Since the GenderAPI data seems a bit more comprehensive (see here), that's what we'll use going forward. This first block recapitulates what I did in the beginning of the last notebook.function bs2{T<:Number}(a::DataArray{T}, n::Int) means = @data(Float64[]) for x in 1:n push!(means, mean(dropna( sample!(a, similar(a, length(a))) ))) end means = dropna(means) return (mean(means), [quantile(means, .025), quantile(means, .975)]) end
In [1]:
using StatPlots
include("../src/dataimport.jl") # `importauthors()` and `getgenderprob()` functions
bio = importauthors("../data/pubdata/bio.csv", "bio")
comp = importauthors("../data/pubdata/comp.csv", "comp")
alldata = vcat(bio, comp)
bio = 0 # to free up memory
comp = 0
alldata[:Pfemale], alldata[:Count] = getgenderprob(alldata, "../data/genders/genderAPI_genders.json", :Author_First_Name)
alldata = alldata[!isna(alldata[:Journal]), :] # remove rows where there's no Journal
alldata[1:5, 1:7]
In [2]:
means = by(alldata, [:Dataset], df -> DataFrame(MeanPF = mean(dropna(df[:Pfemale]))))
In [3]:
bar(means, :MeanPF,
xaxis=("Dataset", ([1,2], means[:Dataset])),
yaxis=("Percent Female", (0, 0.6), 0:0.1:0.6),
title="Proportion of Female Authors")
Currently, the author positions are ordered in the dataframe in alphabetical order (first, last, other, penultimate, second), so I'm going to define a "less than" function to do a custom sort (thanks Stack Overflow!). This function needs to return true for the call x < y
for the strings in the following order: ["first", "second", "other", "penultimate", "last"].
In [4]:
order = Dict(key => ix for (ix, key) in enumerate(["first", "second", "other", "penultimate", "last"]))
function authororder(pos1, pos2)
return order[pos1] < order[pos2]
println(authororder("first", "second"))
println(authororder("second", "first"))
So now we can sort the dataframe using our custom function and the lt
In [5]:
sort!(alldata, cols=:Position, lt=authororder)
alldata[1:5, 1:7]
In [6]:
byposition = by(alldata, [:Position, :Dataset], df -> mean(dropna(df[:Pfemale])))
sort!(byposition, cols=:Position, lt=authororder)
ys = hcat([byposition[byposition[:Dataset] .== x, :x1] for x in levels(byposition[:Dataset])]...)
groupedbar(ys, bar_position=:dodge,
xaxis=("Author Position", (1:5, levels(alldata[:Position]))),
yaxis=("Percent Female", (0, 0.6), 0:0.1:0.6),
title="Proportion of Female Authors")
To reiterate, these data suggest:
New finding: It seems to be worse in computational biology than in all of biology, though not by as much as I expected.
Let's see how this holds up. We can't do the "normal" sorts of statistics that folks often do (like T-tests, chi squared etc), since we're not taking a random sample of a population, we're looking at the whole population. An alternative is to use bootstrap analysis), where we randomly resample the data a bunch of times, and get statistics on those samples. Julia has a bootstrap package, but it seems to be actively in development and stuff is a bit broken right now, so I decided to roll my own (my needs are modest).
The function below takes a DataArray a
(like a column in a DataFrame), and then takes |a|
samples with replacement. It does this n
times, and then takes the mean, and generates a 95% confidence interval (because of the central limit theroem, I can assume these samples are normally distributed).
In [7]:
function bootstrap{T<:Number}(a::DataArray{T}, n::Int)
means = Float64[]
for x in 1:n
push!(means, mean(dropna(
sample!(a, similar(a, length(a)))
means = dropna(means)
return (mean(means), [quantile(means, .025), quantile(means, .975)])
This function takes a vector of values v
(like, say, a group of gender probabilities), and then samples them with replacement n
times. In other words, if I had a vector t = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
and I called getbootstrap(t), it would go through and take 5 samples at random... sometimes it would be [5, 2, 4, 3, 3]
, sometimes [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
etc. It would do this 1000 times, getting the mean each time.
