
In [1]:
# importing
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib

# showing figures inline
%matplotlib inline

# plotting options 
font = {'size'   : 20}
plt.rc('font', **font)
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)

matplotlib.rc('figure', figsize=(18, 6) )

Simulation of Points

In [2]:
# number of points to be sampled    
N_points = int( 1e5 )

# initialize empty list for points
points = []

# loop for generating points
while len( points ) < N_points:

    # sample point in [ -2, 2 ] x [ 0, 2 ]
    x = -2 + 4 * np.random.rand()
    y = 2 * np.random.rand()        
    # check if sampled point is within annulus
    if ( np.sqrt( x**2 + y**2 ) >= 1 and  np.sqrt( x**2 + y**2 ) <= 2):
        points.append( [x,y] )

# get x and y coordinated of all points        
collect_X1 = [ p[0] for p in points ]
collect_X2 = [ p[1] for p in points ]

In [3]:
# plotting
# NOTE: Only subset of points is shown; realized by slicing only part of the lists
plt.plot( collect_X1[ : 10000], collect_X2[ : 10000], 'x')   

plt.grid( True )

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fdafe91eef0>

Get PDF $f_{X_1}(x_1)$ and Plot with Histogram

In [4]:
# theoretical pdf
delta_x = 0.001

# define slices on x1-axis as [-2,-1], [-1,1], [1,2]
x1_m2_m1 = np.arange( -2, -1, delta_x )
x1_m1_p1 = np.arange( -1 + delta_x, 1, delta_x )
x1_p1_p2 = np.arange( 1, 2 + delta_x , delta_x )    

f1_m2_m1 = 2 / 3. / np.pi * np.sqrt( 4 - x1_m2_m1**2 )
f1_m1_p1 = 2 / 3. / np.pi * ( np.sqrt( 4 - x1_m1_p1**2 ) - np.sqrt( 1 - x1_m1_p1**2 ) )
f1_p1_p2 = 2 / 3. / np.pi * np.sqrt( 4 - x1_p1_p2**2 )

x1 = np.concatenate( ( x1_m2_m1, x1_m1_p1, x1_p1_p2 ) )
f1 = np.concatenate( ( f1_m2_m1, f1_m1_p1, f1_p1_p2 ) )

In [5]:
#plotting theoretical pdf and according histogram
plt.plot( x1, f1, linewidth=2.0, label='theo.')
plt.hist( collect_X1, bins=100, normed=1, color='g',label='sim.' ) 

plt.grid( True )
plt.xlabel('$x_1, n$')
plt.ylabel('$f_{{X_1}}(x_1), H_{{{}}}(n)$'.format( N_points ) )
plt.legend(loc='upper right')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fdb2049fa20>

Get Conditional PDF $f_{X_2}(x_2|X=x_1)$

In [6]:
# several values for x1
x1 = [ -1, -.5, 0, .5, 1 ]

# vector x2 for the pdf and pdf
x2 = np.arange( 0, 2, delta_x )     
f2_cond_x1 = np.zeros( ( len(x1), len(x2) ) )

# loop for different x1
for ind_x1, val_x1 in enumerate( x1 ):

    # get theoretical pdf
    f2_cond_x1[ ind_x1, : ] = 1 / ( np.sqrt( 4 - val_x1**2 ) - np.sqrt( 1 - val_x1**2 ) )

    # set pdf to zero where necessary
    ind_to_be_del = [ ind_x2 for ind_x2, val_x2 in enumerate( x2 ) 
        if ( np.abs( val_x2 ) > np.sqrt(  4 - val_x1**2 ) or np.abs( val_x2 ) < np.sqrt(  1 - val_x1**2 ) or val_x2 < 0 or val_x2 > 2)  ]
    f2_cond_x1[ ind_x1, ind_to_be_del ] = 0.0

In [7]:
# plotting

# loop for different x1
for ind_x, val_x in enumerate( x1 ): 

    plt.plot( x2, f2_cond_x1[ ind_x, :], linewidth=2.0, label='$x_1 = {{{}}}$'.format( val_x ) ) 

# get histogram of conditional pdf by choosing only point where x_1 is approx. 0.5
# and where y coordinate is within the possible values
conditional_points = [ y for [x,y] in points if np.abs( x - 0.5 ) < .1 
                      and np.sqrt( 1 - 0.5**2 ) <= y <= np.sqrt( 4 - 0.5**2 ) ]

plt.hist( conditional_points, bins=100, normed=1, color='g', label='sim. for $x_1$={}'.format(0.5) ) 

plt.ylabel('$f_{X_2}(x_2|X_1 = x_1)$')
plt.grid( True )
plt.legend( loc = 'upper left' )
plt.xlim( (-.1, 2.1) )    
plt.ylim( (-.1, 1.1) )

(-0.1, 1.1)

Frage: Können Sie erklären, wieso die simulierte (grüne) Verteilung nicht ganz einer Gleichverteilung entspricht?

In [ ]: