In [1]:
# importing
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from scipy import special
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
# showing figures inline
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# plotting options
font = {'size' : 30}
plt.rc('font', **font)
#plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
matplotlib.rc('figure', figsize=(30, 12) )
In [3]:
# switch to normalize Tx power if necessary,
# e.g., to have identical E_b when applying repetition coding
div_is_normalized = 1
# parameters for signal constellations and snr
# find constellation points in the IQ plane
constellation = np.array( [1, -1] )
M = len( constellation )
# EbN0 to be used for the simulation
EsN0_db_min = 0
EsN0_db_max = 20
EsN0_db_step = 4
EsN0_db_range = np.arange( EsN0_db_min, EsN0_db_max + EsN0_db_step, EsN0_db_step)
EsN0_range = 10**( np.array(EsN0_db_range)/10. )
# parameters limiting simulation time
max_errors = 5e1
max_syms = 1e6
In [4]:
# diversity realizations
# comb_method has to have same length or only one element then being the same for all N_divs
# if N_div is empty no combining will be performed
N_divs = [ 8, 16]
comb_methods = ['MRC']
# get combinations of number of diversity and methods
N_div = N_divs * len( comb_methods )
comb_method = sorted( comb_methods * len( N_divs ) )
In [5]:
# initialize arrays for storing simulation results
ser = np.zeros( len(EsN0_db_range) )
ser_comb = np.zeros( ( len(comb_method), len(EsN0_db_range) ) )
# loop for snr
for n_snr, esn0_db in enumerate( EsN0_db_range ):
esn0 = 10**( esn0_db/10. )
noise_power = 1./ esn0
### generate multiple observations and apply diversity
### assuming perfect CSIR
for k in np.arange(len(comb_method)):
num_errors_comb = 0
num_syms_comb = 0
# loop for errors
while ( num_syms_comb < max_syms and num_errors_comb < max_errors):
# generate data symbols and build tx symbol
d = np.random.randint( 0, M)
s = constellation[ d ]
if div_is_normalized:
s_div = s / np.sqrt( N_div[k])
s_div = s
# generate channel and faded noisy signal
# note that the channel is always complex-valued since a phase shift may still occurr
h_div = 1./np.sqrt(2) * (np.random.normal( size = N_div[k] ) + 1j*np.random.normal( size = N_div[k] ) )
noise_div = np.sqrt( noise_power/2 ) * ( np.random.normal( size = N_div[k] ) + 1j*np.random.normal( size = N_div[k] ) )
# apply channel and noise
r_div = h_div * s_div + noise_div
# apply combining method
a_comb = np.conjugate( h_div ) / np.linalg.norm( h_div )
r_comb =, r_div)
# demodulate
d_est_comb = np.argmin( np.abs( constellation - r_comb * np.ones(len(constellation)) )**2 )
if abs( d_est_comb - d ) > 0:
num_errors_comb += 1
num_syms_comb += 1
# ser
ser_comb[ k, n_snr ] = num_errors_comb / (num_syms_comb * 1.0 )
# activate if you like to monitor progress
print('Es/N0 (dB) = {:2.2f}'.format(esn0_db))
In [6]:
# plotting
# plotting
# loop across markes
markers = [ 'D', 'o', '*', 's', 'v', 'p' ]
# combining methods have identical colors but alternating markers
for k in np.arange(len(comb_method)):
mark_ind = 0
ax_comb = plt.plot( EsN0_db_range, ser_comb[k, :], label=comb_method[k]+", N="+str(N_div[k]), linewidth = 2.0, marker = markers[ mark_ind ], markersize = 12 )
color_comb = ax_comb[0].get_color()
# theoretical value
div_is_normalized = 1
if div_is_normalized:
snr = EsN0_range / N_div[ k ]
snr = EsN0_range
mu = np.sqrt( snr / ( 1 + snr ) )
pe = np.zeros_like( EsN0_range )
for _n in range( N_div[k] ):
pe += special.binom( N_div[k] - 1 + _n, _n ) * ( (1 + mu) / 2 )**_n
pe *= ( (1 - mu ) / 2 )**N_div[k]
plt.plot( EsN0_db_range, pe, '--', label=comb_method[k]+", N="+str(N_div[k])+", asympt.", linewidth = 2.0, color = color_comb )
mark_ind += 1
plt.legend(loc='lower left')
plt.xlabel('$E_s/N_0$ (dB)')
plt.ylim( ymin=1e-6, ymax=1e0 )
plt.xlim( (-.5, 17))
In [7]:
# plotting
# plotting
# loop across markes
markers = [ 'D', 'o', '*', 's', 'v', 'p' ]
# combining methods have identical colors but alternating markers
for k in np.arange(len(comb_method)):
mark_ind = 0
ax_comb = plt.plot( EsN0_db_range, ser_comb[k, :], label=comb_method[k]+", N="+str(N_div[k]), linewidth = 2.0, marker = markers[ mark_ind ], markersize = 12 )
color_comb = ax_comb[0].get_color()
# theoretical value
if div_is_normalized:
snr = EsN0_range / N_div[k]
snr = EsN0_range
ser_asymptotic = special.binom( 2 * N_div[k] - 1, N_div[k] ) * 1 / ( ( 4. * snr ) **( N_div[k] ) )
plt.plot( EsN0_db_range, ser_asymptotic, '--', label=comb_method[k]+", N="+str(N_div[k])+", asympt.", linewidth = 2.0, color = color_comb )
mark_ind += 1
plt.legend(loc='lower left')
plt.xlabel('$E_s/N_0$ (dB)')
plt.ylim( ymin=1e-5, ymax=1e0 )
In [ ]: