In [2]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
import scipy.spatial.distance as dist
%matplotlib inline
Imported Glob module to accecss all CSV data files in the folder. Load one file at a time and concatenate to a dataframe variable 'frame'
In [3]:
import glob
allFiles = glob.glob('4months' + "/*.csv")
frame = pd.DataFrame()
list_ = []
for file_ in allFiles:
df = pd.read_csv(file_,index_col=None, header=0)
frame = pd.concat(list_)
frame = frame.iloc[:,(5,4,2,11)]
Select only those rows within 'frame' which have lights in the Branch Name. Store these rows in a new dataframe called 'power'
In [14]:
scheck = lambda d: 'Lights' in d or 'Light' in d or 'Lts' in d
S_ind = list(map(scheck,frame.BranchName))
power = frame[S_ind].reset_index(drop=True)
Display variable power: It has 4 column - dates, panel names, branch name and average wattage
In [18]:
Use parser function from dateutil module to convert the timestamps in power from a string to a datetime - Timestamp object
In [16]:
from dateutil import parser
power.DateStamp = power.DateStamp.apply(parser.parse)
Select 15 minute time interval data and re-store in power
In [17]:
intervals = lambda d: (d.time().minute)%15 == 0
indexes_15 = list(map(intervals,power.DateStamp))
power = power[indexes_15].reset_index(drop=True)
Use group by function of Pandas dataframe to group the power data based on
- Datestamp (P_Total)
- Datestamp & Panel Name (P_Panel)
In [19]:
P_Total = power.groupby(['DateStamp'], as_index=False)
P_Panel = power.groupby(['DateStamp','PanelName'],as_index=False)
Use .sum() attribute of group object to sum up the Average power based on the group variables defined above
Create grouped data for first & second set of group variables and call it Lighting_Total and Lighting_Panel respectively
In [69]:
Lighting_Panel = P_Panel.sum()
Lighting_Panel.columns = ['Timestamp','PanelName','AvgPower']
In [95]:
Lighting_Total = P_Total.sum()
Lighting_Total.columns = ['Timestamp','AvgPower']
Plot the graph of Total power over time
In [96]:
plt.xlabel('Time stamp (days)')
plt.ylabel('Power [ in Watts]')
Define function - DesignMatrix which takes only timestamp as an argument and outputs a stack of indentity matrix with number of rows equal to the numer of timestamps and number of columns equal to the number of 15 minute intervals in a week
In [22]:
import math
def DesignMatrix(timestamps):
tslen = len(timestamps)
ind = 672
num = math.ceil(tslen/ind)
sing = np.identity(ind)
Dmat = np.tile(sing,(num,1))[0:tslen,:]
return Dmat
Find the Design matrix for the Total lighting consumption
In [97]:
DMX = DesignMatrix(Lighting_Total.Timestamp)
Define a function 'Beta_hat' which will take a design matrix and a power vector as arguments and outputs the Beta hat values as defined by the function inverse(Xt X) Xt * Y where Xt is the transpose of the design matrix and Y is the power vector
In [24]:
def beta_hat(X,Y):
B =,X)),X.T),Y)
return B
Finding Beta hat for Total lighting consumption and calculating predicted power. Here the data set used for training and testing the regression model is the same.
In [98]:
Act_power = Lighting_Total.AvgPower
B_Lighting = beta_hat(DMX,Actual_power)
Pred_power =,B_Lighting)
Defining function Cal_Rsqr which takes arguments Actual power and Predicted power and then calculates & returns the R squared value
In [99]:
def Cal_Rsqr(Actual_power,Predict_power):
Power_mean = np.mean(Actual_power)
Numer = Actual_power - Predict_power
Denom = Actual_power - Power_mean
R_sqr = 1- (,Numer)/,Denom))
return R_sqr
Call function Cal_Rsqr for the total lighting consumption
In [100]:
Define separate train and test datasets. Here we have used alternate weeeks for train and the remaining alternate for test
Used the isocalendar function to extract the week number in order to segregate the data
In [101]:
W_check = lambda d : d.isocalendar()[1]%2 == 1
W_indices = list(map(W_check, Lighting_Total.Timestamp))
Train_Lighting = Lighting_Total[W_indices]
Test_Lighting = Lighting_Total[np.invert(W_indices)]
Removing the first 4 days of data to allow the train and test datasets to start at the same 15 minute time interval of the week
In [102]:
Train_Lighting = Train_Lighting.iloc[384:,:]
Generating design matrices for train and test dataset by calling fucntion DesignMatrix
In [103]:
TrainDMX = DesignMatrix(Train_Lighting.Timestamp)
TestDMX = DesignMatrix(Test_Lighting.Timestamp)
Calculating Beta hat for train data set
In [104]:
LBs = beta_hat(TrainDMX, Train_Lighting.AvgPower)
Estimate predicted power using beta hat and test matrix. Calculate R square value
In [105]:
Lighting_predpower =,LBs)
Lighting_actpower = Test_Lighting.AvgPower
Plot graph of Actual power versus Predicted power with a common time axis
In [107]:
plt.xlabel('Time stamp (days)')
plt.ylabel('Power [ in Watts]')
The logic for calculating R square value for each of the different panel consumptions in Scaife building is the same as given above.
A loop has been created to access the summed up Average power of each panel and the fucntions above have been called in order to calculate R square for each of the panels.
Provision has been given in the end of the loop to plot predicted and actual power of individual panels.
In [123]:
count = 0
for name in (Lighting_Panel.PanelName):
Data = Lighting_Panel[Lighting_Panel.PanelName == name]
count = count + 1
W_check = lambda d : d.isocalendar()[1]%2 == 1
W_indices = list(map(W_check, Data.Timestamp))
Train_dat = Data[W_indices].iloc[384:,:]
Test_dat = Data[np.invert(W_indices)]
TrainDMX = DesignMatrix(Train_dat.Timestamp)
TestDMX = DesignMatrix(Test_dat.Timestamp)
LB = beta_hat(TrainDMX,Train_dat.AvgPower)
Lighting_actpower = Train_dat.AvgPower
Lighting_predpower =,LB)
R_train_panel = Cal_Rsqr(Lighting_actpower,Lighting_predpower)
print ('R square value for prediction on train data for panel ' + name + ' is ' + str(R_train_panel))
Lighting_actpower = Test_dat.AvgPower
Lighting_predpower =,LB)
R_test_panel = Cal_Rsqr(Lighting_actpower,Lighting_predpower)
print ('R square value for prediction on test data for panel ' + name + ' is ' + str(R_test_panel))
if (count == 7):
plt.xlabel('Time stamp (days)')
plt.ylabel('Power [ in Watts]')
End of code