In [1]:
import os
import errno
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import ranksums
%matplotlib inline
posneg format is a format we jsut made up to represent a file in the following format:
chromosome:start-end score sequence eg
chr19:10828427-10828527 486.128011369018 TCTACTGGCACGTCTGCCTGCCAATAAGAT
To convert to this format, the following are required:
A script to execute the whole process is provided.
In [2]:
!cut -f1,2,3,7 ../ChIP_seq/Data/Downloaded/wgEncodeAwgTfbsBroadDnd41CtcfUniPk.narrowPeak >../ChIP_seq/Data/Derived/BroadDnd41Ctcf-tmp.bed
In [3]:
genome_path = 'provide path to hg19 genome'
In [4]:
import os
os.system("./ ../ChIP_seq/Data/Derived/BroadDnd41Ctcf-tmp.bed ../ChIP_seq/Data/Derived/BroadDnd41Ctcf %s" %genome_path)
Assuming the motifs have been generated, they can be used to score the above sequences using the following scoring functions:
1. gomeroccupnacyscore
2. energyscore
3. maxoccupancyscore
4. occupancyscore
5. occupancyscore
6. sumlogoddsscore
7. maxlogoddsscore
In my case, I querried a local motf database for motifs for a given TF.
In [2]:
import Assess_motifsdb as assess
In [3]:
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('')))
For the purpose of this demo, we are going to use Ctcf motifs.
Create a results directory complete with paths using:
In [4]:
def mkdir_p(path):
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):
In [8]:
tf = 'ctcf'
results_path = '%s/ChIP_seq/Results/%s' % (BASE_DIR, tf)
With the Results folder for Ctcf in place, the next this in to get a list of all the ChIP-seq data convered as shown above to posneg format. We use the function below.
In [9]:
import glob
chip_seq_list = glob.glob('%s/ChIP_seq/Data/Derived/%s/*' % (BASE_DIR, tf))
We use gomeroccupancy score for this demo, but a quick run for all the motifs can be run by looping though all the scoring functions as follows:
In [10]:
#for key in assess.score_extensions:
#assess.run_all(tf, key, '%s/Data/Motifs/' %(BASE_DIR, tf), chip_seq_list, results_path)
Uncomment the above cell for a quick run of all the scoring functions. Internally, the program chooses 10 random sequences, in a situation where more than 10 are available. We observed no better discrimination from more data, just takes lots of time.
In [11]:
key = 'gomeroccupancyscore'
assess.run_all(tf, key, '%s/Data/Motifs/' %(BASE_DIR, tf), chip_seq_list, results_path)
In [13]:
#tf_list = "cebpb ctcf egr1 elf1 esrra ets1 gata3 hnf4a mafk max mef2a myb nrf1 pax5 pou2f2 prdm1 sp1 srf tcf3 yy1".split()
tf_list = ['ctcf']
for tf in tf_list:
results_path = '%s/ChIP_seq/Results/%s' % (BASE_DIR, tf)
#make results path
#Exract the available ChIP-seq list
chip_seq_list = glob.glob('%s/ChIP_seq/Data/Derived/%s/*' % (BASE_DIR, tf))
test_meme_input = '%s/ChIP_seq/Data/Motifs/' %(BASE_DIR, tf)
for key in assess.score_extensions:
assess.run_all(tf, key, test_meme_input, chip_seq_list, results_path)
For motif enrichment analsys, a run_centrimo module is provided. This requires that the The MEME Suite tools version 4.10.0, which can be intsalled from MEME-Suite.
The steps followed are similar as above:
In [14]:
import run_centrimo
In [15]:
tf_list = "esrra ets1 gata3 hnf4a mafk max mef2a myb nrf1 pax5 pou2f2 prdm1 sp1 srf tcf3 yy1".split()
#tf_list = ['sp1']
for tf in tf_list:
results_path = '%s/ChIP_seq/Results/%s' % (BASE_DIR, tf)
#make results path
#Exract the available ChIP-seq list
chip_seq_list = glob.glob('%s/ChIP_seq/Data/Derived/%s/*' % (BASE_DIR, tf))
#meme file with motifs to determine enrichment
test_meme_input = '%s/ChIP_seq/Data/Motifs/' %(BASE_DIR, tf)
#Run the cmplete pipeline
run_centrimo.run_centrimo(tf, chip_seq_list, test_meme_input, results_path)
The above steps will only get up as far as obtaining the raw initial results. The steps that follow, outlines how the data was further processed and plotted.
In [75]:
tf_list = "cebpb ctcf egr1 elf1 esrra ets1 gata3 hnf4a mafk max mef2a myb nrf1 pax5 pou2f2 prdm1 sp1 srf tcf3 yy1".split()
score_key = ['energy', 'gomer','sumlog', 'sumoc','maxoc', 'ama', 'maxlog']
stat = 'spearman'
for tf in tf_list:
results_path = '%s/ChIP_seq/Results/%s' % (BASE_DIR, tf)
raw_data = []
flag = 0
for key in score_key:
i = 1
with open('%s/%s.%s' % (results_path,tf,key)) as score_out:
for line in score_out:
if line.split()[1]=="AUC":
if flag ==0:
flag = 1
with open("%s/%s_%s.rawscores" %(results_path,tf, stat), 'w') as raw_out:
for row in raw_data:
raw_out.writelines('\t'.join(map(str, row)) + '\n')
Summarize the motifs' information content, length as well as their scores. This is used to determine the level of correlation between the motif chracter and the scores asigned. This helps understand how IC and motif length affect the score asigned by various scores.
In [25]:
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from math import log
import os
def mot_summary(motif_file, raw_scores, out_file):
Summary of motif and score
found = 0
row = 0
n_rows = 0
entropy = 0
total_entropy = 0
motifs = 0
name = ""
raw_dict = {}
with open(out_file, "w") as write_out:
with open(raw_scores) as raw_in:
for line in raw_in:
raw_dict[line.split()[0]] = line.split()[1:]
out = "Motif_name\tMotif_IC\tAverage_IC\tMotif_length\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % \
(raw_dict["Motif"][0], raw_dict["Motif"][1], raw_dict["Motif"][2], raw_dict["Motif"][3])
with open(motif_file, "r") as motif_file:
for line in motif_file:
words = line.split()
if found == 0:
if line.startswith("MOTIF"):
# allow for motifs without an alternative name
if len(words) < 3:
name = (words[1])
found = 1
motifs += motifs
entropy = 0
if found == 1:
if line.startswith("letter-probability"):
n_rows = int((line.split("w="))[1].split()[0])
found = 2
if found == 2:
if line == "\n":
check = 0
for val in words:
if float(val) > 0:
check += float(val) * log(float(val))/log(2.0)
entropy += float(val) * log(float(val))/log(2.0)
row += 1
if row >= n_rows:
v = 2*n_rows+entropy
out = '%s\t%f\t%f\t%i\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n'\
% (name, v, (v/n_rows), n_rows, float(raw_dict[name][0]), float(raw_dict[name][1]),
float(raw_dict[name][2]), float(raw_dict[name][3]))
#n+= 1
found = 0
row = 0
total_entropy += (v/n_rows)
In [29]:
