In [1]:
import psycopg2
import re
import psycopg2.extras
import pickle
import math


The city of New York does restaurant inspections and assigns a grade. I had a folder of inspections data from the last four years in the form of csv formatted text files. I cleaned the data, and loaded it into five Postgresql tables -- actions, cuisines, violations, grades, and boroughs -- that I then used for further analysis.

Two notes:

(1) Some files contained malformatted text. I used the 'iconv' unix utility to convert to utf-8 encoding.

(2) I also had to reparse files to get rid of commas (',') within a single field (which would've tricked csv parsers into breaking up the field).


In this section, I extracted the mean grade, standard error, and number of inspections for each of the 183 zipcodes in NYC with over 100 inspections.

In [131]:
with open('WebExtract.txt') as f:
    content = f.readlines()
for lines in content[0:4]:


"30075445","MORRIS PARK BAKE SHOP","2","1007      ","MORRIS PARK AVE                                   ","10462","7188924968","08","2014-03-03 00:00:00","D","10F","2","A","2014-03-03 00:00:00","2014-09-04 06:01:28.403000000"

"30112340","WENDY'S","3","469","FLATBUSH AVENUE","11225","7182875005","39","2014-07-01 00:00:00","F","06A","23","B","2014-07-01 00:00:00","2014-09-04 06:01:28.403000000"

"30191841","DJ REYNOLDS PUB AND RESTAURANT","1","351","WEST 57 STREET","10019","2122452912","03","2013-07-22 00:00:00","D","10B","11","A","2013-07-22 00:00:00","2014-09-04 06:01:28.403000000"

In [552]:
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='vagrant' user='vagrant'")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS grades")

In [553]:
cat WebExtract.txt | iconv -f latin1 -t utf-8 > WebExtract_cleaned.txt


In [554]:
with open('WebExtract_cleaned.txt') as f:
    content = f.readlines()

recontent= [re.sub(r'","','";;"', caps) for caps in content] #substituting ;; for delimiting ,
recontent= [re.sub(r'\,',';', caps) for caps in recontent] #substituting ; for content ,
recontent= [re.sub(r'";;"','","', caps) for caps in recontent] #substituting , for content ;;

recontent2=[caps.split(',') for caps in recontent]

for caps in recontent2:
    if len(caps)>11:
recontent3= [re.sub(r'","',',', caps) for caps in recontent3] #substituting away ""
recontent3= [re.sub(r'^"','', caps) for caps in recontent3] #substituting ; for content ,
recontent3= [re.sub(r'".*$','', caps) for caps in recontent3] #substituting ; for content ,
with open('we2', 'w') as f:
    f.writelines('%s' % l for l in renohead)
for entries in recontent3[1:]:
    if len(entries)>34:
renohead = renohead[:25930]+renohead[25931:]
with open('we2', 'w') as f:
    f.writelines('%s' % l for l in renohead)

"30075445","MORRIS PARK BAKE SHOP","2","1007      ","MORRIS PARK AVE                                   ","10462","7188924968","08","2014-03-03 00:00:00","D","10F","2","A","2014-03-03 00:00:00","2014-09-04 06:01:28.403000000"

"30075445,MORRIS PARK BAKE SHOP,2,1007      ,MORRIS PARK AVE                                   ,10462,7188924968,08,2014-03-03 00:00:00,D,10F,2,A,2014-03-03 00:00:00,2014-09-04 06:01:28.403000000"

In [557]:
cat we2 | iconv -f latin1 -t utf-8 > we2f


In [558]:

import psycopg2
import sys

con = None
f = None

    con = psycopg2.connect(database='vagrant', user='vagrant') 
    cur = con.cursor()
    f = open('we2f', 'r')
    cur.copy_from(f, 'grades', sep=",")                    
except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
    if con:
    print 'Error %s' % e    

except IOError, e:    

    if con:

    print 'Error %s' % e   
    if con:

    if f:

In [395]:

con = None

    con = psycopg2.connect(database='vagrant', user='vagrant')     
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT zipcode, AVG(score) from grades WHERE score<9999 GROUP BY zipcode")
    for row in rows:

    cur.execute("SELECT zipcode, COUNT(score) from grades WHERE score<9999 GROUP BY zipcode")
    for row in rows:

    cur.execute("SELECT zipcode, STDDEV(score) from grades WHERE score<9999 GROUP BY zipcode")
    for row in rows:

except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
    print 'Error %s' % e    
    if con:



In [411]:
for i in range(len(ziplist)):
    if inspections[i]>100:

output = open('../../miniprojects/questions/sql1.pickle','w')



I then used CartoDB to produce a map of average scores by zip code.

In [420]:
import csv

with open('mapping.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
    fieldnames = ['zip_code', 'score']
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)

    for i in range(len(scorebyzipcodeout)):
        writer.writerow({'zip_code': scorebyzipcodeout[i][0], 'score': scorebyzipcodeout[i][1]})


Here, I extracted the same information (mean grade, stderr, number of inspections) for each of the city's five boroughs.

In [422]:
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='vagrant' user='vagrant'")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS boroughs")
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE boroughs (BORO INT, BORONAME TEXT)")

In [424]:
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='vagrant' user='vagrant'")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("INSERT INTO boroughs VALUES (1, 'MANHATTAN')")
cur.execute("INSERT INTO boroughs VALUES (2, 'THE BRONX')")
cur.execute("INSERT INTO boroughs VALUES (3, 'BROOKLYN')")
cur.execute("INSERT INTO boroughs VALUES (4, 'QUEENS')")
cur.execute("INSERT INTO boroughs VALUES (5, 'STATEN ISLAND')")

In [428]:

con = None

sqlcmd = """
SELECT Boroughs.boroname, AVG(Grades.score), STDDEV(Grades.score), COUNT(Grades.score) as total
from Grades, Boroughs
WHERE Grades.boro = boroughs.boro and Grades.score<9999
GROUP BY Boroughs.boroname
ORDER BY total desc;

    con = psycopg2.connect(database='vagrant', user='vagrant')     
    cur = con.cursor()
    for row in rows:
except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
    print 'Error %s' % e    
    if con:

for i in range(len(borolist)):

('MANHATTAN', Decimal('22.2356112023129885'), Decimal('15.0405292153990754'), 204065L)
('BROOKLYN', Decimal('22.1690296493647789'), Decimal('15.1678735108560759'), 116731L)
('QUEENS', Decimal('22.6888769757548508'), Decimal('15.5290453548602659'), 115652L)
('THE BRONX', Decimal('21.5671118128193321'), Decimal('15.1990054317136043'), 45603L)
('STATEN ISLAND', Decimal('20.9189491335941867'), Decimal('13.5851883826653510'), 16101L)

In [431]:
import math
import pickle

for i in range(len(borolist)):

output = open('../../miniprojects/questions/sql2.pickle','w')

[('MANHATTAN', 22.235611202312988, 0.03329498747286129, 204065), ('BROOKLYN', 22.169029649364777, 0.044394748017859545, 116731), ('QUEENS', 22.68887697575485, 0.04566339364966828, 115652), ('THE BRONX', 21.56711181281933, 0.07117352299167724, 45603), ('STATEN ISLAND', 20.918949133594186, 0.10706295846600053, 16101)]


I joined the 'cuisine' and 'boroughs' table, and extracted the summary statistics for the 75 cuisine types with at least 100 inspections.

In [2]:
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='vagrant' user='vagrant'")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cuisine")

In [3]:
cat Cuisine.txt | iconv -f latin1 -t utf-8 > Cuisine_cleaned.txt


In [4]:
with open('Cuisine_cleaned.txt') as f:
    content = f.readlines()

recontent= [re.sub(r'","','";;"', caps) for caps in content] #substituting ;; for delimiting ,
recontent= [re.sub(r'\,',';', caps) for caps in recontent] #substituting ; for content ,
recontent= [re.sub(r'";;"','","', caps) for caps in recontent] #substituting , for content ;;
recontent= [re.sub(r'","',',', caps) for caps in recontent] #substituting away ""
recontent= [re.sub(r'^"','', caps) for caps in recontent] #substituting away beginning ""
recontent= [re.sub(r'".*$','', caps) for caps in recontent] #substituting away ending ""
with open('we2', 'w') as f:
    f.writelines('%s' % l for l in renohead)


['02,African\n', '03,American \n', '05,Asian\n', '15,Cajun\n', '17,Caribbean\n', '20,Chinese\n', '30,Eastern European\n', '31,Egyptian\n', '35,French\n', '37,German\n', '38,Greek\n', '44,Indian\n', '45,Indonesian\n', '48,Italian\n', '49,Japanese\n', '50,Jewish/Kosher\n', '52,Korean\n', '53,Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)\n', '54,Mediterranean\n', '55,Mexican\n', '56,Middle Eastern\n', '67,Russian\n', '76,Southwestern\n', '82,Thai\n', '99,Other\n', '01,Afghan\n', '04,Armenian\n', '06,Australian\n', '07,Bagels/Pretzels\n', '08,Bakery\n', '09,Bangladeshi\n', '10,Barbecue\n', '11,Basque\n', '12,Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.\n', '13,Brazilian\n', '14,Caf\xc3\xa9/Coffee/Tea\n', '16,Californian\n', '18,Chicken\n', '19,Chilean\n', '21,Chinese/Cuban\n', '22,Chinese/Japanese\n', '23,Continental\n', '24,Creole\n', '25,Creole/Cajun\n', '26,Czech\n', '27,Delicatessen\n', '28,Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia\n', '29,Donuts\n', '32,English\n', '33,Ethiopian\n', '34,Filipino\n', '36,Fruits/Vegetables\n', '39,Hamburgers\n', '40,Hawaiian\n', '41,Hotdogs\n', '42,Hotdogs/Pretzels\n', '43,Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices\n', '46,Iranian\n', '47,Irish\n', '51,Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads\n', '57,Moroccan\n', '58,Nuts/Confectionary\n', '59,Pakistani\n', '60,Pancakes/Waffles\n', '61,Peruvian\n', '62,Pizza\n', '63,Pizza/Italian\n', '64,Polish\n', '65,Polynesian\n', '66,Portuguese\n', '68,Salads\n', '69,Sandwiches\n', '70,Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet\n', '71,Scandinavian\n', '72,Seafood\n', '73,Soul Food\n', '74,Soups\n', '75,Soups & Sandwiches\n', '77,Spanish\n', '78,Steak\n', '80,Tapas\n', '81,Tex-Mex\n', '83,Turkish\n', '84,Vegetarian\n', '00,Not Listed/Not Applicable\n']

In [5]:
cat we2 | iconv -f latin1 -t utf-8 > we2f


In [6]:

import psycopg2
import sys

con = None
f = None

    con = psycopg2.connect(database='vagrant', user='vagrant') 
    cur = con.cursor()
    f = open('we2f', 'r')
    cur.copy_from(f, 'cuisine', sep=",")                    
except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
    if con:
    print 'Error %s' % e    

except IOError, e:    

    if con:

    print 'Error %s' % e   
    if con:

    if f:

In [442]:

con = None

sqlcmd = """
SELECT Cuisine.codedesc, AVG(Grades.score) as avgscore, STDDEV(Grades.score), COUNT(Grades.score) as totalc
from Grades, Cuisine
WHERE Grades.cuisinecode = Cuisine.cuisinecode and Grades.score<9999
GROUP BY Cuisine.cuisinedesc
ORDER BY totalc desc;

    con = psycopg2.connect(database='vagrant', user='vagrant')     
    cur = con.cursor()
    for row in rows:
except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
    print 'Error %s' % e    
    if con:

for i in range(len(cuisinelist)):

('American ', Decimal('21.3551313249979022'), Decimal('14.4033176318749135'), 119170L)
('Chinese', Decimal('24.9211521577632201'), Decimal('16.5986714155487363'), 59228L)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', Decimal('24.4995562726906010'), Decimal('16.1821486376875136'), 24790L)
('Pizza', Decimal('21.3703342278604538'), Decimal('14.3912077153683614'), 24594L)
('Italian', Decimal('22.1795240639513378'), Decimal('14.5315194348504420'), 24331L)
('Japanese', Decimal('23.8085913181277944'), Decimal('15.2168623919287750'), 17669L)
('Mexican', Decimal('23.2600883990586074'), Decimal('14.8921467747433057'), 17421L)
('Bakery', Decimal('23.0654289950364211'), Decimal('16.1699422170539853'), 15513L)
('Caribbean', Decimal('23.0925961849337213'), Decimal('15.7306763233733266'), 15465L)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', Decimal('17.1263705369693562'), Decimal('12.3408424825936259'), 14228L)
('Spanish', Decimal('23.4607191479138304'), Decimal('15.5888746609285937'), 12487L)
('Pizza/Italian', Decimal('22.1929531848071450'), Decimal('14.1065364716091783'), 10189L)
('Delicatessen', Decimal('24.5195100802081075'), Decimal('15.5945268287301715'), 9226L)
('Indian', Decimal('25.0934887256143907'), Decimal('17.9831804989843744'), 7894L)
('Hamburgers', Decimal('17.5130925204780449'), Decimal('11.4273357031753701'), 7447L)
('Asian', Decimal('26.0572285052459463'), Decimal('18.4679562490512369'), 7339L)
('Jewish/Kosher', Decimal('22.6756348661633493'), Decimal('14.8022407897667654'), 7285L)
('Chicken', Decimal('19.3176002274665908'), Decimal('12.8664429782047688'), 7034L)
('French', Decimal('21.9982881597717546'), Decimal('14.8278078742068168'), 7010L)
('Korean', Decimal('24.5479987962684321'), Decimal('15.9247014299611636'), 6646L)
('Thai', Decimal('23.5575301204819277'), Decimal('14.4195731036440683'), 6640L)
('Sandwiches', Decimal('16.4384422110552764'), Decimal('11.6091109656472588'), 6368L)
('Donuts', Decimal('15.5363367313383755'), Decimal('11.1933161098784410'), 6082L)
('Irish', Decimal('20.8301395788975633'), Decimal('13.2104810765518603'), 4227L)
('Mediterranean', Decimal('21.5864968152866242'), Decimal('15.5267836424059888'), 3925L)
('Bagels/Pretzels', Decimal('21.0696292103028588'), Decimal('13.8751396105151658'), 3533L)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', Decimal('15.9433800400343151'), Decimal('11.5444468562755472'), 3497L)
('Seafood', Decimal('22.8871544715447154'), Decimal('16.4808581875397606'), 3075L)
('Middle Eastern', Decimal('20.2653538050734312'), Decimal('14.9753057022703087'), 2996L)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', Decimal('17.1911962365591398'), Decimal('12.0411089880033088'), 2976L)
('Tex-Mex', Decimal('20.9158050221565731'), Decimal('15.0330605196352407'), 2708L)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', Decimal('16.9064579256360078'), Decimal('12.1203286368950369'), 2555L)
('Greek', Decimal('20.7136997538966366'), Decimal('13.5893547736084742'), 2438L)
('Vegetarian', Decimal('20.8716465018411362'), Decimal('14.9857595867833146'), 1901L)
('Russian', Decimal('23.5254777070063694'), Decimal('17.0058216433774275'), 1884L)
('Peruvian', Decimal('24.8654906284454245'), Decimal('16.9191187742036336'), 1814L)
('African', Decimal('26.6588366890380313'), Decimal('19.2338696200159461'), 1788L)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', Decimal('24.4500000000000000'), Decimal('15.7052056689491019'), 1780L)
('Other', Decimal('17.3927560837577816'), Decimal('15.3439137538412373'), 1767L)
('Steak', Decimal('21.6960841613091759'), Decimal('16.1058625729466513'), 1711L)
('Turkish', Decimal('22.6700749829584185'), Decimal('15.3384801814957882'), 1467L)
('Eastern European', Decimal('23.0645161290322581'), Decimal('14.9147311834891604'), 1395L)
('Chinese/Japanese', Decimal('26.0322327044025157'), Decimal('16.3390434794892941'), 1272L)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', Decimal('17.8512145748987854'), Decimal('12.7074130748242742'), 988L)
('Soul Food', Decimal('23.4873096446700508'), Decimal('14.3090912659140766'), 985L)
('Continental', Decimal('21.9086078639744952'), Decimal('13.8977321078205635'), 941L)
('German', Decimal('20.5703517587939698'), Decimal('10.5662962636609817'), 796L)
('Pakistani', Decimal('25.5921219822109276'), Decimal('17.9967508785217864'), 787L)
('Bangladeshi', Decimal('26.5866495507060334'), Decimal('18.2588113445634531'), 779L)
('Barbecue', Decimal('20.8593548387096774'), Decimal('12.6521576265269852'), 775L)
('Polish', Decimal('21.2521865889212828'), Decimal('11.8085316009025149'), 686L)
('Creole', Decimal('30.1454545454545455'), Decimal('21.2727085256592939'), 660L)
('Brazilian', Decimal('22.8225039619651347'), Decimal('12.8165394410516249'), 631L)
('Armenian', Decimal('17.2334494773519164'), Decimal('9.7907173483623398'), 574L)
('Soups & Sandwiches', Decimal('14.9611992945326279'), Decimal('9.7487107405708298'), 567L)
('Tapas', Decimal('22.0937500000000000'), Decimal('15.5318373644358461'), 544L)
('Salads', Decimal('20.1602209944751381'), Decimal('13.8906550108350947'), 543L)
('Filipino', Decimal('21.8099630996309963'), Decimal('12.5565211017933575'), 542L)
('Hotdogs', Decimal('15.5413870246085011'), Decimal('9.2896808968887410'), 447L)
('Chinese/Cuban', Decimal('27.4245283018867925'), Decimal('16.9222659500244785'), 424L)
('Pancakes/Waffles', Decimal('21.0050505050505051'), Decimal('13.6920923218236268'), 396L)
('English', Decimal('18.6446540880503145'), Decimal('10.3915225567363270'), 318L)
('Egyptian', Decimal('18.5419354838709677'), Decimal('10.9693534307351422'), 310L)
('Ethiopian', Decimal('15.3461538461538462'), Decimal('7.1908154795168287'), 286L)
('Afghan', Decimal('22.0797101449275362'), Decimal('13.8406839527284521'), 276L)
('Moroccan', Decimal('21.0418250950570342'), Decimal('14.4169826601382376'), 263L)
('Portuguese', Decimal('26.6857142857142857'), Decimal('17.3414125769481197'), 245L)
('Australian', Decimal('22.2575107296137339'), Decimal('17.1660939560477333'), 233L)
('Indonesian', Decimal('21.9666666666666667'), Decimal('11.7950534329626240'), 210L)
('Southwestern', Decimal('19.2113402061855670'), Decimal('9.5971538990150756'), 194L)
('Cajun', Decimal('17.2142857142857143'), Decimal('7.6292400459257782'), 168L)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', Decimal('14.5192307692307692'), Decimal('12.4948872918776088'), 156L)
('Scandinavian', Decimal('20.0833333333333333'), Decimal('9.8665926413149514'), 144L)
('Czech', Decimal('20.7394957983193277'), Decimal('12.5045498057835405'), 119L)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', Decimal('22.2627118644067797'), Decimal('19.7256516433266439'), 118L)
('Iranian', Decimal('20.1466666666666667'), Decimal('10.3214462287148622'), 75L)
('Hawaiian', Decimal('23.4920634920634921'), Decimal('12.6909581934096481'), 63L)
('Nuts/Confectionary', Decimal('20.2333333333333333'), Decimal('15.1907271745099642'), 60L)
('Fruits/Vegetables', Decimal('12.5714285714285714'), Decimal('5.3967582862307257'), 49L)
('Creole/Cajun', Decimal('18.8958333333333333'), Decimal('9.0277104925661330'), 48L)
('Soups', Decimal('11.9302325581395349'), Decimal('7.2223045683467509'), 43L)
('Basque', Decimal('28.2285714285714286'), Decimal('13.0340858888524742'), 35L)
('Chilean', Decimal('6.0000000000000000'), Decimal('0'), 3L)
('Californian', Decimal('12.0000000000000000'), Decimal('0'), 2L)

In [443]:
import math
import pickle

for i in range(75):

output = open('../../miniprojects/questions/sql3.pickle','w')

[('American ', 21.355131324997902, 0.041723340151607224, 119170), ('Chinese', 24.92115215776322, 0.06820399186759622, 59228), ('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 24.4995562726906, 0.1027774699594768, 24790), ('Pizza', 21.370334227860454, 0.09176618080188305, 24594), ('Italian', 22.179524063951337, 0.09316033631827197, 24331), ('Japanese', 23.808591318127796, 0.11447723411350752, 17669), ('Mexican', 23.260088399058606, 0.11282900740718464, 17421), ('Bakery', 23.06542899503642, 0.12982566974763338, 15513), ('Caribbean', 23.092596184933722, 0.12649473014067292, 15465), ('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 17.126370536969358, 0.10346009689186739, 14228), ('Spanish', 23.46071914791383, 0.1395036945301105, 12487), ('Pizza/Italian', 22.192953184807145, 0.13975090047795347, 10189), ('Delicatessen', 24.519510080208107, 0.16235492849437935, 9226), ('Indian', 25.093488725614392, 0.2024034646705623, 7894), ('Hamburgers', 17.513092520478043, 0.13242022119859062, 7447), ('Asian', 26.057228505245945, 0.21557599197048327, 7339), ('Jewish/Kosher', 22.67563486616335, 0.17342539270741766, 7285), ('Chicken', 19.317600227466592, 0.15341128851846422, 7034), ('French', 21.998288159771754, 0.17709974717651142, 7010), ('Korean', 24.54799879626843, 0.19533997602727793, 6646), ('Thai', 23.55753012048193, 0.17695725118992753, 6640), ('Sandwiches', 16.438442211055275, 0.14547803792438158, 6368), ('Donuts', 15.536336731338375, 0.14352764563010978, 6082), ('Irish', 20.830139578897562, 0.2031900837710234, 4227), ('Mediterranean', 21.586496815286623, 0.24783444765941268, 3925), ('Bagels/Pretzels', 21.06962921030286, 0.23343476916521777, 3533), ('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 15.943380040034315, 0.1952204514252207, 3497), ('Seafood', 22.887154471544715, 0.2972057876192947, 3075), ('Middle Eastern', 20.26535380507343, 0.27359288071510046, 2996), ('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 17.19119623655914, 0.22072423684354653, 2976), ('Tex-Mex', 20.915805022156572, 0.2888837252529682, 2708), ('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 16.90645792563601, 0.2397833058487038, 2555), ('Greek', 20.713699753896638, 0.27522126467540714, 2438), ('Vegetarian', 20.871646501841138, 0.3437064661489935, 1901), ('Russian', 23.52547770700637, 0.391793449530072, 1884), ('Peruvian', 24.865490628445425, 0.3972456021278627, 1814), ('African', 26.658836689038033, 0.4548654080746962, 1788), ('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 24.45, 0.3722490747522786, 1780), ('Other', 17.39275608375778, 0.36502101968711737, 1767), ('Steak', 21.696084161309177, 0.38936685948790184, 1711), ('Turkish', 22.67007498295842, 0.4004674963029919, 1467), ('Eastern European', 23.06451612903226, 0.3993266790654445, 1395), ('Chinese/Japanese', 26.032232704402517, 0.4581240303898391, 1272), ('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 17.851214574898787, 0.4042766658174931, 988), ('Soul Food', 23.487309644670052, 0.45592555815054037, 985), ('Continental', 21.908607863974495, 0.4530531186418449, 941), ('German', 20.57035175879397, 0.3745124413929537, 796), ('Pakistani', 25.592121982210926, 0.6415148865470445, 787), ('Bangladeshi', 26.586649550706035, 0.6541898062400501, 779), ('Barbecue', 20.859354838709677, 0.45447891836054854, 775), ('Polish', 21.252186588921283, 0.4508518315456165, 686), ('Creole', 30.145454545454545, 0.8280390563340794, 660), ('Brazilian', 22.822503961965136, 0.5102183790932577, 631), ('Armenian', 17.233449477351915, 0.4086566464601226, 574), ('Soups & Sandwiches', 14.961199294532628, 0.40940736861991633, 567), ('Tapas', 22.09375, 0.6659220331660752, 544), ('Salads', 20.16022099447514, 0.5961050629677913, 543), ('Filipino', 21.809963099630995, 0.5393487636887532, 542), ('Hotdogs', 15.5413870246085, 0.4393868291224805, 447), ('Chinese/Cuban', 27.42452830188679, 0.8218178838154246, 424), ('Pancakes/Waffles', 21.005050505050505, 0.6880535276726525, 396), ('English', 18.644654088050313, 0.5827276488437098, 318), ('Egyptian', 18.54193548387097, 0.6230174095024664, 310), ('Ethiopian', 15.346153846153847, 0.425201833030848, 286), ('Afghan', 22.079710144927535, 0.8331112724698654, 276), ('Moroccan', 21.041825095057035, 0.8889892346941004, 263), ('Portuguese', 26.685714285714287, 1.107902209940737, 245), ('Australian', 22.257510729613735, 1.124588206384589, 233), ('Indonesian', 21.966666666666665, 0.8139360144690309, 210), ('Southwestern', 19.211340206185568, 0.689035494130791, 194), ('Cajun', 17.214285714285715, 0.5886086483756457, 168), ('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 14.51923076923077, 1.0003916170255032, 156), ('Scandinavian', 20.083333333333332, 0.8222160534429127, 144), ('Czech', 20.73949579831933, 1.1462902012976184, 119), ('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 22.26271186440678, 1.8158934224350858, 118)]


Now, to answer a more complicated question -- which cuisines tend to have a disproportionate number of what which violations? Some notes:

(1) More popular cuisine categories will tend to have more violations just because they represent more restaurants. Similarly, some violations are more common. For example, knowing that "Equipment not easily movable or sealed to floor" is a common violation for Chinese restuarants is not particularly helpful when it is a common violation for all restaurants. The right quantity is to look at is the conditional probability of a specific type of violation given a specific cuisine type and divide it by the unconditional probability of the violation for the entire population.

(2) The definition of a violation changes with time. For example, 10A can mean two different things "Toilet facility not maintained ..." or "Vermin or other live animal present ..." when things were prior to 2003.

(3) The ratios don't mean much when the number of violations of a given type and for a specific category are not large, so I filtered them out (using 100 as a somewhat arbitrary threshold).

In [15]:
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='vagrant' user='vagrant'")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS violations")
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE violations (STARTDATE timestamp, ENDDATE timestamp, CRITICALFLAG varchar(1), VIOLATIONCODE varchar(3),VIOLATIONDESC varchar(512))")

In [509]:
cat Violation.txt | iconv -f latin1 -t utf-8 > Violation_cleaned.txt


In [10]:
with open('Violation.txt') as f:
    content = f.readlines()
recontent= [re.sub(r'","','";;"', caps) for caps in content] #substituting ;; for delimiting ,
recontent= [re.sub(r'\,',';', caps) for caps in recontent] #substituting ; for content ,
recontent= [re.sub(r'";;"','","', caps) for caps in recontent] #substituting , for delimiting ;;
recontent= [re.sub(r'","',',', caps) for caps in recontent] #getting rid of middle quotes
recontent= [re.sub(r'^"','', caps) for caps in recontent] #getting rid of beginning quote

"1901-01-01 00:00:00";;"2003-03-23 00:00:00";;"Y";;"01A";;"Current valid <a    onmouseover="ShowContent('P2','01A'); return true;"     href="javascript:ShowContent('P2','01A')">permit</A> , registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."

"1901-01-01 00:00:00";;"2003-03-23 00:00:00";;"Y";;"01A";;"Current valid <a    onmouseover="ShowContent('P2';'01A'); return true;"     href="javascript:ShowContent('P2';'01A')">permit</A> ; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."

