Much of the code/theory is from:
This notebook contains the prototype code for calculating the fractal dimension and lacunarity of a path in any positive integer dimension. It is tested on random walk data.
In [2]:
import scipy.optimize
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import statsmodels.formula.api as sm
import numpy as np, scipy, scipy.stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
In [3]:
n = 10000
d = 2
start_pos = [0]*d
steps = np.random.rand(n - 1, len(start_pos)) * 2 - [[1]*len(start_pos)]*(n - 1)
random_walk = [start_pos]
for s in steps:
random_walk.append(random_walk[-1] + s)
if d == 1 or d == 2:
if d == 3:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.plot(*np.transpose(random_walk), label='parametric curve')
In [4]:
def count_boxes(data, scale):
boxed_path = np.floor(np.divide(data, scale))
unique = np.unique(boxed_path, axis=0)
min_range = np.min(unique, axis=0)
max_range = np.max(unique, axis=0)
possible_boxes_in_range =, max_range)))
filled_boxes = len(unique)
return filled_boxes
In addition to counting the boxes, if the scales being computed are too wide, we'll want to remove them from the estimate. Scales that are too large will result in only 1 or 2 boxes while scales that are too small will result in the number of boxes equaling the number of points. To combat this, we can filter the scales to be used according to the standard error of the log of the box counts. This removes the lower and upper asymptotes under many conditions (though it isn't perfect).
In [7]:
data = random_walk
scale_range = 20
r = np.array([2.0**(scale_range/2)/(2.0**i) for i in range(scale_range,0,-1)]) # Powers of 2
N = [ count_boxes( data, ri) for ri in r ]
rlog = np.log(r)
Nlog = np.log(N)
ste = np.std(Nlog)/np.sqrt(len(data))
indicies = [idx for idx, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(rlog, Nlog)) if (not b <= (min(Nlog) + ste) and not b >= (max(Nlog) - ste))]
r_original = r[:]
N_original = N[:]
N = np.take(N, indicies)
r = np.take(r, indicies)
In [6]:
def f( x, A, Df ):
return Df * x + A
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit( f, np.log( 1./r ), np.log( N ) )
A, Df = popt
In [12]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.plot( 1./r_original, N_original, 'b.-' )
#ax.plot( 1./r_original, np.exp(A)*1./r_original**Df, 'g', alpha=1.0 )
plt.xlabel('Box Size')
plt.ylabel('Number of Boxes')
plt.grid(which='minor', ls='-', color='0.75')
plt.grid(which='major', ls='-', color='0.25')
In [15]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.plot( 1./r, N, 'b.-' )
#ax.plot( 1./r, np.exp(A)*1./r**Df, 'g', alpha=1.0 )
plt.xlabel('Box Size')
plt.ylabel('Number of Boxes')
plt.grid(which='minor', ls='-', color='0.75')
plt.grid(which='major', ls='-', color='0.25')
In [12]:
def generate_random_walk(n=100000, d=3):
start_pos = [0]*d
steps = np.random.rand(n - 1, len(start_pos)) * 2 - [[1]*len(start_pos)]*(n - 1)
random_walk = [start_pos]
for s in steps:
random_walk.append(random_walk[-1] + s)
return random_walk
def count_boxes(data, scale):
boxed_path = np.floor(np.divide(data, scale))
unique = np.unique(boxed_path, axis=0)
filled_boxes = len(unique)
return filled_boxes
def calculate_fd_and_lacunarity(data):
scale_range = 20
r = np.array([2.0 ** (scale_range / 2) / (2.0 ** i) for i in range(scale_range, 0, -1)]) # Powers of 2 around 0
N = [count_boxes(data, ri) for ri in r]
Nlog = np.log(N)
ste = np.std(Nlog) / np.sqrt(len(data))
indicies = [idx for idx, n in enumerate(Nlog) if (not n <= (min(Nlog) + ste) and not n >= (max(Nlog) - ste))]
N = np.take(N, indicies)
r = np.take(r, indicies)
def linear_function(x, A, Df):
return Df * x + A
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(linear_function, np.log(1. / r), np.log(N))
lacunarity, fd = popt
return fd, lacunarity
In [75]:
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def time_function(iterations=100, n=100000, d=3):
data = generate_random_walk(n=n, d=d)
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(0, iterations):
fd, lac = calculate_fd_and_lacunarity(data)