statistics = ['auc','mncp']
tf_list = "cebpb ctcf egr1 elf1 esrra ets1 gata3 hnf4a mafk max mef2a myb nrf1 pax5 pou2f2 prdm1 sp1 srf tcf3 yy1".split()
for stat in statistics:
for tf in tf_list:
meme_file = '%s/Motifs/' %(BASE_DIR, tf)
results_path = '%s/ChIP_seq/Results/%s' % (BASE_DIR, tf)
test = mot_summary(meme_file,"%s/%s_%s.rawscores" % (results_path, tf, stat), "%s/%s_%s_score_ic.txt" % (results_path, tf, stat))
In [19]:
tf = 'ctcf'
results_path = '%s/Results/%s' % (BASE_DIR, tf)
In [191]:
class Caption():
def __init__(self,s):
self.s = s
def _repr_html_(self):
return '<center>{0}</center>'.format(self.s)
def _repr_latex_(self):
return '\\begin{center}\n'+self.s+'\n\\end{center}'
In [213]:
from IPython.display import Image, display
test_display = """Figure 1: Evolution of motif scoring functions with experimental techniques and algorithms"""
display(Image(filename='../Figures/Figure1_Timelines.png', embed=True, width=900), Caption(test_display))
In [21]:
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='../Figures/Figure2_Methodology.png', embed=True, width=900)
In [20]:
tf_list = ['nrf1', 'cebpb', 'mef2a', 'pax5', 'elf1','sp1','ctcf', "egr1",
"gata3", "hnf4a", "max", "ets1", 'yy1', 'tcf3', 'pou2f2']
Av_scores = pd.DataFrame(columns=["At_50","At_100","At_250"] )
for tf in tf_list:
raw_scores = pd.read_table('../ChIP_seq/Results/%s/%s_auc.len' %(tf,tf), header=0, index_col="Motif")
test = raw_scores.mean().T
con = test.to_frame(name=tf).T
Av_scores = Av_scores.append(con)
av = Av_scores.mean(axis=0)
con = av.to_frame(name='Average').T
Av_scores = Av_scores.append(con).T
ax =Av_scores.T.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(10,5),
title="Effect of sequence length on GOMER scores", fontsize=14, rot=45)
ax.set_xlabel("Transcription factors")
ax.set_ylabel("AUC values")
fig = ax.get_figure()
In [24]:
for seq_len1 in ["At_50","At_100","At_250"]:
for seq_len2 in ["At_50","At_100","At_250"]:
print seq_len1, seq_len2
print ranksums(Av_scores.T[seq_len1],Av_scores.T[seq_len2])[1]
In [19]:
def plot_raw_assess(raw_data, figure_output, stat):
This function allows the raw data to be plotted in the form of a heatmap.
This way, information about how each motif scores in different cell lines is
#Increase the font
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(12, 10), sharex=True, sharey=False)
raw_max = pd.read_table(raw_data)
raw_max = raw_max.drop_duplicates()
raw_edit = raw_max.pivot('Motif', 'Cell_lab', stat)
raw_edit.sort(columns="Average", axis=0, ascending=False, inplace=True)
#fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax1.set_title('A. Cell line preference of motif binding')
ax2.set_title('B. Cell line pairwise rank correlation')
# the size of A4 paper
#fig.set_size_inches(11, 8)
sns.heatmap(raw_edit, annot=True, ax = ax1)
sns.heatmap(raw_edit.corr(method='spearman'), ax = ax2, annot=True)
f = plt.gcf()
f.savefig(figure_output, bbox_inches='tight')
return raw_edit
raw_edit = plot_raw_assess("../ChIP_seq/Results/foxa/foxa_raw.gomer",
'../Figures/Figure4_cell_line_specific_gomer.pdf', 'AUC')
In [78]:
#raw_auc = pd.read_table(assess_input, index_col="Motif")
