In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
from scipy.stats import norm, bernoulli
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from spcl_case import *'fivethirtyeight')
Obtain results of teams within the past year
In [2]:
h_matches = pd.read_csv('hltv_csv/matchResults.csv')
h_matches['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(h_matches['Date'])
h_teams = pd.read_csv('hltv_csv/teams_w_ranking.csv')
h_teams = fix_teams(h_teams.set_index('ID'))
h_teams = h_teams.dropna()
In [3]:
FILTER_TEAMS = {'eslpl': ['OpTic', 'SK', 'Cloud9', 'Liquid', 'Luminosity', 'Misfits', 'Renegades', 'Immortals',
'Splyce', 'compLexity', 'Rogue', 'Ghost', 'CLG', 'NRG', 'FaZe', 'North',
'BIG', 'LDLC', 'mousesports', 'EnVyUs', 'NiP', '',
'Astralis', 'G2', 'GODSENT', 'Heroic', 'fnatic', 'NiP', 'Heroic'],
'mdleu': ['', 'FlipSid3', 'eXtatus', 'AGO', 'Fragsters', 'Gambit', 'PRIDE', '1337HUANIA',
'VITALIS', 'Epsilon', 'CHAOS', 'Crowns', 'MK', 'Japaleno', 'Not Academy', 'aAa', 'Space Soldiers',
'Singularity', 'Nexus', 'Invictus Aquilas', 'Spirit', 'Kinguin', 'Seed', 'Endpoint', '', 'TEAM5',
'mdlna': ['Gale Force', 'FRENCH CANADIANS', 'Mythic', 'GX', 'Beacon', 'Torqued', 'Rise Nation', 'Denial', 'subtLe',
'SoaR', 'Muffin Lightning', 'Iceberg', 'ex-Nitrious', 'Adaptation', 'Morior Invictus', 'Naventic', 'CheckSix', 'Good People'
, 'LFAO', 'CLG Academy', 'Ambition', 'Mostly Harmless', 'Gorilla Core', 'ex-Nitrious', 'ANTI ECO'],
'mdlau': ['Grayhound', 'Tainted Minds', 'Kings', 'Chiefs', 'Dark Sided', 'seadoggs', 'Athletico', 'Legacy',
'SIN', 'Noxide', 'Control', 'SYF', 'Corvidae', 'Funkd', 'Masterminds', 'Conspiracy', 'AVANT']
In [4]:
MIN_DATE = dt.datetime(2017,1,1)
h_matches = h_matches[(h_matches['Date'] >= MIN_DATE) & (h_matches['Date'] <= MAX_DATE)]
h_matches = h_matches[h_matches['Team 1 ID'].isin(h_teams.index) | h_matches['Team 2 ID'].isin(h_teams.index)]
h_matches['winner'] = h_matches.apply(lambda x: x['Team 1 ID'] if x['Team 1 Score'] > x['Team 2 Score'] else x['Team 2 ID'], axis=1)
h_matches['score_diff'] = h_matches['Team 1 Score'] - h_matches['Team 2 Score']
In [5]:
obs = h_matches[['Map', 'Team 1 ID', 'Team 2 ID', 'score_diff', 'winner']]
obs = obs[obs.Map != 'Default']
In [6]:
teams = np.sort(np.unique(np.concatenate([h_matches['Team 1 ID'], h_matches['Team 2 ID']])))
maps = obs.Map.unique()
tmap = {v:k for k,v in dict(enumerate(teams)).items()}
mmap = {v:k for k,v in dict(enumerate(maps)).items()}
n_teams = len(teams)
n_maps = len(maps)
print('Number of Teams: %i ' % n_teams)
print('Number of Filtered Teams: %i' % len(h_teams))
print('Number of Matches: %i ' % len(h_matches))
print('Number of Maps: %i '% n_maps)
Determining Binary Win Loss: $wl_{m,i,j}$ $$ \omega, \tau, \sim HC(0.5) \\ R_{k} \sim N(0, \omega^2) \\ \tilde{\theta}_{m,k} \sim N(0,1) \\ R_{m,k} = R_{k} + \tau\tilde{\theta} \\ wl_{m,i,j} \sim B(p = \text{Sig}(R_{m,i}-R_{m,j})) \\ $$
and score difference: $sc_{m,i,j}$
$$ \alpha \sim Gamma(10,5) \\ \kappa_{m,i,j} = 32\text{Sig}(\alpha(R_{m,i}-R_{m,j}))-16 \\ \sigma_{m} \sim HC(0.5) \\ sc_{m,i,j} \sim N(\kappa, \sigma_{m}^2) $$
In [7]:
import pymc3 as pm
import theano.tensor as tt
In [43]:
obs_map = obs['Map'].map(mmap).values
obs_team_1 = obs['Team 1 ID'].map(tmap).values
obs_team_2 = obs['Team 2 ID'].map(tmap).values
with pm.Model() as rating_model:
omega = pm.HalfCauchy('omega', 0.5)
tau = pm.HalfCauchy('tau', 0.5)
rating = pm.Normal('rating', 0, omega, shape=n_teams)
theta_tilde = pm.Normal('rate_t', mu=0, sd=1, shape=(n_maps,n_teams))
rating_map = pm.Deterministic('rating | map', rating + tau * theta_tilde)
r = rating_map.flatten()
diff = r[obs_map*n_teams+obs_team_1] - r[obs_map*n_teams+obs_team_2]
p = 0.5*tt.tanh(diff)+0.5
beta = pm.Normal('beta', 0.5, 0.2)
kappa = 16*tt.tanh(beta*diff)
sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', 0.5)
