Brazil-Germany Semifinal

(Bokeh Example Notebook)

The Brazil-Germany semifinal will go down in history as one of the most stunning upsets of the tournament, but I wanted to (literally) see exactly how lopsided the result is when compared to earlier matches.


In [1]:
import urllib2
import json

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict

In [2]:
# Data source is (kindly) provided by
matches_json = urllib2.urlopen('')
matches = json.load(matches_json)

In [3]:
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['winner','win_goals','loser','loss_goals'])

for match in matches:
    # for matches that have already happened
    if match['status'] == 'future':

    if match['away_team']['goals'] > match['home_team']['goals']:
        winner = match['away_team']
        loser = match['home_team']
        # ties are absorbed into this block; terminology doesn't really matter
        winner = match['home_team']
        loser = match['away_team']
    df.loc[len(df)] = [winner['country'], int(winner['goals']),
                        loser['country'], int(loser['goals'])]

Our source is now a four-column dataframe, indexed by match order.

In [4]:

winner win_goals loser loss_goals
0 Brazil 3 Croatia 1
1 Mexico 1 Cameroon 0
2 Netherlands 5 Spain 1
3 Chile 3 Australia 1
4 Colombia 3 Greece 0


In [5]:
import bokeh

    Bokeh version: 0.5.0-12-ge0937de
    Python version: 2.7.8-CPython
    Platform: Darwin-13.2.0-x86_64-i386-64bit

In [6]:
import bokeh.plotting as bkp
import bokeh.objects as bko

from seabornify import seabornify
# see

BokehJS successfully loaded.

In [7]:
num_matches = len(df)

win_color = ['#FEFE00' if x == 'Brazil' else
             '#D52B1E' if x == 'Germany' else
             'slateblue' for x in df.winner]

loss_color = ['#FEFE00' if x == 'Brazil' else
             '#D52B1E' if x == 'Germany' else
             'coral' for x in df.loser]

# Ties should have a neutral color representation
win_color = ['gray' if df.win_goals[i] == df.loss_goals[i] else
             win_color[i] for i in xrange(num_matches)]
loss_color = ['gray' if df.win_goals[i] == df.loss_goals[i] else
              loss_color[i] for i in xrange(num_matches)]

For plotting purposes, we'll give "zero goal" teams an 0.1 buffer so they can be represented on the plot.

In [8]:
df = df.replace(0, 0.1)

Set up our ColumnDataSource objects so that each index in the columns is implicitly connected. This will be leveraged for the hover tooltip below. (See hover tutorial)

In [9]:
win_source = bko.ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
    left = df.index,
    right = df.index+1,
    top = df.win_goals,
    bottom = [0]*num_matches,
    color = win_color,
    country = df.winner))

loss_source = bko.ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
    left = df.index,
    right = df.index+1,
    top = [0]*num_matches,
    bottom = -df.loss_goals,
    color = loss_color,
    country = df.loser))

In [10]:
# Initialize new figure
bkp.figure(title="World Cup Goals per Match",
           x_axis_label="Match number",
           y_axis_label="Goals scored",

# Plot all following glyphs on the same figure

# Winners
bkp.quad(left='left', right='right', top='top', bottom='bottom',
         color='color', source=win_source, line_color=None)

# "Losers"
bkp.quad(left='left', right='right', top='top', bottom='bottom',
         color='color', source=loss_source, line_color=None)

# Direction indication
bkp.text([-1.5],[0.2],text="Winning team", angle=np.pi/2)
bkp.text([-1.5],[-2.4],text="Losing team", angle=np.pi/2)

# Simple visual separator
bkp.line([0, num_matches-1],

Here we'll attach the country name to the hover tooltip for each glyph.

In [11]:
hover = [t for t in bkp.curplot().tools if isinstance(t, bko.HoverTool)][0]

hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([
    ("Country", "@country")

Aaaand show()! Germany in red and Brazil in yellow; hover for country information.

In [12]:


This game was exceptional.

In [13]:
from IPython.display import Image
