Project Assignment A

The idea

In [26]:
# Kabul is RC Capital
from IPython.display import Image

  • Why: The visualization of the war reveals the devastating loses of all included parties. During the war the visualization could have been used to identify common spots for enemy forces to attack or place traps.

Loading and Cleaning the Data

Load WikiLeaks Afghan War Diary from 2004-2009.

In [27]:
# Pandas contains useful functions for data structures with "relational" or "labeled" data
import pandas

# header as suggested
# by WikiLeaks:
# by the Guardian:
header = [
    'ReportKey', # find messages and also to reference them
    'DateOccurred', 'EventType', 
    'Category', # describes what kind of event the message is about
    'TrackingNumber', 'Title', # internal tracking number and title
    'Summary', # actual description of the event
    'Region', # broader region of the event, RC = regional command
    'AttackOn', # who was attacked during an event
    'ComplexAttack', #  signifies that an attack was a larger operation that required more planning, coordination and preparatio
    'ReportingUnit', 'UnitName', 'TypeOfUnit', # information on the military unit that authored the report
    'FriendlyWounded', 'FriendlyKilled', 'HostNationWounded', 'HostNationKilled', 'CivilianWounded', 'CivilianKilled', 
    'EnemyWounded', 'EnemyKilled', 'EnemyDetained', # who was killed/wounded/captured
    'MilitaryGridReferenceSystem', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', # location
    'OriginatorGroup', 'UpdatedByGroup', # message originated from or was updated by
    'Significant', # are analyzed and evaluated by special group in command centre
    'Affiliation', # event was of friendly, neutral or enemy nature
    'DisplayColor', # enemy activity - RED, friendly activity - BLUE, afghan/neutral activity (accidents, drugs etc.) - GREEN
    'ClassificationLevel' # classification level of the message, e.g.: Secret

data = pandas.read_csv('data/afg.csv', header=None, names=header)
# lower case some columns see problems:
data['Category'] = data['Category'].str.lower()
data['Title'] = data['Title'].str.lower()

ReportKey DateOccurred EventType Category TrackingNumber Title Summary Region AttackOn ComplexAttack ... MilitaryGridReferenceSystem Latitude Longitude OriginatorGroup UpdatedByGroup CommandersCriticalInformationRequirements Significant Affiliation DisplayColor ClassificationLevel
0 D92871CA-D217-4124-B8FB-89B9A2CFFCB4 2004-01-01 00:00:00 Enemy Action direct fire 2007-033-004042-0756 direct fire other KAF-1BDE -S3 REPORTS: SUMMIT 09 B CO ELEMENT S... RC EAST ENEMY False ... 42SWB3900916257 32.683319 69.416107 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN NaN NaN ENEMY RED SECRET
1 C592135C-1BFF-4AEC-B469-0A495FDA78D9 2004-01-01 00:00:00 Friendly Action cache found/cleared 2007-033-004738-0185 cache found/cleared other USSF FINDS CACHE IN VILLAGE OF WALU TANGAY: US... RC EAST FRIEND False ... 42SXD7520076792 35.018608 70.920273 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN NaN NaN FRIEND BLUE SECRET
2 D50F59F0-6F32-4E63-BC02-DB2B8422DE6E 2004-01-01 00:00:00 Non-Combat Event propaganda 2007-033-010818-0798 propaganda other (M) NIGHT LETTERS DISTRIBUTED AROUND HAZARJUFT... RC SOUTH NEUTRAL False ... 41RPQ1439743120 31.116390 64.199707 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN NaN NaN NEUTRAL GREEN SECRET
3 E3F22EFB-F0CA-4821-9322-CC2250C05C8A 2004-01-01 00:00:00 Enemy Action direct fire 2007-033-004042-0850 direct fire other KAF-1BDE -S3: SUMMIT 6 REPORTS TIC SALUTE TO F... RC EAST ENEMY False ... 42SWB3399911991 32.645000 69.362511 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN NaN NaN ENEMY RED SECRET
4 4D0E1E60-9535-4D58-A374-74367F058788 2004-01-01 00:00:00 Friendly Action cache found/cleared 2007-033-004738-0279 cache found/cleared other KAF-1BDE -S3 REPORTS: GERONIMO 11 SALUTE AS FO... RC EAST FRIEND False ... 42SWB7580277789 33.236389 69.813606 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN NaN NaN FRIEND BLUE SECRET

5 rows × 32 columns

In [28]:
# generate the glossary
import bs4, lxml, re, requests

link = ''
response = requests.get(link)
    if not response.ok:
        print 'HTTP error {} trying to fetch Guradian glossary: {}'.format(response.status_code, link)
        glossary = dict()
        soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'lxml')
        glossary_table = soup.find('table')
        for row in glossary_table.find_all('tr'):
                cells = row.find_all("td")
                if len(cells) == 2:
                    if cells[0].string:
                        key = str(cells[0].string.strip().lower())
                        content = cells[1].text
                        glossary[key] = content
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
    'Connection error {} on {}'.format(e, link)

print glossary['afg']