In [8]:
t = @data([1,2,3,4,5])
(m, ci) = bootstrap(t, 1000)
The estimate for the mean is ~3, just as it should be, but I also get a confidence interval. That means that 95% of the time, the mean was between 1.6 and 4.2.
I can use this to look at the author genders:
In [9]:
by(alldata, [:Dataset, :Position]) do df
(m, ci) = bootstrap(df[:Pfemale], 1000)
return DataFrame(Mean=m, Lower=ci[1], Upper=ci[2])
That code takes the data, subsets it by :Dataset
and :Position
(that's the first two columns) and then returns the mean and 95% confidence intervals for each subset.
In [10]:
bioids = Set(levels(alldata[alldata[:Dataset] .== "bio", :ID]))
compids = Set(levels(alldata[alldata[:Dataset] .== "comp", :ID]))
println("There are $(length(bioids)) articles in the \"bio\" dataset")
println("There are $(length(compids)) articles in the \"comp\" dataset")
dif = length(setdiff(compids, bioids))
println("There are $dif articles in the \"comp\" dataset that aren't in the \"bio\" dataset")
In [11]:
plosfocus = alldata[(alldata[:Dataset] .== "bio")&
((alldata[:Journal] .== String("PLoS Biol."))|
(alldata[:Journal] .== String("PLoS Comput. Biol."))), :]
df = by(plosfocus, [:Journal, :Position]) do df
(m, ci) = bootstrap(df[:Pfemale], 1000)
return DataFrame(Mean=m, Lower=ci[1], Upper=ci[2])
sort!(df, cols=:Position, lt=authororder)
ys = hcat([df[df[:Journal] .== x, :Mean] for x in ["PLoS Biol.", "PLoS Comput. Biol."]]...)
groupedbar(ys, bar_position=:dodge, lab=["PLoS Bio", "PLoS Comp Bio"],
xaxis=("Author Position", (1:5, ["first", "second", "other", "penultimate", "last"])),
yaxis=("Percent Female", (0, 0.6), 0:0.1:0.6),
title="Proportion of Female Authors in PLoS Journals")
Alternatively, we can look at all the journals, and look at where each journal in terms of the proportion of female authors. Here, I'm plotting out all of the journals with more than 1000 authors (each author is a line, so I can just get the number of rows with a particular journal), and coloring them grey if they have "comput", "omic", "informatic", or "system" in their title.
In [27]:
bio = alldata[alldata[:Dataset] .== "bio", :]
c = countmap(bio[:Journal])
journals = bio[map(x -> c[x] > 1000, bio[:Journal]), :]
function checktitle(t::String)
for f in ["comput", "omic", "informatic", "system"]
if contains(t, f)
return true
return false
data = by(journals, :Journal) do df
m = mean(dropna(df[:Pfemale]))
return DataFrame(Mean=m)
data[:Color] = [checktitle(x) ? :grey : :black for x in data[:Journal]]
data = data[!isna(data[:Mean]), :]
sort!(data, cols=:Mean)
bar(data[:Mean], color=data[:Color], grid=false, legend=false, bar_edges=false)
Previous work suggests that women are far less likely to publish in computer science. Unfortunately, pubmed doesn't index computer science research.
The arXiv has preprints in many fields, including computer science. The sorts of papers posted here are likely to be different, so we can't compare directly to the stuff on pubmed, but there's also quantatative biology...
In [29]:
arxivcs = importauthors("../data/pubdata/arxivcs.csv", "arxivcs")
arxivbio = importauthors("../data/pubdata/arxivbio.csv", "arxivbio")
arxiv = vcat(arxivbio, arxivcs)
arxivcs = 0
arxivbio = 0
arxiv = arxiv[!isna(arxiv[:Author_Name]), :]
arxiv[:Pfemale], arxiv[:Count] = getgenderprob(arxiv, "../data/genders/genderAPI_genders.json", :Author_Name)
arxivbyposition = bystats(arxiv, [:Dataset, :Position])
In [39]:
plot(arxivbyposition, x=:Position, y=:Mean, color=:Dataset,
Guide.title("Female Authors in arXiv"), = :dodge),
Scale.x_discrete(levels=["first", "second", "other", "penultimate", "last"]),