In [1]:
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats, special
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
# showing figures inline
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# plotting options
font = {'size' : 20}
plt.rc('font', **font)
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
matplotlib.rc('figure', figsize=(18, 6) )
In [3]:
# class for convolutional-coding
class c_Convolutional_code():
Class for convolutional coding and decoding.
- Only single bit inputs allowed (no bit groups).
- Only BPSK as modulation type in main simulation.
All vectors are lists, matrix G describing feed-forward coefficients is list of lists
- keys are tuples describing current state
- predecessor has shape: current state (tuple) : [ input (bit), past state (tuple), output (bits) ] (as list)
- survivor (Viterbi) has shape: ( time, state) (tuples) : [ weight, history (list) ]
- states has shape: state (tuple): [ [ 0, next state (tuple), output], [ 1, next_state (tuple), output ] ] (as list of lists)
# initialize by defining G
def __init__( self, G, packet_size ):
OUT: G, r, numb_cells, packet_size, free distance (for theoretical BER), states and state transitions
len_first = len ( G[0] )
assert all( len( g ) == len_first for g in G ), 'All feed-forward vectors should possess the same length!'
self.G = G
self.n = len( self.G )
self.numb_cells = len( G[0] )
self.packet_size = int( packet_size )
# free distance out of [Friedrichs95, S.258]
self.d_f = np.sum( [ np.sum( g ) for g in self.G ] )
# states and transitions
self.states = self._get_states()
# dict for predecessor
# parameters: current state (tuple): [ input, past state, output ]
self.predecessor = self._get_predecessor()
# encoding by convolution of vector with generator matrix elements
def encode( self, d):
encoding data by filtering input stream with according impulse responses of shift registers
INT: vector d of length k
OUT: vector c of length k / self.r
# construct output vector of according length
# NOTE: Second factor is due to convolution, first due to n codebits
c = np.zeros( self.n * ( self.numb_cells + len( d ) - 1 ) )
# simultaneously coding by convolution and multiplexing by assigning poly-phase-like samples
for ind_g, g in enumerate( self.G ):
c[ ind_g :: self.n ] = ( np.convolve( d, g ) % 2 ).astype(int)
return list( c.astype(int) )
# decoding received hard-values using Viterbi's algorithm
def decode_hard_Viterbi( self, r):
Hard decoding for data using Viterbi
INT: vector r of length ( packet size * len(shift register) ) * self.n
OUT: vector of length packet size
assert len( r ) % self.n == 0, 'Length of received sequence must be a multiple of number of output bits!'
# initialize
numb_syms = len( r ) // self.n
# dict for surviving path at each state
# parameters: state (tuple): [ dist (int), past decoded outputs ]
# initialize survivor, i.e., path with minimum weight entering each state
# NOTE: starting at state 0...0 for time index 0, so all other weights are infinite; history is empty
survivor = {}
for s in self.states:
survivor[ (0, s) ] = [ np.inf, [] ]
survivor[ (0, tuple( np.zeros( self.numb_cells - 1 ) ) ) ] = [ 0, [] ]
# loop along time up to end of coded sequence
for _t in range( 1, numb_syms + 1 ):
# slice current code bit group
r_slice = r[ ( _t - 1 ) * self.n : _t * self.n ]
# loop for states and get their predecessor and their current weight
for s in self.states:
# possible predecessors and their current weight
pre_1 = self.predecessor[ s ][0]
pre_2 = self.predecessor[ s ][1]
# output if according predecessor would have been sent
out_1 = pre_1[ 2 ]
out_2 = pre_2[ 2 ]
# weights of the potential predecessors
dist_1 = survivor[ ( _t - 1, pre_1[1] ) ][ 0 ]
dist_2 = survivor[ ( _t - 1, pre_2[1] ) ][ 0 ]
# new distance by adding current deviation
dist_1_new = dist_1 + sum( i != j for (i,j) in zip( r_slice, out_1 ) )
dist_2_new = dist_2 + sum( i != j for (i,j) in zip( r_slice, out_2 ) )
# select incoming path with smaller distance and update distance and history
if dist_1_new < dist_2_new:
dist_new = dist_1_new
decod_new = pre_1[ 0 ]
hist_new = survivor[ ( _t - 1, pre_1[1] ) ][1] + decod_new
dist_new = dist_2_new
decod_new = pre_2[ 0 ]
hist_new = survivor[ ( _t - 1, pre_2[1] ) ][1] + decod_new
survivor[ ( _t, s ) ] = [ dist_new , hist_new ]
# now choosing state with smallest weight and returning according output sequence
# NOTE: Since loop is finished _t is max right now ("latest time")
final_survivor = [ survivor[ ( _t, s) ] for s in self.states ]
return min( final_survivor )[1]
# decoding received hard-values
def decode_soft_Viterbi( self, r):
Soft decoding for data using Viterbi
INT: vector r of length ( packet size * len(shift register) ) * self.n
OUT: vector of length as r
assert len( r ) % self.n == 0, 'Length of received sequence must be a multiple of number of output bits!'
