Win/Loss Rating Model Prediction

Load the model and make predictions

In [2]:
import requests
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
import seaborn as sns
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm
from wl_model.spcl_case import *'fivethirtyeight')
%matplotlib inline

Get a list of all CS Games

Load Ratings Model

In [20]:
TEAM_SET = 'all_player_sc'

players = np.load('wl_model/saved_model/'+TEAM_SET+'/players.npy')
maps = np.load('wl_model/saved_model/'+TEAM_SET+'/maps.npy')
filt = np.load('wl_model/saved_model/eslpl/filter_teams.npy')

rating_model = prep_pymc_model(len(players), len(maps))
trace = pm.backends.text.load('wl_model/saved_model/'+TEAM_SET+'/trace', model=rating_model)

Sample A test set

In [4]:
h_teams = pd.read_csv('wl_model/hltv_csv/teams_w_ranking.csv')
h_teams = fix_teams(h_teams.set_index('ID'))
h_teams_filt = h_teams[h_teams.Name.isin(filt)]
h_players = pd.read_csv('wl_model/hltv_csv/matchLineups.csv').set_index('Match ID')
h_player_names = pd.read_csv('wl_model/hltv_csv/players.csv').set_index('ID')

In [5]:
h_matches = pd.read_csv('wl_model/hltv_csv/matchResults.csv').set_index('Match ID')
h_matches['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(h_matches.Date)
h_matches = h_matches[(h_matches.Date >= dt.datetime(2017,1,1)) &
         (h_matches['Team 1 ID'].isin(h_teams_filt.index)) &
         (h_matches['Team 2 ID'].isin(h_teams_filt.index))]
sample_valid_set = h_matches.sample(1000, replace=False, random_state=200)
sample_valid_set['Winner'] = sample_valid_set['Team 1 Score'] >= sample_valid_set['Team 2 Score']

In [5]:
sample_valid_set = pd.read_csv('sample_valid_set.csv')
sample_valid_set = sample_valid_set[['Date', 'Team 1 ID', 'Team 2 ID', 'Map', 'Winner']]

In [6]:
sample_valid_set = sample_valid_set.join(h_players)

In [7]:

Date Map Team 1 ID Team 1 Start Side Team 1 Score Team 1 Half 1 Score Team 1 Half 2 Score Team 1 Overtime Score Team 2 ID Team 2 Start Side ... Team 1 Player 1 Team 1 Player 2 Team 1 Player 3 Team 1 Player 4 Team 1 Player 5 Team 2 Player 1 Team 2 Player 2 Team 2 Player 3 Team 2 Player 4 Team 2 Player 5
Match ID
2307296/ldlc-vs-rogue-esea-season-23-global-challenge 2017-01-08 Dust2 4674 T 2 2 0 0 7157 CT ... 9545 7166 8184 7982 8302 7834 2799 7964 5287 1883
2307302/mousesports-vs-big-dreamhack-masters-las-vegas-2017-europe-closed-qualifier 2017-01-09 Cobblestone 4494 CT 16 9 7 0 7532 T ... 7499 3741 2730 3997 7511 5794 7256 5799 3252 136
2307302/mousesports-vs-big-dreamhack-masters-las-vegas-2017-europe-closed-qualifier 2017-01-09 Mirage 4494 T 16 4 12 0 7532 CT ... 7499 3741 2730 3997 7511 5794 7256 5799 3252 136
2307302/mousesports-vs-big-dreamhack-masters-las-vegas-2017-europe-closed-qualifier 2017-01-09 Cache 4494 CT 14 7 7 0 7532 T ... 7499 3741 2730 3997 7511 5794 7256 5799 3252 136
2307309/fnatic-vs-g2-dreamhack-masters-las-vegas-2017-europe-closed-qualifier 2017-01-09 Cache 4991 T 16 11 5 0 5995 CT ... 1146 885 7528 7443 9256 7390 1225 8374 7170 7169