sc = pm.Normal('observed score diff', kappa, sigma, observed=obs['score_diff'])
wl = pm.Bernoulli('observed wl', p=p, observed=(obs['Team 1 ID'] == obs['winner']).values)
In [44]:
with rating_model:
#start = approx.sample(1)[0]
#trace = pm.sample(5000, init='advi', nuts_kwargs={'target_accept': 0.99}, tune=0)
trace = pm.sample(5000, n_init=20000, init='jitter+adapt_diag', nuts_kwargs={'target_accept': 0.90}, tune=500) # tune=1000, nuts_kwargs={'target_accept': 0.95}
In [59]:
filt = h_teams[h_teams.Name.isin(FILTER_TEAMS['mdleu'])]
sns.set_palette('Paired', n_teams)
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
curr_trace = trace['rating']
[sns.kdeplot(curr_trace[:,tmap[i]], shade=True, alpha=0.55, legend=True, ax=ax, label=v['Name']) for i,v in filt.iterrows()]
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
In [65]:
In [33]:
get_prior_rating = lambda i: [curr_trace[:, tmap[i]].mean(), curr_trace[:, tmap[i]].std()] if i in tmap else [0,1]
params = {v['Name']: get_prior_rating(i) for i,v in h_teams.iterrows()}
In [40]:
pd.DataFrame(params, index=['mu', 'sig']).T.sort_values('mu', ascending=False)
In [66]:
EVENT_SET = 'all'
pm.backends.text.dump('saved_model/'+EVENT_SET+'/trace', trace)'saved_model/'+EVENT_SET+'/teams.npy', teams)'saved_model/'+EVENT_SET+'/maps.npy', maps)'saved_model/'+EVENT_SET+'/filter_teams.npy', FILTER_TEAMS[EVENT_SET])
In [ ]:
with rating_model:
approx =
ap_trace = approx.sample(5000)
In [ ]:
print('Gelman Rubin: %s' % pm.diagnostics.gelman_rubin(trace))
print('Effective N: %s' % pm.diagnostics.effective_n(trace))
print('Accept Prob: %.4f' % trace.get_sampler_stats('mean_tree_accept').mean())
print('Percentage of Divergent %.5f' % (trace['diverging'].nonzero()[0].size/float(len(trace))))
In [45]:
pm.traceplot(trace, varnames=['beta'])
In [ ]:
rating_model.profile(pm.gradient(rating_model.logpt, rating_model.vars), n=100).summary()
In [ ]:
rating_model.profile(rating_model.logpt, n=100).summary()
In [ ]:
sns.set_palette('Paired', n_teams)
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,10))
[sns.kdeplot(trace['sigma'][:,i], shade=True, alpha=0.55, legend=True, ax=ax, label=m) for i,m in enumerate(maps)]
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
In [ ]:
f, axes = plt.subplots(n_maps,1,figsize=(12,34), sharex=True)
for m, ax in enumerate(axes):
[sns.kdeplot(trace['rating | map'][:,m,tmap[i]], shade=True, alpha=0.55, legend=False ,
ax=ax, label=v['Name']) for i,v in filt.iterrows()]
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
i = np.where(teams==7880)
j = np.where(teams==7924)
diff = (trace['rating'][:,j] - trace['rating'][:,i]).flatten()
kappa = 32./(1+np.exp(-1.*trace['alpha']*diff))-16.
fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(10,6))
sns.kdeplot(kappa, ax=ax2)
sns.kdeplot(diff, ax=ax1)
In [ ]:
def vec2dict(s, n_teams):
return {
'mu': np.array(s[:n_teams]),
'sigma': np.array(s[n_teams:n_teams*2]),
'beta': s[-1],
def dict2vec(s):
return s['mu'] + s['sigma'] + [s['beta']]
In [ ]:
skills_0 = dict2vec({
'mu': [1000]*n_teams,
'sigma': [300]*n_teams,
'beta': 50
In [ ]:
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def loglike(y,p):
return -1.*(np.sum(y*np.log(p)+(1-y)*np.log(1.-p)))
def obj(skills):
s = vec2dict(skills, n_teams)
mean_diff = s['mu'][obs['Team 1 ID'].map(tmap).values] - s['mu'][obs['Team 2 ID'].map(tmap).values]
var_diff = s['sigma'][obs['Team 1 ID'].map(tmap).values]**2 + s['sigma'][obs['Team 2 ID'].map(tmap).values]**2 + skills[-1]**2
p = 1.-norm.cdf(0., loc=mean_diff, scale = np.sqrt(var_diff))
return loglike((obs['Team 1 ID'] == obs['winner']).values, p)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
opt_skill = g.x
plots = norm.rvs(opt_skill[:5], opt_skill[5:-1], size=(2000,5))
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
[sns.kdeplot(plots[:,i], shade=True, alpha=0.55, legend=True, ax=ax, label=i) for i in range(5)]