# initialize
numb_syms = len( r ) // self.n
# dict for surviving path at each state
# parameters: state (tuple): [ dist (int), past outs ]
# NOTE: starting at state 0...0 for time index 0, so all other weights are infinite; history is empty
survivor = {}
for s in self.states:
survivor[ (0, s) ] = [ np.inf, [] ]
survivor[ (0, tuple( np.zeros( self.numb_cells - 1 ) ) ) ] = [ 0, [] ]
# loop along time up to end of coded sequence
for _t in range( 1, numb_syms + 1 ):
# slice current code bit group
r_slice = r[ ( _t - 1 ) * self.n : _t * self.n ]
# loop for states and get their predecessor and their current weight
for s in self.states:
# possible predecessors and their current weight
pre_1 = self.predecessor[ s ][0]
pre_2 = self.predecessor[ s ][1]
# output if according predecessor would have been sent
out_1 = [ (-1)**(p+1) for p in pre_1[ 2 ] ] / np.sqrt( self.n )
out_2 = [ (-1)**(p+1) for p in pre_2[ 2 ] ] / np.sqrt( self.n )
# current path distances
dist_1 = survivor[ ( _t - 1, pre_1[ 1 ] ) ][ 0 ]
dist_2 = survivor[ ( _t - 1, pre_2[ 1 ] ) ][ 0 ]
# new distance by adding current deviation
dist_1_new = dist_1 + np.linalg.norm( r_slice - out_1 )**2
dist_2_new = dist_2 + np.linalg.norm( r_slice - out_2 )**2
# select incoming path with smaller distance and update distance and history
if dist_1_new < dist_2_new:
dist_new = dist_1_new
decod_new = pre_1[0]
hist_new = survivor[ ( _t - 1, pre_1[1] ) ][1] + decod_new
dist_new = dist_2_new
decod_new = pre_2[0]
hist_new = survivor[ ( _t - 1, pre_2[1] ) ][1] + decod_new
survivor[ ( _t, s ) ] = [ dist_new , hist_new ]
# now choosing state with smallest weight and returning according output sequence
# NOTE: Since loop is finished _t is max right now ("latest time")
final_survivor = [ survivor[ ( _t, s) ] for s in self.states ]
return min( final_survivor )[1]
# get states, transitions and output
def _get_states( self ):
Determining possible state transitions and corresponding output
INT: -
OUT: states ( {state (tuple): [ [ 'bit', next state (tuple), output], ... ] } )
states = {}
# loop all possible data sequences of length self.numb_cells
for seq in itertools.product( range(2), repeat = self.numb_cells - 1):
# transform tuple to list
seq_list = list ( seq )
# get next state by inserting 0 and 1 before the state and removing last element
next_1 = tuple( [ 0 ] + seq_list[ : -1 ] )
next_2 = tuple( [ 1 ] + seq_list[ : -1 ] )
# get output values
# note: since self.n feed-forward coefficients are used, out_1/2 has length self.n
out_1 = []
out_2 = []
# get output for every feed-forward g
for g in self.G :
out_1.append( int( np.correlate( [ 0 ] + seq_list, g ) % 2 ) )
out_2.append( int( np.correlate( [ 1 ] + seq_list, g ) % 2 ) )
# compose state transition
states[ seq ] = [ [ [0], next_1, out_1], [ [1], next_2, out_2 ] ]
return states
# get predecessor of a state with required input, old state and generated output
def _get_predecessor( self ):
get possible predecessors and according in- and output
IN: -
OUT: dict of shape: state (tuple): [ in-bit, old state, output]
predecessors = { s: [] for s in self.states }
# loop for state for which predecessors have to be found
for p in self.states:
# loop for possible predecessors
for s in self.states:
# what are next state tuples of state s?
# NOTE: self.states[s][i] is a list of shape [ i, next_state, output ]
val_0 = self.states[ s ][0]
val_1 = self.states[ s ][1]
# if p would be reached from s by 0/1 then assign according tuple as predecessor
if p == val_0[1]:
predecessors[ p ].append( [ [0], s, val_0[2] ] )
if p == val_1[1]:
predecessors[ p ].append( [ [1], s, val_1[2] ] )
return predecessors
In [4]:
# max. numbers of errors and/or symbols
# used as loop condition for the simulation
max_errors = 1e2
max_syms = 1e5
# Eb/N0
EbN0_db_min = 0
EbN0_db_max = 11
EbN0_db_step = 1
# initialize Eb/N0 array
EbN0_db_range = np.arange( EbN0_db_min, EbN0_db_max, EbN0_db_step )
EbN0_range = 10**( EbN0_db_range / 10 )
# size of packets for simulation
packet_size = 30
# constellation points
mod_points_bpsk = [-1, 1]
In [5]:
# define feedforward vectors
# "Standardbeispiel" in [Friedrichs95, S. 248]
# (corresponds to example of the lecture)
g_1 = [ 1, 1, 1 ]
g_2 = [ 1, 0, 1 ]
G = [ g_1, g_2]
# You may try this rate 1/3 code
# example of [Proakis06, p. 492, 514]
#g_1 = [ 1, 0, 0 ]
#g_2 = [ 1, 0, 1 ]
#g_3 = [ 1, 1, 1 ]
#G = [ g_1, g_2, g_3 ]
# get coding object
C_code = c_Convolutional_code( G, packet_size )
# printing generation of codebits
print('Generation of codebits:')
for ind_g, val_g in enumerate( C_code.G ):
# generate xor relations
print_str = ''
for _l in range( len( val_g ) ):
if val_g[ _l ] == 1:
print_str += 'z_{}'.format(_l)
print_str += ' '
if _l < len( val_g )- 1:
print_str += ' + '
print('c_{} = '.format( ind_g + 1 ) + print_str )
In [6]:
# showing state transitions and output depending on current state and input
for s in C_code.states:
# new states depending on input 0 and 1
s_0 = C_code.states[s][0]
s_1 = C_code.states[s][1]
# formatted printing
print('State {}:'.format( np.array(s) ) )
print('Input 0 \t-->\t Next state: {}, \t Output: {}'.format( np.array( s_0[1] ), np.array(s_0[2]) ) )
print('Input 1 \t-->\t Next state: {}, \t Output: {}\n'.format( np.array( s_1[1] ), np.array(s_1[2]) ) )
# generate data sequence and encode
# NOTE: Shorter packet size for better illustration
C_code_short = c_Convolutional_code( G, 10)
data = np.random.randint( 0, 2, size = C_code_short.packet_size )
s = C_code.encode( data )
# printing random data sequence and according code sequence
print('\n\nRandom data \tCodebits')
for ind_d, val_d in enumerate(data):
print( '{}\t\t{}'.format( val_d, s[ ind_d * C_code_short.n : ( ind_d + 1 )* C_code_short.n ] ) )
In [7]:
# initialize BER arrays
ber_bpsk = np.zeros_like( EbN0_db_range, dtype=float)
ber_coded_hd = np.zeros_like( EbN0_db_range, dtype=float)
ber_coded_sd = np.zeros_like( EbN0_db_range, dtype=float)
# modulation corresponding to BPSK
mod_points_bpsk = [-1, 1]
# loop for snr
for ind_snr, val_snr in enumerate( EbN0_range ):
# initialize counter
num_errors_bpsk = 0
num_errors_coded_hd = 0
num_errors_coded_sd = 0
num_syms = 0
# get noise variance for simulations
sigma2 = 1. / ( val_snr )
# loop for errors
# NOTE: condition cond used being updated at the end of while loop
cond = 1
while cond:
