much worse. Let's compare the numbers.

First we'll compare the pure Python version, against the Numba version. Remember, everthing we did was to add a decorator to the Python function, the rest (the magic) is done by the Numba library.

In [11]: /


Wow, this is roughly a 205 x speed up by one single additional line of code. Note that for more complicated models, we'll have to adapt the code a bit more, but in general it will stay very close to normal Python code.

Now let's see how the Numba version performs against Fortran, which is still the standard in the modelling community of hydrology and meteorology.

In [12]: /


So the Fortran implementation is still faster but not much. We only need less than 1,5x the time of the Fortran version if we run the Python code optimized with the Numba library.

Note that this Fortran function is compiled using the GNU Fortran compiler, which is open source and free. Using e.g. the Intel Fortran compiler will certainly increase speed of the Fortran function, but I think it's only fair to compare two open source and free-of-charge versions.

So what does this mean

We'll see, but you will now have maybe a better idea of this project. The thing is, we can implement models in Python, that have roughly the performance of Fortran, but are at the same time less complex to implement and play around with. We can also save a lot of boilerplate code we need with Fortran to compiler our code in the most optimal way. We only need to follow some rules of the Numba library and for the rest, add one decorator to the function definition. We can run 1000s of simulations and don't have to wait for ages and we can stay the entire time in one environment (for simulating and evaluating the results). The hope is, that this will help fellow students/researchers to better understand hydrological models and lose fear of what might seem intimidating at first, follwing a quote by Richard Feynman:

"What I can not create, I do not understand" - Richard Feynman