Import all necessary modules
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import seaborn as sns
from numpy.linalg import inv, lstsq
If you want to embed plots inside IPython notebook, you need to turn on this option.
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
Define the number of observations in the sample, $N$, and the number of simulations, $S$.
In [3]:
N, S = 100, 1000
Parameters of the joint distribution of $X$ and $e$.
In [4]:
mean = [0,0]
rho = .1
cov = [[1, rho], [rho, 1]]
Regression level and slope.
In [5]:
alpha, beta = 2, 3
Simulate $X$ and $e$ from multivariate normal distribution.
In [6]:
def simulate_data(mean, cov, alpha, beta, size):
X, e = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, size).T
Y = alpha + beta * X + e
return Y, X
Y, X = simulate_data(mean, cov, alpha, beta, (N, S))
Define two functions which should return the same slope parameter. The difference is in the implementation. The first one is a bit more natural since it uses NumPy matrices. This allows to use *
symbol to multiply matrices. the second uses NumPy arrays instead. This implementation requires the use of dot
In [7]:
def ols_matrix(Y,X):
Y = np.matrix(Y).T
X = np.matrix(np.vstack((np.ones_like(X), X))).T
beta = np.array(inv(X.T * X) * (X.T * Y))
return float(beta[1])
def ols_array(Y,X):
X = np.vstack((np.ones_like(X), X)).T
Qxx =, X)
Qxy =, Y)
beta =, Qxy)
return float(beta[1])
def ols_lstsq(Y,X):
X = np.vstack((np.ones_like(X), X)).T
beta = lstsq(X,Y)[0]
return float(beta[1])
Now we need to initialize two containers for our estimates in each simulated sample.
In [8]:
beta_hat1, beta_hat2, beta_hat3 = [], [], []
For each simulated sample we compute the estimate and append it to the list. IPython "magic" %%timeit
will show how much time was spent in the current block.
In [9]:
for y, x in zip(Y, X):
beta_hat1.append(ols_matrix(y, x))
Same for the second implimentation through arrays instead of matrices.
In [10]:
for y, x in zip(Y, X):
beta_hat2.append(ols_array(y, x))
In [11]:
for y, x in zip(Y, X):
beta_hat3.append(ols_lstsq(y, x))
Are the results equal?
In [12]:
print(np.array_equal(beta_hat1, beta_hat2))
print(np.array_equal(beta_hat1, beta_hat3))
print(np.allclose(beta_hat1, beta_hat3, atol=1e-20))
Plot the histogram.
In [13]:
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 6))
plt.hist(beta_hat1, 50, histtype='stepfilled', normed=True, lw=0, alpha=.5, label='Density')
plt.axvline(beta, color='red', lw=5, label='True')
plt.axvline(np.mean(beta_hat1), color='black', lw=5, label='Mean Estimate')
In [14]:
nobs = [250, 500, 1000, 2000]
beta_hat = []
for N in nobs:
Y, X = simulate_data(mean, cov, alpha, beta, (N, S))
temp = []
for y, x in zip(Y, X):
temp.append(ols_array(y, x))
beta_hat = np.array(beta_hat)
Plot densities of the estimates.
In [15]:
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
for i in range(len(nobs)):
sns.kdeplot(beta_hat[i], alpha=.4, lw=3, shade=True, label=nobs[i])
plt.axvline(beta, color='red', lw=3, label='True')