['1901-01-01 00:00:00,2003-03-23 00:00:00,Y,01A,Current valid <a    onmouseover="ShowContent(\'P2\';\'01A\'); return true;"     href="javascript:ShowContent(\'P2\';\'01A\')">permit</A> ; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."\r\n', '2003-03-24 00:00:00,2005-02-17 00:00:00,Y,01A,Current valid <a    onmouseover="ShowContent(\'P2\';\'01A\'); return true;"     href="javascript:ShowContent(\'P2\';\'01A\')">permit</A> ; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."\r\n', '2005-02-18 00:00:00,2007-06-30 00:00:00,Y,01A,Current valid <a    onmouseover="ShowContent(\'P2\';\'01A\'); return true;"     href="javascript:ShowContent(\'P2\';\'01A\')">permit</A> ; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."\r\n', '2007-07-01 00:00:00,2008-06-30 00:00:00,Y,01A,Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available.  Violations points are not assessed for Smoke Free Air Act; trans fat; calorie posting or permit and poster violations."\r\n', '2008-07-01 00:00:00,2009-08-01 00:00:00,Y,01A,Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available.  Violations points are not assessed for Smoke Free Air Act; trans fat; calorie posting or permit and poster violations."\r\n', '1901-01-01 00:00:00,2003-03-23 00:00:00,Y,01B,Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate Temporary Food Service Establishment is not available."\r\n', '2003-03-24 00:00:00,2005-02-17 00:00:00,Y,01B,Document issued by the Board; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."\r\n', '2005-02-18 00:00:00,2007-06-30 00:00:00,Y,01B,Document issued by the Board; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."\r\n', '2007-07-01 00:00:00,2008-06-30 00:00:00,Y,01B,Document issued by the Board; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."\r\n', '2008-07-01 00:00:00,2009-08-01 00:00:00,Y,01B,Document issued by the Board; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."\r\n', '1901-01-01 00:00:00,2003-03-23 00:00:00,Y,01C,<a    onmouseover="ShowContent(\'F3\';\'01C\'); return true;"     href="javascript:ShowContent(\'F3\';\'01C\')">Food Protection Certificate</a> not held by supervisor of food operations."\r\n', '2003-03-24 00:00:00,2005-02-17 00:00:00,Y,01C,Notice of the Department or Board mutilated; obstructed; or removed."\r\n', '2005-02-18 00:00:00,2007-06-30 00:00:00,Y,01C,Notice of the department or Board mutilated; obstructed; or removed."\r\n', '2007-07-01 00:00:00,2008-06-30 00:00:00,Y,01C,Notice of the department or Board mutilated; obstructed; or removed."\r\n', '2008-07-01 00:00:00,2009-08-01 00:00:00,Y,01C,Notice of the department or Board mutilated; obstructed; or removed."\r\n', '1901-01-01 00:00:00,2003-03-23 00:00:00,Y,01D,Current valid<a    onmouseover="ShowContent(\'F2\';\'01D\'); return true;"     href="javascript:ShowContent(\'F2\';\'01D\')">\'food vendor license</a> not available."\r\n', '2003-03-24 00:00:00,2005-02-17 00:00:00,Y,01D,Failure to comply with an Order of the Board; Commissioner or Department."\r\n', '2005-02-18 00:00:00,2007-06-30 00:00:00,Y,01D,Failure to comply with an Order of the Board; Commissioner or Department."\r\n', '2007-07-01 00:00:00,2008-06-30 00:00:00,Y,01D,Failure to comply with an Order of the Board; Commissioner or Department."\r\n', '2008-07-01 00:00:00,2009-08-01 00:00:00,Y,01D,Failure to comply with an Order of the Board; Commissioner or Department."\r\n']

In [11]:
with open('violations2', 'w') as f:
    f.writelines('%s' % l for l in renohead)

In [12]:
cat violations2 | iconv -f latin1 -t utf-8 > violations2f


In [13]:
!cat violations2f

In [16]:

import psycopg2
import sys

con = None
f = None

    con = psycopg2.connect(database='vagrant', user='vagrant') 
    cur = con.cursor()
    f = open('violations2f', 'r')
    cur.copy_from(f, 'Violations', sep=",")                    
except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
    if con:
    print 'Error %s' % e    

except IOError, e:    

    if con:

    print 'Error %s' % e   
    if con:

    if f:

In [17]:
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='vagrant' user='vagrant'")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS violationsCategorized")

In [71]:
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='vagrant' user='vagrant'")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t2")
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE t2 AS (SELECT violationdesc, SUM(violationsCategorized.count) AS FREQ from violationscategorized GROUP BY violationdesc)")
cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS violationscategorized2")
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE violationscategorized2 AS (SELECT violationscategorized.codedesc, violationscategorized.violationdesc, violationscategorized.count, t2.freq*1.0/(select sum(freq) from t2) AS vprob from violationscategorized INNER JOIN t2 on violationscategorized.violationdesc=t2.violationdesc)")

In [78]:

con = None

Select  s1.codedesc, s1.violationdesc, (s1.count*1.0/s2.Count2s)/s1.vprob as freq1, s2.Count2s, s1.vprob, s1.count
From    (
        Select codedesc, violationdesc, count, vprob
        From   violationscategorized2
        ) As s1
        Inner Join (
            Select codedesc, Count(*) As Count2, Sum(count) As Count2s
            From   violationscategorized2
            Group By codedesc
            ) As s2
            On s1.codedesc = s2.codedesc
ORDER BY freq1 desc, s1.count desc;

    con = psycopg2.connect(database='vagrant', user='vagrant')     
    cur = con.cursor()
    for row in rows:
except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
    print 'Error %s' % e    
    if con:
for i in range(xlen):

('Cajun', 'Specific caloric content or range thereof not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags for each menu item offered as a combination meal with multiple options that are listed as single items."', 290.8100558659218, 1)
('Portuguese', 'Food not labeled in accordance with HACCP plan."', 168.27218361079684, 2)
('Egyptian', 'Out-of package sale of tobacco products observed."', 135.9848484848485, 1)
('Middle Eastern', 'Out-of package sale of tobacco products observed."', 99.98765194961996, 7)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 91.95371842430666, 1)
('Californian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 82.36550632911393, 1)
('Afghan', 'Unprotected food re-served."', 75.44202898550725, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Evidence of flying insects or live flying insects present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 67.9391803706604, 1)
('Chilean', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 66.90874035989717, 1)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Caloric content range (minimum to maximum) not posted on menus and or menu boards for each flavor; variety and size of each menu item that is offered for sale in different flavors; varieties and sizes."', 62.05466621253406, 7)
('Egyptian', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 49.861111111111114, 3)
('Middle Eastern', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 48.88285206425864, 28)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 46.930219978362786, 1)
('English', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 41.014024582414116, 1)
('Creole', 'Whole frozen poultry or poultry breasts; other than a single portion; is being cooked frozen or partially thawed."', 40.34958530346485, 1)
('Egyptian', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 40.15659955257271, 8)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 39.88888888888889, 1)
('Czech', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 35.95455173366487, 1)
('Portuguese', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 35.184183845893884, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Work place smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided."', 35.03264015075039, 2)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Garbage receptacles not provided or inadequate. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 35.03264015075039, 2)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 32.34234234234234, 1)
('Basque', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 29.681263542023036, 1)
('Pakistani', 'Unprotected food re-served."', 27.90703908218517, 1)
('Egyptian', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 27.1969696969697, 1)
('Egyptian', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 26.779624893435635, 7)
('Eastern European', 'Records and logs not maintained to demonstrate that HACCP plan has been properly implemented."', 26.570874381093358, 1)
('Middle Eastern', 'Whole frozen poultry or poultry breasts; other than a single portion; is being cooked frozen or partially thawed."', 24.808966273213972, 3)
('Hotdogs', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 23.119115295789662, 1)
('Pakistani', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 22.13316892725031, 1)
('Indonesian', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 22.017087510045258, 1)
('Middle Eastern', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 21.61765629399741, 41)
('Afghan', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 19.49625468164794, 1)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 19.483119994011528, 1)
('Tex-Mex', 'Meat; fish or molluscan shellfish served raw or undercooked without prior notification to customer."', 18.355077574047954, 1)
('Czech', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 18.09633067389755, 2)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 17.824002739256976, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Lighting inadequate. Bulb not shielded or shatterproof."', 17.516320075375194, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food item spoiled; adulterated; contaminated or cross-contaminated."', 17.516320075375194, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained."', 16.9847950926651, 1)
('Southwestern', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 16.982024597918638, 1)
('Portuguese', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 16.682156133828997, 4)
('Indonesian', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 16.184746447781613, 1)
('Eastern European', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 15.018320302357116, 17)
('Chilean', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 14.91889258282701, 1)
('Steak', 'Raw food not properly washed prior to serving."', 14.483861992209238, 1)
('Mexican', 'Meat; fish or molluscan shellfish served raw or undercooked without prior notification to customer."', 14.170795448358469, 5)
('Chicken', 'Specific caloric content or range thereof not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags for each menu item offered as a combination meal with multiple options that are listed as single items."', 13.989518946519754, 2)
('Donuts', 'Food allergy information poster not posted in language understood by all food workers."', 13.764609445237717, 3)
('Australian', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 13.541883454734652, 1)
('Soups', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 13.407943540078302, 1)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 13.334443362877197, 1)
('Indonesian', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 13.3303457106274, 3)
('Polish', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 13.108788718207, 1)
('Creole/Cajun', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 12.587049037624528, 1)
('Cajun', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 12.218909910332847, 2)
('Soul Food', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 12.091753774680605, 1)
('Afghan', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 11.645413870246085, 2)
('Afghan', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 11.491169977924944, 1)
('Middle Eastern', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 11.42716022281371, 4)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 11.080246913580247, 1)
('Armenian', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 11.05577266162603, 4)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food allergy information poster not posted in language understood by all food workers."', 11.037955894826124, 1)
('Sandwiches', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 10.764061207609595, 7)
('Greek', 'Whole frozen poultry or poultry breasts; other than a single portion; is being cooked frozen or partially thawed."', 10.723040477907096, 1)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 10.562496376601542, 14)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 10.162823841783643, 1)
('Pizza', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Clean outer garments; effective hair restraint not worn."', 10.132557324716783, 1)
('Middle Eastern', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 10.046256589749904, 25)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 10.0414737654321, 1)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food item spoiled; adulterated; contaminated or cross-contaminated."', 9.986379158193607, 1)
('German', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 9.980826382897133, 1)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Raw food not properly washed prior to serving."', 9.93416030534351, 1)
('Middle Eastern', 'Refrigeration used to implement HACCP plan not equipped with an electronic system that continuously monitors time and temperature."', 9.82021581648053, 1)
('Tex-Mex', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 9.660567144235765, 2)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 9.41626569226873, 2)
('Chicken', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 9.416022367849834, 7)
('Russian', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 9.39109005560146, 5)
('Pakistani', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 9.370246699127868, 2)
('Pakistani', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 9.30234636072839, 1)
('Continental', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 9.290392818261319, 2)
('Armenian', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 9.151722925457102, 1)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Potable water supply inadequate. Water or ice not potable or from unapproved source.  Cross connection in potable water supply system observed."', 9.031054823039556, 1)
('Turkish', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 8.935867064922581, 1)
('Chicken', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 8.92948017862963, 24)
('Afghan', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 8.875532821824383, 2)
('Czech', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 8.833661417322835, 1)
('Donuts', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 8.78592092249216, 20)
('Armenian', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 8.762287907352546, 2)
('Continental', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 8.681186731817954, 1)
('Peruvian', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 8.62523197242842, 1)
('Creole', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 8.613956413099237, 1)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 8.563931297709924, 1)
('Creole', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 8.518245786287023, 1)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Raw food not properly washed prior to serving."', 8.514066077854105, 1)
('Turkish', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 8.48907371167645, 1)
('Scandinavian', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 8.278730239511434, 2)
('Donuts', 'Specific caloric content or range thereof not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags for each menu item offered as a combination meal with multiple options that are listed as single items."', 8.258765667142631, 1)
('African', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 8.246630572970918, 4)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 8.172059891285151, 4)
('German', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 8.063978931877154, 2)
('Russian', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 8.04112086010875, 1)
('Polish', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 8.010926438904278, 1)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Food allergy information poster not posted in language understood by all food workers."', 7.879957614290039, 1)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 7.856172653184425, 2)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 7.8384279475982535, 2)
('Iranian', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 7.807156998020277, 1)
('Tapas', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 7.683999724455553, 3)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 7.682714445953126, 1)
('Steak', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 7.623085259057493, 1)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 7.622359702749204, 8)
('Salads', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 7.6204069682330555, 4)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 7.609601356586315, 1)
('Eastern European', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 7.563971539143365, 3)
('Turkish', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 7.545843299267957, 2)
('Korean', 'Meat; fish or molluscan shellfish served raw or undercooked without prior notification to customer."', 7.48777330264672, 1)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 7.482069193508976, 2)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 7.465223003011617, 2)
('Mediterranean', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 7.442110563779647, 9)
('Scandinavian', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 7.324159666821437, 1)
('Seafood', 'Potable water supply inadequate. Water or ice not potable or from unapproved source.  Cross connection in potable water supply system observed."', 7.29163748424149, 1)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 7.252525252525253, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 7.22757237985749, 20)
('Russian', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 7.209280771131982, 13)
('Middle Eastern', 'Potable water supply inadequate. Water or ice not potable or from unapproved source.  Cross connection in potable water supply system observed."', 7.141975139258568, 1)
('Chicken', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 7.121936918228238, 56)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Raw food not properly washed prior to serving."', 7.11717254580257, 1)
('Barbecue', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 7.107293207418364, 6)
('Scandinavian', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 7.015309560389208, 1)
('Iranian', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 6.9819766954480675, 4)
('Creole', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 6.9066857726651545, 1)
('Peruvian', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 6.900185577942736, 1)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 6.865942327667222, 16)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 6.851145038167939, 1)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 6.843534105923262, 4)
('Turkish', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 6.818533101748153, 10)
('Korean', 'Potable water supply inadequate. Water or ice not potable or from unapproved source.  Cross connection in potable water supply system observed."', 6.807066638769745, 2)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 6.7764065713765005, 1)
('Pizza', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to vermin exist."', 6.755038216477855, 1)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 6.723714802376647, 2)
('Tapas', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 6.713358733621236, 7)
('Peruvian', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 6.6708742747482646, 8)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to vermin exist."', 6.657586105462405, 1)
('Soups', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 6.651758617384915, 4)
('Peruvian', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 6.571605312326415, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Caloric content range (minimum to maximum) not posted on menus and or menu boards for each flavor; variety and size of each menu item that is offered for sale in different flavors; varieties and sizes."', 6.5686200282656975, 3)
('Other', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 6.557845856922934, 20)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 6.549281598349312, 2)
('English', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 6.548457706435868, 2)
('Turkish', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 6.530056701289578, 1)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 6.527272727272727, 1)
('Tapas', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 6.50486933195598, 3)
('Soups', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 6.484988164943316, 1)
('Caribbean', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 6.4664596273291925, 11)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 6.4541926524741795, 2)
('Cajun', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 6.419648032360304, 1)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 6.359897762703913, 5)
('Scandinavian', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 6.352043929225137, 1)
('Cajun', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 6.349564538557244, 2)
('Other', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 6.305493307491975, 9)
('English', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 6.259168410167616, 2)
('Hamburgers', 'Potable water supply inadequate. Water or ice not potable or from unapproved source.  Cross connection in potable water supply system observed."', 6.176289124605491, 2)
('Turkish', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 6.173871790310146, 1)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 6.171919770773639, 3)
('Moroccan', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 6.1507467624539185, 1)
('Mediterranean', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 6.140757896889217, 3)
('French', 'Food not labeled in accordance with HACCP plan."', 6.109490807302517, 2)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 6.09263306969572, 12)
('Pizza', 'Specific caloric content or range thereof not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags for each menu item offered as a combination meal with multiple options that are listed as single items."', 6.07953439483007, 3)
('Peruvian', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 6.04395817046079, 3)
('Egyptian', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 6.007362784471218, 2)
('Donuts', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 5.984612802277268, 5)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 5.9650184233505446, 89)
('Eastern European', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 5.955540809555408, 8)
('Pakistani', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 5.943165730465361, 3)
('Soups', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 5.818151335643233, 1)
('Korean', 'Records and logs not maintained to demonstrate that HACCP plan has been properly implemented."', 5.759825617420554, 1)
('Tex-Mex', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 5.7359617418899855, 1)
('Tapas', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 5.699048451204711, 21)
('Donuts', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 5.695700460098366, 2)
('Tapas', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 5.689941630413396, 2)
('Pakistani', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 5.630367534125078, 1)
('Tapas', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 5.614578165109908, 3)
('Mediterranean', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 5.611778752213367, 4)
('Creole', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 5.562095192980644, 6)
('Indian', 'Unprotected food re-served."', 5.540418285349369, 2)
('Seafood', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 5.531587057010786, 1)
('Other', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 5.498167453552605, 3)
('Armenian', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 5.454669293318803, 3)
('Egyptian', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 5.4262394195888755, 3)
('Southwestern', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 5.409885473176613, 1)
('French', 'Records and logs not maintained to demonstrate that HACCP plan has been properly implemented."', 5.404549560306073, 1)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 5.357106102706597, 2)
('German', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 5.3406176259361855, 1)
('Tex-Mex', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 5.320312340303754, 2)
('Mexican', 'Refrigeration used to implement HACCP plan not equipped with an electronic system that continuously monitors time and temperature."', 5.314048293134426, 3)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 5.291405976020696, 2)
('Steak', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 5.266858906257904, 1)
('Fruits/Vegetables', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 5.247744341952719, 1)
('Greek', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 5.210684631208052, 10)
('Southwestern', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 5.18037518037518, 1)
('Armenian', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 5.180220523843643, 3)
('Donuts', 'Caloric content range (minimum to maximum) not posted on menus and or menu boards for each flavor; variety and size of each menu item that is offered for sale in different flavors; varieties and sizes."', 5.161728541964144, 1)
('Brazilian', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 5.145299990115647, 1)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 5.143537518032765, 9)
('French', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 5.091242339418764, 5)
('Indian', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 5.030116601172454, 3)
('Sandwiches', 'Unprotected potentially hazardous food re-served."', 4.997599846390169, 1)
('Sandwiches', 'Caloric content range (minimum to maximum) not posted on menus and or menu boards for each flavor; variety and size of each menu item that is offered for sale in different flavors; varieties and sizes."', 4.997599846390169, 1)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 4.973296773638804, 3)
('Portuguese', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 4.9491818709057895, 1)
('Middle Eastern', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 4.946479077930935, 17)
('Middle Eastern', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 4.910107908240265, 1)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 4.891008174386921, 1)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Specific caloric content or range thereof not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags for each menu item offered as a combination meal with multiple options that are listed as single items."', 4.890089243776421, 1)
('Greek', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 4.850899263815115, 1)
('Other', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 4.8376335401095245, 34)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 4.832088296655225, 4)
('Polish', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 4.774724367558841, 3)
('Thai', 'Refrigeration used to implement HACCP plan not equipped with an electronic system that continuously monitors time and temperature."', 4.7544023089288325, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 4.748669892556958, 53)
('Bangladeshi', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 4.731799547317996, 1)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 4.730552526354053, 1)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 4.7207712119563245, 5)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 4.69066591146068, 14)
('Moroccan', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 4.687781419977666, 1)
('Southwestern', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 4.662337662337662, 1)
('Armenian', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 4.65868248467839, 5)
('Czech', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 4.636672961128728, 1)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 4.59318280082237, 1)
('Peruvian', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 4.524711854388679, 1)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Other general violation."', 4.524318592685301, 1)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 4.481087409396897, 1)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 4.4482328411266066, 1)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 4.401741924572975, 2)
('French', 'Unprotected potentially hazardous food re-served."', 4.391196517748684, 1)
('Hawaiian', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 4.386903758638126, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Refrigeration used to implement HACCP plan not equipped with an electronic system that continuously monitors time and temperature."', 4.379080018843799, 2)
('Bangladeshi', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 4.372725382681723, 4)
('Hotdogs', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 4.371614528658409, 2)
('Basque', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 4.3678729956283515, 1)
('Filipino', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 4.351078679672677, 4)
('Bangladeshi', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 4.293089655513678, 1)
('Chinese', 'Raw food not properly washed prior to serving."', 4.278375934905893, 10)
('Portuguese', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 4.271810400715593, 1)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 4.253554502369668, 1)
('Asian', 'Unprotected potentially hazardous food re-served."', 4.2506369218709175, 1)
('African', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 4.215628315287372, 1)
('Australian', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 4.214843243943516, 1)
('Korean', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 4.206614214970068, 5)
('Barbecue', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 4.203237918365699, 1)
('Mediterranean', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 4.190002591837162, 10)
('Armenian', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 4.170405383752604, 2)
('Iranian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 4.170405383752604, 2)
('Mediterranean', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 4.1620692412249145, 3)
('Chilean', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 4.1548272779516, 1)
('American ', 'Sign prohibiting sale of tobacco products to minors not conspicuously posted."', 4.1502890173410405, 1)
('American ', '"Wash Hands" sign not posted at hand wash facility"', 4.1502890173410405, 1)
('American ', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\'s documentation not maintained on site."', 4.1502890173410405, 1)
('American ', 'Wiping cloths dirty or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 4.1502890173410405, 1)
('American ', 'Immersion basket not provided; used or of incorrect size. Incorrect manual technique. Test kit and thermometer not provided or used. Improper drying practices."', 4.1502890173410405, 2)
('American ', 'Cold food held above 41\xc2\xb0F (smoked fish above 38\xc2\xb0F) except during necessary preparation."', 4.1502890173410405, 2)
('Soups', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 4.139101809738876, 1)
('Basque', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 4.134876978374407, 2)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 4.111282233542629, 2)
('African', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 4.098385931669949, 12)
('Portuguese', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 4.08255297789908, 1)
('Middle Eastern', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 4.0547987887403485, 4)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 4.045801378393765, 4)
('Other', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 4.010740509596345, 1)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 4.00100431831254, 6)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 3.994551663277443, 18)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 3.983879197001511, 39)
('Spanish', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 3.981261950286807, 4)
('Caribbean', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 3.9801985901773276, 73)
('Scandinavian', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 3.9520635306264995, 1)
('English', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 3.9456529978018646, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 3.9385032098933563, 4)
('German', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 3.93640350877193, 3)
('German', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 3.9279381248820977, 1)
('Hawaiian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 3.9216941899710704, 3)
('Californian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 3.920099405075683, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 3.919568098307331, 3)
('Greek', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 3.9180340207737467, 1)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Other general violation."', 3.910851664863565, 1)
('Tapas', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 3.8867681509757985, 8)
('Chicken', 'Food allergy information poster not posted in language understood by all food workers."', 3.885977485144376, 1)
('Other', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 3.8751314554808944, 82)
('Moroccan', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 3.8669251797706066, 1)
('Moroccan', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 3.8506775949816547, 1)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 3.8471202950284162, 3)
('Afghan', 'Other general violation."', 3.845670803782506, 5)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food allergy information poster not posted in language understood by all food workers."', 3.8395438720717534, 1)
('Seafood', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 3.8194291584122095, 1)
('Chicken', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 3.815323349050842, 3)
('Pizza', 'Caloric content range (minimum to maximum) not posted on menus and or menu boards for each flavor; variety and size of each menu item that is offered for sale in different flavors; varieties and sizes."', 3.7997089967687936, 3)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 3.7971959617180207, 2)
('Afghan', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 3.7885735080058223, 2)
('Chinese', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 3.777304879466464, 49)
('Hamburgers', 'Food allergy information poster not posted in language understood by all food workers."', 3.7743989094811337, 1)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 3.757330782972734, 4)
('Mediterranean', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 3.7272261861715648, 2)
('Basque', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 3.7268659387864687, 1)
('Indian', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 3.720572863154321, 8)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 3.719177938261314, 51)
('Soul Food', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 3.7069610112159515, 1)
('Moroccan', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 3.7028738085076114, 1)
('Ethiopian', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 3.697665828467516, 1)
('Other', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 3.695854366795175, 33)
('Chicken', 'Whole frozen poultry or poultry breasts; other than a single portion; is being cooked frozen or partially thawed."', 3.6814523543473037, 1)
('Other', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 3.66544496903507, 6)
('Tapas', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 3.654315960912052, 2)
('Afghan', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 3.6453081232492996, 1)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Whole frozen poultry or poultry breasts; other than a single portion; is being cooked frozen or partially thawed."', 3.637462615646924, 1)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 3.637462615646924, 2)
('Sandwiches', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 3.6346180701019413, 25)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 3.6244783712650452, 6)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 3.623006841640045, 4)
('Korean', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 3.619467457472735, 16)
('Basque', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 3.609266013062832, 1)
('Soups', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 3.58110897083104, 1)
('English', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 3.5725683303879348, 4)
('Nuts/Confectionary', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 3.5705711679207623, 1)
('Korean', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 3.550237341772152, 22)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 3.5485648428561816, 47)
('Australian', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 3.539615405537725, 1)
('Bakery', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 3.529726870812878, 100)
('Vegetarian', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 3.521298256769646, 2)
('Soups', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 3.5132891486575866, 1)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 3.5103276665475316, 3)
('Hawaiian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 3.508316708901709, 2)
('Continental', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 3.506969474443015, 3)
('Afghan', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 3.5053872053872053, 1)
('Pakistani', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 3.501064903037776, 3)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 3.480063591134144, 15)
('Hawaiian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 3.4796122994652405, 2)
('Armenian', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 3.4753378197938365, 2)
('Czech', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 3.4713689584059244, 4)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 3.470598360844525, 11)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 3.468696255523848, 63)
('Thai', 'Potable water supply inadequate. Water or ice not potable or from unapproved source.  Cross connection in potable water supply system observed."', 3.4577471337664236, 1)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 3.4555894848645776, 2)
('Pakistani', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 3.45305451934633, 17)
('Portuguese', 'Other general violation."', 3.4310817580215667, 4)
('Salads', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 3.429183135704875, 2)
('Continental', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 3.416467036392872, 1)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 3.4005983955682146, 1)
('Moroccan', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 3.3943009911319773, 1)
('Delicatessen', 'Unprotected potentially hazardous food re-served."', 3.392531282586027, 1)
('Vegetarian', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 3.383647506732287, 7)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 3.383072613716863, 3)
('Filipino', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 3.3660040381702467, 16)
('English', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 3.3589071856287425, 1)
('Spanish', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 3.3399848576231603, 25)
('Continental', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 3.3375150670644658, 3)
('Moroccan', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 3.33258642765685, 1)
('Italian', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 3.3286291521539373, 10)
('Czech', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 3.3175385654696847, 2)
('Tex-Mex', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 3.307221184513145, 2)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 3.3067589886926694, 3)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 3.3055326952775745, 10)
('Irish', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 3.2981399819086388, 13)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 3.2964005876591576, 3)
('Czech', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 3.2948704964934046, 4)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 3.291037604632931, 2)
('Cajun', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 3.289706514320382, 1)
('Mediterranean', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 3.2858441378091428, 3)
('Mediterranean', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 3.2858441378091428, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 3.2791215306981996, 79)
('English', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 3.267364641785611, 1)
('Brazilian', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 3.2644550357456414, 2)
('Korean', 'Food not labeled in accordance with HACCP plan."', 3.2555536098464, 1)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 3.2507092261851662, 7)
('Ethiopian', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 3.245728893877042, 1)
('Japanese', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 3.2451745268476633, 541)
('Bakery', 'Specific caloric content or range thereof not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags for each menu item offered as a combination meal with multiple options that are listed as single items."', 3.2332298136645963, 1)
('Caribbean', 'Specific caloric content or range thereof not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags for each menu item offered as a combination meal with multiple options that are listed as single items."', 3.2332298136645963, 1)
('Basque', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 3.223858597369138, 1)
('Egyptian', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 3.223778735632184, 1)
('Italian', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 3.221016844222856, 79)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 3.216239677974427, 2)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 3.206561577932598, 3)
('Soups', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 3.202123471371275, 1)
('Salads', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 3.200312315561676, 3)
('Pizza', 'Whole frozen poultry or poultry breasts; other than a single portion; is being cooked frozen or partially thawed."', 3.199754944647405, 3)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 3.197854786492281, 1)
('French', 'Potable water supply inadequate. Water or ice not potable or from unapproved source.  Cross connection in potable water supply system observed."', 3.1935974674535883, 1)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 3.1688490360440977, 1)
('Pizza', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 3.1664241639739945, 5)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 3.152037031558518, 175)
('Chicken', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 3.1507925555224667, 5)
('Greek', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 3.1482657473766973, 7)
('Chicken', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 3.1437121228134277, 4)
('African', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 3.138301079158377, 1)
('Egyptian', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 3.13591893780573, 1)
('American ', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained."', 3.11271676300578, 3)
('Other', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 3.109450507439863, 1)
('French', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 3.1038176189709574, 22)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 3.087461023860176, 91)
('Portuguese', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 3.078616086515715, 7)
('Other', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 3.0749010573571978, 1)
('Basque', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 3.072039941535538, 3)
('Soul Food', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 3.070457427669803, 5)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 3.068701660064139, 12)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 3.06821797767629, 143)
('Chicken', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 3.0633983094568804, 6)
('Tapas', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 3.0515820770351754, 17)
('Middle Eastern', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 3.0476531844249926, 9)
('Hotdogs', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 3.0435291022305377, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 3.04205285241763, 3)
('Chicken', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 3.041199770982555, 3)
('Pizza', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 3.039767197415035, 6)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 3.039566034871364, 1)
('Donuts', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 3.0380292493733503, 130)
('Italian', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 3.0278845884066956, 17)
('Soups', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 2.9976965159804205, 1)
('Vegetarian', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 2.9871687459113287, 1)
('Mexican', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 2.9833253575491514, 4)
('Turkish', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 2.9786223549741937, 1)
('Chinese', 'Unprotected food re-served."', 2.976261519934534, 8)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 2.973568911052845, 10)
('English', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 2.96989125707932, 9)
('Middle Eastern', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 2.9674403747623628, 59)
('Afghan', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 2.9671112631098953, 10)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 2.961195286434705, 2)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 2.9562605563761983, 193)
('Vegetarian', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 2.9539779820678698, 1)
('Southwestern', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 2.9390094146541137, 2)
('Tex-Mex', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 2.9290017405395674, 3)
('Thai', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 2.9257860362638968, 2)
('Other', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 2.925774290185486, 63)
('Cajun', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 2.922126767141497, 5)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 2.9218118545127973, 13)
('Scandinavian', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 2.9149972140791203, 2)
('Seafood', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 2.90784334718996, 6)
('Southwestern', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 2.9024173336567225, 4)
('Southwestern', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 2.900775694893342, 1)
('Seafood', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 2.8903788225822122, 2)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 2.8808896022010777, 7)
('Egyptian', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 2.87291933418694, 6)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 2.872693408753837, 8)
('Bangladeshi', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 2.872022636631619, 14)
('Greek', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 2.8637839027342245, 7)
('Russian', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 2.859065194705333, 1)
('Delicatessen', 'Whole frozen poultry or poultry breasts; other than a single portion; is being cooked frozen or partially thawed."', 2.8568684484934965, 1)
('Moroccan', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 2.845269380955088, 5)
('Russian', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 2.8401309881178807, 5)
('Other', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 2.83473592995798, 32)
('Japanese', 'Meat; fish or molluscan shellfish served raw or undercooked without prior notification to customer."', 2.8330793512572114, 1)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 2.831053208354748, 2)
('Basque', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 2.8273550882071783, 1)
('Mexican', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 2.8255966755035016, 33)
('Czech', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 2.8193182833688835, 6)
('Delicatessen', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 2.814544471478778, 28)
('Southwestern', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 2.799438552713662, 1)
('Indian', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 2.7935667239788557, 26)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 2.791497074706264, 1)
('Ethiopian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 2.788376186103459, 7)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 2.775670340041728, 46)
('Mediterranean', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 2.774712827483276, 2)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 2.7744353217515405, 17)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 2.772126957077431, 2)
('Iranian', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 2.7489530689733477, 1)
('Donuts', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 2.7346906182591493, 5)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 2.733232228914872, 6)
('Creole', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 2.72503123494964, 3)
('Hotdogs', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 2.7214351904494904, 8)
('Egyptian', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 2.7196969696969697, 1)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 2.7142514495474077, 4)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 2.7138228941684663, 7)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 2.709316446911867, 3)
('Cajun', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 2.7085692877918826, 3)
('Korean', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 2.6982966856384576, 4)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 2.688615313653447, 46)
('German', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 2.6879929772923847, 2)
('Korean', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 2.681044149285271, 14)
('Chinese', 'Unprotected potentially hazardous food re-served."', 2.6739849593161833, 5)
('Brazilian', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 2.6714279604841122, 6)
('Polish', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 2.6703088129680927, 2)
('Iranian', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 2.666629100092721, 1)
('Pizza', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 2.6664624538728376, 5)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 2.661706805747303, 1)
('Russian', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 2.6323873915445524, 4)
('Thai', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 2.632134733815779, 151)
('Seafood', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 2.6297708959559474, 1)
('Hawaiian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 2.6284669203486914, 5)
('Czech', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 2.6240838013046064, 2)
('African', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 2.6231587853872393, 86)
('Polish', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 2.6217577436414, 2)
('Donuts', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 2.618548980821193, 76)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 2.6078940710551564, 2)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Unprotected food re-served."', 2.605142389093985, 3)
('Russian', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 2.6035332295798987, 6)
('Irish', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 2.5986363586442662, 10)
('Donuts', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 2.5970961217429656, 15)
('Thai', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 2.596781983993258, 17)
('Russian', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 2.5904281965451004, 3)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 2.589473065373901, 11)
('Pizza', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 2.5870359126936466, 24)
('Delicatessen', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 2.5847857391131637, 2)
('Hamburgers', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 2.579968874835205, 18)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 2.573731180934958, 2)
('Soul Food', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 2.5714109292991663, 2)
('German', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 2.5689046808300637, 2)
('African', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 2.567700882947763, 5)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 2.5649174673564916, 1)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 2.564045729710027, 1)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 2.5613584474885847, 1)
('Eastern European', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 2.5586767922534346, 4)
('Creole', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 2.5586720759810833, 8)
('Steak', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 2.5578564224652074, 4)
('Brazilian', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 2.5575942525849173, 9)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 2.5556619289589317, 2)
('French', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 2.5548779739628706, 2)
('Sandwiches', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 2.5519658790077457, 6)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 2.5494661573121755, 1)
('African', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 2.544568442560846, 1)
('African', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 2.544568442560846, 1)
('Armenian', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 2.5408382415150825, 6)
('American ', 'Food not labeled in accordance with HACCP plan."', 2.5262628801206333, 14)
('Spanish', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 2.525876161813382, 21)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 2.5248387014766407, 29)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 2.5178643982535456, 3)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 2.5149772924920284, 5)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 2.514838433613538, 7)
('Sandwiches', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 2.514515645982475, 15)
('Australian', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 2.512473246988218, 7)
('Mediterranean', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 2.507270627243924, 10)
('Moroccan', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 2.4994398207426376, 6)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 2.498887318447746, 7)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 2.497253524843007, 2)
('Thai', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 2.4941126866511905, 2)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 2.4940593721868973, 78)
('Asian', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 2.491752678338124, 17)
('Spanish', 'Refrigeration used to implement HACCP plan not equipped with an electronic system that continuously monitors time and temperature."', 2.488288718929254, 1)
('Peruvian', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 2.486553361420806, 1)
('Creole', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 2.483721773539413, 30)
('Mediterranean', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 2.4807035212598825, 9)
('African', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 2.4776061151250346, 1)
('Russian', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 2.4764954651437066, 31)
('Turkish', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 2.469548716124059, 4)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 2.46605648882446, 2)
('Mexican', 'Unprotected food re-served."', 2.4644861649319076, 2)
('Indonesian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 2.455683996799662, 5)
('Hawaiian', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 2.4504311968065076, 1)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 2.4477272727272728, 3)
('Soups', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 2.444126209033712, 2)
('German', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 2.442299636388009, 7)
('Delicatessen', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 2.430470172598945, 3)
('Hotdogs', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 2.4286747381435605, 1)
('Middle Eastern', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 2.4279562283572176, 7)
('Hawaiian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 2.4225148920327624, 1)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 2.421219098118561, 3)
('Peruvian', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 2.421117746646574, 1)
('English', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 2.419330850871991, 5)
('Soups', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 2.4144024637990373, 2)
('Chicken', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 2.4119860252620264, 1)
('Pakistani', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 2.4099946141061035, 9)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 2.4098003020641046, 4)
('Iranian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 2.408536776810203, 14)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 2.4067743844551024, 15)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 2.406633440900979, 3)
('Basque', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 2.405765889008023, 1)
('Delicatessen', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 2.4048323015799684, 21)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 2.402421112507197, 8)
('Egyptian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 2.400741335167565, 14)
('Brazilian', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 2.397963884282292, 1)
('Vegetarian', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 2.3951172827577323, 1)
('Vegetarian', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 2.3951172827577323, 1)
('Other', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 2.385699096225412, 4)
('Australian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 2.385218108504399, 5)
('Russian', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 2.382554328921111, 5)
('Other', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 2.379408705395057, 75)
('Armenian', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 2.3728859057683267, 9)
('Irish', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 2.3698683525841244, 321)
('Tex-Mex', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 2.3683971063287683, 2)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 2.3667129809808207, 5)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 2.3605018151477384, 7)
('Armenian', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 2.3600431612926625, 5)
('Caribbean', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 2.3600217617989756, 10)
('Brazilian', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 2.3472516571222437, 1)
('Asian', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 2.3451789913770575, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 2.3427303576089793, 1)
('African', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 2.3425707107461817, 7)
('Pizza', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 2.338282459550027, 6)
('Mexican', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 2.331903048464052, 260)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 2.3317737665314597, 29)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 2.3286139256078195, 2)
('Pakistani', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 2.3283986658655103, 3)
('Steak', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 2.32672481802558, 4)
('English', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 2.3227018392425283, 13)
('Indonesian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 2.320155107862364, 3)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 2.319703629322753, 3)
('Indian', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 2.3169021920551907, 2)
('Portuguese', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 2.316332212836721, 7)
('Hawaiian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 2.315531475748194, 1)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 2.3113366723500994, 1)
('Egyptian', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 2.3071979434447303, 3)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 2.303726323243052, 3)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 2.302019878166079, 4)
('Donuts', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 2.2999094262928845, 11)
('Filipino', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 2.298066586760788, 6)
('Middle Eastern', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 2.2937730374261096, 2)
('Portuguese', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 2.2928081890096723, 1)
('Eastern European', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 2.287558721551084, 3)
('Chicken', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 2.2836578691416767, 27)
('Polish', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 2.281592973105649, 10)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 2.277171416697653, 1)
('Middle Eastern', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 2.277151493676645, 1)
('Southwestern', 'Other general violation."', 2.2733029381965553, 2)
('Italian', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 2.2697027179490745, 37)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 2.265960317943985, 2)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 2.264635572490905, 47)
('Greek', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 2.263752989780387, 1)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 2.2634380081919456, 1)
('Asian', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 2.261208388105245, 13)
('Indian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 2.258246440357591, 112)
('Russian', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 2.257156732662105, 1)
('Chinese', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 2.2517768078452067, 10)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 2.2509637566944063, 2)
('Ethiopian', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 2.2441659445500677, 4)
('Vegetarian', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 2.2416359054477932, 5)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 2.2388846078027274, 12)
('Cajun', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 2.2381481980445495, 3)
('Japanese', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 2.2366415930977985, 9)
('American ', 'Records and logs not maintained to demonstrate that HACCP plan has been properly implemented."', 2.2347710093374835, 7)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 2.2338940777245018, 67)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 2.2323955742344967, 1)
('Hawaiian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 2.22873485954539, 4)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 2.22873485954539, 3)
('Bangladeshi', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 2.225849945002628, 50)
('African', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 2.221302034250031, 26)
('Afghan', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 2.221250266695114, 12)
('Thai', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 2.221034655266024, 4)
('German', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 2.2139287612971823, 2)
('Barbecue', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 2.212230483350368, 12)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 2.204127488423341, 91)
('Steak', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 2.2000803026140616, 3)
('Chinese', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 2.198010734660635, 1121)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Unprotected potentially hazardous food re-served."', 2.1895400094218993, 1)
('Caribbean', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 2.1893696440775985, 56)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 2.185568655112186, 2)
('Creole', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 2.1834743945862307, 9)
('Japanese', 'Records and logs not maintained to demonstrate that HACCP plan has been properly implemented."', 2.1792918086593933, 1)
('Eastern European', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 2.177025421980338, 3)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 2.175554926664541, 14)
('Donuts', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 2.173359386090166, 1)
('Donuts', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 2.173359386090166, 1)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 2.173326720040615, 15)
('Moroccan', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 2.17170916494226, 1)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 2.166905190665178, 5)
('Pakistani', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 2.164795611771531, 2)
('Eastern European', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 2.163546358892483, 58)
('Russian', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 2.162318214483025, 4)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 2.159743428040361, 1)
('Australian', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 2.1583464632224896, 2)
('Egyptian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 2.158143635780699, 9)
('African', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 2.1451678262601566, 3)
('German', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 2.1437690470307222, 11)
('Soul Food', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 2.133838901414224, 2)
('Soul Food', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 2.129365444597842, 2)
('Mexican', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 2.1256193172537703, 3)
('Asian', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 2.1253184609354587, 1)
('Seafood', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 2.124715558322024, 6)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 2.121976947569172, 26)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 2.117003538167473, 1)
('Armenian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 2.113019659546278, 10)
('Barbecue', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 2.1092735810495618, 8)
('Australian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 2.1091156907997095, 5)
('Iranian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 2.108781898761184, 3)
('Sandwiches', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 2.1078701930906387, 46)
('Caribbean', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 2.1077384228319835, 206)
('Irish', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 2.1074874407317052, 7)
('Armenian', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 2.106534688724141, 1)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 2.105528523684679, 23)
('Polish', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 2.1055000652939904, 7)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 2.1052525150396844, 2)
('Sandwiches', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 2.1042525669011236, 93)
('Czech', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 2.1026772730700043, 3)
('Moroccan', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 2.100048734201727, 5)
('Egyptian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 2.099982001439885, 13)
('Afghan', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 2.0994152046783627, 4)
('Bakery', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 2.0956119162640903, 35)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 2.0954780421680685, 92)
('Hamburgers', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 2.09546425025523, 109)
('Soul Food', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 2.0947217813149717, 18)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 2.093286042883109, 13)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 2.0914712949418646, 106)
('Salads', 'Other general violation."', 2.0900384803165792, 5)
('Chicken', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 2.0879879024656347, 2)
('Thai', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 2.08632000054261, 13)
('American ', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 2.079725401625643, 227)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 2.0774385109329416, 1)
('American ', 'Lighting inadequate. Bulb not shielded or shatterproof."', 2.0751445086705202, 1)
('American ', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Clean outer garments; effective hair restraint not worn."', 2.0751445086705202, 1)
('Chinese', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 2.074364089651342, 120)
('Japanese', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 2.067941132304534, 10)
('Hotdogs', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 2.066809161113574, 3)
('Russian', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 2.066794116654458, 4)
('Donuts', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 2.064691416785658, 110)
('Donuts', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 2.064691416785658, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 2.063975099868164, 12)
('Bakery', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 2.0637637108497424, 12)
('Russian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 2.0637157111186526, 35)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 2.063307530923849, 10)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 2.0630384984266135, 2)
('Barbecue', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 2.0617148017300106, 10)
('Other', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 2.0616815112366313, 13)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 2.0607435382794344, 52)
('Tapas', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 2.058602920918485, 6)
('Other', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 2.0499340382381317, 4)
('Japanese', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 2.0418589918970893, 8)
('Caribbean', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 2.0389737563650607, 7)
('Southwestern', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 2.0378429517502363, 3)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 2.0316921335597056, 2)
('Seafood', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 2.030582590548263, 5)
('Hawaiian', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 2.027853525516167, 1)
('Hotdogs', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 2.0273085925481658, 1)
('Korean', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 2.0237225142288433, 3)
('Japanese', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 2.023628108040865, 3)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 2.0217418322484426, 31)
('Bakery', 'Caloric content range (minimum to maximum) not posted on menus and or menu boards for each flavor; variety and size of each menu item that is offered for sale in different flavors; varieties and sizes."', 2.0207686335403725, 1)
('Australian', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 2.01567727479245, 3)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 2.0105247911939363, 16)
('Ethiopian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 2.0081274091356582, 5)
('Hotdogs', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 2.006164364423967, 4)
('Filipino', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 2.0045362476221285, 2)
('Peruvian', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 2.002472235436828, 6)
('Donuts', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 2.002125010216395, 12)
('Scandinavian', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 2.002076883136863, 1)
('Thai', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 2.0018536037595083, 3)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 2.0013232524748945, 55)
('Moroccan', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 2.001152778817164, 15)
('Moroccan', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 2.0010071345101177, 1)
('Bangladeshi', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 2.0007917838968066, 1)
('Cajun', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 2.000298446859487, 6)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.9987712865014302, 3)
('Tex-Mex', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.9975296029798257, 9)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.9970122114433186, 79)
('Bakery', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.9958208726324669, 20)
('Soups & Sandwiches', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 1.9949947878341918, 1)
('Pakistani', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.992741070755228, 10)
('Indian', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 1.9910878212974297, 1)
('Eastern European', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.99026395812287, 18)
('Cajun', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.989124869123952, 4)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.985253132662155, 117)
('Portuguese', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.9799489560753232, 22)
('Eastern European', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.9794920742361815, 10)
('English', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.9728264989009323, 4)
('Czech', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.971217809059536, 3)
('Creole', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.9708023670072805, 5)
('Korean', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 1.9704666585912423, 3)
('Korean', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 1.9704666585912423, 1)
('African', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.9664038407384767, 22)
('Hawaiian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.9638653306371292, 1)
('Mediterranean', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.9627654221012292, 13)
('Chilean', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.9600497025378416, 1)
('Armenian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.9568478825491429, 22)
('French', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.9566407018905787, 87)
('Eastern European', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.9537407633156882, 5)
('Eastern European', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.9535398645225452, 11)
('Donuts', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.9532299264193367, 46)
('Armenian', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.9517892495050693, 2)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food allergy information poster not posted in language understood by all food workers."', 1.9462577861527992, 1)
('Hotdogs', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.9460849783586602, 4)
('Moroccan', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.9421695737337934, 4)
('Salads', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.9393837785477441, 4)
('Soups', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.9350725628977576, 1)
('Italian', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 1.933775031251335, 4)
('Basque', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.932278384688768, 2)
('Filipino', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.9287344567456612, 1)
('Continental', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.9256450568759826, 2)
('Chinese', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 1.925269170707652, 9)
('Australian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.9239156145590017, 4)
('Continental', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.9209881159887372, 3)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 1.9132732759222708, 1)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.9110279522943594, 3)
('Japanese', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 1.9099411356790188, 6)
('Bakery', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.9099247844432214, 28)
('Chicken', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.9090500745796606, 25)
('Bakery', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.9083143925507735, 35)
('Sandwiches', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 1.9038475605295881, 1)
('Spanish', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.902438463586417, 151)
('Thai', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 1.901760923571533, 1)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.9015779815620057, 60)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.9015779815620057, 3)
('Chinese', 'Food allergy information poster not posted in language understood by all food workers."', 1.9015004155137303, 4)
('Delicatessen', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.8962620269476484, 32)
('Hamburgers', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.8958007730627962, 600)
('Salads', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.8951474323127826, 10)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.894617691590962, 1)
('Russian', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.8944510092957874, 23)
('Moroccan', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.8911272288090575, 9)
('Moroccan', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.8847532495745682, 2)
('Tapas', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.884647219239184, 13)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.8844401720434378, 315)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.8824154802500968, 2)
('Caribbean', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 1.877359246643959, 9)
('Italian', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.8768992950380605, 44)
('African', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 1.8705105769818142, 1)
('Turkish', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.8692857633164321, 26)
('Donuts', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.8689932589859883, 154)
('Donuts', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.8684990197155273, 20)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.8680671937184423, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 1.863438305890978, 10)
('Cajun', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.8617801271825978, 2)
('Portuguese', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.8612986003759189, 6)
('French', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 1.8611693850060647, 4)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.8576144169863502, 6)
('Other', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 1.8573227863231396, 2)
('Filipino', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.8547022250725955, 1)
('Peruvian', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 1.852398812870533, 2)
('Scandinavian', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.8509267078536824, 2)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.8506108562297026, 12)
('Tapas', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.8495413556151619, 13)
('Polish', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.8492680461721964, 16)
('Asian', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 1.849219688064689, 9)
('Tapas', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.8466381698613237, 19)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.845192882245111, 7)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.844877863450331, 5)
('Peruvian', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.8423524279863792, 16)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.8419702411493073, 2)
('Chicken', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 1.8407261771736518, 1)
('Cajun', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.840569973834948, 2)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.8385129833926603, 21)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.8368496907450678, 32)
('Mediterranean', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.8362070181874621, 7)
('Greek', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 1.8354753971192328, 1)
('Filipino', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.8351814330818668, 49)
('Cajun', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.8345467388931707, 16)
('Hamburgers', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.8298805028200795, 47)
('Peruvian', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 1.827863729256354, 1)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.8257225028058361, 1)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.8253300934424286, 915)
('Steak', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.821869432982294, 3)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.8198207538128541, 87)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 1.818731307823462, 3)
('Iranian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.8185815378426762, 7)
('Basque', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.8182183346475291, 4)
('Polish', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.8173274918687523, 11)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.8157359128297936, 120)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Out-of package sale of tobacco products observed."', 1.8157053014897468, 1)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.8141170402587263, 1)
('Thai', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 1.811200879591936, 1)
('Hawaiian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.8109404389441777, 6)
('Spanish', 'Potable water supply inadequate. Water or ice not potable or from unapproved source.  Cross connection in potable water supply system observed."', 1.8096645228576396, 1)
('Delicatessen', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 1.8093500173792145, 3)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 1.8081362658451812, 8)