raw_auc = pd.read_csv('../ChIP_seq/Results/Figure6.csv', index_col="Motif")
raw_auc = raw_auc.drop_duplicates()
#df = df.T.drop_duplicates().T
raw_auc = raw_auc.sort(columns="GOMER_AUC", axis=0, ascending=False)
labels = raw_auc.index
x = 10
if len(labels) > 50:
x = 15
elif len(labels) < 10:
x = 5
f, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(x, 10), sharex=True)
a = sns.barplot(x=labels, y=raw_auc["Energy_AUC"],
palette='colorblind', x_order=labels, ax=ax1, label='small')
b = sns.barplot(x=labels, y=raw_auc["Energy_MNCP"],
palette="colorblind", x_order=labels, ax=ax2, label='big')
c = sns.barplot(x=labels, y=raw_auc["GOMER_AUC"],
palette="colorblind", x_order=labels, ax=ax3, label='big')
d = sns.barplot(x=labels, y=raw_auc["GOMER_MNCP"],
palette="colorblind", x_order=labels, ax=ax4, label='big')
d.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=90, label='big')
#f.savefig('../Figures/Figure5_score_and_statistic.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [18]:
score = 'gomer'
tf_list = "ctcf egr1 elf1 esrra ets1 gata3 hnf4a mafk max mef2a myb nrf1 pax5 pou2f2 prdm1 srf tcf3 yy1".split()
tf = 'cebpb'
chip = pd.read_table('../ChIP_seq/Results/%s/%s.%s' % (tf, tf, score), index_col='Motif')
chip = chip/chip.max()
chip_std = chip.std().to_frame(name=tf).T
chip_mean = np.mean(chip).to_frame(name=tf)
chip_mean_test = chip_mean.T
for tf in tf_list:
chip = pd.read_table('../ChIP_seq/Results/%s/%s.%s' % (tf, tf, score), index_col='Motif')
chip = chip/chip.max()
chip_s = chip.std().to_frame(name=tf)
chip_std = chip_std.append(chip_s.T)
chip_mean = np.mean(chip).to_frame(name=tf)
chip_mean_test = chip_mean_test.append(chip_mean.T)
ax = chip_mean_test.plot(kind='bar',yerr=chip_std, figsize=(12,10),
title="Effects of statistics on motif ranking", fontsize=14)
ax.set_xlabel("Transcription factors")
ax.set_ylabel("Normalized scores")
fig = ax.get_figure()
In the figure above the spread of the scores depending on the statistic, as measured by the eror bars, shows how unreliable the use of correlation statistics to rank the motfs would be.
In [17]:
tf_list="cebpb ctcf egr1 elf1 esrra ets1 gata3 hnf4a mafk max mef2a myb nrf1 pax5 pou2f2 prdm1 sp1 srf tcf3 yy1".split()
#tf_list = "esrra gata3 hnf4a mafk max myb pou2f2 tcf3 ".split()
#fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(12, 10), sharex=True, sharey=False)
#fig.set_size_inches(10, 8)
scores = "energy gomer sumlog sumoc maxoc ama maxlog".split()
score_sum = pd.DataFrame(columns=scores)
for tf in tf_list:
mot_score =pd.read_table("../ChIP_seq/Results/%s/%s_%s.rawscores" % (tf,tf, stat), index_col="Motif")
test = mot_score.mean().T
con = test.to_frame(name=tf).T
score_sum = score_sum.append(con)
score_sum = score_sum.append(score_sum.mean().to_frame(name="Mean").T)
sns.heatmap(score_sum, annot=True, ax=ax1, fmt='.2f')
ax1.set_title("A. Comparison of scoring functions")
tf = 'ctcf'
stat = 'auc'
mot_score =pd.read_table("../ChIP_seq/Results/%s/%s_%s.rawscores" % (tf,tf, stat), index_col="Motif")
a = mot_score.corr(method='spearman')
tf_list ="cebpb egr1 elf1 esrra ets1 gata3 hnf4a mafk max mef2a myb nrf1 pax5 pou2f2 prdm1 sp1 srf tcf3 yy1".split()
