MLB Modern Era Salary Analysis

Lahman’s Baseball Database contains complete batting and pitching statistics from 1871 to 2013, plus fielding statistics, standings, team stats, managerial records, post-season data, and more.


One of the topics covered in Lahman's Baseball Database is MLB annual salaries. This notebook provides a sample analysis that explores trends in player salaries. Several questions are addressed:

  1. What is the average salary increase per league since 1985?
  2. What is the average salary increase per league since 1985?
  3. Can we predict future average salary increase per league?

Prepare Environment

Bootstrap notebook with necessary notebook and library dependencies.


This notebook requires the installation of the following software dependencies:

!pip install statsmodels

In [22]:
# Provide the inline code necessary for loading any required libraries

In [23]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Load the Data

  1. Visit the Lahman’s Baseball Database and download the latest data. After unzipping the package, upload the Salaries.csv file to your workbench.
  2. Import the latest MLB Salary data and take a peak at the dataset.
In IBM Knowledge Anyhow Workbench, you can drag/drop the file on your workbench browser tab to simplify the uploading process.

In [24]:
import pandas as pd
df_mlb_Salaries = pd.read_csv('/resources/mlb_Salaries_2011.csv').dropna()

yearID salary
count 23141.000000 23141.000000
mean 1998.941143 1798885.680135
std 7.764378 2970955.921486
min 1985.000000 0.000000
25% 1993.000000 240000.000000
50% 1999.000000 500000.000000
75% 2006.000000 2000000.000000
max 2012.000000 33000000.000000

8 rows × 2 columns

In [25]:

<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x7f717dbac950>

In [26]:

yearID teamID lgID playerID salary
23136 2012 WAS NL detwiro01 485000
23137 2012 WAS NL stammcr01 485000
23138 2012 WAS NL marrech01 481000
23139 2012 WAS NL matthry01 481000
23140 2012 WAS NL lombast02 481000

5 rows × 5 columns


Based on the 2013 data:

  • Between 1985 and 2013 there are 23,956 Salary records.
  • The average annual Salary across all of MLB for the last 28 years is 1.8M USD.
  • The largest annual Salary across all of MLB for the last 28 years is 33M USD.

Question 1: Average Salary Per League

What is the average salary increase per league since 1985?

Data Munging

Step A: Partition the data by league

In [27]:
american_league = df_mlb_Salaries.query('lgID == "AL"')
national_league = df_mlb_Salaries.query('lgID == "NL"')

Step B: Create a pivot table for salaries per year per league

In [28]:
american_league_avg_annual_salary = american_league.groupby(['yearID']).mean()[['salary']]
national_league_avg_annual_salary = national_league.groupby(['yearID']).mean()[['salary']]

Step C: Create a Dataframe depicting average annual salaries per league per year.

In [29]:
al = pd.Series(american_league_avg_annual_salary.salary, name="American League")
nl = pd.Series(national_league_avg_annual_salary.salary, name="National League")

In [30]:
df_league_salary_history = pd.concat([al, nl], axis=1)

American League National League
1985 455597 500249
1986 402337 433925
1987 441846 427857
1988 453901 452374
1989 502052 511116

5 rows × 2 columns

Data Exploration

Plot our results and compare annual league salary averages.

In [31]:

American League National League
count 28.000000 28.000000
mean 1835922.535714 1698344.607143
std 1149009.237987 1016000.909183
min 402337.000000 427857.000000
25% 990269.750000 887920.250000
50% 1434191.000000 1338269.000000
75% 2783420.250000 2615311.000000
max 3662264.000000 3277278.000000

8 rows × 2 columns

In [32]:
plt.title('MLB Annual Salary Averages')
plt.ylabel('Average Salary')
yvalues = american_league_avg_annual_salary.index
plt.xticks(yvalues, rotation='vertical')


  • Between 1985 and 2013 the American League has paid an average of 200K USD more than the National League.
  • In 2004, the annual salaries per league diverged with a greater degree of seperation.
In 2004, [Texas traded A-Rod to the NY Yankees]( This transaction could have triggered the abnormal divergence.

Question 2: Average Annual Salary Increases Per League

What is the average salary increase per league since 1985?

Data Munging

Step A: Define Helper Methods

In [33]:
def annual_salary_delta(previous_year_salary, current_year_salary):
    '''Compute annual salary delta.'''
    return current_year_salary - previous_year_salary

def annual_league_salary_increases(salaries):
    '''Return list of annual salary deltas for a series of league salaries.'''
    salincperyr = []
    for idx, val in enumerate(salaries):
        if idx == 0:
        elif idx == len(salaries)-1:
    return salincperyr

Step B: Extend Dataset

Compute Salary increases per year.

In [34]:
tablecols = []
tablecols.append(df_league_salary_history["American League"].tolist())
tablecols.append(df_league_salary_history["National League"].tolist())
tablecols.append(annual_league_salary_increases(df_league_salary_history["American League"]))
tablecols.append(annual_league_salary_increases(df_league_salary_history["National League"]))
df_league_salary_detailed_history = pd.DataFrame(tablecols).T
df_league_salary_detailed_history.columns = ['Year','alAvgSalary', 'nlAvgSalary','alAnnualSalaryIncrease', 'nlAnnualSalaryIncrease']

Year alAvgSalary nlAvgSalary alAnnualSalaryIncrease nlAnnualSalaryIncrease
0 1985 455597 500249 0 0
1 1986 402337 433925 -53260 -66324
2 1987 441846 427857 39509 -6068
3 1988 453901 452374 12055 24517
4 1989 502052 511116 48151 58742
5 1990 500415 525913 -1637 14797
6 1991 908126 879587 407711 353674
7 1992 1017651 1085608 109525 206021
8 1993 1028575 923882 10924 -161726
9 1994 1130703 971003 102128 47121
10 1995 1039864 890698 -90839 -80305
11 1996 1055235 1000406 15371 109708
12 1997 1267829 1169651 212594 169245
13 1998 1364396 1207658 96567 38007
14 1999 1503986 1468880 139590 261222
15 2000 2004401 1983096 500415 514216
16 2001 2333183 2232801 328782 249705
17 2002 2449016 2342579 115833 109778
18 2003 2524939 2614933 75923 272354
19 2004 2517280 2469002 -7659 -145931
20 2005 2681580 2590986 164300 121984
21 2006 3088941 2616445 407361 25459
22 2007 3304390 2623749 215449 7304
23 2008 3449574 2870790 145184 247041
24 2009 3380833 3184368 -68741 313578
25 2010 3431360 3142161 50527 -42207
26 2011 3505557 3156654 74197 14493
27 2012 3662264 3277278 0 0

28 rows × 5 columns

Explore Results

Plot comparison between annual league salary increases per year.

In [35]:
x = df_league_salary_detailed_history['Year']
plt.plot(x,df_league_salary_detailed_history["alAnnualSalaryIncrease"], label="American League")
plt.plot(x,df_league_salary_detailed_history["nlAnnualSalaryIncrease"], label="National League")
plt.title('MLB Year-to-Year Salary Deltas')
plt.ylabel('Average Salary')
xvalues = american_league_avg_annual_salary.index
plt.xticks(xvalues, rotation='vertical')
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)


  • Between 1985 and 2002 the leagues on average tended to offer similiar annual salary increases.
  • After 2002 it would seem that the leagues were more reactionary as they tend to handle increases in opposite manners.

Question 3: Future Predictions

Can we predict future average salary increase per league?

Data Munging

Step A: Define Helper Methods

In [36]:
def create_season_opener_datetime_index(date_series):
    '''Return a series of datetime index objects for a series of date strings'''
    import datetime
    import pandas as pd
    dates = []
    for i in date_series:
        d =,4,1)
    return pd.DatetimeIndex(dates)

Step B: Perform ETL

We have several data structures we need to transform in order to perform predictive analytics. Most notably is the need to have our data structures indexed using a datetime object. Our original data contains only the year for a season but our algorithms require an actual date so we will assume April 1st for each year as the season opener.