('Tex-Mex', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.8074734749363943, 49)
('German', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.80470585030577, 14)
('Salads', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.8015179588750811, 13)
('German', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.7988171185539608, 13)
('Armenian', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.7983735006356751, 2)
('Japanese', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 1.7974219449063877, 21)
('Thai', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.7959293713323077, 14)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.7932474548008297, 474)
('Other', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.7931388455430743, 60)
('Polish', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.7907794523252545, 23)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 1.7899387937555877, 1)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 1.7899387937555877, 1)
('Southwestern', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.7888701383260028, 15)
('Tapas', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.7886103437375445, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 1.7878731676489579, 1)
('Japanese', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.7852814427033297, 275)
('Korean', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 1.782803167296838, 1)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.7827604275474245, 1)
('Seafood', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 1.7824002739256977, 1)
('Tapas', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.7810951742260421, 1)
('Donuts', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.7793104574381096, 296)
('Sandwiches', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.7788433146546434, 206)
('Steak', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.7786660926278548, 29)
('Tapas', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.7773612220788177, 1)
('African', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.7763968372594587, 3)
('Armenian', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 1.775118670886076, 1)
('Indian', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.7719959328596229, 23)
('Salads', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.771393269383068, 11)
('Mexican', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 1.7713494310448086, 2)
('Mexican', 'Unprotected potentially hazardous food re-served."', 1.7713494310448086, 1)
('Japanese', 'Unprotected potentially hazardous food re-served."', 1.7706745945357572, 1)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.765966731895221, 44)
('Italian', 'Food not labeled in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.7656206807077406, 2)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 1.7654320568953763, 1)
('Moroccan', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.7629905757081765, 6)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 1.762194322081593, 4)
('Australian', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.7611947772141894, 5)
('Hotdogs', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.7588792909744877, 4)
('Chicken', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.7585593339647714, 98)
('Irish', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 1.7569884633818695, 1)
('Chinese', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.7534231272846017, 2984)
('Thai', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.7529032653256265, 63)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.7516320075375194, 27)
('Steak', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 1.750315648605346, 2)
('Southwestern', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.7483766233766234, 3)
('Peruvian', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.7468824247956294, 3)
('Russian', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.746487788620905, 6)
('Japanese', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.7459148618914297, 617)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.7453595665352324, 1)
('Filipino', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.7431853191346862, 6)
('Tex-Mex', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.7425706557640464, 30)
('Other', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.7405100324663383, 3)
('Moroccan', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.740116330896773, 3)
('English', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.7395958710427717, 24)
('Turkish', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.7391188141718723, 16)
('Turkish', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 1.7368948770693506, 2)
('Polish', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.7357160345671312, 21)
('Ethiopian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.7346753618383783, 31)
('American ', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 1.7344491415753602, 28)
('Continental', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.73434189074529, 3)
('Chicken', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.7343367367008928, 145)
('Spanish', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.7330765442602787, 36)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.7318151198386382, 274)
('Spanish', 'Unprotected food re-served."', 1.7309834566464377, 1)
('Caribbean', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.7295661666983102, 49)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.725375162618805, 6)
('Indonesian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.7228064872354674, 27)
('Indian', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 1.7220218995004797, 3)
('Southwestern', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.721285930045789, 4)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 1.7196923021015893, 2)
('Pakistani', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.7190368120258275, 39)
('Mediterranean', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.7186521514661137, 43)
('Brazilian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.717512717761674, 11)
('Continental', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.7144553319009153, 8)
('Greek', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.712082093111217, 4)
('Australian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.7113135880395312, 13)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.711239786027988, 105)
('Salads', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.7104450344356237, 39)
('Polish', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.7084914206193957, 2)
('Pakistani', 'Other general violation."', 1.7070795183251568, 6)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.7064639431430013, 8)
('Portuguese', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.706213176950034, 6)
('Irish', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 1.7060612615447137, 1)
('Soul Food', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 1.7042069078408906, 1)
('Tapas', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.7037807534798957, 10)
('Hamburgers', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.700605265848821, 60)
('Pizza', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 1.6996547770492667, 13)
('Portuguese', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.699079433135045, 14)
('Mediterranean', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.6949603244807343, 12)
('Salads', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.6934780749696983, 7)
('Mexican', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 1.6920352774159366, 4)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.6917262383635931, 20)
('Hamburgers', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.6907940816227702, 22)
('Iranian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.6904157276370226, 1)
('Mexican', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 1.6892338945063075, 9)
('Indian', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 1.6878095438812648, 4)
('Ethiopian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.6858226380509163, 6)
('Tex-Mex', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.684654595865895, 22)
('Australian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.6843910980611139, 7)
('Continental', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.683345347732647, 12)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.6816346309158456, 5)
('Indonesian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.6810019811636066, 6)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.6805596807727572, 10)
('Spanish', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.6798573629902138, 20)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.6761804352737404, 31)
('Polish', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.6753484445738562, 89)
('Creole', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.6738910933751792, 2)
('Hamburgers', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.6732071102061052, 96)
('Other', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.6731626067844485, 5)
('French', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 1.6728367686661654, 1)
('Filipino', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.669232002565336, 8)
('Barbecue', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.6683786871874093, 8)
('Afghan', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.666293213828425, 3)
('Filipino', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.6649583127785248, 17)
('Donuts', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.6618285912045416, 1336)
('Thai', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.6612003123080552, 318)
('Caribbean', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.6606030822028013, 1259)
('Russian', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 1.6601023711192258, 1)
('Steak', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.6600414890784227, 10)
('Bangladeshi', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.6597137733711935, 24)
('Peruvian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.659538303555848, 19)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.6589011269171323, 17)
('Bangladeshi', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 1.6579451099298348, 1)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.6574398149650678, 57)
('American ', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 1.654748853896751, 185)
('Tex-Mex', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 1.6536105922565725, 1)
('Hawaiian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.6533794943463347, 2)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.6532206183417835, 78)
('Steak', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.650060226960546, 18)
('Barbecue', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.6493718413840086, 1)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 1.6483446889134001, 3)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.6481879832783382, 13)
('Hamburgers', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.647010433228131, 12)
('Brazilian', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.646495996837007, 8)
('Delicatessen', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.6448636521629223, 15)
('Indian', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 1.6442531685552968, 4)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.6431502525252526, 1)
('Korean', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.6415017358247448, 13)
('African', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.6398909327569389, 34)
('Korean', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 1.6396583874408877, 3)
('Chicken', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.6391606972974009, 217)
('Pizza/Italian', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.6389491993505103, 196)
('Chinese', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.6388834507716858, 4695)
('Eastern European', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.6370680898303966, 4)
('Asian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.6363588516826628, 105)
('French', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.636355255396503, 110)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.6362396192847128, 1)
('African', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.6361721450513629, 142)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.6346370339573038, 20)
('Russian', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.634443367712132, 30)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.6340105219542207, 6)
('American ', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 1.6329005969866388, 24)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.6281484678733513, 1)
('Pakistani', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.624966832633567, 1)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.6211909392280488, 18)
('Hawaiian', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.6208230063145308, 1)
('Tex-Mex', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 1.6207574016819386, 4)
('Bakery', 'Raw food not properly washed prior to serving."', 1.6166149068322981, 1)
('Bangladeshi', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.6131705142959445, 61)
('Pakistani', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.6119683071376607, 54)
('Vegetarian', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.6112607174915654, 3)
('Seafood', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 1.610602657161775, 5)
('Creole', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.6105926906845212, 1)
('German', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.6104257705247689, 18)
('Tex-Mex', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 1.6100945240392943, 1)
('Bangladeshi', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.6100752262839253, 8)
('Vegetarian', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.6073640773041613, 5)
('Creole', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.6072161860918912, 1)
('Chinese', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.6067412620102035, 1880)
('Indian', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.6062557213828004, 12)
('Salads', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.6059205349184456, 78)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.6055208574292543, 4)
('Tex-Mex', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.604299839376942, 17)
('Brazilian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.6032242775575294, 18)
('Indonesian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.600922223053731, 9)
('French', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.6008412621666088, 9)
('Pizza', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.6005083817282006, 1936)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 1.5993646170342855, 1)
('Brazilian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.5984076677596588, 14)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.5971318818880242, 2)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.5947690691112246, 67)
('Pakistani', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.594257416250103, 23)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Potable water supply inadequate. Water or ice not potable or from unapproved source.  Cross connection in potable water supply system observed."', 1.5923927341250177, 1)
('Russian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.592097324126503, 58)
('Mediterranean', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.5891537102858764, 7)
('Russian', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.588369552614074, 2)
('English', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.5881404088976134, 14)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.5871055865019041, 5)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.5831159975156472, 81)
('Polish', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.582260525606551, 6)
('Soups', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.5788723394790374, 3)
('Filipino', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.5783569078698019, 3)
('Japanese', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.5776626719086366, 47)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 1.5774481431536842, 5)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.5766956179341365, 4)
('Thai', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.5746091248220893, 103)
('Mexican', 'Food allergy information poster not posted in language understood by all food workers."', 1.5745328275953854, 1)
('Japanese', 'Food allergy information poster not posted in language understood by all food workers."', 1.573932972920673, 1)
('Other', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.572392586148567, 25)
('Italian', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 1.571971960888182, 12)
('Tapas', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.570002412836289, 1)
('Armenian', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.5695311390260964, 9)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 1.5686256783918084, 3)
('Bangladeshi', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.567730442521319, 2)
('Polish', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.5668685676838545, 7)
('Hamburgers', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.5666072015585673, 1531)
('Other', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.5661635266675031, 20)
('Hotdogs', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.5655023658575828, 28)
('Greek', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.565206932754685, 24)
('Ethiopian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.5646900724499955, 13)
('Seafood', 'Other general violation."', 1.5643406659454262, 22)
('Indian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.563303431272571, 230)
('Seafood', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.56238347110997, 46)
('Italian', 'Records and logs not maintained to demonstrate that HACCP plan has been properly implemented."', 1.5618952175491552, 1)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.56112702244748, 1)
('Irish', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.559383318442052, 410)
('Indonesian', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.5593534621885619, 4)
('Seafood', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.55806741872906, 24)
('German', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 1.5571110213726986, 1)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.5570613402303413, 18)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.5570062289222395, 22)
('Sandwiches', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.5566294603510362, 114)
('American ', 'Refrigeration used to implement HACCP plan not equipped with an electronic system that continuously monitors time and temperature."', 1.55635838150289, 6)
('Eastern European', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.555539930654737, 17)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.5535429912544378, 5)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 1.5530739257818327, 2)
('Italian', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.5519742231543903, 361)
('Irish', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.5515869467458228, 23)
('Continental', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.549531501509569, 8)
('Asian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.5493987702692738, 313)
('Armenian', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.5492827797883946, 11)
('Pizza', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.5492570973656241, 298)
('Caribbean', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.5484533250593506, 209)
('Filipino', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.5481915706761125, 1)
('Eastern European', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.5476528069209488, 42)
('Irish', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.547434212539274, 82)
('Continental', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.5464608821386177, 7)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.5464323326307472, 156)
('Mexican', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 1.5459049580027422, 3)
('Czech', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.5423589454892928, 6)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.5410074349057203, 8)
('Cajun', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.540715527766473, 2)
('Creole', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.5406795031467686, 10)
('Afghan', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.5403166148838585, 34)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 1.5403120570733628, 1)
('Scandinavian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.5401722973139569, 3)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.5400535720830835, 18)
('Hawaiian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.5384137979950823, 1)
('Polish', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.5382619575450929, 20)
('Moroccan', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.5379447350321092, 5)
('Continental', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.5372934837594294, 17)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Records and logs not maintained to demonstrate that HACCP plan has been properly implemented."', 1.5363660243374782, 1)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.5358175488287011, 12)
('Basque', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.5358075801714866, 5)
('Steak', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.5355667638799124, 31)
('German', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.5355117512149437, 22)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.5352287138349014, 1)
('Thai', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.5351066132524016, 65)
('Soul Food', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.5345118098894215, 44)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 1.5340659599737128, 1)
('Scandinavian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.5337327768903593, 7)
('Mediterranean', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.5333475502289542, 58)
('Creole', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.5331416237062032, 43)
('African', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.5318365718044644, 13)
('Barbecue', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.5318192560686164, 16)
('Middle Eastern', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.5314700452514098, 57)
('Indian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.5313956598359575, 350)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.5297948897856326, 80)
('Hawaiian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.5291943785104933, 2)
('Polish', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.5279117976188292, 8)
('Australian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.5277617988819208, 10)
('Polish', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.5265830781941, 7)
('Armenian', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.5252871542428506, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Unprotected food re-served."', 1.52315826742393, 1)
('Ethiopian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.521036245248641, 43)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.5203276727176145, 85)
('Indonesian', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.517477003176047, 2)
('Indian', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 1.5170192924170893, 1)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.5166314495258615, 8)
('Polish', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.5146709653390442, 1)
('Italian', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.514398403955311, 233)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 1.5133968546852166, 3)
('Soul Food', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.5123941203920668, 73)
('Italian', 'Other general violation."', 1.5120474978401397, 168)
('Salads', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.510048618605029, 22)
('Korean', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.5096536901034585, 277)
('Seafood', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.507980513764949, 82)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.5066395758080948, 1)
('Peruvian', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.5065907375420822, 5)
('Caribbean', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.5063911631846414, 205)
('American ', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.5055203140268645, 633)
('Japanese', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.505311832315135, 730)
('Turkish', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.5043928096641812, 14)
('Vegetarian', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.5037218234508387, 5)
('Chicken', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.5033985293205616, 19)
('American ', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.5023811983751951, 5772)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.5013782944048386, 60)
('Caribbean', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.5004235694425405, 164)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.5003542948158555, 52)
('Salads', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.5002676218708828, 7)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.49990635490052, 1)
('Bakery', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.4995749135774712, 41)
('Czech', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.4992022302991204, 1)
('Turkish', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 1.4991741654174748, 2)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.4977054651647894, 1)
('Armenian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.4975546605293442, 8)
('African', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.4974871673409427, 114)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.497260189438629, 110)
('English', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.4966705513428968, 3)
('Ethiopian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.4957914253839153, 8)
('Mediterranean', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.494587107827004, 70)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 1.493695803132299, 1)
('Barbecue', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.49341404549383, 4)
('Southwestern', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.4931425660008526, 8)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.4918263465576656, 21)
('Mexican', 'Whole frozen poultry or poultry breasts; other than a single portion; is being cooked frozen or partially thawed."', 1.4916626787745757, 1)
('Japanese', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 1.4910943953985323, 2)
('Scandinavian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.4907719910705464, 4)
('Chinese', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 1.4905309708704402, 27)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.4900070238171252, 13)
('Cajun', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.4898056140672222, 3)
('French', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.4897629772936711, 124)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.4895094423908315, 103)
('Middle Eastern', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.4893218299875688, 8)
('Delicatessen', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.4892719875062603, 172)
('Other', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.4887970309356051, 17)
('Tapas', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.4887699267535084, 28)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.488361941718333, 12)
('Donuts', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 1.4880658859716451, 2)
('Japanese', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.4872759718507766, 164)
('Japanese', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.4864922522028579, 17)
('French', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 1.485842930476896, 7)
('Mexican', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.4851488679502325, 48)
('Bakery', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.4843464144551102, 202)
('Asian', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.483858707271302, 12)
('Tex-Mex', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.483238591842259, 4)
('Soul Food', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.4830937045290353, 7)
('Polish', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.4827421686403806, 4)
('Indonesian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.4784614117453259, 2)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 1.4773683515940847, 10)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.4769241210265762, 25)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.476382600281044, 37)
('Pizza', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 1.4762666300911869, 11)
('French', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.476032442940734, 10)
('Korean', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.475592355700316, 86)
('Chicken', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.4744737192989972, 41)
('Japanese', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.4739553793594686, 172)
('Mexican', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.4736256451739158, 43)
('Other', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 1.472027101926318, 1)
('Creole', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.4674916971111795, 12)
('Scandinavian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.4673876157138617, 13)
('Bangladeshi', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.466643751091777, 2)
('Indonesian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.4645805315311766, 6)
('Australian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.464276766452333, 15)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.463507045360805, 17)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.4634336048549654, 90)
('Spanish', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.4623118537783295, 31)
('Delicatessen', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.4612112119917287, 1233)
('Czech', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.4567221696880794, 11)
('Polish', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.456532079800778, 1)
('Chinese', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.4565049907014838, 847)
('Russian', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.455256834323023, 11)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.4552278248897283, 64)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.4551680760360612, 2)
('Creole', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.4544059285149693, 94)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.4538364937030426, 362)
('Spanish', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.4533141309530246, 71)
('Caribbean', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 1.4531369949054365, 4)
('Chinese', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.4504770322624139, 546)
('Chinese', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.4503598268470161, 4299)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 1.4502423803421185, 1)
('Filipino', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.4500607631129996, 23)
('Mediterranean', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.4499011700988431, 68)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.4490513893388548, 60)
('Eastern European', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.448307618256661, 2)
('Afghan', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.4477819496592963, 2)
('Caribbean', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 1.4477148419393715, 3)
('Sandwiches', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.447268733796248, 16)
('Brazilian', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.4472653806410358, 6)
('Soul Food', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.4464186477307812, 9)
('Indian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.4454358049346132, 75)
('Egyptian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.4450231934762365, 37)
('Russian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.4449703143867125, 52)
('French', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.444262941750474, 17)
('American ', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 1.443578788640362, 136)
('Mexican', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.442844627469226, 28)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.4419673296269606, 7)
('Brazilian', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.4387783305693753, 1)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.4387573626998753, 11)
('Donuts', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.4385145116949254, 102)
('Thai', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.4383065808524198, 9)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.437756470959596, 7)
('Hotdogs', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.4370488332765432, 7)
('Caribbean', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 1.4369910282953762, 4)
('American ', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 1.4366385060026678, 18)
('Asian', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.4357941542985277, 68)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.4348425132513791, 14)
('Spanish', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 1.4346889910943448, 4)
('Indian', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.4343381461479114, 19)
('Steak', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.4334963340734512, 155)
('Pizza', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.4290626205270107, 653)
('African', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.4289060562778446, 3)
('Middle Eastern', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.4283950278517137, 5)
('Hotdogs', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.4280922191351713, 11)
('Japanese', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.4254487301923076, 24)
('Filipino', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.4251437463690386, 5)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.4240809336477591, 3)
('African', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.4238854575466513, 22)
('Iranian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.4231620963993767, 2)
('Barbecue', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.422493181979658, 2)
('Korean', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.4218302196192834, 178)
('Sandwiches', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.4218006322720598, 121)
('Creole', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.4211532485933547, 71)
('American ', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 1.419835716458777, 39)
('American ', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 1.419835716458777, 13)
('Delicatessen', 'Other general violation."', 1.4195698274650752, 59)
('Ethiopian', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.4186107670526933, 2)
('Turkish', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.4166163890991157, 10)
('Barbecue', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.4158687182324692, 7)
('Portuguese', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.415603592921846, 2)
('Sandwiches', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.4154310493624285, 69)
('Tapas', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.414770634846218, 4)
('Barbecue', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.4144092861111828, 68)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.414376620059667, 1)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.4137675305697015, 16)
('Filipino', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.413151772310315, 6)
('Korean', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.4127874155937208, 9)
('Tex-Mex', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.41265348184053, 30)
('Steak', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.4126483055215358, 67)
('Other', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.4126200423015998, 32)
('Spanish', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.4115383278289588, 156)
('Spanish', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.4110801849117796, 14)
('Southwestern', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.4087546844036338, 8)
('Greek', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.4071528503704684, 47)
('Armenian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.406514793871481, 10)
('Ethiopian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.4064949236335227, 7)
('Bakery', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 1.4057520928976506, 3)
('Thai', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.405616343830338, 185)
('Seafood', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.4053969619188855, 21)
('Basque', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.4052056451177506, 1)
('Steak', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.404753697995312, 33)
('Scandinavian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.404189775351216, 2)
('Mexican', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.4039410589896868, 187)
('Chicken', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.4029603528028405, 35)
('Pakistani', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.4014451940835349, 2)
('Russian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.400993834066134, 18)
('Spanish', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.4008143899157284, 19)
('Chicken', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.4007027731183732, 48)
('Italian', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 1.400319850216484, 2)
('Czech', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.399869842089411, 2)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.399159367577784, 51)
('Armenian', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.3983956931937849, 6)
('Bangladeshi', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 1.397104607721046, 1)
('African', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.396691659092658, 31)
('Eastern European', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.3956418866836915, 2)
('Creole', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.3938947650287856, 1)
('Japanese', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 1.3933177137330548, 3)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.3929129768171031, 49)
('Caribbean', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.392415034626275, 926)
('Caribbean', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.3915166286657756, 17)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.3914570604316845, 4)
('Eastern European', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.3911919461153093, 24)
('Steak', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.3908958379202212, 15)
('Afghan', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.390803676392006, 5)
('Armenian', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.3889630072363226, 1)
('American ', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.388300903688024, 1045)
('Continental', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.3875745005511484, 36)
('Sandwiches', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.3873341048814039, 537)
('Caribbean', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.38696028402677, 1643)
('Seafood', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.3864381132008468, 27)
('Moroccan', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.3855785903324918, 7)
('Thai', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.3851220315338808, 834)
('Salads', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.3849424259838665, 46)
('Polish', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.3847312026275, 6)
('Greek', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.3837563221590061, 68)
('Peruvian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.3836383661305307, 73)
('American ', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to vermin exist."', 1.3834296724470134, 1)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.3833945531456129, 134)
('Pakistani', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 1.3833230579531444, 1)
('Delicatessen', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.3816854678168546, 14)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.3799636142006317, 110)
('Middle Eastern', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 1.378275904067443, 1)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.37818660927175, 34)
('Scandinavian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.377449103447473, 10)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 1.3774316080267046, 2)
('Steak', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.3773972633410394, 13)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.3771397062046618, 2610)
('Pizza', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.3760263033566, 22)
('American ', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.375591543991223, 819)
('Indian', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.374972131166623, 59)
('Barbecue', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.3744765344866738, 1)
('Armenian', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.3744765344866738, 4)
('Bakery', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.3743780075940015, 619)
('Chinese', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 1.374076942597513, 22)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.3736722422842735, 63)
('Middle Eastern', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.3735295234706544, 33)
('Middle Eastern', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.373315528063087, 17)
('Sandwiches', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.3729380404873361, 1140)
('Spanish', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 1.372848948374761, 1)
('Mexican', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.3715236360757341, 283)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.3715007182880592, 642)
('Thai', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 1.3706385034749786, 2)
('Soul Food', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.3695614043635442, 27)
('Tex-Mex', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.367655578320866, 24)
('Bangladeshi', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.3676298269674374, 1)
('Filipino', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.3663139821946755, 32)
('Delicatessen', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.3662574479537086, 617)
('Pizza', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 1.3661875044561953, 6)
('Barbecue', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.3658320279804683, 1)
('Japanese', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.363779885972141, 1180)
('Soups', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.3635128365480638, 8)
('African', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.3622850343613533, 24)
('Bangladeshi', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.36188348315665, 1)
('Pakistani', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.3615966524820897, 52)
('Korean', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 1.361413327753949, 1)
('Hotdogs', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.3599479585758625, 1)
('Egyptian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.3598484848484849, 4)
('Bangladeshi', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.3597070812658683, 21)
('English', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.3595809253838935, 27)
('Creole', 'Other general violation."', 1.3592945403649506, 4)
('Pakistani', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.3590131248999766, 10)
('Barbecue', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.3589943207064734, 5)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.3582532404150756, 49)
('Caribbean', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.3582358504487342, 389)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.3580869391616435, 23)
('Iranian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.3574867132940078, 3)
('Turkish', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.356784999274422, 37)
('Mexican', 'Other general violation."', 1.3567782876087895, 108)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.3566782948413387, 4)
('Irish', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.3565480709593691, 36)
('Turkish', 'Other general violation."', 1.3546394220760294, 9)
('Vegetarian', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.354115543562521, 18)
('Greek', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.353953528697763, 21)
('German', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.353419172646619, 13)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.3532661412192184, 224)
('Chinese', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.351066084707124, 522)
('Delicatessen', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.3499645055755825, 249)
('Chicken', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.3497401305983026, 113)
('Filipino', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.349122118164489, 10)
('Chinese', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.3489246729659399, 431)
('Steak', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.3477277806068497, 144)
('Tapas', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.3474987596263779, 6)
('Spanish', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.347370310686583, 31)
('Vegetarian', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.3461165487904216, 2)
('Peruvian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.345985686650159, 67)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.3458035151335879, 362)
('Eastern European', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.3455919427638938, 17)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.3444234385007954, 1)
('Mexican', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.343203360033978, 40)
('Greek', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.3428485313032827, 204)
('Tapas', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.3421945605521053, 49)
('Spanish', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 1.3419984102090359, 3)
('Moroccan', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.3408357975210443, 2)
('Continental', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.340638963647836, 1)
('Caribbean', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.3398441756565327, 137)
('Tex-Mex', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 1.339786684237077, 1)
('Spanish', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.3397633895895353, 229)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.3385716169658186, 253)
('German', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.3364104313255176, 35)
('French', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.3363738491894013, 47)
('Caribbean', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.336136637477514, 242)
('Spanish', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.3354337778739813, 16)
('Middle Eastern', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.3353267965752564, 21)
('Vegetarian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.3351920277051803, 69)
('Tex-Mex', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.334914732658033, 4)
('Donuts', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.3347928092098145, 63)
('French', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.3340343851388408, 9)
('Irish', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.3339175869301445, 28)
('Bangladeshi', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.333175399450006, 4)
('Mexican', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.3321687865913954, 222)
('Mexican', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 1.3314841360873728, 14)
('Portuguese', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.3310536133377258, 6)
('Middle Eastern', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.3307491487547725, 28)
('Chicken', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.3305072200554784, 409)
('Bangladeshi', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.3301160066596913, 19)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.3301093158105366, 428)
('German', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.3293240378967799, 2)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 1.3290728787940684, 1)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.3288472559578588, 10)
('Pizza', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.3272125360350642, 383)
('Seafood', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.3264718212504953, 259)
('Indonesian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.3264237319282102, 17)
('Bangladeshi', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.3259792822370655, 9)
('Greek', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.3259673709239959, 23)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.324818322628065, 5)
('Seafood', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.323321926562617, 36)
('Peruvian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.3232477336845838, 48)
('Italian', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.3228568762860748, 381)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.3227628853698334, 225)
('Korean', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.3226047547946735, 448)
('Armenian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.3219271908834058, 14)
('Mediterranean', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.3218913198082758, 35)
('Tex-Mex', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.3216734770438645, 49)
('Vegetarian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.3206769811836911, 46)
('American ', 'Potable water supply inadequate. Water or ice not potable or from unapproved source.  Cross connection in potable water supply system observed."', 1.3205465055176038, 7)
('Seafood', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.3201024806150647, 56)
('Indonesian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.319598657459516, 5)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.3180758647196893, 961)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.317994915889365, 3)
('Greek', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 1.317270058708415, 3)
('Barbecue', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.3161654087811785, 1)
('Tapas', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.316052938422223, 5)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 1.315782821899803, 1)
('Brazilian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.315609160219598, 27)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.3151098612677625, 9)
('Hamburgers', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.3144218693235385, 16)
('French', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.3142586855653677, 257)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.3135540882615537, 39)
('Creole', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.3135466516609533, 42)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.3130943672275055, 1)
('Portuguese', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.3129699312464036, 21)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.3129070650847345, 117)
('Mexican', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.312439127883012, 111)
('Hotdogs', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.3124388595863126, 1)
('Turkish', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.3121149936848802, 148)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.3120359953385519, 28)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.3117994896333953, 1610)
('Czech', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.3117619685207367, 3)
('Italian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.3108824334783689, 887)
('Polish', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.3108788718207, 8)
('Afghan', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.3107288376138808, 11)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.3106511333966144, 5)
('American ', 'Whole frozen poultry or poultry breasts; other than a single portion; is being cooked frozen or partially thawed."', 1.3106175844234864, 6)
('Delicatessen', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.3103559013938715, 66)
('Brazilian', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.3101860008557549, 1)
('Polish', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.309582517409527, 90)
('Sandwiches', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.309329043003341, 750)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.3093262280795468, 19)
('Mediterranean', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.3088268054166396, 5)
('Peruvian', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.3080920526905662, 4)
('Steak', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.3080439804817374, 72)
('Tapas', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.307662678043593, 3)
('Czech', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.3076468009691482, 2)
('Thai', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.3066906702463987, 236)
('Caribbean', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.3061460613072753, 252)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.3057504510569051, 11)
('American ', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.305083431682503, 2743)
('Tapas', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.3049789167751606, 6)
('Turkish', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.3040608219345093, 36)
('Armenian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.303967500283216, 49)
('Bangladeshi', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.3032493518356578, 77)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.3032173713092392, 1403)
('Spanish', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.3029584564575005, 18)
('German', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.30249273697374, 46)
('Caribbean', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.3024859438933207, 34)
('Barbecue', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.3023127316112872, 49)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.3013350127753986, 79)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.3012764747811951, 7)
('Vegetarian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.301142918589623, 49)
('Turkish', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.3009243923136125, 120)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.3008701736769197, 22)
('Spanish', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.29931446996673, 800)
('Chicken', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.298248537507292, 255)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.2974566808239119, 1)
('Soups', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.2972950072023486, 1)
('Italian', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.2962695937964248, 241)
('Chicken', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.2953258283814586, 6)
('Iranian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.2947441118914051, 9)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.2942377894743866, 57)
('Soul Food', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.2933454801441053, 9)
('Caribbean', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.2932919254658386, 22)
('Creole', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.292819765203764, 1)
('Middle Eastern', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.292003557664161, 49)
('Pizza', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.291966178164402, 124)
('American ', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 1.2912010276172126, 28)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.2907425085855266, 1)
('African', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.290520926261571, 175)
('Mexican', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.2904265669668757, 27)
('Mediterranean', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.289965831055139, 39)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.2894476096110974, 40)
('Pakistani', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 1.2888793150406805, 1)
('Japanese', 'Potable water supply inadequate. Water or ice not potable or from unapproved source.  Cross connection in potable water supply system observed."', 1.2877633414805505, 1)
('Indian', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.287167884475106, 10)
('Russian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.2865793376174, 22)
('Creole', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.2865281435909248, 10)
('German', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.2851067669659386, 29)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.2845696179728698, 16)
('Czech', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.284191712270007, 12)
('Filipino', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.2837681202310314, 14)
('Indonesian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.2823934802718644, 26)
('Hotdogs', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.2817809391481716, 33)
('Donuts', 'Other general violation."', 1.2812801345301066, 35)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.2808629406526533, 20)
('Italian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.2802419815976682, 550)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.2800324588002232, 8)
('Caribbean', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.279993293841511, 77)
('Polish', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.2791961549328679, 45)
('German', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.2790554818418596, 1)
('Donuts', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.2790293773409431, 333)
('Egyptian', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.2789272685818514, 5)
('Armenian', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.2785704180241217, 5)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.2785400614131508, 30)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.2781707073663535, 139)
('Scandinavian', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.277843511731465, 1)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 1.2778309644794659, 1)
('Mediterranean', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 1.2773614039564953, 4)
('Asian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.2770591151605792, 188)
('African', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.2768804568373304, 224)
('Mexican', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 1.276648238590853, 5)
('German', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.276374023808648, 1)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.2758876934509387, 11)
('Soul Food', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.2754207776474564, 54)
('Pizza', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.2749084563652426, 172)
('Indian', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.274296205630355, 11)
('Hotdogs', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.273847942125629, 4)
('Eastern European', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.2735959345859114, 23)
('Seafood', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.2726797210285388, 109)
('Barbecue', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.272582961983104, 42)
('Czech', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.2725299278602282, 1)
('Chicken', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.2717744496836139, 9)
('American ', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.2715967416705465, 9483)
('Vegetarian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.2711790496603537, 28)
('Italian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.2707209289879253, 1937)
('Seafood', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.2702626386574543, 7)
('Cajun', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.2700053389588257, 6)
('Other', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.2699841663678038, 11)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.2695120742639603, 495)
('Italian', 'Unprotected potentially hazardous food re-served."', 1.2690398642586886, 1)
('Italian', 'Refrigeration used to implement HACCP plan not equipped with an electronic system that continuously monitors time and temperature."', 1.2690398642586886, 1)
('Sandwiches', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.2690282392885583, 99)
('Soul Food', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.268701277754879, 17)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.2686495505195723, 10)
('Russian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.2684377282482677, 43)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.2681124114477262, 10)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.267728119869691, 129)
('Continental', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.2670738330855684, 15)
('Caribbean', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.2665642229556562, 1941)
('Salads', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.2660182746351274, 8)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.2643476752255378, 28)
('Greek', 'Other general violation."', 1.2643301272709608, 14)
('Vegetarian', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.2641383463860305, 13)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.2640986276194441, 25)
('Spanish', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.2640291721212973, 294)
('Korean', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.2637592071977588, 8)
('Mediterranean', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.2633599720412894, 6)
('Filipino', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.2629750334668368, 12)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 1.2624374829099239, 4)
('Mexican', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.2616653171343033, 110)
('Asian', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.2615718351589906, 11)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.2615047734300358, 394)
('English', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.2614592748941615, 2)
('Mexican', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.2610374950843963, 139)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.2609049933339533, 30)
('American ', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.2608472964074047, 120)
('African', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.2607513606013259, 65)
('Afghan', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.2606914367595714, 36)
('Mexican', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 1.2596262620763083, 4)
('Bakery', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.258312422892353, 954)
('Eastern European', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.2581110087365128, 9)
('Greek', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.2576405498779928, 2)
('African', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.2573525165385646, 11)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 1.25657799449621, 1)
('Filipino', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.2559201113692677, 8)
('Southwestern', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.2553105932129307, 12)
('Japanese', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.2542435788049313, 415)
('Indonesian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.2539234035992937, 2)
('Eastern European', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.2537980651695595, 12)
('Eastern European', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.2530400252268936, 3)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 1.2524435943242447, 4)
('Other', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.2522221500549673, 4)
('American ', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.2520914124045754, 143)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.2519963926886506, 240)
('Spanish', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.25109045175706, 197)
('Soul Food', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.2504419128834772, 122)
('Japanese', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.2498879490840638, 21)
('Hotdogs', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.2493619351049523, 69)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.2491917902669891, 123)
('Hawaiian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.2491571099128673, 4)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 1.2490082475414137, 9)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 1.2482973947742009, 2)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Unprotected potentially hazardous food re-served."', 1.2482973947742009, 1)
('Indian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.2460097740658755, 496)
('Mexican', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.2456131145377585, 640)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 1.2452574720232712, 2)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 1.2452574720232712, 2)
('Asian', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.2437854928663985, 50)
('Asian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.2437554980394, 91)
('Brazilian', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.2435023983794218, 5)
('Brazilian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.2432370895681608, 15)
('Caribbean', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.242954833455364, 241)
('Thai', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.2425298230231432, 54)
('Sandwiches', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.2412542307085177, 50)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.2405879906630382, 222)
('French', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.2403884236768035, 154)
('Pakistani', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.2401185482854014, 74)
('Czech', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.2398121287470645, 1)
('Peruvian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.239478780612674, 172)
('Portuguese', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.2388797128835873, 2)
('English', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.238569219177539, 3)
('Pizza', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.2384236730209401, 33)
('Vegetarian', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.2383816228021134, 22)
('Bakery', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.2378134089296704, 971)
('Barbecue', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.2374880101556984, 87)
('Asian', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 1.236548922726085, 1)
('Mexican', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.2365013738956419, 404)
('Continental', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.2364222827764344, 34)
('Armenian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.2359296333147163, 47)
('Vegetarian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.2355480868052342, 178)
('Ethiopian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.2355480868052342, 27)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.2352703016472826, 78)
('Hamburgers', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 1.2352578249210981, 1)
('Seafood', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.2343914345757654, 45)
('Sandwiches', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.233975270713622, 5)
('Irish', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.233943679733598, 5)
('Hotdogs', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.233652124557273, 4)
('Sandwiches', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.2333408361271367, 30)
('Donuts', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 1.2326515921108403, 1)
('African', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.2323585375449913, 26)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.232213265384222, 54)
('Turkish', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.2317882048381792, 3)
('Japanese', 'Food not labeled in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.2317736309813963, 1)
('Cajun', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.2314632897138336, 2)
('Seafood', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.230985213831114, 165)
('Creole', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.2297192587902899, 7)
('Sandwiches', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.229680577339224, 38)
('Portuguese', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.2291743244913171, 3)
('Spanish', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.2283385327563652, 102)
('Czech', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.2281718630556717, 3)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.2277701778385772, 2)
('Korean', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 1.2275038201060198, 1)
('Bakery', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.2270093609665662, 816)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.2266198436340487, 67)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.2264395438695692, 2)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.22625931763241, 42)
('Asian', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 1.2254088423411653, 2)
('Spanish', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.225396432278081, 192)
('Eastern European', 'Other general violation."', 1.2248984643766443, 8)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.2246568695855993, 92)
('Mexican', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.2246366436852998, 14)
('Hamburgers', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 1.2241293760479353, 2)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.2241116951197337, 197)
('Chicken', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.2240829078204785, 77)
('Tapas', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.2231823864033928, 9)
('German', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 1.222551022804669, 1)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 1.2225223109441052, 1)
('African', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.2225186954720835, 27)
('Steak', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.2222668347855896, 2)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.2222342229424552, 88)
('Peruvian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.222063104516856, 41)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.221745777610878, 118)
('Russian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.221436080016519, 15)
('Korean', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.2210083895244652, 151)
('Scandinavian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.2204001173980135, 16)
('African', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.2196579194001875, 19)
('Pizza', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.2195788430313665, 2305)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.2195693377472583, 4)
('Turkish', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.219360793058861, 21)
('Other', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.2192794563685714, 138)
('Peruvian', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 1.218575819504236, 2)
('Creole', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.218504033005296, 6)
('Delicatessen', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.2182221982995673, 140)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.2178687822715926, 1)
('Steak', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.2171312598495159, 2)
('Bakery', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.2168069191210846, 133)
('Continental', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.2165106856512775, 23)
('Caribbean', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.2153775436497223, 224)
('Irish', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.214563846634492, 90)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.2144616001613526, 40)
('Tex-Mex', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.2140119581725766, 62)
('Continental', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.2138736748215364, 4)
('Mexican', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.2128051147277763, 255)
('Chinese', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.2120862682364082, 84)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.212081670577554, 25)
('American ', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.2119541458201777, 139)
('Vegetarian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.2111092681806548, 31)
('Soul Food', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.2107769342594088, 9)
('Egyptian', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.2107109132604883, 2)
('Hotdogs', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.2104655096973274, 6)
('Scandinavian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.2102320310971908, 23)
('Russian', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.2090693557069037, 28)
('Caribbean', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.2085625911206088, 186)
('Barbecue', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.2080829513713334, 7)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.207293625962785, 3)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 1.2069521183974699, 1)
('Other', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.2069262744372786, 17)
('Turkish', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.2067466929357789, 31)
('American ', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.206510019227027, 1373)
('Tex-Mex', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.204758426414327, 31)
('Czech', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.2046491984240397, 2)
('French', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.2045578341260677, 537)
('Asian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.204362242851414, 166)
('Pizza', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.2042793541671586, 348)
('Peruvian', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.204261285628536, 26)
('Soul Food', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.2034446884753207, 2)
('Donuts', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.2034193776877407, 451)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.2033550197970255, 410)
('Pizza', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.2024862732379122, 224)
('Egyptian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.202438370846731, 4)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Other general violation."', 1.201772126182033, 3)
('Peruvian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.2016821813099174, 19)
('Scandinavian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.2015215502947927, 3)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.2013424486817836, 13)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.201123512048648, 21)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.199151310262035, 53)
('Continental', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.1980823317667313, 2)
('French', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.197657712996555, 116)
('French', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.1975990502950957, 75)
('Turkish', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.1975768939323135, 24)
('Italian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.1964966596743198, 401)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.196024862478707, 220)
('Portuguese', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1960013050211147, 9)
('Russian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.195849309918264, 178)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.1958364537723236, 2)
('Brazilian', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.1957015537905546, 9)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.195237876561352, 9)
('Chicken', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.1946768947476014, 1134)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.194202491594356, 5)
('Egyptian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.1939158844688504, 25)
('Irish', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.193497046607552, 218)
('Sandwiches', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 1.1934566797349657, 1)
('Scandinavian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.1931776506399678, 2)
('Soul Food', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.1931450276073494, 14)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.192931287927217, 61)
('Afghan', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.1928276810265812, 3)
('Tex-Mex', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.1927033991344431, 38)
('Brazilian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.192402095188646, 33)
('French', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.192180050067516, 15)
('Irish', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.1920833118641545, 4)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.1915329325170512, 143)
('Barbecue', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.1914811217020544, 5)
('Hamburgers', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.1910827202943104, 803)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.1909112799121944, 84)
('Bakery', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.1908705342061168, 1825)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.1906704321226742, 3)
('Eastern European', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.19045509093643, 132)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.1901139242968277, 1556)
('Hotdogs', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.1898350634318668, 31)
('Spanish', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.1897555350071571, 175)
('Pizza', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.1895664783734587, 28)
('Middle Eastern', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.1888281442397617, 66)
('Delicatessen', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 1.188624099008243, 3)
('Armenian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.1883449133729165, 9)
('Armenian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.1880882066915148, 23)
('Russian', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.1880178562130574, 27)
('Eastern European', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.187967558022058, 30)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.1878987179593674, 150)
('Australian', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.187884513573215, 2)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.187714011710106, 554)
('Japanese', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.1874129538023084, 135)
('Pizza', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.1868517113867108, 549)
('Asian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.186427134683314, 68)
('Cajun', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.1863503278502092, 10)
('Turkish', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.1863324496993075, 48)
('Pakistani', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.1848432434624683, 11)
('Chicken', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1848352404795919, 56)
('Afghan', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.1830681818181819, 3)
('Armenian', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.1824685866358675, 9)
('Asian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.1819174013573277, 426)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.1810242543208052, 54)
('Mediterranean', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.1809654628034782, 59)
('Mexican', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.180899620696539, 244)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 1.1808755106994513, 3)
('Asian', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.1807824775555036, 82)
('Middle Eastern', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.1805723932380967, 44)
('Continental', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.1805471537017147, 69)
('English', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.180059400272065, 29)
('Pizza', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.1799940175619545, 23)
('Eastern European', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.1797177833135712, 20)
('Russian', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.1796715989615127, 8)
('Tex-Mex', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.1796229328430456, 163)
('Delicatessen', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.1788001994211366, 127)
('Vegetarian', 'Other general violation."', 1.1784486630589905, 10)
('Barbecue', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.178359504847297, 9)
('Creole', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.1782409642917502, 9)
('French', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.178067436851207, 768)
('Vegetarian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.177851980191619, 14)
('Tex-Mex', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.1776860038344243, 28)
('Bangladeshi', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.1774826619796743, 90)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.17735138810428, 214)
('Asian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1769377880087584, 252)
('Ethiopian', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.1765018309740578, 4)
('Greek', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.1757870610593866, 36)
('Bakery', 'Other general violation."', 1.1751987797894365, 82)
('Pizza', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.1751568361582252, 139)
('Pizza', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 1.174789255039627, 4)
('Bakery', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.1744423725512505, 117)
('Korean', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.1741714028321366, 157)
('Indonesian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.1738472960183943, 22)
('Mediterranean', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.1737579196851184, 82)
('Moroccan', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.1734459252312852, 2)
('Bakery', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.173386971879008, 1390)
('Indian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.1732911420936014, 253)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.1730233740662026, 114)
('English', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.172931653156528, 12)
('Eastern European', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.1729078674166848, 12)
('Steak', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.172307729033528, 10)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.172260994438805, 159)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.1715949293237735, 41)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.1712420000350527, 19)
('Spanish', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.1709593971431784, 172)
('Seafood', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 1.1709198879803853, 1)
('American ', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.1708762393293266, 1065)
('Peruvian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.170729640646022, 37)
('Eastern European', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.1701761319643063, 16)
('Barbecue', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.1699623246348854, 7)
('Peruvian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.1697826162933456, 210)
('Australian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.1697070805467764, 37)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1692759908055907, 648)
('Spanish', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.1691908731333969, 175)
('Peruvian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1688154638983461, 14)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.168345698353363, 48)
('Other', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.167918609004241, 21)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 1.1677546716916796, 3)
('Italian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.167506951295523, 1801)
('Sandwiches', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 1.1673225918575578, 2)
('American ', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 1.1672687861271676, 9)
('Chinese', 'Potable water supply inadequate. Water or ice not potable or from unapproved source.  Cross connection in potable water supply system observed."', 1.16682980042888, 3)
('Seafood', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.1666619974786385, 32)
('Indian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.165202519215859, 91)
('Caribbean', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 1.1651278607800346, 4)
('Pakistani', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1649036277500162, 6)
('Salads', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.1646672145514712, 82)
('Moroccan', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.1642531453808602, 3)
('Bangladeshi', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.1641343678496556, 7)
('Pakistani', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.1641228304598001, 46)
('Brazilian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.1640136314035099, 15)
('Seafood', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.1638405658039621, 6)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.1637343229527621, 4)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1628291803338635, 314)
('Thai', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.1626485995633826, 14)
('African', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.1617361321306074, 8)
('Moroccan', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.1605081222000035, 29)
('Italian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.1600831020028, 911)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.1600631964391535, 56)
('Czech', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.1598242494730604, 1)
('Tex-Mex', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1596395665515806, 92)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.1592260632233053, 5)
('Polish', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.1591372660793973, 8)
('Eastern European', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 1.1591321038732003, 1)
('Sandwiches', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 1.158863732496271, 1)
('Greek', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.1576009606831525, 25)
('Seafood', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.1575581574244755, 43)
('Tex-Mex', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.1568326202131063, 3)
('Italian', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.1565932940079187, 27)
('Mediterranean', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.1561303447846984, 3)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1558135096966655, 311)
('Vegetarian', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.1555455626841091, 14)
('Mediterranean', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.1555359332963773, 18)
('Korean', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.1555205713960988, 5)
('Barbecue', 'Other general violation."', 1.1551451726005024, 4)
('Hotdogs', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.1548705498933856, 44)
('Vegetarian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.1543544633328244, 136)
('Mediterranean', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.1542716143268452, 46)
('Hotdogs', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.154229353363512, 9)
('Soul Food', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.1542128603104214, 10)
('Continental', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.1534443909408472, 19)
('Korean', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.1533300110711773, 13)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.1529729669867217, 13)
('Hawaiian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.152970413257554, 10)
('Pakistani', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.1529134594287078, 89)
('Mediterranean', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.1519822605133028, 234)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.1519533969513456, 30)
('French', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 1.151789250557032, 1)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1517821148184386, 5)
('Indian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.1514568169833297, 443)
('Greek', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.151318087197547, 177)
('Thai', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 1.149100255934461, 5)
('Moroccan', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1485376581569782, 24)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.1481278432202129, 181)
('Indian', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 1.1480145996669864, 2)
('Caribbean', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.1476895232610753, 134)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.1472429144443954, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.1458192676645256, 522)
('French', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.1456492639595186, 260)
('Tex-Mex', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1453652751096475, 239)
('Turkish', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 1.1452376002261655, 2)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.1450986964067094, 11)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.1449301966742436, 26)
('American ', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 1.144907315128563, 8)
('Australian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.1437724728665466, 27)
('Korean', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.1434592558161631, 91)
('Bangladeshi', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.1431415805717537, 12)
('Turkish', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.1431263093632926, 21)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.1412967218002912, 3)
('Continental', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 1.1412767039674465, 1)
('German', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.140905422851929, 58)
('Chinese', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 1.140900249308238, 12)
('Italian', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 1.1407099903448885, 5)
('Salads', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.1402966896237492, 1)
('Soul Food', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.1397805738236928, 14)
('Turkish', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 1.1394729814330806, 1)
('Russian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.138970432319368, 137)
('Southwestern', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1381649863673833, 17)
('Bangladeshi', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.1374735871443962, 11)
('Chinese', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 1.1374534207604792, 44)
('Greek', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.1372004671145124, 89)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.1371280717013432, 380)
('Greek', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.1370352660044731, 120)
('Tex-Mex', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.1366508285966572, 62)
('Italian', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.1362873400531346, 153)
('American ', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.136165092982502, 242)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.1357912674407735, 26)
('Basque', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.135758051134749, 4)
('Ethiopian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.1356546021772804, 6)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Other general violation."', 1.1354085478636158, 9)
('Thai', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 1.1353796558636018, 1)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.1346556819175624, 82)
('Turkish', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.1342735435552231, 153)
('Sandwiches', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.134207057336776, 34)
('French', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.1339292273680146, 51)
('Delicatessen', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.132671722856055, 142)
('Hamburgers', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.1322473709687992, 522)
('Mediterranean', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 1.1316804583391005, 3)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.1313812197091457, 49)
('Southwestern', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.1304712921171407, 3)
('Soups', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.130274105855582, 1)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.1300626403685006, 11)
('Egyptian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1299386531154145, 11)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.1296725151761984, 73)
('German', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.1289570504628017, 7)
('Korean', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.1283535530455437, 472)
('American ', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.128189918469344, 249)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.128061886769165, 201)
('Italian', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 1.1280354348966122, 5)
('Irish', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.127975492182888, 367)
('German', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1274637210309726, 1)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.1273306226731326, 47)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.1270651526937527, 11)
('Soul Food', 'Other general violation."', 1.1255621864729286, 5)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Other general violation."', 1.1255621864729286, 2)
('Other', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.1253873890169426, 270)
('Iranian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.1252118350971847, 1)
('Hawaiian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.12492976617539, 1)
('Mediterranean', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 1.1248835787094362, 1)
('Japanese', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.1248318048795536, 1007)
('Chinese', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.1245912421173587, 1232)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.1244097685731196, 20)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.1244097685731196, 1)
('Afghan', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.1242980561555076, 6)
('Mexican', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1230333960889047, 131)
('Vegetarian', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.1217637906586846, 2)
('Delicatessen', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.1215573617661885, 78)
('Italian', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 1.1205650015529258, 25)
('Hotdogs', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.119708781789254, 3)
('Caribbean', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.119558091506723, 83)
('Jewish/Kosher', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.1187663245211097, 40)
('Caribbean', 'Other general violation."', 1.1178720100436104, 78)
('Indian', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 1.117803689149434, 2)
('Hamburgers', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.1173082188831547, 98)
('Greek', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.1165694082779105, 139)
('Tex-Mex', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.1163459472052213, 19)
('Barbecue', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.115621450013706, 53)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.1154330452023054, 19)
('Vegetarian', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.1147086724784414, 2)
('Middle Eastern', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.1143507309481453, 17)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.1141975492148808, 9)
('Donuts', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.1135996352685265, 215)
('German', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.1134425920934987, 5)
('Pizza', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.1124596044114634, 194)
('Italian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.1122488987795733, 2509)
('Barbecue', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.112015152287917, 16)
('Asian', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.1102816031519425, 51)
('Peruvian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.1099931852701321, 102)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food allergy information poster not posted in language understood by all food workers."', 1.1095976842437343, 1)
('Basque', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.1094049535874242, 2)
('Ethiopian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.109299748540255, 2)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.108948179330005, 78)
('Hamburgers', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.108885704791022, 153)
('Tex-Mex', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.108866321163098, 83)
('Moroccan', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.1088460588089943, 2)
('Eastern European', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.1084584838545597, 69)
('Southwestern', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.1076828139463128, 4)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.1075802339087455, 244)
('Filipino', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.1070067541128634, 6)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.1067129502168873, 139)
('Barbecue', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.1062257206246122, 17)
('Tex-Mex', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 1.105727564701684, 3)
('Caribbean', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.105719301747678, 498)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.105667550484421, 866)
('American ', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.1046462676143045, 5723)
('Indian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.104583014201399, 664)
('Chinese', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.1041972886552012, 6394)
('Spanish', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.103878771733968, 121)
('Continental', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.1035878612266172, 13)
('Italian', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.1031703259622254, 175)
('Seafood', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.1031474474726382, 12)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.1030009472440025, 95)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.1027080862714203, 329)
('Korean', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.1025530471246772, 46)
('Afghan', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.102159644293881, 3)
('Eastern European', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.1019982994232371, 20)
('German', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.1011804027754273, 9)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.101079697274161, 85)
('Indian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.1009450837697334, 173)
('Steak', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.10044843641002, 174)
('Chinese', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.0997774978901245, 501)
('Asian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.099403785335852, 410)
('Asian', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.0991545979787423, 8)
('Sandwiches', 'Other general violation."', 1.0987630867950018, 31)
('Tapas', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.098662595591701, 12)
('American ', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 1.0978183852321461, 41)
('Italian', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 1.0975479907102172, 6)
('Irish', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.097430633344068, 292)
('Japanese', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0972783643105803, 564)
('Caribbean', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.0972499367640032, 30)
('Sandwiches', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.0969368940234283, 86)
('Indonesian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.0966778382803108, 11)
('Steak', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.0958785870524013, 33)
('Asian', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.0957137128319352, 101)
('Russian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.0956950554956368, 108)
('Spanish', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.0956123537818814, 68)
('Pakistani', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.0955611672972203, 16)
('Afghan', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.0946128875395917, 16)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.0945306060657034, 14)
('Egyptian', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.0942453060229211, 2)
('Italian', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 1.0939998829816282, 25)
('Chinese', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.0939565211956288, 870)
('Vegetarian', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.0935034175264093, 8)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.0933143232297526, 72)
('Irish', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.09286533414255, 460)
('Hamburgers', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0928076602033612, 797)
('French', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.0925195568364792, 97)
('American ', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.092495145519982, 8245)
('Other', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.0923213698527277, 37)
('Mediterranean', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.09224347486807, 82)
('Chicken', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.092023939219743, 489)
('French', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.0918758166325442, 481)
('Turkish', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.0918422780291255, 16)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0916569728571623, 380)
('Brazilian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.0914173148051962, 44)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.0907260432052377, 46)
('Korean', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.0901607353389127, 127)
('Mexican', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.0900611883352669, 827)
('French', 'Other general violation."', 1.0900133200085387, 35)
('Bangladeshi', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.089792228121685, 77)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 1.0894231808938482, 3)
('Pizza', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.0893832567967956, 337)
('Polish', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0892483415073801, 22)
('Korean', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.0891306622031593, 64)
('Chinese', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 1.0890411470669545, 7)
('English', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0888599849838563, 32)
('Mexican', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.0885747412602642, 169)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.0885626570542795, 46)
('Spanish', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0881350475306615, 398)
('Vegetarian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.0876009843068066, 18)
('Indian', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.087491577623608, 107)
('Continental', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.086818657036214, 8)
('Egyptian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0868029627237683, 36)
('French', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.0867906892657293, 145)
('Continental', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0867830648700774, 94)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 1.0866864986169824, 2)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.0864975055484583, 40)
('Russian', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.0857209600146835, 2)
('French', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 1.0856821412535378, 7)
('Brazilian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0856096566704716, 64)
('Asian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0854190650874886, 731)
('Salads', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.084834116776805, 57)
('Japanese', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.0847741640718889, 334)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.0846841769978053, 18)
('Creole', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.0846662715985174, 5)
('Scandinavian', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.0846396029412684, 1)
('French', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.084246053765107, 5)
('Hamburgers', 'Other general violation."', 1.0841358569786235, 36)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 1.0839243006556167, 7)
('Soups', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.0838679855525912, 3)
('American ', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 1.0834087796271792, 130)
('Indonesian', 'Other general violation."', 1.0832875503612693, 1)
('Turkish', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0827856436617322, 158)
('Spanish', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.0813212626581226, 584)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.0804275633042757, 4)
('Mediterranean', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.0803148882944433, 271)
('Spanish', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.0801253281525702, 135)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.0798276609987625, 383)
('Steak', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.079207351173616, 12)
('Russian', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.0788925263038993, 2)
('Chicken', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0785275661608802, 764)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.078442673671016, 500)
('Bakery', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 1.077743271221532, 3)
('Caribbean', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 1.077743271221532, 3)
('Middle Eastern', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.0777330486104013, 43)
('Afghan', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.0774086722549934, 2)
('Australian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.076958407123587, 2)
('Italian', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.076449840342457, 131)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.0761057190403838, 7)
('Asian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.0759379024981068, 138)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.0758894975430393, 37)
('Japanese', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.075852918198941, 18)
('Thai', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.0757435527273318, 7)
('Iranian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.0752238414439872, 4)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0743484131621874, 103)
('Soul Food', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0740227759448426, 81)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.0736129456583556, 394)
('Indian', 'Other general violation."', 1.0732104568695366, 38)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 1.073201606452198, 3)
('American ', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.0730569415560283, 1512)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.0725802990468702, 287)
('Russian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.0724931958336774, 26)
('Eastern European', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.07240411969641, 10)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.0718654966234278, 116)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.0716894032305841, 267)
('Soul Food', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.0714212205413194, 1)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.0710908914911585, 68)
('Irish', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.0708910179401685, 604)
('Italian', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.0705023955236617, 92)
('Spanish', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.0702317070663458, 95)
('Tapas', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.0696542874979724, 32)
('Bakery', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.0692353768252878, 310)
('Asian', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.0690840142069538, 13)
('German', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.069007358655777, 87)
('Italian', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 1.068665148849422, 2)
('Italian', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 1.068665148849422, 2)
('Indian', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.0685922059793334, 8)
('Middle Eastern', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.0684916513174654, 213)
('Korean', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.0683100736382785, 89)
('Middle Eastern', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.068206417614693, 99)
('Brazilian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.0682038934566398, 6)
('Delicatessen', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.0679324117875189, 499)
('Bakery', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.0677225739257885, 206)
('Salads', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.0673744904570919, 4)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.0673728056915182, 139)
('Brazilian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.067079107962454, 20)
('Vegetarian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.0667236780366605, 35)
('Eastern European', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0666102069465517, 153)
('Pizza', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 1.066584981549135, 2)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 1.0664487764503745, 6)
('Eastern European', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.0661153301055977, 1)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.065963055282947, 4)
('Mexican', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.065087921560705, 187)
('Continental', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.0648256090638195, 51)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.0638038434678023, 60)
('Cajun', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.0636797946814989, 1)
('American ', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.063515913656615, 1527)
('Thai', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.063070966451337, 131)
('Continental', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.0627580119478612, 32)
('Mexican', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.0624441388543435, 327)
('Peruvian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.0619073669164838, 24)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0614557702403453, 761)
('Italian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.0613689498387155, 490)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.0613233779578966, 481)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.0610736503950362, 1)
('Portuguese', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0610096953606285, 21)
('Delicatessen', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.0609370556450848, 86)
('French', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.0608665494534568, 57)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.060858409879715, 136)
('American ', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0606294155427103, 138)
('Ethiopian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0603107094335165, 2)
('Barbecue', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.0597515287814112, 108)
('Ethiopian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.0596696509634842, 13)
('Brazilian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.0594640434192673, 6)
('Asian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.0593798999989825, 106)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0593232730320612, 2628)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.0591453445646892, 85)
('Sandwiches', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 1.0590940071820225, 2)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.0587474483720993, 310)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.0585634691383807, 670)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.058036329351044, 65)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 1.0580327562307164, 9)
('Sandwiches', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.0577382222357687, 124)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 1.0568255643982458, 1)
('Chinese', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.05638911972985, 40)
('Iranian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.0563065896648147, 1)
('French', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.0558068130106126, 88)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0550113800574374, 34)
('Mexican', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0550054031155685, 1705)
('Creole', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.0546492547506574, 12)
('Armenian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.054390949380592, 12)
('Turkish', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.0542159219716176, 10)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.054107688880789, 2)
('Chinese', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0540181658292709, 5642)
('Pizza', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0539708258812548, 2577)
('Mexican', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.0533722569684234, 233)
('Steak', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.0533717812515808, 2)
('Chinese', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0533689738169387, 4715)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.0531695344181375, 229)
('Soul Food', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.0531340821463726, 13)
('Salads', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.0529873243311347, 7)
('Creole', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.052935202260448, 20)
('Greek', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.0528700491081355, 71)
('Peruvian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.0525815596526915, 82)
('Italian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.0519376298613992, 1314)
('Donuts', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.0517609551263927, 323)
('Vegetarian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0516493088392747, 196)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0516206154880192, 985)
('Mediterranean', 'Other general violation."', 1.0515866433945926, 19)
('Czech', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.0515184447505888, 1)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.0512288401675958, 21)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 1.0511978061256428, 2)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.0511192688708773, 2)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.0510653737618976, 33)
('Pizza', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.050834104157572, 309)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.0507723922016747, 130)
('Indian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0505761972996428, 817)
('Moroccan', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 1.050385406997861, 1)
('Delicatessen', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.0501668782853966, 16)
('Afghan', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.0490729544538493, 13)
('Eastern European', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.0490649250006812, 94)
('Chicken', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.0489580775554312, 41)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.0486229443703179, 17)
('Turkish', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.048033791564994, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.0480040808777573, 937)
('Asian', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 1.0475503314563397, 13)
('Caribbean', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.0467761436388818, 80)
('Pakistani', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.0466233534742384, 26)
('Korean', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.0461030692924633, 45)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.045961549843555, 158)
('Brazilian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 1.045936027852416, 33)
('Seafood', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.0458666618191768, 21)
('Egyptian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.045828339326142, 7)
('Creole', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.0454210737715892, 6)
('Afghan', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.0453598413535157, 40)
('Vegetarian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.0450928955309022, 261)
('Delicatessen', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 1.0438557792572392, 1)
('Brazilian', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.0430478919381945, 8)
('Indonesian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.0428405007958281, 4)
('Armenian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.042601345938151, 4)
('Soul Food', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.0421073704581094, 12)
('Tex-Mex', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0419230550951832, 260)
('Other', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 1.0410916712666298, 22)
('Soul Food', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.0406837265093962, 12)
('Mexican', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.0405730646582108, 1150)
('Delicatessen', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.0400691198403447, 412)
('Chicken', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0391420955810213, 569)
('Mexican', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.039105074123444, 160)
('African', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.0389961127943692, 13)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.0389449647486133, 71)
('French', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.038803734041403, 375)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.038621663924427, 326)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0378973601158903, 40)
('Southwestern', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.0377522113661328, 1)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.0375950040762305, 20)
('Bangladeshi', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.037542474363901, 5)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.037475601539838, 23)
('American ', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.0370398929938875, 974)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.0370086611999088, 229)
('Barbecue', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.036480259415178, 7)
('Sandwiches', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.0364730413814742, 406)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 1.0353228982278884, 1)
('American ', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.0351500282727257, 16560)
('Salads', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.034775452434719, 3)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.0346502583465562, 826)
('Mediterranean', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.0336653618846448, 132)
('Irish', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 1.0326160267244322, 1)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.032439211600289, 3)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.0322693230423687, 912)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.0320080094368613, 3)
('Greek', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.0315836409125814, 2)
('Irish', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.0313236412091324, 21)
('French', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.0310801202944748, 92)
('French', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.0310566247124793, 7)
('Pizza', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.0298238768628472, 317)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.029325892745948, 161)
('Middle Eastern', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.0292678343206905, 90)
('Seafood', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.0288354582690662, 25)
('Tapas', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.0285565899815035, 38)
('Japanese', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.0281638970125508, 137)
('Mediterranean', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0277275095136515, 377)
('Thai', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.0277065653207755, 51)
('American ', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.0277050712289262, 677)
('Soul Food', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.0276277995479266, 5)
('Mediterranean', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.0275204004787444, 56)
('Steak', 'Other general violation."', 1.0272242547666126, 8)
('Turkish', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.0256977802327647, 18)
('Indian', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.0252647853896568, 76)
('Portuguese', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.0252344961717423, 2)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.025143975732384, 216)
('Japanese', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.0247926847800584, 141)
('Southwestern', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.0244849038296902, 4)
('Other', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.0240027980286435, 59)
('Peruvian', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.0236036883835582, 14)
('Caribbean', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.0230097771081377, 276)
('American ', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 1.0224802942722018, 1084)
('Russian', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.022447155722437, 15)
('Pizza', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.0218782114060332, 3348)
('Japanese', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.0218705579238099, 225)
('Caribbean', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.0215200733841119, 215)
('Barbecue', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.0214830312741978, 25)
('Moroccan', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.0214343520267626, 37)
('Greek', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0213471461926344, 73)
('Vegetarian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.02100369766374, 36)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 1.02063824447477, 7)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0204928648599179, 117)
('Bakery', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.0204760498581826, 316)
('Seafood', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 1.0198634679945713, 24)
('Indian', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.019763288756686, 50)
('Donuts', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 1.0196006996472384, 4)
('Indonesian', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.0195647532811947, 1)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 1.0194110113230899, 1)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 1.019384688341377, 511)
('Delicatessen', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.018994135322436, 588)
('Spanish', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0188379488917376, 1268)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Other general violation."', 1.018768592453421, 47)
('American ', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.0184367004643229, 1437)
('Japanese', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0178108110310233, 1376)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.0176612266282972, 5)
('Soul Food', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.0173136017074456, 133)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 1.0172556013651162, 56)
('Japanese', 'Other general violation."', 1.0171960436694774, 81)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.017187144778082, 67)
('Continental', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 1.0170660511668923, 6)
('Indian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 1.0152881610834537, 139)
('Italian', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 1.015231891406951, 2)
('Italian', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.015231891406951, 27)
('Asian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.015141135057037, 238)
('Pizza', 'Other general violation."', 1.0150522851888266, 113)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.0147458330214338, 5)
('Korean', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 1.0146463929057592, 64)
('Tex-Mex', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.0145814398186006, 367)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.0142422479104838, 92)
('Delicatessen', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.0137275139815634, 66)
('Mexican', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.0135166558893767, 907)
('Tapas', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 1.0134236886135881, 7)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 1.0126289251407428, 5)
('Sandwiches', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 1.0121721207878824, 5)
('Thai', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.0118195965797756, 11)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 1.0113901388379607, 55)
('Tex-Mex', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0113092449323078, 273)
('Southwestern', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.0110340710033174, 10)
('German', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.0107649986127867, 52)
('Eastern European', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.0107428440503692, 8)
('Korean', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0107252545542817, 517)
('Seafood', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.010666046570256, 195)
('Mediterranean', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 1.0106198076628687, 20)
('Middle Eastern', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 1.010440212628222, 32)
('Caribbean', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 1.0103843167701863, 1)
('Afghan', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.0103598029939103, 8)
('American ', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.0099741241973104, 860)
('Continental', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 1.0097501635325414, 41)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Other general violation."', 1.0095280206812156, 16)
('Chicken', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.0094304842565187, 51)
('Afghan', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.0091111757293787, 18)
('Mediterranean', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 1.0089864827211912, 4)
('Mediterranean', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 1.0087845238575561, 111)
('American ', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.0079653512779219, 1515)
('Thai', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 1.0077540832236487, 336)
('Southwestern', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0077318703391231, 18)
('Delicatessen', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 1.0074978327753188, 81)
('Filipino', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.0074004404655466, 3)
('Indian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0071288484120877, 724)
('Tex-Mex', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 1.0070452216924628, 15)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 1.0069570664689544, 25)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.0067878192234783, 78)
('Thai', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.0066392094665249, 211)
('English', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 1.0065400692691189, 32)
('Sandwiches', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.0063970155509654, 75)
('Seafood', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 1.0060584801085781, 100)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 1.0056246463909109, 15)
('Continental', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 1.005479222735877, 6)
('Australian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.005200147891516, 15)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 1.0049186574282876, 24)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.004869462303286, 1927)
('Peruvian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 1.0045605719755724, 114)
('American ', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 1.0044858209494039, 1647)
('Hotdogs', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0044178442388971, 32)
('Vegetarian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 1.0041577447066072, 173)
('Peruvian', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 1.0036633567916706, 2)
('French', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 1.0033904492589356, 46)
('Scandinavian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 1.0033645537143177, 11)
('Ethiopian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 1.0031230800867068, 38)
('Asian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 1.0030358366453975, 92)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 1.002831289440748, 12)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 1.0025909849143455, 449)
('American ', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 1.0007637784745234, 469)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 1.0000028815758761, 6)
('Armenian', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.9999859125347704, 3)
('Middle Eastern', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.9998765194961995, 28)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9986379158193608, 27)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Raw food not properly washed prior to serving."', 0.9986379158193608, 1)
('Seafood', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.9986283368344316, 22)
('Cajun', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9985237462777152, 5)
('Vegetarian', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.9982153381205567, 9)
('Thai', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9979168906105039, 650)
('Irish', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.9978763617193982, 32)
('Mediterranean', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.9978178958444178, 74)
('English', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.997567485042716, 6)
('Continental', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9974966811765793, 59)
('Creole', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.9974841298455411, 33)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.9972061752262991, 5)
('Afghan', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9971585467083839, 18)
('Irish', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9970085775270379, 28)
('Mexican', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9969806238870134, 1743)
('German', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.9969277274797368, 75)
('Bangladeshi', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.9968065678870816, 39)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.9965256565154769, 16)
('Brazilian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.9963966636838252, 8)
('French', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9960762211482876, 543)
('Donuts', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.9955627484394253, 113)
('Spanish', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.9940410759358865, 78)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.9938568734051594, 610)
('French', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.9935636565411163, 7)
('Pizza', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.9932795316459261, 2245)
('Czech', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9926704226453318, 12)
('Seafood', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.9925463441318692, 58)
('Armenian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.9924302291330844, 80)
('Korean', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.9917580533306914, 2)
('Mexican', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.9916835730875992, 328)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.9916314723693811, 2)
('Portuguese', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.9913576391004937, 3)
('Asian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.991005008827519, 451)
('Bangladeshi', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.9908572165102171, 21)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.9908133895832512, 7)
('Indian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.9907561072951622, 97)
('Middle Eastern', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.9904630279086382, 11)
('Middle Eastern', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.9902738638467763, 3)
('Seafood', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.9902223744031654, 2)
('Donuts', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.9899816296466868, 111)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9898806255439565, 1003)
('Hamburgers', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.989805946314761, 36)
('Seafood', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.9897132626425468, 12)
('Japanese', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.9896572193986285, 1600)
('Korean', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.9894669900108264, 409)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.9893246820876261, 3)
('Spanish', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9888965574749811, 778)
('Donuts', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9887737453478342, 375)
('Scandinavian', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.9885750314300582, 1)
('Portuguese', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9885090921520534, 16)
('Hamburgers', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.9882062599368786, 64)
('Middle Eastern', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.9881978180106195, 3)
('American ', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 0.9881640517478668, 10)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.9881377906943635, 2)
('Pakistani', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.9879865041922918, 6)
('Greek', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.9874852026245472, 222)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.9870047581730554, 46)
('American ', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.9865805039147927, 10888)
('Pakistani', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.9864680823108488, 9)
('Australian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9864456499493401, 18)
('American ', 'Other general violation."', 0.9860615750420203, 536)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.9860450918658141, 89)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.9857499035068168, 947)
('Asian', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 0.9856549384048503, 1)
('Mexican', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.9851052369214437, 348)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9836553804340478, 122)
('Steak', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.9836239043945153, 12)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9835758328264942, 630)
('Delicatessen', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.983499391930354, 1203)
('American ', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.9833406159877152, 2194)
('Southwestern', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9832979186548381, 19)
('Chicken', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.9831991227473722, 7)
('Spanish', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.9830276420461251, 8)
('Korean', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9822706102485153, 650)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 0.9822668024452729, 3)
('Steak', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.9816609528570159, 225)
('Thai', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 0.9815540250691783, 2)
('Russian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9815071739477631, 189)
('Spanish', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9812566985380918, 944)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Other general violation."', 0.9812310196108455, 13)
('Japanese', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.9809995250494307, 83)
('Korean', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.980931000346732, 12)
('Hotdogs', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.9808623957745379, 20)
('Chinese', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.9807165466832992, 200)
('Continental', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9806525752609171, 1)
('Bangladeshi', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9804242861200323, 5)
('Brazilian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.9802503470503807, 32)
('Vegetarian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.9802395676307295, 23)
('Spanish', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.9799518359070571, 59)
('Turkish', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9793739758011564, 42)
('Creole', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9790461921535434, 40)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9790110612438088, 342)
('Greek', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9787668601541267, 184)
('Korean', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.9781054354341576, 65)
('Bakery', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9779884493843304, 100)
('Thai', 'Other general violation."', 0.9778557940350081, 29)
('Russian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9776064183415528, 119)
('Filipino', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.977332935303207, 27)
('Middle Eastern', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.9769929415079387, 17)
('Delicatessen', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.9767699322612726, 35)
('Italian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.9764974909332648, 300)
('Portuguese', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9763719305758762, 25)
('Irish', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.9763360063105412, 7)
('Tex-Mex', 'Other general violation."', 0.9763339135131891, 12)
('Cajun', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.976036435193562, 2)
('Chinese', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.9759393099930904, 1567)
('Middle Eastern', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.9756190814261937, 20)
('Vegetarian', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.9753923150232079, 23)
('American ', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.9751755818381485, 1473)
('Scandinavian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.9748741961883989, 6)
('Chinese', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.9748198332696971, 54)
('Hamburgers', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.9745374233496369, 84)
('Asian', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.9743580336666859, 25)
('Mexican', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.974047777447531, 548)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9725272490912139, 214)
('Steak', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.9722344012223015, 20)
('Middle Eastern', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.9721203558019225, 27)
('Seafood', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.9712665398091986, 402)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9711548086283676, 1523)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.9705235289730778, 30)
('Indian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.9702027929231112, 67)
('Donuts', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.9701520333948382, 70)
('Middle Eastern', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.9698978584178303, 2)
('Sandwiches', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.9692314853605176, 6)
('Bakery', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.9690680516895168, 1990)
('Asian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.96849955181869, 45)
('Iranian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.968293975948437, 1)
('Russian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.9682629069557102, 60)
('Mediterranean', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9682263371534421, 297)
('Seafood', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9680193620727063, 299)
('Thai', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.9679947839800076, 111)
('Irish', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.9679800512305214, 49)
('Armenian', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.967542447229061, 7)
('French', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.966314878404295, 24)
('Russian', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.966142180939224, 9)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.9658679049699537, 3)
('Chicken', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9654900797453888, 201)
('Bakery', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 0.965143227959581, 2)
('Chinese', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.9650061528085712, 707)
('Bangladeshi', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.9647571953977347, 32)
('Bakery', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.9644504309383944, 187)
('Eastern European', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.9644387909081645, 19)
('Vegetarian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.9643550720152175, 92)
('Chicken', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.9643304179229711, 86)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.9641821194369212, 639)
('Turkish', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.9639448129017931, 72)
('Pizza', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.9638994360475565, 83)
('Mediterranean', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.9638623179879814, 46)
('Steak', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9638383660877291, 11)
('Filipino', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9634913978762156, 52)
('German', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.963339255311274, 5)
('Pizza', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.9631347500667757, 1471)
('Ethiopian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.9626762058024376, 17)
('Chicken', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.9625277341958548, 82)
('Australian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.9623568466074557, 21)
('Bangladeshi', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.9607867384878166, 7)
('Hawaiian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.9601940493977459, 2)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.9601581849312069, 4)
('Italian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.9598556064211172, 208)
('Spanish', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.9593402289847728, 12)
('Mexican', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.9592284567270818, 465)
('Mexican', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.9590914025899243, 109)
('African', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.9585308725936219, 3)
('Spanish', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.9584604030267447, 210)
('Indian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9581021532020579, 471)
('Bakery', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.9576942710479196, 71)
('Thai', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9573105299198233, 482)
('Middle Eastern', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.957148319400475, 38)
('African', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.9565470833935222, 54)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.9565321925125866, 209)
('Pizza', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.9563171147823353, 152)
('Mexican', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 0.955334524608436, 3)
('Vegetarian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.9548517848654479, 14)
('Asian', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.9548450621845133, 53)
('Italian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9547701816787648, 1801)
('Egyptian', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.9544318604774817, 4)
('Hamburgers', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.9543825468765891, 193)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9540882759648287, 105)
('Sandwiches', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9540860571996793, 457)
('Mediterranean', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.9539547496865253, 27)
('Mexican', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.9537434702936339, 229)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.9537191605460188, 7)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.9533881952391248, 21)
('Delicatessen', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 0.9522894828311655, 2)
('Middle Eastern', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.951741236802583, 232)
('American ', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9515786676178187, 758)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.9514764539051404, 33)
('Continental', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9511829253272452, 89)
('Chinese', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.950979321445006, 7379)
('Mexican', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.9506613298689119, 16)
('Seafood', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.9503318996049336, 5)
('Polish', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.9495547801523415, 21)
('Australian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.9494325578098993, 14)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.9491838676422081, 67)
('Greek', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.9490220029144963, 22)
('Asian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9484559084583919, 691)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.9481898409776304, 295)
('Spanish', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 0.9479195119730492, 1)
('Korean', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.947819405398319, 5)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9477587345786826, 165)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Other general violation."', 0.9472895123463795, 107)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Other general violation."', 0.9472478054945805, 61)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 0.9468281121824429, 3)
('Delicatessen', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9467962596092305, 254)
('Cajun', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.946735369296555, 7)
('Egyptian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.9467299578059072, 2)
('Tex-Mex', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.9466802187188057, 9)
('Asian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9463002947661812, 46)
('Hotdogs', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.946246459461572, 39)
('Soul Food', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.9460173707604819, 6)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.9459183045881682, 39)
('Peruvian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.9458093069753842, 84)
('Indian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.9456569931569864, 101)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.9454047778116507, 7)
('Eastern European', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.9450652994643329, 16)
('Chicken', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.9449873725463674, 51)
('Delicatessen', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.9447555470492733, 55)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.9444797242130092, 3)
('Japanese', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 0.9443597837524038, 3)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.9441667567746683, 26)
('Bakery', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.9441296074737807, 171)
('Spanish', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.943966656771712, 1086)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.9437158298947615, 115)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.9434779285274679, 23)
('Peruvian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.9429514053458723, 17)
('Asian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.9428685535786399, 61)
('English', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.942851139825612, 2)
('Mediterranean', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.9421778853168229, 501)
('Cajun', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.9421492090688611, 3)
('Japanese', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.9416538817932278, 58)
('Mexican', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.941241837566224, 1272)
('Italian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9411914938877789, 675)
('Peruvian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.9409343969921913, 15)
('Brazilian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9408145050444562, 60)
('Mediterranean', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.9407337230189323, 162)
('Asian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.9407147286107768, 81)
('American ', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.9403777357145833, 3113)
('Moroccan', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.9402817383094738, 3)
('Spanish', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.9402578197460069, 599)
('Brazilian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9400366588112071, 4)
('Italian', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.9400295290805101, 15)
('English', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.939629984404182, 3)
('Cajun', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.9395821003066841, 10)
('Moroccan', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.9394784906259701, 13)
('Thai', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.9391411968254484, 4)
('Pakistani', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.9390810517779941, 4)
('Continental', 'Other general violation."', 0.9389226784413036, 4)
('Seafood', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.9387916585416989, 16)
('Bakery', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.9386621207651874, 173)
('Mexican', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.9384632747257264, 15)
('Japanese', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.9381057454494077, 5)
('French', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.9379610417552466, 32)
('German', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9378604775866631, 59)
('Mediterranean', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.9376376263084912, 18)
('Tex-Mex', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9376196960116444, 160)
('Indian', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.9369825041399669, 13)
('Pizza', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.9366913925582235, 230)
('Pizza', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.936421174559134, 39)
('Asian', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.9363105109502896, 33)
('Brazilian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.936143141510611, 80)
('Greek', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.9359141436775604, 305)
('Asian', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.9358677028854914, 82)
('Filipino', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.9355183361054725, 14)
('Bangladeshi', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.9352851622063303, 9)
('American ', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 0.9347497786804145, 25)
('Indian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.9344060169608469, 64)
('French', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.9344028809697257, 47)
('American ', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.9343067693066324, 190)
('Greek', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.934255504208345, 40)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.933925505206634, 167)
('Continental', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.9338175881984927, 12)
('Other', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.933359511508087, 2)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.933164104505569, 1267)
('Chicken', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.933091154797854, 327)
('Delicatessen', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.9329896190180147, 67)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.932530301964788, 262)
('Tapas', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.9321409008811886, 73)
('Turkish', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.9317372318647765, 59)
('American ', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9315932602245667, 11122)
('Soul Food', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.9315210978545645, 16)
('Thai', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.9309807482910454, 300)
('Iranian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9308903014047467, 7)
('Peruvian', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.9308850695369627, 2)
('Russian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.9308049870222347, 18)
('Japanese', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9297033290569386, 1626)
('Soups & Sandwiches', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.9292880605541274, 2)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.9290984619295166, 87)
('Brazilian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.9287196191175271, 7)
('Delicatessen', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.9284524494686832, 41)
('Mediterranean', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.9278626785710287, 230)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.9277531504709388, 4)
('Japanese', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.9271896058659964, 144)
('Eastern European', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.9260991583364164, 68)
('Pakistani', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.9260591680045416, 9)
('Czech', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.9260077334824449, 15)
('French', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.925936370409862, 653)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.9258894583755662, 21)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.925695724865903, 103)
('Tapas', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.9256146403649422, 15)
('Japanese', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9253049538139733, 1023)
('Chicken', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.9252722153661453, 124)
('Asian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9251275261929445, 521)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.9250248970272806, 118)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.9249879963480891, 134)
('Bakery', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.9241711303085338, 135)
('Soul Food', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.923370288248337, 1)
('Asian', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.923215259048887, 12)
('Mediterranean', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.922871925241641, 74)
('Italian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.922753716720261, 455)
('Bakery', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.9226660641888518, 142)
('Delicatessen', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9224037102464017, 842)
('Russian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.9223763306060432, 238)
('Japanese', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.9223449656424201, 162)
('Irish', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.9222050393232383, 37)
('Japanese', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.9219144802304532, 204)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 0.9219115829144838, 1)
('Greek', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.9218903578291169, 4)
('Middle Eastern', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.921889259494652, 55)
('Italian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.9212461709375631, 198)
('Greek', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9210531044818786, 224)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.9209008621038245, 14)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.9208751272924434, 270)
('Turkish', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.9208119514978444, 17)
('Iranian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.919343387544756, 3)
('Afghan', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.9192935982339956, 2)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 0.9183448446196865, 1)
('Thai', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.918063710722654, 57)
('Mexican', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.9180052578371038, 63)
('Tex-Mex', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.9177538787023978, 22)
('Greek', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.9174945892354947, 17)
('Caribbean', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.9174493514487686, 1884)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.9173018776941796, 631)
('Continental', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.9172155271285932, 115)
('Donuts', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9167331564569309, 550)
('Scandinavian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.916610105026534, 13)
('Middle Eastern', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.9158336672286685, 387)
('Japanese', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.9157428206083915, 16)
('Portuguese', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.9155684003583946, 12)
('Vegetarian', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.915537546760108, 13)
('Moroccan', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.9153628322069854, 5)
('Eastern European', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9153302297809761, 83)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 0.9150918519820691, 1)
('Italian', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.9148522676007568, 108)
('Sandwiches', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.9148243417073624, 246)
('Mexican', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 0.9142448676360303, 5)
('Pizza', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.9139253483653079, 213)
('French', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9138364199065622, 43)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.9136112302586255, 84)
('American ', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.9135856327480277, 105)
('Soups', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9135445193909937, 4)
('Pizza', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 0.9128430022267372, 5)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.9125010451997853, 20)
('Delicatessen', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.9122773196869989, 8)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.9117710751671141, 11)
('Mediterranean', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 0.9114020236258936, 1)
('Southwestern', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.9113483524649562, 11)
('Cajun', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9111304327278822, 12)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.9110190460097524, 58)
('Spanish', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.9106162471191358, 229)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.9103206570014716, 51)
('Thai', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.9100786043570903, 75)
('Spanish', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.9099033789868676, 314)
('Eastern European', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.9098587276310426, 42)
('Mediterranean', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.9097097798636868, 361)
('Asian', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.9091336552690497, 26)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9090743672018117, 93)
('Tex-Mex', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.9089775437967738, 29)
('Delicatessen', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.9079313023901626, 79)
('Seafood', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.9070967051330265, 259)
('Pizza', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.9066617195030737, 37)
('Middle Eastern', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.9061160905914507, 124)
('Tex-Mex', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.9060353226695234, 121)
('Greek', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.9059444714945375, 109)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.9055720821808186, 6)
('Middle Eastern', 'Other general violation."', 0.9054099688953682, 13)
('Japanese', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.9052746206563219, 989)
('Egyptian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9049203468441218, 2)
('American ', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.9045876796105325, 8348)
('Pizza', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.9044962096899344, 1398)
('Tapas', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.9044178610322126, 10)
('Asian', 'Other general violation."', 0.9043908344406206, 30)
('Korean', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.9041655030324437, 296)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.9037447201985166, 40)
('Russian', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.9030067132742957, 22)
('Pakistani', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.9029407741623418, 7)
('Korean', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.9028356727152279, 47)
('Eastern European', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.9024272046633396, 13)
('Korean', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.902397411318252, 552)
('Thai', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.9020015624060645, 367)
('Indian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.9013650266607802, 131)
('Thai', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.9013084945836649, 10)
('Ethiopian', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.9011278162949115, 1)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.9008149425110147, 33)
('Asian', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.9007972284759559, 2)
('Pizza', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 0.9006717621970474, 4)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 0.8996737980354601, 5)
('Turkish', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.8995044992504849, 10)
('Armenian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.8992521980760673, 15)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8991331347937489, 121)
('Continental', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.8990702727349664, 6)
('Indian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.8990032235719538, 55)
('Donuts', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.8987774002936357, 9)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8982731023236539, 145)
('Soul Food', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.8981103059071112, 81)
('African', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.8978450769512708, 12)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.897732688185271, 15)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 0.8976520591634704, 4)
('Russian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.8975300001981675, 75)
('Continental', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.8969763127518868, 8)
('Scandinavian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.8962606878075489, 1)
('Korean', 'Other general violation."', 0.8961430814337831, 27)
('Bakery', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.8958153408819303, 108)
('Korean', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.8958095353302026, 75)
('Barbecue', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.89574043631533, 6)
('Australian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.8956654301189977, 4)
('American ', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.895160376289244, 517)
('Czech', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.8948800073440157, 10)
('Indian', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.8945390582570704, 53)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 0.8943026111815171, 3)
('Greek', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.8942403909885948, 12)
('French', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.8942072908870048, 7)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.8941155344581249, 11)
('Steak', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.8940655550746444, 1)
('Pizza', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.8940491757103044, 21)
('Peruvian', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.8935893909112406, 8)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8932589883563576, 266)
('Korean', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.893187206219776, 792)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8930286439373578, 114)
('Continental', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.8930057177755399, 1)
('Ethiopian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.8929947753734055, 7)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.8925894976849876, 149)
('Korean', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.8925822479976223, 45)
('Bakery', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.8922565081920507, 1264)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8922105102892685, 1133)
('Seafood', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8917974796403069, 141)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.8913706739818823, 4)
('Sandwiches', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.8904814271749756, 49)
('Delicatessen', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 0.8898442708422366, 1)
('Greek', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.8896845811363967, 4)
('German', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.889472847467465, 97)
('Italian', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.8893288258339124, 261)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.8891071352320765, 10)
('Greek', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.8889380762017294, 26)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8888266929704411, 461)
('Continental', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.8886598265495809, 10)
('Greek', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.888543374644431, 17)
('Sandwiches', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 0.8884621949138078, 1)
('Mediterranean', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.8876450988394367, 6)
('Korean', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.8875441544059142, 189)
('Italian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8871715391133563, 2901)
('Bakery', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.8869503878011877, 75)
('Italian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.8867215254060711, 138)
('Soups', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.886371453577668, 3)
('Irish', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.8857048546596702, 44)
('Chicken', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.8854125915518831, 5)
('Japanese', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 0.8853372972678786, 1)
('Filipino', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8849607122569444, 64)
('Spanish', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 0.8847248778415127, 2)
('Spanish', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 0.8847248778415127, 2)
('Vegetarian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8845850581509954, 11)
('American ', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.8839064900856076, 673)
('Other', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8838082524990724, 81)
('Korean', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.8834753041768532, 69)
('Steak', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.8823128497979337, 19)
('English', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.8820220340304111, 2)
('Filipino', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.8819381800773122, 44)
('Southwestern', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.881904980265636, 3)
('Turkish', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.8818054994150529, 26)
('Asian', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8816135837954495, 7)
('Spanish', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.8813957155542445, 353)
('Seafood', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.8812306588026572, 55)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.8812306588026572, 1)
('Caribbean', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.8811737437660325, 13)
('Bakery', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.881093432633717, 23)
('Pizza', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8809104225443928, 633)
('American ', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8800321072136622, 5378)
('Chicken', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.8798439589006134, 6)
('Seafood', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8795427058613531, 210)
('Steak', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8794364810157405, 77)
('Brazilian', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.8788917403930573, 1)
('Filipino', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.8786833001221261, 6)
('Brazilian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.8785793818539367, 35)
('Japanese', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8785767579243313, 2059)
('Vegetarian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.8784930236721238, 81)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8784873570852645, 146)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.8784230740673241, 1)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8783862381783367, 2920)
('Moroccan', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.8777804108348449, 15)
('Hawaiian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.8775819166368829, 1)
('Asian', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 0.8775508483862539, 2)
('French', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.8771866795342956, 125)
('Peruvian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8771378308281752, 211)
('Moroccan', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.877136322481066, 3)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.8769421569616306, 383)
('African', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.876892571016001, 10)
('Thai', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.8767456655505056, 361)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.8765214170050711, 3)
('Sandwiches', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.8762870585771214, 543)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.8761695515581724, 12)
('Australian', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.8756745663261873, 1)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.8755508460322267, 2)
('Irish', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.8753163988592553, 37)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8752975053071059, 25)
('Ethiopian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.8752964456120669, 5)
('Seafood', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.8749964981089788, 3)
('Chinese', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.8749893327885513, 598)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 0.8747193423235277, 6)
('Eastern European', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.8744844733018068, 8)
('African', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.8742487243327819, 27)
('Italian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.874080051815789, 2133)
('Korean', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.8740726904308096, 251)
('Asian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.8739970517540201, 119)
('Bakery', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 0.873845895585026, 3)
('Donuts', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.8738033568955011, 66)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.8732331518256452, 5)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.8729998751392781, 124)
('Asian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.8728719967267013, 402)
('Armenian', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.8727470869310084, 4)
('Mexican', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.8724963847116554, 120)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.8722732558724073, 2)
('Tapas', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.8720953887613773, 7)
('Spanish', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 0.8718091861941913, 3)
('African', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.8717502997662159, 1)
('Cajun', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.8713845061903369, 3)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.8713441957053017, 165)
('American ', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.871048312281453, 68)
('Pizza', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.870478788350669, 189)
('Pakistani', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8700590541475006, 90)
('Turkish', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.8697821425898004, 15)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.8696471651380043, 1230)
('Turkish', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.8694003801278004, 7)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.8694003801278004, 2)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.8692522977450038, 6)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food not labeled in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.8683807963646616, 1)
('Chicken', 'Other general violation."', 0.8681439062556584, 28)
('Delicatessen', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.8681091970560348, 495)
('Caribbean', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 0.8679811580307641, 8)
('Mexican', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.8677851653210861, 191)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.867768153953865, 248)
('American ', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.8671668763335983, 673)
('Middle Eastern', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.8671598538478889, 88)
('Vegetarian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.8670189373519994, 52)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.8664993596246264, 17)
('Irish', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.8653861948981084, 101)
('Bakery', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.8650298779934014, 838)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.8649538735577179, 6)
('Spanish', 'Other general violation."', 0.8647244484222232, 49)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.8646949695549644, 153)
('Middle Eastern', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.864465431785025, 252)
('Armenian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.8643981370186934, 52)
('Polish', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.8641430837012206, 12)
('Caribbean', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.8639976227690656, 837)
('Thai', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.863876940355711, 754)
('Irish', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.8637802590752787, 46)
('Filipino', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.8636666052783958, 15)
('Mexican', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8635445196785656, 2023)
('Irish', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8632886579136876, 186)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.8626586120637623, 19)
('French', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.8626366891903284, 264)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8624990569978311, 194)
('French', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8624324511099155, 815)
('Steak', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.8622148335051542, 64)
('Bangladeshi', 'Other general violation."', 0.862043268593837, 3)
('Spanish', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8610726953252285, 1436)
('Asian', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.8608884905055022, 5)
('Creole', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.8602909338507253, 7)
('English', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8602870747878528, 14)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.8597694618740018, 1)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.8597018573520111, 18)
('Delicatessen', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.8596459358589028, 14)
('Soul Food', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.8593398857812089, 53)
('Spanish', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.8592559150888782, 668)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8591998696056292, 48)
('Peruvian', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.8591062971971715, 11)
('Korean', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.8581975131973318, 20)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.8579740242616034, 3)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Other general violation."', 0.8577704395053917, 28)
('Asian', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.8572713119739664, 6)
('Irish', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.8568098804023611, 23)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.8567557384563745, 336)
('Caribbean', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.8564847188515486, 4)
('Mediterranean', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.8564474910161333, 43)
('Indian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.856365927418781, 289)
('Irish', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.8561325603388018, 32)
('Egyptian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8561136631774481, 38)
('Chinese', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8556751869811786, 54)
('Asian', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.855474097483455, 6)
('Steak', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8553853394657289, 43)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.8551400947983564, 30)
('Thai', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 0.8547240105939473, 1)
('Cajun', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.8546952413399612, 2)
('Hamburgers', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.8545808851655396, 6)
('Spanish', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.8542575310549175, 81)
('Pizza/Italian', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.8541640600482832, 16)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.8537645443511919, 133)
('Mexican', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.8536623764071367, 15)
('Tex-Mex', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.8536451294785581, 100)
('Korean', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8535711909348686, 166)
('Barbecue', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.8535580313152559, 18)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8530342062439158, 199)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.8524931229076045, 1955)
('Bakery', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.851952564291751, 244)
('Peruvian', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.8514367808258388, 6)
('Bakery', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 0.8508499509643674, 1)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.8508023210534552, 4)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.850386144412116, 50)
('Pakistani', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.8501482104506741, 5)
('Mexican', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.8500873330650808, 106)
('Peruvian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.8496615212889337, 141)
('American ', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 0.8495558055630988, 61)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8494686627256826, 615)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.8494321270938742, 165)
('Bakery', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.8491310621745405, 13)
('Chinese', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.8482986767485823, 46)
('Brazilian', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.8481880988072736, 1)
('Chinese', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 0.8479664015128797, 11)
('Vegetarian', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.8476761787776569, 19)
('Polish', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.84759251080251, 8)
('Basque', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8475890605569045, 4)
('Middle Eastern', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.8474497068956431, 54)
('Continental', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.8473742116080039, 15)
('Armenian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.8472572289548824, 7)
('Chicken', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.846928343549007, 39)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.8467657435229161, 29)
('Egyptian', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.8465383889832108, 2)
('Hamburgers', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.8458652920320633, 47)
('Japanese', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 0.8456953287334958, 2)
('Thai', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 0.8452270771429036, 1)
('Portuguese', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.8450964894930476, 6)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.8450496158545626, 3)
('Mexican', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.844563167122797, 52)
('Armenian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8443414282840996, 26)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8442371441775047, 923)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.8428294328893725, 1)
('Russian', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.84273755739131, 3)
('American ', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 0.8420876267068778, 14)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.8418069081958728, 66)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.8417255251992135, 3)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.8413432399189932, 1)
('Irish', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.8405834281500966, 23)
('Spanish', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.8405023676482548, 68)
('Middle Eastern', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.8403341149544381, 265)
('German', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8401634005238094, 35)
('American ', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 0.8393842956420081, 18)
('Steak', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.8390571269957409, 29)
('Irish', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.8390284001160504, 66)
('Ethiopian', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.8387431501165749, 3)
('Indian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.838718942481309, 874)
('African', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8380462103091803, 197)
('American ', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.8377680886981864, 2021)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.837713944545606, 2)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.8375286188460431, 1)
('Japanese', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.8368096246916965, 201)
('Peruvian', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.8365195468553963, 19)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.836470465827518, 20)
('Portuguese', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.8359093354316042, 4)
('Indonesian', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.8358059896084211, 2)
('Sandwiches', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.8356115498787421, 52)
('Italian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8352785071466746, 136)
('Irish', 'Other general violation."', 0.8348810428835833, 16)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.8348060645521347, 5)
('Indonesian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.8346641781472075, 2)
('Bakery', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 0.8343818873973151, 4)
('Steak', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.8343594490924886, 27)
('Pakistani', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.8334203641203921, 13)
('Bakery', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.8334007233716834, 411)
('Delicatessen', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8333185636555009, 588)
('Japanese', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.8332586327227092, 26)
('Italian', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.8330991751783129, 145)
('Russian', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.8330744395741966, 8)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.8330532750812168, 2)
('Bakery', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.8325689514040526, 797)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.8324402516280414, 1290)
('Italian', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.8323962229752317, 257)
('Cajun', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8321998737032177, 19)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8321038135627087, 3)
('Korean', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 0.8319748114051911, 1)
('Russian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.8318808354910447, 22)
('Barbecue', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.831394962318307, 8)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.8313760170315894, 14)
('Tex-Mex', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.83101652853641, 16)
('Tex-Mex', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.8305464965632559, 4)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.8302252076006761, 93)
('American ', 'Raw food not properly washed prior to serving."', 0.8300578034682081, 4)
('American ', 'Meat; fish or molluscan shellfish served raw or undercooked without prior notification to customer."', 0.8300578034682081, 2)
('American ', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.8300578034682081, 110)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8299865010600046, 8)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.8299450727840689, 11)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.8295739703708784, 29)
('Ethiopian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.8292521875299937, 12)
('Delicatessen', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.8290430143940131, 76)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.828443924942465, 13)
('Thai', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.8272170953375073, 74)
('Steak', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.8272103287681203, 70)
('Indian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.8271536988569567, 207)
('Iranian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.8264961437854016, 2)
('Polish', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.8263419822365444, 2)
('Hamburgers', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8257955586874668, 177)
('Japanese', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.8257135630432733, 103)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.8255527576403185, 147)
('Cajun', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.8253893252094804, 13)
('French', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.8253297700752686, 70)
('Polish', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8252840852790913, 76)
('Pizza', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.8252761621941271, 36)
('Italian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.8252226439714969, 238)
('Pizza', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.8246663249118393, 875)
('Greek', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.8245154556059686, 10)
('Italian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.8243860489240704, 873)
('Soups', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.8236628828754703, 1)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.8236097777851613, 4)
('Armenian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.822667861856911, 10)
('Hamburgers', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.8226103801477044, 39)
('Brazilian', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.8225071972342396, 5)
('Sandwiches', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8223515778694047, 34)
('Hotdogs', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.8222941144877307, 4)
('Japanese', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.8221753860964096, 24)
('Mediterranean', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.8220619569354256, 18)
('Cajun', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.8216797073851955, 14)
('Southwestern', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.8208340954819828, 1)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.8200840643274854, 3)
('Spanish', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.8196965611322314, 193)
('Hotdogs', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.8196777241234516, 3)
('Thai', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.8196404185736725, 42)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.8188600675034544, 10)
('Pizza', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.8187925110882249, 20)
('Southwestern', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.8186851779214974, 10)
('Hamburgers', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.8185443418151855, 6)
('Turkish', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8182855901005993, 160)
('Southwestern', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.8180844518378415, 2)
('Mediterranean', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.8178738683629744, 6)
('Creole', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.8178388316255943, 10)
('German', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.8173591667819771, 8)
('Continental', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.8167903197545942, 3)
('Delicatessen', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.8164658175287046, 141)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.816034917609749, 40)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.8157217817538762, 10)
('Chicken', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.8153055656130885, 58)
('Barbecue', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.815215572372689, 62)
('Continental', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.8149746093994625, 9)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.8143294892611198, 69)
('Pizza', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.8138600260816693, 20)
('Moroccan', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.8138266317109909, 22)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.813735586435187, 27)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.8127063074315283, 21)
('Soul Food', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.8126525365957735, 15)
('Steak', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.812632673481638, 139)
('Seafood', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.8122330362193053, 16)
('Southwestern', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.8114828209764918, 1)
('Tapas', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.811422526334276, 6)
('Bangladeshi', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.8113348410294936, 3)
('Bakery', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.8112515113201334, 62)
('Donuts', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.8094684230047081, 37)
('Moroccan', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.8080481419006323, 3)
('Portuguese', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.8073133548286039, 1)
('Chinese', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.8072407424350742, 45)
('Mexican', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.8067248741561701, 881)
('Indian', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.8065165858419968, 6)
('Asian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.8061453440801053, 787)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.8060554305947611, 108)
('American ', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.8057032135754512, 966)
('Spanish', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.805651659417229, 12)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.8056107359495114, 65)
('Tapas', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.804874654681895, 3)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.8048611401018831, 19)
('Greek', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.8041708401929474, 37)
('Southwestern', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.804103391121265, 5)
('Pizza', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.8037155951616711, 98)
('Hamburgers', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.8033939066967554, 23)
('Korean', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.8032438664117716, 73)
('Portuguese', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.8027306534279219, 19)
('Peruvian', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.8023471602258996, 17)
('Chinese', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 0.802195487794855, 3)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.8019665628241548, 200)
('African', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.801805424947612, 72)
('Delicatessen', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.8015915499045354, 88)
('Mexican', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.8015155796582845, 25)
('Mediterranean', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.8011315679717983, 28)
('American ', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.8009252008075466, 1809)
('Tex-Mex', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.8005994870913618, 135)
('Scandinavian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.8005554906218665, 1)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.7998234632702058, 159)
('English', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.7996577394211065, 2)
('Chinese', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.7996297116553358, 224)
('Tex-Mex', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.7996021412516592, 38)
('English', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.7995209990415885, 3)
('Continental', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.7993080591405834, 37)
('Brazilian', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.7989103326554886, 2)
('English', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.7984287572396191, 3)
('English', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.7981040704944505, 34)
('Egyptian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.7978628831519806, 5)
('Tapas', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7968681471903465, 36)
('French', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.7966472102426289, 31)
('Pizza', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.7966060523394419, 997)
('English', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.7961345682302466, 16)
('Italian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.7957002364322967, 195)
('Armenian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7956773280533708, 37)
('Chicken', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.7956399549305494, 521)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.7955617876642456, 16)
('Peruvian', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.794986177104561, 27)
('Seafood', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.7944099581533591, 29)
('Irish', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.7940521217307606, 4)
('Scandinavian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.7940054911531421, 1)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.7938603257318203, 231)
('Greek', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.7936622535206215, 17)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.7933034121563525, 95)
('Seafood', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7931571058260212, 72)
('Filipino', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.7931555951714339, 8)
('Salads', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.7921766476136427, 26)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.7921122028342872, 20)
('Polish', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.792007847987047, 34)
('Pizza/Italian', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.7915968019063409, 40)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.7915872219731414, 120)
('Filipino', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.7913956719907809, 27)
('Indian', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.7912425989632753, 40)
('Chinese', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.7909602568733584, 44)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.7903174535396236, 8)
('Steak', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.7900288359386857, 12)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.789220929553826, 54)
('German', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.7889810920389527, 12)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.7889750907716969, 108)
('Donuts', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.7879572509532846, 437)
('Mexican', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.7878423219277568, 76)
('Barbecue', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.7877894526562073, 1)
('Hotdogs', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.7875206316638447, 9)
('Mexican', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7872664137976927, 15)
('Polish', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.7870997592809881, 1)
('Mediterranean', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.7870961888849408, 11)
('Creole', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.7867030485026497, 4)
('Delicatessen', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 0.7866739205996585, 1)
('Other', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.7855668324713417, 39)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.7855565050243246, 8)
('Pakistani', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.7847579053305351, 56)
('English', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.7846280923636868, 3)
('Turkish', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.7840088599803803, 9)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7839526010893839, 53)
('American ', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 0.7839434810533077, 17)
('Portuguese', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.7831364271647768, 1)
('Bakery', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.7819177300277137, 20)
('Thai', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.7818605973570995, 221)
('Bangladeshi', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.7816598126799422, 6)
('Bakery', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.7812946079292341, 47)
('Soul Food', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.7809128526959283, 39)
('German', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.7808020639393718, 8)
('Scandinavian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.780772911292918, 7)
('Indian', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.7805304833949984, 73)
('Japanese', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.7800074225160964, 439)
('German', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.7793860584895137, 12)
('Italian', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.7793699368376593, 19)
('Filipino', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.7793528025559717, 3)
('Thai', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.7792106216938419, 32)
('Peruvian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.7789485130321057, 45)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.7787971967283651, 116)
('Pakistani', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.7787099213916685, 38)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 0.7785031144611197, 2)
('Caribbean', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7783701403266621, 13)
('Greek', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.777937623095752, 19)
('Other', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.7778900610354063, 87)
('Portuguese', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.7777854145997442, 2)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.7777707502894724, 354)
('Russian', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 0.7773893278654984, 1)
('Salads', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7771119590596132, 12)
('Tapas', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.7770864371508672, 4)
('German', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.7769410232658799, 8)
('Ethiopian', 'Other general violation."', 0.7769031926833345, 1)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.7764188231784622, 3)
('Seafood', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7763630957208121, 16)
('Bangladeshi', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.7748968179436403, 7)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.7744485227700214, 14)
('Pizza', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.7743220662993174, 35)
('Mexican', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.7740350454985718, 13)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.7738156671419331, 14)
('Seafood', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.7737107298391293, 24)
('Sandwiches', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.773510012500534, 8)
('Chinese', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.7729856298017432, 2796)
('Hawaiian', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.7724824980144432, 5)
('Southwestern', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.7724333803104795, 20)
('Barbecue', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.7719216556240324, 1)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.7716296438600486, 5)
('Hamburgers', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.7712130227086568, 181)
('Indian', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.77085085446976, 29)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.7703138746025792, 6)
('Japanese', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.7701944200430747, 162)
('Chicken', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.7698810075848325, 69)
('Moroccan', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.7698618124695964, 13)
('Bakery', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 0.7698166223010944, 1)
('Tapas', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7693296759814846, 3)
('Creole', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.7692865432582825, 16)
('Pizza', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.7689731685157067, 331)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.7687142907070557, 30)
('Turkish', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.7682419648575974, 2)
('Turkish', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.767968931300897, 70)
('Soul Food', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.7678133066427857, 14)
('Australian', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.7677366259999528, 1)
('Seafood', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.767663222140594, 30)
('Egyptian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.7674876004788781, 2)
('Steak', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.7673569267395622, 10)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.7672877423615158, 6)
('Moroccan', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.7671985311553069, 9)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.766854904137666, 69)
('Korean', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.7668531546236582, 28)
('Vegetarian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7667928012784334, 42)
('Egyptian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.7663080601092896, 3)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.7662183497335249, 15)
('Mediterranean', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.7661991103164046, 27)
('Armenian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.7661194896206299, 20)
('Mexican', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 0.7659889431545118, 3)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.7659483678259015, 2)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.7654546702219434, 3)
('Barbecue', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.7653151772825614, 7)
('Other', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.765172456300112, 137)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.7651576160205029, 23)
('Indian', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.7651341846033791, 11)
('Polish', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.7647194495588467, 26)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.7643883922325297, 32)
('Chicken', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.7642999019749763, 27)
('Hamburgers', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 0.7633615771984315, 1)
('Salads', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.7632742714033514, 2)
('American ', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.762982425410171, 91)
('Delicatessen', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.762978922991235, 7)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.7627744268473036, 358)
('Korean', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.7627612871966098, 36)
('Tapas', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.7621066446648387, 9)
('Eastern European', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.7616871834241333, 101)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.7607286792510303, 166)
('Middle Eastern', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.7599683340444425, 4)
('Peruvian', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.7597070718886773, 13)
('Irish', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 0.7594724325586145, 1)
('Delicatessen', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.7583429132138899, 45)
('Korean', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.757565085253614, 25)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.7570553663457303, 155)
('Steak', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.7567934320688107, 13)
('Thai', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.756070389621257, 62)
('Asian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.7559499390398282, 239)
('Salads', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.7558715632565249, 5)
('Asian', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 0.7556687861103852, 1)
('Iranian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.7553869662190891, 1)
('Irish', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.7552956822420686, 28)
('Armenian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.7552673986033196, 42)
('Delicatessen', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7552640725902348, 46)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.754903865954713, 3)
('American ', 'Out-of package sale of tobacco products observed."', 0.7545980031529165, 2)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.7541374882969611, 20)
('Peruvian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.7541186423981132, 16)
('Pizza', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7539652455778368, 123)
('Mediterranean', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.7538688626866813, 148)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.7538624484517454, 65)
('Mexican', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 0.7537657153382165, 5)
('Indian', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.7534399159254027, 23)
('Chicken', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.7533311073400875, 47)
('Vegetarian', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.7531388622835928, 7)
('Egyptian', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.7530625943950328, 3)
('Korean', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.7517844681372209, 5)
('Egyptian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.7511334774286983, 23)
('Hamburgers', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.7509354743541644, 55)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7498498733714525, 8)
('Korean', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.7497144733563675, 24)
('Eastern European', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.7491629918127385, 144)
('Tapas', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.7491500677006941, 19)
('Steak', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7487545167116861, 99)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.7482705285915179, 21)
('Vegetarian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.7479928170027162, 14)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.7478059737723152, 41)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.7476320079280159, 3)
('French', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 0.7474377051487122, 2)
('Armenian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7474183877415057, 3)
('Chinese', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.7473618721734345, 276)
('Russian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.7469893695182991, 17)
('Barbecue', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.7468782269250067, 10)
('Chinese', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.7466190811632594, 2733)
('Bakery', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.7463851314034208, 135)
('Mexican', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 0.7458313393872879, 3)
('Mexican', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 0.7458313393872879, 1)
('Bakery', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.7456085524174121, 11)
('Japanese', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 0.7455471976992661, 1)
('Russian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.7453216298622573, 29)
('Continental', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.7449491025896838, 7)
('Australian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.7448222773076859, 9)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.7437685511563094, 37)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.7436792776090083, 327)
('Salads', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.7436228855567879, 20)
('Brazilian', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.7436021360735008, 6)
('French', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.7435632980377901, 98)
('Pizza', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.7428383016722052, 367)
('Cajun', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.7427624184047552, 8)
('Bangladeshi', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.7427320554337367, 5)
('Ethiopian', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.7421950466625461, 2)
('Irish', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.7419215990331004, 3)
('Moroccan', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.7417735877018485, 1)
('Filipino', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.7415573013884323, 25)
('Delicatessen', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.7415368923685305, 80)
('Soups', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.7411940930392826, 3)
('Greek', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.7408646148372175, 2)
('Steak', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.7408625059953574, 1)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.7407968366428974, 7)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.7401604586465413, 103)
('German', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.739170873359035, 3)
('French', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7381986729466268, 153)
('Barbecue', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.7369930739215875, 1)
('Moroccan', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.7367051990398985, 2)
('Bakery', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.7366852739995282, 9)
('German', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7366369139222325, 4)
('Italian', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.7365648547087914, 30)
('Mediterranean', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.7365350721819934, 19)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.735979835099798, 10)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7358637263217416, 2)
('Brazilian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.7351498566560168, 13)
('Chicken', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.7347436421491467, 5)
('Basque', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7346502137760852, 2)
('Other', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.7336174506670274, 57)
('Spanish', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.733368176317917, 87)
('Hawaiian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.7332048137561646, 3)
('Japanese', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.7326929356699684, 12)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.7325112862240372, 169)
('Bangladeshi', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.7322726161411612, 75)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.7319492132750913, 9)
('Bangladeshi', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.7318041821063768, 18)
('Greek', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.7306169997754323, 21)
('Pizza', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 0.7302744017813898, 4)
('Armenian', 'Other general violation."', 0.7301906589460454, 2)
('Pizza', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.7301282299635792, 495)
('Cajun', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.7295329090396282, 4)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.7295184859666017, 35)
('Pakistani', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.7293885214662034, 5)
('Eastern European', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.7287370610848389, 1)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.7286092856056559, 26)
('Bakery', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.7280120110238164, 85)
('Caribbean', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.7277698855165669, 211)
('German', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.7277685904195826, 7)
('Hotdogs', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7272800939994327, 2)
('Italian', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.7270202802914226, 14)
('Chinese', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.7270084147162947, 530)
('Irish', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.7266557225097855, 2)
('Pakistani', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.7264990366613004, 4)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.7263657294355683, 1)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.7262821205958987, 18)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.7259641774925584, 5)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.7251204686811279, 14)
('Delicatessen', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.7251017002855553, 213)
('African', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.7245949130945457, 10)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.7245353084825122, 10)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.724457665744655, 8)
('Bangladeshi', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.7243783548109887, 35)
('Polish', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.724084349432651, 46)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.7224843858431644, 2)
('Bakery', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.7224700144079126, 307)
('French', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.7224590671874441, 20)
('Chinese', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.722181104101762, 33)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.7221650781948301, 7)
('American ', 'Unprotected food re-served."', 0.721789394320181, 4)
('Tex-Mex', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7217665107762353, 13)
('German', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.7213630442615226, 1)
('Indian', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.7211636704189898, 40)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.7207371442812704, 3)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.7205293063235773, 1)
('Sandwiches', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 0.7203747526328171, 1)
('German', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.7202742165930335, 29)
('Mediterranean', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7202592012008504, 84)
('Seafood', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.7200462793031033, 28)
('Scandinavian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7197412775182994, 3)
('Tapas', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.7196955033375179, 3)
('Italian', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.7196580496049272, 14)
('Barbecue', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.719238755892723, 28)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7189778098213571, 2)
('Continental', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7189557534614384, 52)
('Delicatessen', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.7189470267731978, 2)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.7189008921841683, 170)
('Hamburgers', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.7188178750342396, 66)
('Chicken', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.7186628905355693, 318)
('Tapas', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.7186351838206025, 42)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.7186309792400973, 21)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.7184865888484477, 2)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.7181981236203091, 3)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.7178034703601841, 22)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.717623159464045, 7)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.7175678097329884, 3)
('Mexican', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.7175086302966314, 10)
('Spanish', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 0.7173444955471724, 2)
('Japanese', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.7172352787992939, 80)
('Pakistani', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.7167065388788981, 7)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.7163225556510183, 17)
('Korean', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.7160438950618448, 56)
('Asian', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.7156070252927161, 26)
('Thai', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.7148757289478492, 56)
('American ', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.7146193009991195, 26)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.7144022592736045, 36)
('Salads', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7140214487153437, 29)
('Donuts', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7137284759730061, 331)
('Tex-Mex', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.7135883290126634, 36)
('Peruvian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.7134048608903348, 80)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.7133127970138291, 17)
('Seafood', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.7133091293277483, 109)
('American ', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.712625200075487, 142)
('African', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.7123849266590914, 79)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.712255049016707, 4)
('Italian', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.7120404668238796, 31)
('Hawaiian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.7120404668238796, 2)
('Russian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.7116968459052507, 38)
('Eastern European', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7116220992052198, 30)
('Middle Eastern', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.7113682085509383, 16)
('Mediterranean', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.7112396804624853, 18)
('Korean', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.7108645540487393, 30)
('Jewish/Kosher', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.7106610765788335, 20)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.7100837900236331, 12)
('Italian', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.7093323258738522, 32)
('Chinese', 'Other general violation."', 0.7092697693505337, 187)
('Thai', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.7088381624221168, 41)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 0.7087085860545538, 1)
('Other', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.7085543767867719, 7)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.7085503528259444, 102)
('Tex-Mex', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.7084523983941986, 23)
('Indian', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 0.7079423364613083, 1)
('Indian', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 0.7079423364613083, 1)
('Indian', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.7079423364613083, 6)
('Other', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.7077777369875903, 1)
('Chicken', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.7077328303466991, 6)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.7071056956952878, 46)
('Sandwiches', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.7070922078053447, 141)
('Peruvian', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.7068051808392047, 8)
('American ', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 0.7064321731644324, 32)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.7051414975420095, 89)
('Mediterranean', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.7047115698328484, 22)
('Eastern European', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.7039666842359693, 28)
('Chinese', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.7035781464899655, 68)
('Creole', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.7029882119547834, 42)
('Italian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.7024163863363068, 848)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.7023519220961223, 18)
('Afghan', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.7022123296910833, 1)
('Soul Food', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.7007074623897697, 22)
('Steak', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.7005495522229377, 2)
('Seafood', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.7005066578747283, 4)
('Delicatessen', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 0.7003935551145346, 2)
('Mexican', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.699492615857453, 605)
('Indonesian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.6993604572435491, 19)
('Delicatessen', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.6992975174527716, 177)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.6992761183537088, 6)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.6992413594111156, 228)
('Pizza', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 0.6987970568770195, 1)
('Peruvian', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.6987529699182518, 1)
('Turkish', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.6983299711404793, 4)
('Scandinavian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.6978873673739164, 2)
('Other', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.6975600473839656, 11)
('German', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.6975600473839656, 5)
('Delicatessen', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.6975571881256799, 119)
('African', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.6968216486920222, 113)
('Greek', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.6957825085012677, 11)
('Pizza/Italian', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.6952733521956996, 12)
('Filipino', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6951319924001229, 29)
('Spanish', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.6945249169304846, 68)
('Irish', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.6939266271331139, 270)
('Mediterranean', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.693678206870819, 3)
('Eastern European', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.6936172027193046, 1)
('Korean', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6933123428376593, 5)
('Korean', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.692955884049568, 18)
('Creole', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.6928010730619765, 60)
('Japanese', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.6927673516241128, 143)
('Pizza', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.6926051842211471, 108)
('Steak', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.6925343848733925, 14)
('Irish', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.6919513713245276, 40)
('French', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.6918605445970596, 49)
('Thai', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.6915494267532847, 5)
('Indonesian', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.6915384022679749, 1)
('Seafood', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.6914483821263482, 2)
('Brazilian', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6896940066644143, 34)
('Chicken', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.6896128793996897, 86)
('German', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.6891119517337013, 4)
('Hotdogs', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.6890943456271136, 5)
('Irish', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.6889142767905502, 16)
('German', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.6887221825302321, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.6884143261064487, 18)
('Czech', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.6878367003923134, 1)
('Caribbean', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.6874035163576658, 339)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.687257739907503, 13)
('Vegetarian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.6871713828596382, 80)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.6864701875710059, 2)
('Continental', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.6862449986707065, 12)
('Asian', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.6861493252814886, 59)
('Egyptian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.6855331500152765, 2)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.6854452466557645, 58)
('Russian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.6853816526835482, 122)
('Middle Eastern', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.6852485125917661, 17)
('Tapas', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.6848601228842882, 37)
('Chinese', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.6845401495849429, 44)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.6839285655631357, 122)
('Greek', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 0.6836837888598485, 1)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.6831672216222702, 7)