Exploratory analysis

Some common information about the dataset

In [29]:
data['DateOccurred'] = pandas.to_datetime(data['DateOccurred'])
data['Year'] = [date.year for date in data['DateOccurred']]
data['Hour'] = [date.hour for date in data['DateOccurred']]

#Number of rows/columns
print "Number of rows: %d" % data.shape[0]
print "Number of columns: %d" % data.shape[1]

date_range = set()
for date in data['DateOccurred']:

print "\nYears:\n"
print list(date_range)

#Ocurrences of categories
print "\nNumber of unique categories: %d" %len(set(data['Category']))

#Distribution of categoriesn_occurrences[0:20]
n_occurrences = data['Category'].value_counts()

print "\nMost commonly occurring categories of crime:\n"
print n_occurrences.head()

print "\nMost commonly occurring category of crime is %s with %d" % (n_occurrences.argmax(), n_occurrences.max())
print "\nLeast commonly occurring category of crime is %s with %d" % (n_occurrences.argmin(), n_occurrences.min())

Number of rows: 76911
Number of columns: 34


[2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009]

Number of unique categories: 153

Most commonly occurring categories of crime:

direct fire          16293
ied found/cleared     8581
indirect fire         7237
ied explosion         7202
other                 4693
Name: Category, dtype: int64

Most commonly occurring category of crime is direct fire with 16293

Least commonly occurring category of crime is graffiti with 1

In [30]:
# plot distribution of categories (TOP 50)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
%matplotlib inline

n_occurrences_top = n_occurrences[0:50]

#plot histogram
def barplot(series, title, figsize, ylabel, flag, rotation):
    #plot hist
    ax = series.plot(kind='bar', 
                title = title,
                figsize = figsize,
                fontsize = 13)
    # set ylabel
    # set xlabel (depending on the flag that comes as a function parameter)
    # set series index as xlabels and rotate them
    ax.set_xticklabels(series.index, rotation= rotation)
barplot(n_occurrences_top,'Category occurrences', figsize=(14,6), ylabel = 'category count',flag = True, rotation = 90)

In [31]:
focus_categories = n_occurrences.index[0:8]
print focus_categories

Index([u'direct fire', u'ied found/cleared', u'indirect fire',
       u'ied explosion', u'other', u'medevac', u'unexploded ordnance',
       u'cache found/cleared'],

In [32]:
def yearly_category_distribution(data, focus_categories):
    index = 1
    for category in focus_categories:
        #filter table by type of category
        db = data[data['Category'] == category]
        #get year counts of that crime
        year_counts = db['Year'].value_counts()
        #sort it (from 2004 to 2009)
        year_counts = year_counts.sort_index()
        #plot it
        barplot(year_counts, category, figsize=(20,35), ylabel = 'category count', flag = True, rotation = 0)
        index += 1
yearly_category_distribution(data, focus_categories)

In [33]:
def hourly_category_distribution(data, focus_categories):
    index = 1
    for category in focus_categories:
        #filter table by type of category
        db = data[data['Category'] == category]
        #get year counts of that crime
        hour_counts = db['Hour'].value_counts()
        #sort it (from 2004 to 2009)
        hour_counts = hour_counts.sort_index()
        #plot it
        barplot(hour_counts, category, figsize=(20,35), ylabel = 'category count', flag = True, rotation = 0)
        index += 1
hourly_category_distribution(data, focus_categories)

Visualization possibilities

Casualties and wounded recorded per year. A bar plot with one bar for each of the categories:

  • Enemy .. Taliban
  • HostNation .. Afghan soliders
  • Friendly .. NATO forces
  • Civilians .. Afghan population


One Map of Afghanistan with incidents (color scheme DisplayColor: enemy activity - RED, friendly activity - BLUE, friend on friend - GREEN).


Map with 5 regions and choose one category and cluster all incidents during the war, see how many died at specific incident.

(MACHINE LEARNING: Decision Tree/Random Forest)

x-axis: morning=6-10, midday=11-14, afternoon=15-17, evening=18-23 y-axis: prediction score of each category in scatterplot, bubble size according to all incidents in that area


Word clouds for categories or summary.

An example of all enemy attacks below.

In [34]:
import geoplotlib
from geoplotlib.utils import BoundingBox

def geo_plot(geodata):
    Plot given coordinate input

    # bounding box on the minima and maxima of the data
    # kernel density estimation visualization
    geoplotlib.kde(geodata, bw=5, cut_below=1e-3, cmap='hot', alpha=170)
    # google tiles with lyrs=y ... hybrid
        'url': lambda zoom, xtile, ytile: '' % (xtile, ytile, zoom ),
        'tiles_dir': 'DTU-social_data',
        'attribution': 'DTU 02806 Social Data Analysis and Visualization'
# only enemy activity
include = (data.Latitude < 38) & (data.Latitude > 30) & (data.Longitude > 55) &(data.Longitude < 75) & (data.DisplayColor == 'RED')

# index geodata
geodata = {
    "lat": data.loc[include].Latitude.tolist(), 
    "lon": data.loc[include].Longitude.tolist()


('smallest non-zero count', 7.1647865443840454e-10)
('max count:', 9.6873684303468082)

In [35]:
print len(data[data.ClassificationLevel.isin(['secret'])])


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