Around 25 minutes into this lecture, there is some good discussion of the PageRank algorithm. I have always wanted to code up a basic version of this algorithm, so this is a great excuse. This algorithm is probably one of the cleanest examples of Markov Chains that I have seen, and obviously its application was quite successful.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
from utils import progress_bar_downloader
import os
pages_link = ''
dlname = ''
#This will unzip into a directory called pages
if not os.path.exists('./%s' % dlname):
progress_bar_downloader(pages_link, dlname)
os.system('unzip %s' % dlname)
print('%s already downloaded!' % dlname)
To build the link matrix (basically an adjacency matrix for web pages), we need to look at the links referenced by every single page. For every page referenced by a page, we will add a 1 to the associated column. Adding a small term eps
to all entries, in order guarantee the matrix is fully connected, we will then have a stochastic matrix which is suitable for Markov chain simulations!
In [3]:
#Quick and dirty link parsing as per
links = {}
for fname in os.listdir(dlname[:-4]):
links[fname] = []
f = open(dlname[:-4] + '/' + fname)
for line in f.readlines():
while True:
p = line.partition('<a href="http://')[2]
if p == '':
url, _, line = p.partition('\">')
In [4]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
num_pages = len(links.keys())
G = np.zeros((num_pages, num_pages))
#Assign identity numbers to each page, along with a reverse lookup
idx = {}
lookup = {}
for n,k in enumerate(sorted(links.keys())):
idx[k] = n
lookup[n] = k
#Go through all keys, and add a 1 for each link to another page
for k in links.keys():
v = links[k]
for e in v:
G[idx[k],idx[e]] = 1
#Add a small value (epsilon) to ensure a fully connected graph
eps = 1. / num_pages
G += eps * np.ones((num_pages, num_pages))
G = G / np.sum(G, axis=1)
In [5]:
#Now we run the Markov Chain until it converges from random initialization
init = np.random.rand(1, num_pages)
init = init / np.sum(init)
probs = [init]
p = init
for i in range(100):
p =, G)
for i in range(num_pages):
plt.plot([step[0, i] for step in probs], label=lookup[i], lw=2)
Now that the PageRank for each page is calculated, how can we actually perform a search?
We simply need to create an index of every word in a page. When we search for words, we will then sort the output by the PageRank of those pages, thus ordering the links by the importance we associated with that page.
In [6]:
search = {}
for fname in os.listdir(dlname[:-4]):
f = open(dlname[:-4] + '/' + fname)
for line in f.readlines():
#Ignore header lines
if '<' in line or '>' in line:
words = line.strip().split(' ')
words = filter(lambda x: x != '', words)
#Remove references like [1], [2]
words = filter(lambda x: not ('[' in x or ']' in x), words)
for word in words:
if word in search:
if fname in search[word]:
search[word][fname] += 1
search[word][fname] = 1
search[word] = {fname: 1}
In [7]:
def get_pr(fname):
return probs[-1][0, idx[fname]]
r = search['film']
print(sorted(r, reverse=True, key=get_pr))
This is a neat application of Markov chains and a great learning experience. Though this notebook did not touch on the eigendecomposition approaches and features of PageRank, it is most definitely worth looking into - check out the paper The $25,000,000,000 Dollar Eigenvector.