('Japanese', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.6826697231945087, 12)
('Chinese', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.6800067711108704, 12)
('Middle Eastern', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.6794389109758487, 106)
('American ', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 0.6791382028376248, 9)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.6785381944318721, 9)
('Sandwiches', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.6778201645964944, 32)
('Italian', 'Original label for tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 0.6768212609379672, 3)
('Eastern European', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.6763850044385533, 48)
('Caribbean', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.6762513725063168, 958)
('Chinese', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.6761194971077213, 1699)
('Chinese', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 0.675533042353562, 9)
('Chinese', 'Manufacture of frozen dessert not authorized on Food Service Establishment permit."', 0.675533042353562, 3)
('Chinese', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.6748906492383855, 470)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.6746135114504807, 4)
('Indonesian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.6744973778853118, 7)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6743640321112537, 130)
('Caribbean', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.6740822947289027, 57)
('Hamburgers', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6740525976045261, 380)
('Seafood', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.6740169103080369, 2)
('Chinese', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 0.6730029560526124, 7)
('Australian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.6729695208348416, 2)
('Turkish', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.6725921446715921, 7)
('Russian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6714739023411783, 38)
('Delicatessen', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.6701296360663758, 4)
('Vegetarian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.6701279106890905, 11)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.6696857802452093, 108)
('Creole', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.6696051713508978, 12)
('Spanish', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.6691196555103877, 8)
('Indian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.6690353572257203, 325)
('Japanese', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.6688551588128323, 14)
('Bangladeshi', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.6688420086946106, 9)
('Steak', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.6688289272954496, 9)
('Hawaiian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.6685280054864118, 4)
('Caribbean', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.6667110328220572, 523)
('Cajun', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.6663841793444587, 1)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 0.6657586105462405, 3)
('Other', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.6654563044937828, 15)
('Pizza', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 0.6644299885060185, 2)
('Hotdogs', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.6635932632312768, 14)
('Bakery', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.6634737322549155, 179)
('Other', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.6633825693059875, 24)
('Irish', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.6633711565125193, 33)
('Egyptian', 'Other general violation."', 0.6630466903073287, 1)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.6628847450297334, 15)
('Armenian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.6621021409092759, 4)
('Greek', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.6619387162319531, 19)
('Korean', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.6611720355537943, 4)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.6609763526972681, 129)
('Pakistani', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.6600122353627341, 2)
('Brazilian', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.6595418493272179, 3)
('Egyptian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.6594415870683321, 3)
('Salads', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.6593265617490895, 7)
('Chicken', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.6591284603986557, 239)
('Southwestern', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.6578465146961812, 1)
('Continental', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.657624825384533, 4)
('Egyptian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.6566844360823665, 7)
('Czech', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.6543035083388345, 5)
('Pakistani', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.6540553595213353, 14)
('Japanese', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.6535229584041321, 57)
('Egyptian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.653249872625373, 6)
('Spanish', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 0.6526658934896404, 1)
('Caribbean', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.6520277793241663, 63)
('Caribbean', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.6518703387328723, 277)
('Sandwiches', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.6518450341896196, 112)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.6517376122277019, 2)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.6514286566904124, 26)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.6513171065363185, 3)
('American ', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6512436756368821, 2285)
('Thai', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.6503970326852028, 50)
('English', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.6502014743978876, 1)
('Thai', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.649968923245967, 27)
('Middle Eastern', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.6497949013651296, 128)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.6496118703450403, 70)
('Portuguese', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.6494814940507345, 2)
('American ', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.6494720626002624, 3836)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.6487525953842664, 6)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.6485836072873611, 49)
('Brazilian', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.6482605744743118, 2)
('Seafood', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.6481455541547991, 2)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.6476939395730359, 2)
('Indonesian', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.6473898579112645, 1)
('Tex-Mex', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.6473416265294245, 22)
('Donuts', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.6472907174810342, 39)
('Japanese', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.6455117509193646, 9)
('Indian', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.6452132686735974, 4)
('Indian', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.6446257616503211, 25)
('Tex-Mex', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.6441405433546897, 22)
('Creole/Cajun', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.643209916714067, 3)
('Delicatessen', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.64313389243337, 10)
('Other', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6430630393313792, 89)
('Sandwiches', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.6422618276485358, 4)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.64217784088596, 1)
('Irish', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.6420994202541014, 3)
('Indian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.6419354177953461, 59)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.6417226347919563, 5)
('Donuts', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.6410094432740322, 25)
('Delicatessen', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.6407478982287269, 7)
('Spanish', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.640729794486538, 44)
('Continental', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6407167460869876, 4)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.6404782106064528, 72)
('Fruits/Vegetables', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.6401293662651639, 1)
('Soul Food', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.6399241602186304, 39)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.6388527527552097, 16)
('Italian', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.6385106235263842, 15)
('Thai', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.63790722803238, 4)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.6377284033241649, 7)
('Peruvian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.637267010789991, 9)
('Hamburgers', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6370582551392838, 31)
('Sandwiches', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.636842751391122, 202)
('Australian', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6349037917374081, 1)
('Afghan', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.6346622774932943, 1)
('Italian', 'Notice of the Department of Board of Health mutilated; obstructed; or removed."', 0.6345199321293443, 1)
('Korean', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.6337897595952484, 7)
('Bagels/Pretzels', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.6336616592782539, 11)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.6333154616859824, 146)
('African', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.6327489907840125, 21)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.6326809144958223, 13)
('Steak', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.632483056428351, 2)
('Mediterranean', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.6322130492999869, 2)
('Tex-Mex', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.6320953866559561, 13)
('Indonesian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.6316814871545406, 8)
('Iranian', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.6311130042458126, 3)
('Vegetarian', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.6299953042324841, 2)
('Barbecue', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6293718039170592, 37)
('Italian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.6293122091442654, 287)
('Hamburgers', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.6290664849135222, 3)
('Brazilian', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.6288468624099253, 2)
('Greek', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.6284969740264313, 6)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.6282761059554371, 1)
('Eastern European', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.6280388490076613, 8)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.6279858669788801, 56)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.6275091605212639, 56)
('Continental', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.6274317424655157, 1)
('Filipino', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.627102186756103, 4)
('Egyptian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.626104548414101, 9)
('German', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.6247618361792973, 4)
('Steak', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.6243043962159154, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.6241307820984849, 233)
('African', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.6235035256606047, 1)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.623459330685342, 11)
('American ', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 0.6225433526011561, 6)
('Polish', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.6214977091672753, 27)
('Mexican', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 0.620618778760225, 3)
('Cajun', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.6204609683505905, 2)
('Tapas', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.620191150644913, 2)
('Russian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.6193299956710855, 59)
('Portuguese', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.6193076951752177, 3)
('Caribbean', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.6192232201272825, 112)
('Vegetarian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.6182169528092928, 50)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.6181481798145615, 4)
('Hamburgers', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.6175055347313321, 91)
('Australian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.6168969685477945, 2)
('African', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.6166967186119081, 2)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Other general violation."', 0.6164815792323101, 7)
('Polish', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.6164358579868203, 5)
('French', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 0.6163082831927977, 1)
('Chinese/Japanese', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.6161971483643638, 3)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.6161262205569321, 60)
('Greek', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.6160537294002781, 28)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.6148273530619123, 9)
('Soul Food', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6144629867351306, 4)
('Indonesian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.613081646563819, 4)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.6130464480874317, 1)
('Portuguese', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.6123829466848619, 1)
('Pizza', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 0.6122391132759385, 10)
('Hamburgers', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 0.6120646880239676, 1)
('Donuts', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.611760419788343, 4)
('Peruvian', 'Other general violation."', 0.6117185796048524, 5)
('Bakery', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.611324964768516, 9)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6103171971151108, 7)
('Thai', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.6103072304871395, 14)
('Tex-Mex', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.6101091949981446, 53)
('Pizza', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.6100504880356294, 480)
('Other', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.6100097615624125, 15)
('Vegetarian', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.6094166610569817, 4)
('Chinese', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.6093178841720482, 417)
('American ', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.6088956905711138, 87)
('Peruvian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.6083925564681325, 15)
('Continental', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.6067282202576709, 5)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.6066337565959986, 4)
('Italian', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.6054853439753537, 58)
('Irish', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.6052351004965822, 10)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6042062177700583, 5)
('Pizza', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.6036812338282226, 130)
('Armenian', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.6025274786328744, 2)
('Other', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.601424298706934, 7)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.6011729252756375, 16)
('Tex-Mex', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.6011488288443654, 3)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.6009776349270122, 10)
('Portuguese', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.6007855049749034, 1)
('Asian', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.6005314856506373, 4)
('Japanese', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.5999006823017319, 124)
('Peruvian', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.5998298546488563, 7)
('French', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.5990356608881654, 209)
('Caribbean', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.5987462617897401, 6)
('Ethiopian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.5985975419035529, 2)
('Chinese', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.5981615643588808, 59)
('Steak', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.59740952305171, 9)
('Salads', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.5968514951385067, 2)
('Czech', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.5966691749964037, 2)
('Asian', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.5965806206134621, 31)
('Asian', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 0.5965806206134621, 1)
('Chicken', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.596173474576154, 58)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.5959631809126921, 2)
('Steak', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.595737254178272, 4)
('Vegetarian', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.5957125892134308, 7)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.5948251961059667, 38)
('Spanish', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 0.5942182015353443, 1)
('Seafood', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5941334246418992, 2)
('Russian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.5941105201927449, 9)
('Asian', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.5939754650649317, 8)
('Italian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.5938247081600431, 114)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.5936776720855507, 5)
('African', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.5933762544627184, 1)
('Donuts', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.592828928092867, 45)
('Afghan', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.5926115664845173, 2)
('French', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.592404251972841, 5)
('Chicken', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.5923997013135615, 40)
('Sandwiches', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5923081299425386, 4)
('Italian', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.590680373182226, 16)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.5905507462126014, 57)
('Irish', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5901270824337813, 73)
('Chinese', 'Document issued by the Board of Health; Commissioner or Department unlawfully reproduced or altered."', 0.5901208186077094, 2)
('Egyptian', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.5897698747519352, 10)
('Caribbean', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.5889156407649726, 71)
('Filipino', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.5886999688431771, 4)
('Filipino', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.5877577473821606, 2)
('Southwestern', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.587599842870237, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.5875495203480149, 8)
('Brazilian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.5873198800812353, 7)
('Vegetarian', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.586883042794941, 1)
('Eastern European', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.5865125088115893, 17)
('Sandwiches', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.586336187294172, 32)
('Other', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5859611815290485, 7)
('Other', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.5859434578914838, 10)
('Portuguese', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5853388117132982, 1)
('German', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5853334522039659, 14)
('Steak', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.5852065451397672, 1)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.5842727590191951, 16)
('Polish', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.5835559526518698, 2)
('Eastern European', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.5824980892988426, 1)
('Afghan', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.5823684063321587, 2)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.5823574608655339, 20)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.5822006861591028, 4)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.5821549281773448, 9)
('Other', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.5813888553826634, 1)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.581370025184697, 8)
('Caribbean', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.5812838258685851, 180)
('African', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.5810814635914114, 14)
('American ', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.5810785035736424, 611)
('Egyptian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.5799489515686085, 12)
('Chicken', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.5798691932486714, 83)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.5793673760128216, 5)
('Peruvian', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.5786319142928918, 1)
('Tapas', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.5780463429079065, 3)
('Thai', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.577750153996415, 3)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.5771064301552107, 2)
('Spanish', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 0.5769944855488126, 1)
('French', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.5767810715975695, 32)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.5767458041756596, 1)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.575971336939654, 31)
('Chicken', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.575518184508724, 26)
('Hotdogs', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.5753041930360803, 3)
('Polish', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.5750385862987598, 5)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.5749678302986122, 1)
('Soul Food', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.5744950888422912, 1)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.574041481403063, 3)
('Basque', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.5739370505005066, 1)
('Asian', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.5739256603370014, 4)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.5730878264938211, 2)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.572659116286489, 1)
('Ethiopian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.5720046025190234, 8)
('Seafood', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.5716769777061903, 33)
('Salads', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5704932621408594, 2)
('Chicken', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.5702845603786666, 130)
('English', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.5700559378682284, 1)
('Delicatessen', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.5689779928865454, 5)
('Turkish', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.5679468399277682, 41)
('African', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.567162845631032, 1)
('German', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.5670571959236806, 3)
('Chinese', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.5670136781200581, 33)
('Japanese', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.5666158702514422, 11)
('Irish', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.5662733049779144, 17)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.5661077983670046, 29)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Other general violation."', 0.5658480201750826, 9)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.5652251714623127, 5)
('Russian', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.5647019770083687, 6)
('Japanese', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.5639279891815117, 428)
('French', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.5634899289503352, 35)
('Creole', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.5632932555222866, 5)
('Barbecue', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.5628525938200288, 8)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist."', 0.5613765939769083, 7)
('Scandinavian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.5600551717014789, 1)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.5595815907608487, 13)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.5590675155514314, 23)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.5584791086649823, 4)
('Pizza', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.5568811814025094, 187)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.5565974791389553, 1)
('Barbecue', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.5562686794285207, 5)
('Other', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.5558627328977926, 92)
('Other', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.5557050103657586, 1)
('Indonesian', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.5554310712761417, 1)
('Filipino', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5554008477985086, 2)
('African', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.5550674446724547, 27)
('Polish', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.5548871571329285, 3)
('Steak', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.5544946368049477, 12)
('Peruvian', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.5542317733287339, 1)
('Chinese', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.5538142320254477, 1032)
('Afghan', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.5535704790769395, 2)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.553332164059718, 1)
('Portuguese', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.552601100667774, 7)
('Sandwiches', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.5512793205498722, 169)
('Chinese', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.5505464551319363, 201)
('Bangladeshi', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.5503026638222117, 3)
('Ethiopian', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.5496060215407973, 5)
('Donuts', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5495851321147546, 22)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.5495831496359911, 12)
('Afghan', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.5491033755274262, 1)
('Portuguese', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.5475750174092143, 1)
('German', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.5472906196774397, 9)
('Southwestern', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.547105977018501, 2)
('Asian', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.5462665923689533, 4)
('American ', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 0.5460906601764527, 5)
('Thai', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.545587150204948, 42)
('Mexican', 'Precooked potentially hazardous food from commercial food processing establishment that is supposed to be heated; but is not heated to 140\xc2\xba F within 2 hours."', 0.5450305941676334, 1)
('Turkish', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.5446701739847403, 7)
('Ethiopian', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.5441457940681784, 1)
('Caribbean', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.5433999686831255, 8)
('Southwestern', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.5429357853664438, 1)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5426973367391046, 23)
('Seafood', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.5410321236199419, 2)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.5405447503141193, 12)
('Salads', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.5405395863343119, 5)
('Spanish', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.540442798681467, 12)
('Salads', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.540415680411943, 1)
('Turkish', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.5402137816521378, 7)
('German', 'Other general violation."', 0.5397432707063167, 2)
('Thai', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.539506644984832, 17)
('Mexican', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.5381314727224735, 9)
('French', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.5369148580653412, 7)
('Chinese', 'Refrigeration used to implement HACCP plan not equipped with an electronic system that continuously monitors time and temperature."', 0.5347969918632366, 1)
('Hotdogs', 'Other general violation."', 0.5328874093001162, 1)
('Irish', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.5326616608442771, 4)
('African', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.531278739460806, 11)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5303816177505395, 16)
('Caribbean', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 0.5300376743712453, 1)
('Spanish', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.5273194636141466, 2)
('Sandwiches', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.5271140069704373, 66)
('Mediterranean', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.5268442077499891, 2)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Other general violation."', 0.5268042196962337, 1)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.5263131287599211, 10)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food worker prepares food or handles utensil when ill with a disease transmissible by food; or have exposed infected cut or burn on hand."', 0.5255989030628214, 1)
('Spanish', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.5247508587770576, 23)
('Portuguese', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.5246229687090134, 18)
('Indian', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.5229669790548652, 48)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.5225998981002984, 2)
('Barbecue', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.5222041338142701, 5)
('Donuts', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.5205104412064683, 3)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 0.520222259976215, 2)
('Russian', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.5198300354009696, 1)
('American ', 'Unprotected potentially hazardous food re-served."', 0.5187861271676301, 2)
('Moroccan', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.5186538017009812, 1)
('Indonesian', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.5174458423914934, 1)
('Irish', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.5173393917348933, 44)
('African', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.5165455324145097, 5)
('Caribbean', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 0.5159409277124356, 3)
('Sandwiches', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 0.515881274466082, 1)
('Pizza', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.5158392819855817, 14)
('Southwestern', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.5153307303628847, 1)
('Bangladeshi', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.5151707586616414, 3)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.514842965724939, 12)
('Middle Eastern', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.5145964619989798, 3)
('Pancakes/Waffles', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.5138138997739633, 1)
('Sandwiches', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.5133382394091014, 56)
('Bagels/Pretzels', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.5122900547107249, 7)
('Turkish', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.5111013335346123, 24)
('Donuts', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5104305109482467, 90)
('Greek', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.5099819000756817, 6)
('Japanese', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.5098086236195496, 35)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.5096183467173484, 15)
('Hamburgers', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.5093541996205199, 47)
('English', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.5086388231980538, 8)
('Scandinavian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.5085703706345186, 2)
('German', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.5079936665471215, 2)
('English', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.5049242767165453, 3)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.5048059439513959, 12)
('Peruvian', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.5047685133827897, 5)
('Thai', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.5037777280984194, 1)
('Moroccan', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5034809875597493, 4)
('Indonesian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.5034809875597493, 3)
('Salads', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.5030005132914661, 5)
('Polish', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.502964872687228, 15)
('Pizza/Italian', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.5028369402340792, 20)
('Caribbean', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.5018984498082267, 50)
('African', 'Other general violation."', 0.5007927253976133, 4)
('Steak', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.5005222286724574, 16)
('Japanese', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.5003230642396841, 8)
('Salads', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.5001154371209124, 13)
('Vegetarian', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.5000749319848138, 11)
('English', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.49968994361389435, 2)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food contact surface improperly constructed or located. Unacceptable material used."', 0.4993189579096804, 1)
('Chicken', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.4972577824592329, 6)
('English', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.4972189931828797, 2)
('Sandwiches', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.4972008625523504, 17)
('Portuguese', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.49644179361830776, 1)
('Asian', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 0.4964247499995232, 1)
('Iranian', 'Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed; raised; spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides; above and underneath the unit."', 0.4962151145665422, 5)
('Hamburgers', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 0.4959064260632146, 1)
('Chinese', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.49537540917745637, 505)
('Hawaiian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.49466234104381307, 2)
('Chinese', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.4939579488482258, 254)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly."', 0.49326716541891136, 13)
('Hamburgers', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.4915685836754046, 67)
('Afghan', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.4909922656102622, 1)
('Creole', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.4908080158552062, 2)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.48954528573673534, 30)
('Japanese', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.4895169505412028, 160)
('Delicatessen', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 0.4890135182105985, 1)
('Steak', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.4884945022667534, 1)
('Soul Food', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.48769557477905123, 3)
('Filipino', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.4863987292243363, 2)
('Chinese', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.48605307597419, 526)
('Delicatessen', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.48536960227758363, 78)
('Czech', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.48481870018977985, 3)
('American ', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 0.4847052866967639, 16)
('Polish', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.4839626645419601, 4)
('Steak', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.48339964930193535, 4)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.48320725975859596, 6)
('Hotdogs', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.4831969434811344, 2)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.48307273420745167, 1)
('Pizza', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 0.48250272974841824, 1)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.4820421585709883, 5)
('Caribbean', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.4817419779672178, 26)
('Continental', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.48141126421899566, 4)
('Italian', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.48115255516917105, 20)
('Chinese/Cuban', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.48096734910348166, 1)
('Soul Food', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.4805369794727134, 13)
('Hotdogs', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.48030123666842284, 4)
('Irish', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.4802277446521652, 100)
('Bakery', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.4798768716827689, 101)
('Iranian', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.47960117230723587, 1)
('African', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.47958456363486984, 17)
('Italian', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.47936750353110663, 14)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 0.4755418646758861, 1)
('Chinese', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.4751306950846647, 108)
('Hamburgers', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.47509916343119163, 61)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.4748618046177737, 3)
('Middle Eastern', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 0.47469321167277495, 1)
('Other', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.4741617099828747, 42)
('Irish', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.4727639640425111, 2)
('Bakery', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 0.4720043523597951, 2)
('Bakery', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.47028797289666857, 8)
('Pizza', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.4702874707674456, 11)
('Moroccan', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.47022127634973515, 1)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.4700150757565041, 3)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.46857756336666523, 9)
('English', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.466999480862486, 3)
('Cajun', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.4661911764442478, 1)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.4645484466725457, 80)
('Egyptian', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.4644002897650833, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.4640084788178859, 6)
('American ', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 0.4639295880411435, 37)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.4638943144920744, 34)
('Cajun', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.4638858763214576, 1)
('Creole', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.46378833682143505, 2)
('Filipino', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.4621971478826656, 3)
('Delicatessen', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.46130736987005466, 21)
('American ', 'Food allergy information poster not posted in language understood by all food workers."', 0.4611432241490045, 2)
('Thai', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.4600371996544529, 56)
('Moroccan', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.45981123492286424, 4)
('English', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.45805523413129656, 2)
('Mexican', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.45804591348229395, 8)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.4576939715052421, 1)
('Caribbean', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.4572244180939833, 7)
('Russian', 'Other general violation."', 0.4562338076657447, 4)
('Other', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.45610398873036306, 24)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.4554342833395306, 4)
('Indonesian', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.45463616661055223, 4)
('Afghan', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.45459904373076, 12)
('Korean', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.4538044425846497, 3)
('Donuts', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.45368768646908175, 55)
('Australian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.4533459903852853, 2)
('Armenian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.4524955710980026, 8)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.4524647573990628, 61)
('Chinese', 'Whole frozen poultry or poultry breasts; other than a single portion; is being cooked frozen or partially thawed."', 0.4503553615690414, 1)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.45029789902790845, 2)
('Bakery', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.45019655633304506, 44)
('Hamburgers', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.4499283468255656, 1)
('Moroccan', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.4486409338419453, 6)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.44847929966213007, 35)
('Soups', 'Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage; preparation; transportation; display or service."', 0.44617373133407273, 1)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 0.44588251417607455, 1)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.4453103930923209, 12)
('Afghan', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.44514280827774927, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.4450607641656129, 42)
('Pizza', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 0.44376163465912916, 3)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.44345114114873907, 6)
('Portuguese', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.44343036469389635, 1)
('Eastern European', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.4430751243640504, 5)
('Czech', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.4426370299824833, 1)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.44245704031556693, 20)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.4424098097608072, 12)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.44116534433787025, 11)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.44012102618610494, 7)
('Spanish', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.4394328863451222, 5)
('Creole', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.43933645889159434, 1)
('Pakistani', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.4390300266007243, 4)
('Chinese', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.4382490346451424, 181)
('Southwestern', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.4378903200624512, 1)
('Irish', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.43599343350587133, 2)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.43550210116900795, 1)
('Delicatessen', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.4354882563319599, 14)
('Afghan', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.4352879690603115, 4)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.4338061268708957, 2)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.4336182193789151, 2)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.43280415186017235, 3)
('Australian', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.43242520302510734, 3)
('Eastern European', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.4323171050741097, 3)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.4317961388026958, 4)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.43142672914639585, 10)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.43109195330906863, 1)
('Thai', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.43021840944548817, 11)
('Soul Food', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.4301110807000511, 4)
('Greek', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.42982651704690894, 1)
('Bakery', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.4282423594257743, 2)
('Hamburgers', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.4281881115797925, 3)
('Australian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.4281385255749747, 5)
('Indian', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 0.42761617638602517, 2)
('Scandinavian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.4275638429903103, 3)
('Egyptian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.42715429907940006, 7)
('Greek', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.42712320561894096, 1)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.4261232241454819, 2)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.42581907064158897, 177)
('Iranian', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.4257853062149277, 2)
('Chinese', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.42247014492797974, 122)
('Pizza', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.4216493124882144, 65)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.4215594175669328, 4)
('Ethiopian', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.4209250404914444, 11)
('Asian', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.4198159922835474, 2)
('Australian', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.41929523281739334, 2)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.4174016935018282, 1)
('Japanese', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.41449588167625623, 40)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.4144136828563058, 4)
('Irish', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.41441236318938696, 33)
('Barbecue', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.41382715054839087, 3)
('Hotdogs', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.412784643380395, 5)
('Delicatessen', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.4122569659851375, 3)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.4120454437764698, 36)
('Greek', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.4115914526873431, 1)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.4113285571300637, 3)
('Mexican', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 0.4107476941553179, 1)
('Seafood', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.4102711627961964, 1)
('Pizza', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.41008663708803167, 12)
('Korean', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.40842399832618476, 3)
('Soul Food', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.4082424907850365, 4)
('Polish', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.4080268135265337, 2)
('Chinese', 'Food prepared from ingredients at ambient temperature not cooled to 41\xc2\xba F or below within 4 hours."', 0.40746437475294217, 2)
('Filipino', 'Other general violation."', 0.4069492914055562, 1)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.4064129789825427, 1)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.4035102406565927, 2)
('Italian', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.4034034005590533, 3)
('Caribbean', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.40322661887322997, 386)
('Chicken', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.4030271143363565, 18)
('Pizza', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.402618171843051, 9)
('Hamburgers', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.4018757864702712, 145)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.39955917796669216, 13)
('Chinese', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.3989373057183773, 176)
('Brazilian', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.39863535069649186, 2)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.3981292399941873, 5)
('Middle Eastern', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.3977808938321228, 1)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.3975803415012218, 34)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Toilet facility not provided for employees or for patrons when required."', 0.3968097678752427, 3)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.3965899930399964, 11)
('Sandwiches', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.39652639000086154, 29)
('Pakistani', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.39402203737891894, 19)
('Salads', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.3934190080595914, 1)
('Indian', 'Toxic chemical improperly labeled; stored or used such that food contamination may occur."', 0.39330129803406016, 2)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.39189572735410344, 5)
('Indonesian', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.3917756834907059, 1)
('Moroccan', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.3910651877984356, 2)
('French', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.3903285793554386, 3)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.39018719012313186, 126)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.3900253997907077, 12)
('Greek', 'Appropriately scaled metal stem-type thermometer or thermocouple not provided or used to evaluate temperatures of potentially hazardous foods during cooking; cooling; reheating and holding."', 0.38999094416379293, 12)
('Bakery', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.3895457606824815, 6)
('Turkish', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.389183895091184, 2)
('Thai', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.38910709433688656, 2)
('Filipino', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.3887688339660956, 2)
('Chicken', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.38859774851443757, 3)
('Tex-Mex', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.3872379235031214, 1)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.3852534268904746, 2)
('Korean', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.3850337148971393, 17)
('Hotdogs', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.38482522259316976, 1)
('Indian', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.3838241583223961, 3)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.3821742561900042, 6)
('Hotdogs', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.3804411377788172, 1)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.3792732448002176, 3)
('Armenian', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.37747711424891806, 2)
('Scandinavian', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.37728122689782134, 1)
('Eastern European', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.3770975621770892, 1)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Covered garbage receptacle not provided or inadequate; except that garbage receptacle may be uncovered during active use. Garbage storage area not properly constructed or maintained; grinder or compactor dirty."', 0.3770265493904418, 1)
('Hotdogs', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.3769814974540804, 5)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.3760982024160453, 1)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.37589695707965143, 1)
('Tapas', 'Other general violation."', 0.3757984498810266, 1)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.3746093246813248, 5)
('Hamburgers', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.37274605177758086, 15)
('Chinese', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 0.37203268999181677, 3)
('Tex-Mex', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.37140990639514276, 5)
('Hamburgers', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.3708470544250022, 5)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.36960879193911306, 2)
('Thai', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.3694234088686102, 12)
('Italian', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 0.36917523323889123, 1)
('Pizza', 'Harmful; noxious gas or vapor detected. CO ~1 3 ppm."', 0.3684566299897012, 1)
('Pakistani', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.36791350389215804, 5)
('Chinese', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.3678241753991492, 38)
('Polish', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.36733995607465575, 7)
('Other', 'Current letter grade card not posted."', 0.366544496903507, 5)
('Thai', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.3659302286442112, 17)
('Soups & Sandwiches', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.3657355883807725, 1)
('Soups', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.3656199912062966, 1)
('Japanese', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 0.3655586259686724, 2)
('Donuts', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.36462541576788654, 2)
('Russian', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.364057537526146, 5)
('Bakery', 'Food; food preparation area; food storage area; area used by employees or patrons; contaminated by sewage or liquid waste."', 0.3632842487263591, 1)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.36323659119328333, 2)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.36318286471778416, 4)
('Donuts', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.36249154354686014, 12)
('Asian', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 0.3617563337762483, 1)
('African', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.36164801168278354, 4)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.3610597838149776, 4)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.36054726282503774, 7)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.36037917524595564, 12)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.3603631668760795, 1)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.3599266248901482, 1)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 0.3598695192141841, 2)
('French', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.3593818121942657, 2)
('Indonesian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.35913250751139214, 1)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.35856971634039153, 1)
('Australian', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.35843441521240965, 1)
('Barbecue', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.35791889979216224, 8)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 0.3569408207136074, 1)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.3553842785402167, 17)
('Sandwiches', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.3542602422757588, 14)
('English', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur."', 0.3542120304844856, 1)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Other general violation."', 0.3541676872247895, 2)
('Donuts', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.3530594077950851, 25)
('Ethiopian', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.35222942176318384, 1)
('Greek', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.3502655055820656, 3)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.34993311239134967, 2)
('Spanish', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 0.34923350441112344, 1)
('Afghan', 'Mechanical or natural ventilation system not provided; improperly installed; in disrepair and/or fails to prevent excessive build-up of grease; heat; steam condensation vapors; odors; smoke; and fumes."', 0.348707127545552, 1)
('Caribbean', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.3484083850931677, 5)
('Creole', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.34677359990700296, 14)
('Brazilian', 'Other general violation."', 0.3443884301894781, 1)
('Sandwiches', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.34044904873087817, 62)
('Tex-Mex', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.339908843963851, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.3394463089790527, 34)
('Korean', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.33881327161297375, 4)
('Seafood', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.3384304317580439, 1)
('Chinese', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.3369798534374322, 186)
('Seafood', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.3363019384765467, 1)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment."', 0.33629607233579606, 1)
('Sandwiches', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.3359730989169862, 2)
('Czech', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.33442001367746055, 2)
('Barbecue', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.33421778933653384, 3)
('Bakery', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.3335136770542277, 18)
('Irish', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.3321961255804099, 11)
('Middle Eastern', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.33148407819343567, 1)
('Donuts', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.3312971900859508, 7)
('Delicatessen', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 0.327978855114057, 2)
('Steak', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.3276891853441004, 1)
('Chinese/Japanese', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.32335180185314655, 2)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.32331896498180146, 6)
('Hamburgers', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.3219866368277744, 4)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.3214321400143032, 33)
('Bakery', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.3208390660166533, 31)
('Polish', 'Other general violation."', 0.3195848313392664, 1)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.3179948881351956, 5)
('Mexican', 'Canned food product observed swollen; leaking or rusted; and not segregated from other consumable food items ."', 0.3149065655190771, 1)
('Korean', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.3146123236406185, 2)
('German', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.3130233467129692, 1)
('Moroccan', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.3129990668052028, 1)
('Peruvian', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.31222559176211473, 1)
('Tex-Mex', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.3095291327832707, 1)
('Japanese', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.30928813878353834, 10)
('Chicken', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.3088194027929305, 2)
('Chinese', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.3082672616853591, 33)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 0.30730386097149465, 1)
('Sandwiches', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.30715082282551615, 12)
('Creole', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.3062893011449589, 4)
('Polish', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.30530738069082575, 2)
('Russian', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.3048766202884834, 1)
('Bakery', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.3037635709446573, 41)
('Italian', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 0.3030542959423734, 1)
('Pizza', 'Current valid permit; registration or other authorization to operate establishment not available."', 0.3024643977527398, 1)
('Other', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.3021190995219954, 1)
('Salads', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.301864712650077, 1)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.3013926667913974, 7)
('Donuts', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.30080490086719414, 9)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Letter Grade or Grade Pending card not conspicuously posted and visible to passersby."', 0.2990408632690156, 1)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Lighting inadequate; permanent lighting not provided in food preparation areas; ware washing areas; and storage rooms."', 0.29841394322023357, 1)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.2981424445618572, 4)
('Italian', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 0.29641807048378127, 2)
('Italian', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 0.2942701134512901, 1)
('Hotdogs/Pretzels', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.29290580508301717, 2)
('Salads', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.29277409572146557, 1)
('Indian', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.29210228209291805, 8)
('Bakery', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 0.29128196519500865, 1)
('Soul Food', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.29103361520721227, 1)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Permit not conspicuously displayed."', 0.2894602654548872, 1)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.28928701628965714, 1)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Sanitized equipment or utensil; including in-use food dispensing utensil; improperly used or stored."', 0.2892251344448216, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.2882432417466804, 26)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.28725821687679304, 201)
('Caribbean', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.28549490628384955, 4)
('Nuts/Confectionary', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.28505965416084145, 1)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.2848177450948207, 1)
('Irish', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.2846873689155629, 2)
('Caribbean', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 0.28361665032145583, 1)
('Bakery', 'HACCP plan not approved or approved HACCP plan not maintained on premises."', 0.28361665032145583, 1)
('Afghan', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.2831422782469166, 4)
('Pakistani', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.28296630369886505, 3)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.28138666787751315, 4)
('Indian', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.2813015906468775, 2)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.2810641616679114, 14)
('Caribbean', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.2806741951307399, 41)
('Creole', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.2804104318821624, 1)
('Donuts', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.2785418437484867, 2)
('Hotdogs', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.2754798339553305, 1)
('Turkish', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.2748384852019895, 2)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.2728832999928706, 4)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.27287900852474967, 1)
('Italian', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 0.2725454742032083, 4)
('Bangladeshi', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.2722798938248635, 13)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.27088417886525784, 2)
('Sandwiches', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.2708840907634731, 16)
('Donuts', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.2704835917186451, 3)
('Pancakes/Waffles', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.26881942543753196, 1)
('African', 'Food contact surface not properly washed; rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred."', 0.2646430104553444, 29)
('Bangladeshi', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.26234582678371726, 1)
('Japanese', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.2623221621534455, 5)
('Creole', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.2621895077858523, 2)
('Soul Food', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.26110727945325723, 1)
('Soul Food', 'Single service item reused; improperly stored; dispensed; not used when required."', 0.260571399967463, 2)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.2602666280901298, 3)
('Hamburgers', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.2579968874835205, 12)
('Latin (Cuban; Dominican; Puerto Rican; South & Central American)', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 0.25771301053402856, 2)
('Ethiopian', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.2575596771041297, 1)
('Spanish', 'Duties of an officer of the Department interfered with or obstructed."', 0.256855609695923, 1)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Failure to comply with an Order of the Board of Health; Commissioner; or Department."', 0.2557127018302948, 1)
('Thai', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 0.2552699226270514, 1)
('Japanese', 'Sewage disposal system improper or unapproved."', 0.25523237398713616, 1)
('Afghan', 'Food contact surface not properly maintained."', 0.2549840803330884, 1)
('Hotdogs', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.2545403335551688, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Live animals other than fish in tank or service animal present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.2516265939654089, 2)
('French', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.2497362948482664, 3)
('Irish', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.24835068997169885, 1)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.2473906868689589, 3)
('Greek', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.24635764096763585, 1)
('Polish', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.2462374929991069, 2)
('Brazilian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.24586718307198185, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.24454077203074887, 17)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door."', 0.24300638319485401, 5)
('Tapas', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.2421004822143831, 7)
('Creole', 'Tobacco use; eating; or drinking from open container in food preparation; food storage or dishwashing area observed."', 0.23801369784720028, 1)
('Irish', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.23781460009411162, 1)
('Bangladeshi', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.2371091945803092, 1)
('Delicatessen', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.23396767466110532, 2)
('Tapas', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.23288045678659416, 4)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', '""Wash hands\xc2\x94 sign not posted at hand wash facility."', 0.23035943018843627, 2)
('Hamburgers', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.22913720192465567, 2)
('Chinese/Japanese', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.22894048778771492, 1)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.2283235922118148, 7)
('Asian', 'Flavored tobacco products sold or offered for sale."', 0.22822211661051903, 1)
('Donuts', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.22722730254662746, 24)
('Chinese', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.22666892370362346, 12)
('Bangladeshi', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.22170196237433837, 2)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.21884088299618554, 27)
('Pizza', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.2183740802740686, 5)
('Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.21802986114863265, 4)
('Bangladeshi', 'Hand washing facility not provided in or near food preparation area and toilet room. Hot and cold running water at adequate pressure to enable cleanliness of employees not provided at facility. Soap and an acceptable hand-drying device not provided."', 0.2175722564130107, 2)
('Tex-Mex', 'No facilities available to wash; rinse and sanitize utensils and/or equipment."', 0.21747722244132647, 1)
('Japanese', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.2173718172320111, 3)
('Chinese', 'Toilet facility used by women does not have at least one covered garbage receptacle."', 0.21662662961548826, 10)
('Salads', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.21609197120046758, 1)
('English', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.2140547911182168, 2)
('Donuts', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.2114920785439854, 8)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.2070881390671148, 1)
('Pakistani', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.2054615553425925, 1)
('Turkish', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.20542223137753057, 2)
('Caribbean', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.20463479833320228, 3)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.20369288489463966, 4)
('Salads', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations."', 0.2036771840861427, 2)
('Spanish', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.20364511254663972, 2)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.2032267988431435, 1)
('Armenian', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.20160447027074757, 6)
('Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.20069110993784595, 25)
('Salads', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.19966660222715235, 1)
('Afghan', 'Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation."', 0.1989185677710268, 1)
('Barbecue', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.19706650857431438, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.19572747225862472, 9)
('Bakery', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 0.19536131804619916, 2)
('Caribbean', 'Shellfish not from approved source; improperly tagged/labeled; tags not retained for 90 days."', 0.19536131804619916, 2)
('Portuguese', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.19328107386377982, 1)
('Hotdogs', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.19272106370328027, 1)
('Donuts', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.19234897806175935, 11)
('Czech', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies."', 0.19062500686623549, 1)
('Chinese/Cuban', 'Pesticide use not in accordance with label or applicable laws. Prohibited chemical used/stored. Open bait station used."', 0.19052105156054877, 1)
('American ', 'Food service operation occurring in room used as living or sleeping quarters."', 0.1869499557360829, 5)
('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Live roaches present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.18618307352469898, 3)
('Soul Food', 'Canned food product observed dented and not segregated from other consumable food items."', 0.18575481292486662, 1)
('Mexican', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.18324304459084229, 3)
('African', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.17940742989048525, 3)
('Salads', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan."', 0.1774271613017574, 3)
('Jewish/Kosher', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.17675649538949248, 1)
('Sandwiches', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.17651566786367043, 1)
('Sandwiches', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.1745886409219273, 2)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.17436501056473427, 2)
('Donuts', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.1742355625979458, 1)
('Afghan', 'Wiping cloths soiled or not stored in sanitizing solution."', 0.17330869623118925, 1)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.17212025503754705, 1)
('Thai', 'Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers."', 0.1721050609566998, 2)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Insufficient or no refrigerated or hot holding equipment to keep potentially hazardous foods at required temperatures."', 0.17151056476084728, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.17124907976105969, 11)
('Sandwiches', 'Eggs found dirty/cracked; liquid; frozen or powdered eggs not pasteurized."', 0.16869535346464706, 1)
('Thai', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.16792590936613977, 1)
('Bakery', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.1653825991644295, 2)
('Caribbean', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.1653825991644295, 2)
('Indian', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.16295347898086382, 1)
('Creole', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment."', 0.16232100799615332, 1)
('Not Listed/Not Applicable', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.16210435777495225, 1)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F or less within 4 additional hours."', 0.16134281357319083, 1)
('Spanish', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands."', 0.16085906869845684, 2)
('Peruvian', 'Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe; hazardous; offensive or annoying conditions."', 0.15817044304739797, 1)
('Jewish/Kosher', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.15256465716841403, 1)
('French', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.15142056957754083, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'The original nutritional fact labels and/or ingredient label for a cooking oil; shortening or margarine or food item sold in bulk; or acceptable manufacturer\xc2\x92s documentation not maintained on site."', 0.15102758974326014, 13)
('Donuts', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.15015937576622965, 1)
('Hamburgers', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.14997611560852186, 1)
('Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia', '\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted."', 0.1463285737777959, 1)
('Chinese', 'ROP processing equipment not approved by DOHMH."', 0.14027462081658665, 1)
('Delicatessen', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.13882480951758677, 1)
('Indian', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.13731640146878826, 1)
('Sandwiches', 'Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site."', 0.13484249163953238, 1)
('Caribbean', 'Food not cooked to required minimum temperature."', 0.12984858689416048, 2)
('Irish', 'A food containing artificial trans fat; with 0.5 grams or more of trans fat per serving; is being stored; distributed; held for service; used in preparation of a menu item; or served."', 0.12851334830413239, 1)
('Pizza/Italian', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.12506622106845067, 1)
('Hamburgers', 'Hot food item that has been cooked and refrigerated is being held for service without first being reheated to 1 65\xc2\xba F or above within 2 hours."', 0.12352578249210983, 1)
('Greek', 'Evidence of rats or live rats present in facility\'s food and/or non-food areas."', 0.12325333882651834, 2)
('Other', 'Other general violation."', 0.1226689251605265, 1)
('Donuts', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.12128893404199188, 36)
('Delicatessen', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.11982450446219962, 1)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.11682935171660931, 1)
('Italian', 'Caloric content not posted on menus; menu boards or food tags; in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control; or as a franchise or doing business under the same name; for each menu item that is served in portions; the size and content of which are standardized."', 0.10800339270286712, 1)
('Donuts', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.09462380461895772, 5)
('Bagels/Pretzels', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.09112896985662702, 2)
('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Thawing procedures improper."', 0.09105554816996803, 2)
('Delicatessen', 'Smoke free workplace smoking policy inadequate; not posted; not provided to employees."', 0.08687660134663322, 5)
('Spanish', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.08580305927342256, 1)
('Bakery', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94"', 0.07137372657096239, 1)
('Bakery', 'Ashtray present in smoke-free area."', 0.06968167701863354, 1)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation."', 0.06678732278120862, 6)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant.  Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared."', 0.054389085864229046, 1)
('Pizza', 'Operator failed to make good faith effort to inform smokers of the Smoke-free Act prohibition of smoking."', 0.05182893772233649, 1)
('Bottled beverages; including water; sodas; juices; etc.', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.04159778818514935, 2)
('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Hot food item not held at or above 140\xc2\xba F."', 0.01735885902058753, 3)