avg_time = (time.time()-t0)/iterations
print('{0} seconds average runtime for n={1}, d={2}, iters={3}.'.format(str(avg_time), n, d, iterations))
return avg_time
ns = [1000, 10000, 100000]
ds = [1, 2, 3]
results = [[time_function(iterations=25, n=n, d=d) for d in ds] for n in ns]
In [10]:
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
def calculate_fd_and_lacunarity(data, indicies=None):
scale_range = 20
r = np.array([2.0 ** (scale_range / 2) / (2.0 ** i) for i in range(scale_range, 0, -1)]) # Powers of 2 around 0
N = [count_boxes(data, ri) for ri in r]
Nlog = np.log(N)
ste = np.std(Nlog) / np.sqrt(len(data))
if indicies is None:
indicies = [idx for idx, n in enumerate(Nlog) if (not n <= (min(Nlog) + ste) and not n >= (max(Nlog) - ste))]
N = np.take(N, indicies)
r = np.take(r, indicies)
def linear_function(x, A, Df):
return Df * x + A
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(linear_function, np.log(1. / r), np.log(N))
lacunarity, fd = popt
return fd, lacunarity, indicies
In [12]:
from cogrecon.core.data_flexing.time_travel_task.time_travel_task_binary_reader import find_data_files_in_directory, read_binary_file
search_directory=r'C:\Users\Kevin\Documents\GitHub\msl-iposition-pipeline\examples\saved_data\Paper Data (cleaned)'
temporal_boundary_regions = [[[-100, 15]], [[15, 30]], [[30, 45]], [[45, 100]]]
files = find_data_files_in_directory(search_directory, file_regex=file_regex)
In [13]:
In [ ]:
from tqdm import tqdm
# Precalculate FD/Lacunarity Thresholds
index0 = []
index1 = []
index2 = []
for path in tqdm(files):
iterations = read_binary_file(path)
timeline = [[i['time_val']] for i in iterations]
spaceline = [[i['x'], i['z']] for i in iterations]
spacetimeline = [[i['x'], i['z'], i['time_val']] for i in iterations]
fd_t, lac_t, idxs0 = calculate_fd_and_lacunarity(timeline)
fd_s, lac_s, idxs1 = calculate_fd_and_lacunarity(spaceline)
fd_st, lac_st, idxs2 = calculate_fd_and_lacunarity(spacetimeline)
In [25]:
unique0 = [list(x) for x in list(set(frozenset(item) for item in index0))]
unique1 = [list(x) for x in list(set(frozenset(item) for item in index1))]
unique2 = [list(x) for x in list(set(frozenset(item) for item in index2))]
So we will use the window [1,2...,14] as it is the most conservative window for spacetime, but because all participants have identical windows for space and time only, we'll use those. It is reasonable to expect each of these to have different scale parameters as they are in different units.
In [13]:
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
def calculate_fd_and_lacunarity(data, indicies=None):
scale_range = 20
r = np.array([2.0 ** (scale_range / 2) / (2.0 ** i) for i in range(scale_range, 0, -1)]) # Powers of 2 around 0
N = [count_boxes(data, ri) for ri in r]
Nlog = np.log(N)
ste = np.std(Nlog) / np.sqrt(len(data))
if indicies is None:
indicies = [idx for idx, n in enumerate(Nlog) if (not n <= (min(Nlog) + ste) and not n >= (max(Nlog) - ste))]
N = np.take(N, indicies)
r = np.take(r, indicies)
def linear_function(x, A, Df):
return Df * x + A
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(linear_function, np.log(1. / r), np.log(N))
lacunarity, fd = popt
return fd, lacunarity, indicies
In [4]:
import pandas as pd
import os
output_directory = '2018-04-25_16-55-14'
data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join('.', output_directory, 'study_path.csv'))
grp = data.groupby(['subject_id', 'trial_number'])
In [14]:
import tqdm
import numpy as np
# Precalculate FD/Lacunarity Thresholds
index = []
for name, group in tqdm.tqdm(grp):
spaceline = np.array(group[['x', 'z']])
fd_s, lac_s, idxs = calculate_fd_and_lacunarity(spaceline)
In [16]:
unique = [list(x) for x in list(set(frozenset(item) for item in index))]
So we will use the window [6,7...,16] as it is the most conservative window for spacetime, but because all participants have identical windows for space and time only, we'll use those. It is reasonable to expect each of these to have different scale parameters as they are in different units.
In [ ]: