In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# make sure the aps module is in the pythonpath
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from flatten_json import flatten
APS_dir = str(Path.cwd().parents[1])
if APS_dir not in sys.path:
import aps.aps_io.get_forecasts as gf # replace with varsomdata-class
#import aps.config.training_score as ts
from aps.config.training_score import APSTrainingScore
Request necessary data from
Explanation at
Insert relevant data into SQLite database.
Avalanche problem:
Mountain weather:
In [2]:
warnings, url = gf.get_warnings_as_json([3022, 3023, 3024], "2017-12-01", "2018-05-31", lang_key=1, simple=False, recursive_count=5)
warnings_flattened = (flatten(w) for w in warnings)
df = pd.DataFrame(warnings_flattened)
In [3]:
In [4]:
df_a = df
In [5]:
# define individual columns for avalanche problem 1 (AP1)
df_a['AP1.AvalCauseId'] = np.nan
df_a['AP1.AvalCauseName'] = ''
df_a['AP1.AvalancheProblemTypeId'] = np.nan # AvalancheProblemTypeId
df_a['AP1.AvalancheProblemTypeName'] = '' # AvalancheProblemTypeName
df_a['AP1.DestructiveSizeExtId'] = np.nan # DestructiveSizeExtId
df_a['AP1.DestructiveSizeExtName'] = ''
df_a['AP1.AvalancheProblemId'] = np.nan
df_a['AP1.AvalancheTypeId'] = np.nan
df_a['AP1.AvalancheTypeName'] = ''
df_a['AvalProbabilityId'] = np.nan
df_a['AvalProbabilityName'] = ''
df_a['AvalPropagationId'] = np.nan
df_a['AvalPropagationName'] = ''
df_a['AvalTriggerSimpleId'] = np.nan
df_a['AvalTriggerSimpleName'] = ''
df_a['AP1.Score'] = np.nan # APS score defined in /config/traininng_score.json and config/
In [6]:
In [ ]:
beaufort_scale = {'Stille/svak vind': 2, 'Bris': 4, 'Frisk bris': 5, 'Liten kuling': 6, 'Stiv kuling': 7, 'Sterk kuling': 8, 'Liten storm': 9, 'Storm': 10, 'Orkan': 12}
See full list at
In [ ]:
# define columns for meteorological parameters
df_a['Regional.PrecipitationMostExposed'] = np.nan
df_a['Regional.PrecipitationAverage'] = np.nan
df_a['Regional.WindSpeed'] = ''
df_a['Regional.WindDirection'] = ''
In [ ]:
for index, row in df_a.iterrows():
for mt in row['MountainWeather']['MeasurementTypes']:
if mt['Id']==20: # wind
for st in mt['MeasurementSubTypes']:
if st['Id'] == 20:
df_a.loc[index, 'Regional.WindSpeed'] = beaufort_scale[st['Value']]
if st['Id'] == 50:
df_a.loc[index, 'Regional.WindDirection'] = st['Value']
if mt['Id']==10: # precip
for st in mt['MeasurementSubTypes']:
if st['Id'] == 60:
df_a.loc[index, 'Regional.PrecipitationMostExposed'] = st['Value']
if st['Id'] == 70:
df_a.loc[index, 'Regional.PrecipitationAverage'] = st['Value']
for i in range(len(row['AvalancheProblems'])):
column_name_prefix = "AP{0}".format(row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalancheProblemId'])
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.AvalCauseId'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalCauseId']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.AvalCauseName'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalCauseName']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.AvalancheProblemTypeId'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalancheProblemTypeId']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.AvalancheProblemTypeName'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalancheProblemTypeName']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.DestructiveSizeExtId'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['DestructiveSizeExtId']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.DestructiveSizeExtName'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['DestructiveSizeExtName']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.AvalancheProblemId'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalancheProblemId']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.AvalancheTypeId'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalancheTypeId']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.AvalancheTypeName'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalancheTypeName']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.AvalProbabilityId'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalProbabilityId']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.AvalProbabilityName'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalProbabilityName']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.AvalPropagationId'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalPropagationId']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.AvalPropagationName'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalPropagationName']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.AvalTriggerSimpleId'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalTriggerSimpleId']