In [37]:
season_opener_dates = create_season_opener_datetime_index(df_league_salary_detailed_history['Year'])
df_al_annual_salary_inc = pd.DataFrame(
df_nl_annual_salary_inc = pd.DataFrame(
print df_al_annual_salary_inc.head()
print df_nl_annual_salary_inc.head()

1985-04-01                       0
1986-04-01                  -53260
1987-04-01                   39509
1988-04-01                   12055
1989-04-01                   48151

[5 rows x 1 columns]
1985-04-01                       0
1986-04-01                  -66324
1987-04-01                   -6068
1988-04-01                   24517
1989-04-01                   58742

[5 rows x 1 columns]

Step C: Create Prediction Models

In [38]:
import statsmodels.api as sm
al_ar_model = sm.tsa.AR(df_al_annual_salary_inc)
al_ar_model_res =
print al_ar_model_res.params
nl_ar_model = sm.tsa.AR(df_nl_annual_salary_inc)
nl_ar_model_res =
print nl_ar_model_res.params

const                        114112.892576
L1.alAnnualSalaryIncrease         0.588458
L2.alAnnualSalaryIncrease        -0.382062
L3.alAnnualSalaryIncrease         0.063075
L4.alAnnualSalaryIncrease        -0.400611
L5.alAnnualSalaryIncrease         0.186784
L6.alAnnualSalaryIncrease         0.054495
L7.alAnnualSalaryIncrease        -0.177574
L8.alAnnualSalaryIncrease         0.004017
L9.alAnnualSalaryIncrease         0.255028
dtype: float64
const                        104353.136380
L1.nlAnnualSalaryIncrease         0.143857
L2.nlAnnualSalaryIncrease         0.057078
L3.nlAnnualSalaryIncrease        -0.026694
L4.nlAnnualSalaryIncrease        -0.200692
L5.nlAnnualSalaryIncrease        -0.057046
L6.nlAnnualSalaryIncrease         0.051390
L7.nlAnnualSalaryIncrease        -0.336088
L8.nlAnnualSalaryIncrease         0.169833
L9.nlAnnualSalaryIncrease         0.363891
dtype: float64

In [39]:
predict_al_increases = al_ar_model_res.predict(start='1995-04-01', end='2025-01-01', dynamic=True)
predict_nl_increases = nl_ar_model_res.predict(start='1995-04-01', end='2025-01-01', dynamic=True)

Explore Results

Step A: Plot comparison between annual league growth predictions.

In [40]:
plt.plot(predict_al_increases.index,predict_al_increases, label="American League")
plt.plot(predict_nl_increases.index,predict_nl_increases, label="National League")
plt.title('MLB Predictive Annual Averages Salary Increase')
plt.ylabel('Average Salary Increases')
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)

Step B: Plot comparison between annual league salary increases per year and the predicted growth for each league.

In [41]:
data_to_compare = {'AL Prediction': predict_al_increases,
                   'AL Actual': df_al_annual_salary_inc.alAnnualSalaryIncrease,
                   'NL Prediction': predict_nl_increases,
                   'NL Actual': df_nl_annual_salary_inc.nlAnnualSalaryIncrease
df_annual_growth_predictive_analysis = pd.DataFrame(data_to_compare)
ax = df_annual_growth_predictive_analysis.plot()
ax.set_ylabel('Average Salary Increases')
plt.title('MLB Annual Salary Growth Predictive Analysis')
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)


  • Over a 28 year period the actual average increases are a bit sporadic.
  • Given the degree of historic fluctuation and the small amount of data, it is difficult to predict future growth.
  • The prediction models seem to imply (given the small sample set) a linear regression.


This notebook was created using IBM Knowledge Anyhow Workbench. To learn more, visit us at