Install Nipype

The best and most complete instruction on how to download and install Nipype can be found on the official homepage. Nonetheless, here's a short summary of some (but not all) approaches.

1. Install Nipype

Getting Nipype to run on your system is rather straight forward. And there are multiple ways to do the installation:

Using conda

If you have conda, miniconda or anaconda on your system, than installing Nipype is just the following command:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install nipype

Using pip or easy_install

Installing Nipype via pip or easy_install is as simple as you would imagine.

pip install nipype


easy_install nipype

Using Debian or Ubuntu

Installing Nipype on a Debian or Ubuntu system can also be done via apt-get. For this use the following command:

apt-get install python-nipype

Using Github

To make sure that you really have the newest version of Nipype on your system, you can run the pip command with a flag that points to the github repo:

pip install git+

2. Install Dependencies

For more information about the installation in general and to get a list of recommended software, go to the main page, under:

For a more step by step installation guide for additional software dependencies like SPM, FSL, FreeSurfer and ANTs, go to the Beginner's Guide.

3. Test Nipype

In [ ]:
# Import the nipype module
import nipype

# Run the test: Increase verbosity parameter for more info

The test will create a lot of output, but if all goes well you will see an OK at the end:

Ran 2497 tests in 68.486s

OK (SKIP=13)

The number of tests and time will vary depending on which interfaces you have installed on your system.

Don’t worry if some modules are being skipped or some side modules show up as errors or failures during the run. As long as no main modules cause any problems, you’re fine. The number of tests and time will vary depending on which interfaces you have installed on your system. But if you receive an OK, errors=0 and failures=0 then everything is ready.