In [81]:
recuisine= [re.sub(r'Caf\xc3\x83\xc2\xa9/Coffee/Tea','Caf?/Coffee/Tea', vmessages) for vmessages in cuisinel] #substituting away ""
reviolist= [re.sub(r'\xc2\x93Choking first aid\xc2\x94 poster not posted. \xc2\x93Alcohol and pregnancy\xc2\x94 warning','?Choking first aid? poster not posted. ?Alcohol and pregnancy? warning', vmessages) for vmessages in viol] #substituting away ""
reviolist= [re.sub(r'140\xc2\xba F to 70\xc2\xba F or less within 2 hours; and from 70\xc2\xba F to 41\xc2\xba F','140? F to 70? F or less within 2 hours; and from 70? F to 41? F', vmessages) for vmessages in reviolist] #substituting away ""
reviolist= [re.sub(r'"$','', vmessages) for vmessages in reviolist] #substituting away ""

for i in range(len(violist)):
    if int(countsl[i])>100:
        if countv<21:
            newentry =((recuisine[i],reviolist[i]),float(freql[i]),int(countsl[i]))
tupleslist4s=sorted(tupleslist4,key=lambda x: x[2])
output = open('../../miniprojects/questions/sql4.pickle','w')

[(('Japanese', 'Food worker does not use proper utensil to eliminate bare hand contact with food that will not receive adequate additional heat treatment.'), 3.2451745268476633, 541), (('Caf?/Coffee/Tea', '?Choking first aid? poster not posted. ?Alcohol and pregnancy? warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric); latex gloves; sign not posted. Inspection report sign not posted.'), 3.152037031558518, 175), (('Juice; Smoothies; Fruit Salads', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations.'), 3.06821797767629, 143), (('Donuts', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment.'), 3.0380292493733503, 130), (('Ice Cream; Gelato; Yogurt; Ices', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations.'), 2.9562605563761983, 193), (('Thai', 'Thawing procedures improper.'), 2.632134733815779, 151), (('Irish', 'Raw; cooked or prepared food is adulterated; contaminated; cross-contaminated; or not discarded in accordance with HACCP plan.'), 2.3698683525841244, 321), (('Mexican', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140? F to 70? F or less within 2 hours; and from 70? F to 41? F or less within 4 additional hours.'), 2.331903048464052, 260), (('Indian', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140? F to 70? F or less within 2 hours; and from 70? F to 41? F or less within 4 additional hours.'), 2.258246440357591, 112), (('Chinese', 'Thawing procedures improper.'), 2.198010734660635, 1121), (('Caribbean', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140? F to 70? F or less within 2 hours; and from 70? F to 41? F or less within 4 additional hours.'), 2.1077384228319835, 206), (('Hamburgers', 'Accurate thermometer not provided in refrigerated or hot holding equipment.'), 2.09546425025523, 109), (('Soups & Sandwiches', 'Cold food item held above 41\xc2\xba F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 \xc2\xbaF) except during necessary preparation.'), 2.0914712949418646, 106), (('American ', '""No Smoking\xc2\x94 and/or \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94 sign not conspicuously posted. Health warning not present on \'Smoking Permitted\xc2\x94'), 2.079725401625643, 227), (('Chinese', 'Food worker does not wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet; coughing; sneezing; smoking; eating; preparing raw foods or otherwise contaminating hands.'), 2.074364089651342, 120), (('Donuts', 'Bulb not shielded or shatterproof; in areas where there is extreme heat; temperature changes; or where accidental contact may occur.'), 2.064691416785658, 110), (('Middle Eastern', 'Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations.'), 1.985253132662155, 117), (('Spanish', 'Food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140? F to 70? F or less within 2 hours; and from 70? F to 41? F or less within 4 additional hours.'), 1.902438463586417, 151), (('Hamburgers', 'Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility\xc2\x92s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies; little house flies; blow flies; bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies; drain flies and Phorid flies.'), 1.8958007730627962, 600), (('Caf?/Coffee/Tea', 'Toilet facility not maintained and provided with toilet paper; waste receptacle and self-closing door.'), 1.8844401720434378, 315)]