#tf_list = "gata3 hnf4a mafk max myb pou2f2 tcf3".split()
for tf in tf_list:
mot_score =pd.read_table("../ChIP_seq/Results/%s/%s_%s.rawscores" % (tf,tf, stat), index_col="Motif")
b = mot_score.corr(method='spearman')
a = a.add(b)
sns.heatmap(a/20, annot=True, ax=ax2, fmt='.2f')
ax2.set_title("B. Mean pairwise rank correlation of scoring functions on AUC")
#f.savefig('../Figures/Figure6_effect_of_scoring_auc_new.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
NB: This should only be run after the above section to generate the score_sum dataframe
In [29]:
scores = "energy gomer sumlog sumoc maxoc ama maxlog".split()
ans = []
i = 0
for score1 in scores:
for score2 in scores:
scores = "Scoring_function energy gomer sumlog sumoc maxoc ama maxlog".split()
pvalues = pd.DataFrame(ans, columns=scores)
#Save to csv file
In [13]:
tf_list = "cebpb ctcf egr1 elf1 esrra ets1 gata3 hnf4a mafk max mef2a myb nrf1 pax5 pou2f2 prdm1 sp1 srf tcf3 yy1".split()
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(12, 10), sharex=True, sharey=False)
#fig, ax = plt.subplots()
#fig.set_size_inches(10, 8)
scores = "energy gomer sumlog sumoc maxoc ama maxlog".split()
score_sum = pd.DataFrame(columns=scores)
for tf in tf_list:
mot_score =pd.read_table("../ChIP_seq/Results/%s/%s_%s.rawscores" % (tf,tf, stat), index_col="Motif")
test = mot_score.mean().T
con = test.to_frame(name=tf).T
score_sum = score_sum.append(con)
score_sum = score_sum.append(score_sum.mean().to_frame(name="Mean").T)
sns.heatmap(score_sum, annot=True, ax=ax1, fmt='.2f')
ax1.set_title("Comparison of scoring functions")
tf = 'ctcf'
stat = 'mncp'
mot_score =pd.read_table("../ChIP_seq/Results/%s/%s_%s.rawscores" % (tf,tf, stat), index_col="Motif")
a = mot_score.corr(method='spearman')
tf_list = "cebpb egr1 elf1 esrra ets1 gata3 hnf4a mafk max mef2a myb nrf1 pax5 pou2f2 prdm1 sp1 srf tcf3 yy1".split()
for tf in tf_list:
mot_score =pd.read_table("../ChIP_seq/Results/%s/%s_%s.rawscores" % (tf,tf, stat), index_col="Motif")
b = mot_score.corr(method='spearman')
a = a.add(b)
sns.heatmap(a/20, annot=True, ax=ax2, fmt='.2f')
ax2.set_title("B. Mean pairwise rank correlation of scoring functions on MNCP")
#f.savefig('../Figures/Figure6_effect_of_scoring_auc.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
f.savefig('../Figures/Figure7_effect_of_scoring_mncp_new.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
NB: This should only be run after the above section to generate the score_sum dataframe
In [31]:
from scipy.stats import ranksums
scores = "energy gomer sumlog sumoc maxoc ama maxlog".split()
ans = []
i = 0
for score1 in scores:
for score2 in scores:
scores = "Scoring_function energy gomer sumlog sumoc maxoc ama maxlog".split()
pvalues = pd.DataFrame(ans, columns=scores)
#Save to csv file
In [ ]:
tf ='egr1' #initialize
stat = 'auc'
tf_list = "cebpb ctcf elf1 esrra ets1 gata3 hnf4a mafk max mef2a myb nrf1 pax5 pou2f2 prdm1 sp1 srf tcf3 yy1".split()
tf_path = "%s/Dinuc_shuffled/Results/%s" % (BASE_DIR,tf.capitalize)
df = pd.read_table("%s/%s_%s_score_ic.txt" % (tf_path, tf, stat), index_col="Motif_name")
score_ic = df.corr()
for tf in tf_list:
tf_path = "%s/Dinuc_shuffled/Results/%s" % (BASE_DIR,tf)
#df = tf+"_df"
df1 = pd.read_table("%s/%s_%s_score_ic.txt" % (tf_path, tf,stat), index_col="Motif_name")
score_ic2 = df1.corr()
score_ic = score_ic.add(score_ic2, fill_value=0)
test = score_ic/(len(tf_list)+1)
del test['energy']
del test['gomer']
del test['sumlog']
del test['sumoc']
test = test
tf_path = "%s/ChIP_seq/Results" % BASE_DIR
f, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 10), sharex=True, sharey=False)
sns.heatmap(test, annot=True, ax = ax1)
ax1.set_title("A. Average")
tf = "egr1"
tf_path = "%s/%s" % (path, tf)
df = pd.read_table("%s/%s_%s_score_ic.txt" % (tf_path, tf, stat), index_col="Motif_name")
df = df.corr()
del df['energy']
del df['gomer']
del df['sumlog']
del df['sumoc']
df = df
sns.heatmap(df, annot=True, ax = ax2)
ax2.set_title('B. '+tf.capitalize())
tf = "mef2a"
tf_path = "%s/%s" % (path, tf)
df = pd.read_table("%s/%s_%s_score_ic.txt" % (tf_path, tf, stat), index_col="Motif_name")
df = df.corr()
del df['energy']
del df['gomer']
del df['sumlog']
del df['sumoc']
df = df
sns.heatmap(df, annot=True, ax = ax3)
ax3.set_title('C. '+tf.capitalize())
tf = "hnf4a"
tf_path = "%s/%s" % (path, tf)
df = pd.read_table("%s/%s_%s_score_ic.txt" % (tf_path, tf, stat), index_col="Motif_name")
df = df.corr()
del df['energy']
del df['gomer']
del df['sumlog']
del df['sumoc']
df = df
sns.heatmap(df, annot=True, ax = ax4)
ax4.set_title('D. '+tf.capitalize())
#f.savefig('../Figures/Figure8_motif_length_ic_effect_minimal.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [30]:
tf ='egr1' #initialize
stat = 'auc'
tf_list = "cebpb ctcf elf1 esrra ets1 gata3 hnf4a mafk max mef2a myb nrf1 pax5 pou2f2 prdm1 sp1 srf tcf3 yy1".split()
tf_path = "%s/ChIP_seq/Results/%s" % (BASE_DIR,tf)
df = pd.read_table("%s/%s_%s_score_ic.txt" % (tf_path, tf, stat), index_col="Motif_name")
score_ic = df.corr()
for tf in tf_list:
tf_path = "%s/ChIP_seq/Results/%s" % (BASE_DIR,tf)
#df = tf+"_df"
df1 = pd.read_table("%s/%s_%s_score_ic.txt" % (tf_path, tf,stat), index_col="Motif_name")
score_ic2 = df1.corr()
score_ic = score_ic.add(score_ic2, fill_value=0)
test = score_ic/(len(tf_list)+1)
del test['energy']
del test['gomer']
del test['sumlog']
del test['sumoc']
test = test
tf_path = "%s/ChIP_seq/Results" % BASE_DIR
f, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 10), sharex=True, sharey=False)
sns.heatmap(test, annot=True, ax = ax1)
ax1.set_title("A. Average")
tf = "egr1"
tf_path = "%s/%s" % (path, tf)
df = pd.read_table("%s/%s_%s_score_ic.txt" % (tf_path, tf, stat), index_col="Motif_name")
df = df.corr()
del df['energy']
del df['gomer']
del df['sumlog']
del df['sumoc']
df = df
sns.heatmap(df, annot=True, ax = ax2)
ax2.set_title('B. '+tf.capitalize())
tf = "mef2a"
tf_path = "%s/%s" % (path, tf)
df = pd.read_table("%s/%s_%s_score_ic.txt" % (tf_path, tf, stat), index_col="Motif_name")
df = df.corr()
del df['energy']
del df['gomer']
del df['sumlog']
del df['sumoc']
df = df
sns.heatmap(df, annot=True, ax = ax3)
ax3.set_title('C. '+tf.capitalize())
tf = "hnf4a"
tf_path = "%s/%s" % (path, tf)
df = pd.read_table("%s/%s_%s_score_ic.txt" % (tf_path, tf, stat), index_col="Motif_name")
df = df.corr()
del df['energy']
del df['gomer']
del df['sumlog']
del df['sumoc']
df = df
sns.heatmap(df, annot=True, ax = ax4)
ax4.set_title('D. '+tf.capitalize())
#f.savefig('../Figures/Figure8_motif_length_ic_effect_minimal.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
The best perofmeing motif from each database is extraced using the script below
In [178]:
tf_list=["gata3", "egr1", "hnf4a","pou2f2",'yy1','ctcf','cebpb', 'mef2a', 'esrra', 'prdm1', 'pax5', 'elf1']
for score in ('energy','gomer', 'ama','sumlog', 'maxoc', 'sumoc'):
for stat in ('mncp','auc'):
stat_dict= {'auc':1, "mncp":2}
#tf_list=["gata3", "hnf4a","pou2f2",'yy1','ctcf','cebpb', 'mef2a', 'esrra', 'prdm1', 'pax5', 'elf1', 'egr1']
cent_out = []
cols = 0
for tf in tf_list:
for col in selected_col:
if cols ==0:
with open("../Results/%s/%s.%s" % (tf,tf, score)) as cent:
flag =0
for line in cent:
if flag==0:
if col in line:
flag = 1
if flag ==0:
cols = 1
with open('../ChIP_seq/Results/Db_ranks_%s_%s.txt' % (score,stat), 'w') as raw_out:
for row in cent_out:
raw_out.writelines('\t'.join(map(str, row)) + '\n')
In [6]:
f, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(18, 15), sharex=False, sharey=False)
stat = 'auc'
score = 'gomer'
cent_col = pd.read_table('../ChIP_seq/Results/Db_ranks_%s_%s.txt' % (score, stat), index_col="Motif")
tf_list = "esrra hnf4a pou2f2 ".split()
tf_list=["hnf4a","pou2f2",'yy1','ctcf','cebpb', 'mef2a', 'esrra', 'prdm1', 'pax5', 'elf1']
tf = "gata3"
a = cent_col.T[tf]/max(cent_col.T[tf])
d = a.to_frame().T
for tf in tf_list:
a = cent_col.T[tf]/max(cent_col.T[tf])
d = d.append(a.to_frame().T)
av = d.mean(axis=0)
con = av.to_frame(name='Average').T
new_mots = d.append(con).T
new_mots = new_mots.sort(columns="Average", axis=0, ascending=False).T
new_mots = new_mots.T
mask = new_mots.isnull()
sns.heatmap(new_mots, annot=True, ax = eval(axi))
eval(axi).set_title('A. '+score.upper()+"_"+stat.upper())
#f.savefig('MATOM/static/files/Db_ranks_%s_%s.png' % (score, stat), bbox_inches='tight')
stat = 'auc'
score = 'energy'
cent_col = pd.read_table('../ChIP_seq/Results/Db_ranks_%s_%s.txt' % (score, stat), index_col="Motif")
#tf_list=["hnf4a","pou2f2",'yy1','ctcf','cebpb', 'mef2a', 'esrra', 'prdm1', 'pax5', 'elf1']
tf = "gata3"
a = cent_col.T[tf]/max(cent_col.T[tf])
d = a.to_frame().T
for tf in tf_list:
a = cent_col.T[tf]/max(cent_col.T[tf])
d = d.append(a.to_frame().T)
av = d.mean(axis=0)
con = av.to_frame(name='Average').T
new_mots = d.append(con).T
new_mots = new_mots.sort(columns="Average", axis=0, ascending=False).T
new_mots = new_mots.T
mask = new_mots.isnull()
sns.heatmap(new_mots, annot=True, ax = eval(axi))
eval(axi).set_title('B. '+score.upper()+"_"+stat.upper())
#f.savefig('MATOM/static/files/Db_ranks_%s_%s.png' % (score, stat), bbox_inches='tight')
cent_col = pd.read_table('../ChIP_seq/Results/Centrimo_collection.txt', index_col="Motif")
#tf_list=["hnf4a","pou2f2",'yy1','ctcf','cebpb', 'mef2a', 'esrra', 'prdm1', 'pax5', 'elf1']
tf = "gata3"
a = cent_col.T[tf]/max(cent_col.T[tf])
d = a.to_frame().T
for tf in tf_list:
a = cent_col.T[tf]/max(cent_col.T[tf])
d = d.append(a.to_frame().T)
av = d.mean(axis=0)
con = av.to_frame(name='Average').T
new_mots = d.append(con).T
new_mots = new_mots.sort(columns="Average", axis=0, ascending=False).T
new_mots = new_mots.T
mask = new_mots.isnull()
sns.heatmap(new_mots, annot=True, ax = eval(axi), fmt='.2f')
eval(axi).set_title('C. CentriMo')
stat = 'mncp'
score = 'energy'
cent_col = pd.read_table('../ChIP_seq/Results/Db_ranks_%s_%s.txt' % (score, stat), index_col="Motif")
#tf_list=["hnf4a","pou2f2",'yy1','ctcf','cebpb', 'mef2a', 'esrra', 'prdm1', 'pax5', 'elf1']
tf = "gata3"
a = cent_col.T[tf]/max(cent_col.T[tf])
d = a.to_frame().T
for tf in tf_list:
a = cent_col.T[tf]/max(cent_col.T[tf])
d = d.append(a.to_frame().T)
av = d.mean(axis=0)
con = av.to_frame(name='Average').T
new_mots = d.append(con).T
new_mots = new_mots.sort(columns="Average", axis=0, ascending=False).T
new_mots = new_mots.T
mask = new_mots.isnull()
sns.heatmap(new_mots, annot=True, ax = eval(axi), fmt='.2f')
eval(axi).set_title('D. '+score.upper()+"_"+stat.upper())
#f.savefig('../Figures/Figure9_motif_database_ranks_normalized.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
In [21]:
tf_list = "ctcf egr1 elf1 esrra ets1 gata3 hnf4a mafk max mef2a myb nrf1 pax5 pou2f2 prdm1 sp1 srf tcf3 yy1".split()
score = 'gomer'
tf = 'cebpb'
chip = pd.read_table('%s/ChIP_seq/Results/%s/%s.%s'
% (BASE_DIR, tf, tf, score), index_col='Motif')
dinuc = pd.read_table('%s/Dinuc_shuffled/Results/%s/%s.%s' % (BASE_DIR, tf.capitalize(), tf, score), index_col='Motif')
chip_rank = chip.rank(ascending=False)
dinuc_rank = dinuc.rank(ascending=False)
chip = chip/chip.max()
chip_mean = np.mean(chip).to_frame(name=tf)
chip_mean_test = chip_mean.T
a = dinuc_rank.corrwith(chip_rank)
a = a.to_frame(name=tf).T
for tf in tf_list:
chip = pd.read_table('%s/ChIP_seq/Results/%s/%s.%s'
% (BASE_DIR, tf, tf, score), index_col='Motif')
chip = chip/chip.max()
chip_mean = np.mean(chip).to_frame(name=tf)
dinuc = pd.read_table('%s/Dinuc_shuffled/Results/%s/%s.%s'
% (BASE_DIR, tf.capitalize(), tf, score), index_col='Motif')
chip_rank = chip.rank(ascending=False)
dinuc_rank = dinuc.rank(ascending=False)
b = dinuc_rank.corrwith(chip_rank)
b = b.to_frame(name=tf).T
a = a.append(b)
chip_mean_test = chip_mean_test.append(chip_mean.T)
#chip_mean_test.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(10,10), title="Effects of statistics on motif ranking", fontsize=14, rot=45)
ax = a.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(12,8),
title="Rank correlation between downstream and dinucleotide negative sequences", fontsize=14, rot=45)
ax.set_xlabel("Transcription factors")
ax.set_ylabel("Rank correlation scores")
fig = ax.get_figure()
We observe the choice of negative sequences to have little effect on the ranks assigned to the motifs. In the figure above, we computed and plotted the rank correlation of scores normalized by maximum score for each TF. However some TFs seem to be affected most by this. This generally seems to affect motifs with indirect (Myb) of flanking site binding (Tcf3)
In [22]:
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