# generate data
data = np.random.randint( 0, 2, size = C_code.packet_size )
# modulate for standard BPSK
s_bpsk = np.array( [ mod_points_bpsk[ int( d ) ] for d in data ] )
# map to codeword and modulate
data_coded = C_code.encode( data )
s_coded = np.array( [ mod_points_bpsk[ int( d ) ] for d in data_coded ] )
# add noise
noise_bpsk = np.sqrt( sigma2 / 2 ) * ( np.random.randn( len( s_bpsk ) ) + 1j * np.random.randn( len( s_bpsk ) ) )
r_bpsk = s_bpsk + noise_bpsk
noise_coded = np.sqrt( sigma2 / 2 ) * ( np.random.randn( len(s_coded) ) + 1j * np.random.randn( len(s_coded) ) )
r_coded = s_coded / np.sqrt( C_code.n ) + noise_coded
# demod uncoded BPSK
d_est_bpsk = 1 * ( np.real( r_bpsk ) > 0)
# demod and decode
# decode using hard decision and Viterbi
# mult by 1 maps boolean to int
c_est_coded_hd = np.array( 1 * ( np.real( r_coded ) > 0 ) )
d_est_coded_hd = np.array( C_code.decode_hard_Viterbi( c_est_coded_hd )[ : - len(G[0]) + 1 ] ).astype(int)
# decode using soft decision and Viterbi
d_est_coded_sd = C_code.decode_soft_Viterbi( r_coded )[ : - len(G[0]) + 1 ]
# evaluate errors by counting unequal bits
num_errors_bpsk += np.count_nonzero( d_est_bpsk - data )
num_errors_coded_hd += np.count_nonzero( d_est_coded_hd - data )
num_errors_coded_sd += np.count_nonzero( d_est_coded_sd - data )
# increase counters and store "old" values
num_syms += C_code.packet_size
# refresh condition of WHILE loop
cond = ( num_errors_bpsk < max_errors \
or num_errors_coded_hd < max_errors \
or num_errors_coded_sd < max_errors ) \
and num_syms < max_syms
# ber
ber_bpsk[ ind_snr ] = num_errors_bpsk / num_syms
ber_coded_hd[ ind_snr ] = num_errors_coded_hd / num_syms
ber_coded_sd[ ind_snr ] = num_errors_coded_sd / num_syms
print('Eb/N0 planned (dB)={}\n'.format( 10*np.log10(val_snr) ) )
In [8]:
# theoretical ber for bpsk out of [Proakis]
ber_bpsk_theo = 1 - stats.norm.cdf( np.sqrt( 2 * EbN0_range ) )
# formula for theoretical ber out out [Friedrichs95, S. 287]
# NOTE: Since code is rate 1/n division by n gives according "code-snr"
ber_coded_theo_hd = np.exp( - EbN0_range * C_code.d_f / C_code.n / 2)
ber_coded_theo_sd = np.exp( - EbN0_range * C_code.d_f / C_code.n )
# plotting using identical colors for theoretical curve and simulation
# bpsk
ax_bpsk = plt.plot( EbN0_db_range, ber_bpsk_theo, linewidth=2.0, label = "Uncoded, theo.")
col_bpsk = ax_bpsk[0].get_color()
plt.plot( EbN0_db_range, ber_bpsk, 'x', color=col_bpsk, linewidth=2.0, markersize = 12, label = "Uncoded, sim." )
# HD
ax_coded = plt.plot( EbN0_db_range, ber_coded_theo_hd, linewidth=2.0, label = "HD, theo.")
col_coded = ax_coded[0].get_color()
plt.plot( EbN0_db_range, ber_coded_hd, 'o', color=col_coded, markersize = 12, linewidth=2.0, label = "HD, sim.")
# SD
ax_coded = plt.plot( EbN0_db_range, ber_coded_theo_sd, linewidth=2.0, label = "SD, theo.")
col_coded = ax_coded[0].get_color()
plt.plot( EbN0_db_range, ber_coded_sd, '^', color=col_coded, markersize = 12, linewidth=2.0, label = "SD, sim.")
plt.legend(loc='lower left')
plt.xlabel('$E_b/N_0$ (dB)')
plt.ylim( (1e-6, 1) )
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