5 rows × 25 columns

Generate Predictions

In [30]:
def sig(x):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

from tqdm import tqdm_notebook

valid_set = []
t_rating = trace['rating']
t_ratingmap = trace['rating | map']
t_alpha = 0.5
t_sigma = trace['sigma']
n_players = len(players)
player_col_names = ['Team 1 Player 1', 'Team 1 Player 2', 'Team 1 Player 3', 'Team 1 Player 4', 'Team 1 Player 5',
                 'Team 2 Player 1', 'Team 2 Player 2', 'Team 2 Player 3', 'Team 2 Player 4', 'Team 2 Player 5',]
for i,v in tqdm_notebook(sample_valid_set.iterrows()):
    t1_ind =np.searchsorted(players, v[player_col_names[:5]]); t2_ind = np.searchsorted(players, v[player_col_names[-5:]]);
    m_ind = np.where(maps == v['Map'])[0][0]
    trace_1 = np.sum(t_rating[:,t1_ind], axis=1); trace_2 = np.sum(t_rating[:,t2_ind], axis=1)
    diff = trace_1-trace_2
    p_sc = 16*np.tanh(t_alpha*diff)
    wr_uncond = np.percentile(1.-norm.cdf(0, loc=p_sc, scale=t_sigma), 45)
    p_wl = 0.5*np.tanh(diff)+0.5#sig(diff)
    #wr_uncond = p_wl.mean()
    #wr_uncond = np.percentile(p_wl, 40)
    trace_1 = np.sum(t_ratingmap[:,m_ind,t1_ind], axis=1); trace_2 = np.sum(t_ratingmap[:,m_ind,t2_ind], axis=1)
    diff = trace_1-trace_2
    p_sc = 16*np.tanh(t_alpha*diff)
    wr_cond = np.percentile(1.-norm.cdf(0, loc=p_sc, scale=t_sigma), 45)
    p_wl = 0.5*np.tanh(diff)+0.5#sig(diff)
    #wr_cond = p_wl.mean()
    #wr_cond = np.percentile(p_wl, 40)
    valid_set.append([int(v['Winner']), wr_uncond, wr_cond])
validation = np.array(valid_set)

In [31]:

([array([  16.,   50.,   84.,  151.,  170.,  186.,  167.,  110.,   54.,   12.]),
  array([  19.,   58.,  104.,  147.,  145.,  177.,  155.,  119.,   59.,   17.])],
 array([ 0.06224923,  0.15022988,  0.23821053,  0.32619118,  0.41417183,
         0.50215248,  0.59013313,  0.67811378,  0.76609443,  0.85407508,
 <a list of 2 Lists of Patches objects>)

In [32]:
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, confusion_matrix, log_loss
def print_validation_results(validation):
    print('Log Loss U: %.5f' % log_loss(validation[:,0], validation[:,1]))
    print('Log Loss C: %.5f' % log_loss(validation[:,0], validation[:,2]))

    fpr, tpr, tresh = roc_curve(validation[:,0], validation[:,1])
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
    ax.plot(fpr, tpr, color='darkorange', lw=2, label='ROC curve - U')
    ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='navy', lw=2, linestyle='--')
    fpr, tpr, tresh = roc_curve(validation[:,0], validation[:,2])
    ax.plot(fpr, tpr, color='orangered', lw=2, label='ROC curve - C')
    ax.legend(loc="lower right")

    validation_binary = validation.copy()
    validation_binary[:,1] = (validation_binary[:,1] > 0.5).astype(int)
    validation_binary[:,2] = (validation_binary[:,2] > 0.5).astype(int)

    cm = confusion_matrix(validation_binary[:,0], validation_binary[:,1] > 0.5)
    print("CM Unconditional")
    print(cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis])
    cm = confusion_matrix(validation_binary[:,0], validation_binary[:,2] > 0.5)
    print("CM Conditional")
    print(cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis])

    bins = np.vstack([np.arange(0,1,0.1), np.arange(0.1,1.1,0.1)]).T
    binned = {'U': [], 'C': []}
    for r in bins:
        binned['U'].append(validation[(validation[:,1] >= r[0])&(validation[:,1] < r[1]),0].mean())
        binned['C'].append(validation[(validation[:,2] >= r[0])&(validation[:,2] < r[1]),0].mean())

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
    ax.plot(bins.sum(axis=1)/2,binned['U'], lw=2, label='U')
    ax.plot(bins.sum(axis=1)/2,binned['C'], lw=2, label='C')
    ax.plot(bins.sum(axis=1)/2,bins.sum(axis=1)/2, lw=2, linestyle='--')
    ax.legend(loc="lower right")

In [33]:
print_validation_results(validation) # normal score diff

Log Loss U: 0.61640
Log Loss C: 0.58625
CM Unconditional
[[ 0.63747454  0.36252546]
 [ 0.29862475  0.70137525]]
CM Conditional
[[ 0.65580448  0.34419552]
 [ 0.27897839  0.72102161]]

In [15]:
print_validation_results(validation) # sigmoid binary

Log Loss U: 0.61221
Log Loss C: 0.57277
CM Unconditional
[[ 0.6191446   0.3808554 ]
 [ 0.28094303  0.71905697]]
CM Conditional
[[ 0.66395112  0.33604888]
 [ 0.27111984  0.72888016]]

In [28]:
from scipy.stats import beta
print("rand guessing")
rand_guess = beta.rvs(a=10, b=10, size=(validation.shape[0],2))
validation[:,[1,2]] = rand_guess

rand guessing
Log Loss U: 0.72027
Log Loss C: 0.72354
CM Unconditional
[[ 0.49694501  0.50305499]
 [ 0.52062868  0.47937132]]
CM Conditional
[[ 0.48879837  0.51120163]
 [ 0.50491159  0.49508841]]
C:\Users\kevin.pei\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
C:\Users\kevin.pei\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

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