df_a.loc[index, '{0}.AvalTriggerSimpleName'.format(column_name_prefix)] = row['AvalancheProblems'][i]['AvalTriggerSimpleName']
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
# get_score(position, size, distribution, trigger, probability, dangerlevel)
ts = APSTrainingScore()
In [ ]:
for index, row in df_a.iterrows():
df_a.loc[index, 'AP1.Score'] = ts.score
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
df_a = df_a.drop(['CountyList', 'MunicipalityList'], axis=1)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [ ]:
plt.scatter(df_a['DangerLevel'], df_a['AP1.Score'])
In [ ]:
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
In [ ]:
df_ws = df_a[df_a['AP1.ProblemTypeId'] == 10.0]
In [ ]:
dl1 = go.Scatter(x = df_ws[df_ws["DangerLevel"] == '1']['Regional.PrecipitationMostExposed'], y = df_ws[df_ws["DangerLevel"] == '1']['Regional.WindSpeed'], name="Lowdanger", mode='markers',
marker = {'size': 10, 'color': 'green'})
dl2 = go.Scatter(x = df_ws[df_ws["DangerLevel"] == '2']['Regional.PrecipitationMostExposed'], y = df_ws[df_ws["DangerLevel"] == '2']['Regional.WindSpeed'], name="Moderate danger", mode='markers',
marker = {'size': 10, 'color': 'yellow'})
dl3 = go.Scatter(x = df_ws[df_ws["DangerLevel"] == '3']['Regional.PrecipitationMostExposed'], y = df_ws[df_ws["DangerLevel"] == '3']['Regional.WindSpeed'], name="Considerable danger", mode='markers',
marker = {'size': 10, 'color': 'orange'})
dl4 = go.Scatter(x = df_ws[df_ws["DangerLevel"] == '4']['Regional.PrecipitationMostExposed'], y = df_ws[df_ws["DangerLevel"] == '4']['Regional.WindSpeed'], name="High danger", mode='markers',
marker = {'size': 10, 'color': 'red'})
dl = go.Scatter(x = df_a['Regional.PrecipitationMostExposed'], y = df_a['Regional.WindSpeed'], name="All danger+problems", mode='markers',
marker = {'size': 10, 'color': 'black'})
# Edit the layout
layout = dict(title = 'Wind vs. precipitation (wind slabs)',
xaxis = dict(title = 'Precipitation'),
yaxis = dict(title = 'Wind speed'),
pltdata = [dl, dl1, dl2, dl3, dl4]
fig = dict(data=pltdata, layout=layout)
py.iplot(fig, filename='precip_wind_dangerlevel')
In [ ]:
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
In [ ]:
### For the purposes of this example, we store feature data from our
### dataframe `df`, in the `f1` and `f2` arrays. We combine this into
### a feature matrix `X` before entering it into the algorithm.
f1 = np.array(df_a['Regional.PrecipitationMostExposed'].values, dtype=int)
f2 = np.array(df_a['Regional.WindSpeed'].values)
f3 = np.array(df_a['AP1.ProblemTypeId'].values)
X = np.dstack((f1, f2, f3))[0]
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=4).fit(X)
In [ ]:
#print(len(kmeans.labels_), len(f1), len(f2))
In [ ]:
dl_class = go.Scatter(x = f1, y = f2, name="k-means classified", mode='markers',
marker = {'size': 10, 'color': kmeans.labels_})
# Edit the layout
layout = dict(title = 'Wind vs. precipitation - classified',
xaxis = dict(title = 'Precipitation'),
yaxis = dict(title = 'Wind speed'),
class_data = [dl_class]
fig = dict(data=class_data, layout=layout)
py.iplot(fig, filename='class_precip_wind_dangerlevel')
In [ ]:
dl_f3 = go.Scatter(x = f1, y = f2, name="k-means classified", mode='markers',
marker = {'size': 10, 'color': f3})
# Edit the layout
layout = dict(title = 'Wind vs. precipitation - AP1-colored',
xaxis = dict(title = 'Precipitation'),
yaxis = dict(title = 'Wind speed'),
ap1_data = [dl_f3]
fig = dict(data=ap1_data, layout=layout)
py.iplot(fig, filename='precip_wind_AP1')
In [ ]:
import requests
# http://tst-h-int-api01/APSServices/TimeSeriesReader.svc/DistributionByDate/met_obs_v2.0/<værparameter>/24/<regions_id>.0/<fra_dato>/<til_dato>
#met_url = r""
met_url = r''
met_data = requests.get(met_url).json()
df_met = pd.DataFrame(met_data)
In [ ]:
from sklearn import tree
X = [[0, 0], [2, 2]]
y = [0.5, 2.5]
clf = tree.DecisionTreeRegressor()
clf =, y)
clf.predict([[1, 1]])
In [ ]: