The Global Terrorism Database is a data set of over 150,000 terror attacks from 1970 - 2015 that is maintained by START at the University of Maryland. Considering I had a minor in Global Terrorism through START while I was an undergrad at UMD, I was excited for the opportunity to use the data that START had just open sourced through Kaggle. The data has 137 columns, detailing things like the location, type, perpetrator, and target of the attack. Many of these columns are nearly all null, and all data for 1993 has been lost.
This assignment had two tasks:
First, import all necessary libraries and read in the dataset
In [1]:
# standard libraries
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
# for Bayesian analysis
import pymc3 as pm
# cleaning up the notebook
import warnings
In [2]:
df = pd.read_csv('../../../Data/globalterrorismdb_0616dist.csv')
The data is too big to determine exactly what columns are usable for our analysis (137 columns with over 150,000 records. Kaggle did provide a data dictionary for this dataset to allow us to determine what columns may be most useful for this analysis.
In [3]:
# The below code will not show the data type for most columns, nor will it show null counts for most columns
print df.dtypes
print df.isnull().sum()
I was tasked with comparing two different populations using Bayesian inference. To select two different populations, I reviewed each region as coded by the GTD to determine a suitable group that could be used to compare different groups over a certain time frame. For this, I looked for a fairly consistent number of terror attacks over an extended period of time within a region.
In [4]:
regions = df.region_txt.unique()
#print regions
for region in regions:
df[df.region_txt == region].groupby('iyear').eventid.count().plot(kind = 'line')
plt.title('Terror Attacks in %s by Year' % (region))
plt.ylabel('Total Attacks')
Based on the graphs produced above, I decided to use Western Europe as a region to compare countries within. They had an extended period of elevated terror attacks from the early 1970s until the late 1990s, so I decided to see if there were two countries in Western Europe that could be considered statistically different from one another during this time period based on the number of terror attacks within the country each year. I also decided to limit the type of attacks to bombings, since it was the most common type of attack.
In [5]:
# Attack type is one column that will be necessary
print('Counts of Attack Types:')
print('Attack Type Count Text:')
In [6]:
## create dataframe of just attacks that are bombings
df_bomb = df[df.attacktype1 == 3]
## remove most unnecessarsy columns
df_bomb_2 = df_bomb[['eventid','iyear','imonth','iday','country','country_txt','region','region_txt']]
## getting individual bombing events in Western Europe from 1975 - 1996, period of elevated bombings
we_bomb_80 = df_bomb_2[(df_bomb_2.region == 8) & (df_bomb_2.iyear >= 1975) & (df_bomb_2.iyear <= 1996)]
## dataframes for UK and Spain after decrease in bombings in W. Europe
UK_bomb_96 = df_bomb_2[(df_bomb_2.country_txt == 'United Kingdom') & (df_bomb_2.iyear >= 1997) & (df_bomb_2.iyear <= 2000)]
ESP_bomb_96 = df_bomb_2[(df_bomb_2.country_txt == 'Spain') & (df_bomb_2.iyear >= 1997) & (df_bomb_2.iyear <= 2000)]
## bombings by year in each
UK_observed = UK_bomb_96.iyear.value_counts()
ESP_observed = ESP_bomb_96.iyear.value_counts()
In [7]:
## Distribution of attacks in W. European country by year in 1980s
we_bomb_80.groupby(['iyear','country']).eventid.count().plot.hist(bins = 20)
In [8]:
## Mean and Standard Deviation of total counts of bombings by country & year for W. European countries in 1980s
mean_prior_mean = np.mean(we_bomb_80.groupby(['iyear','country']).eventid.count())
mean_prior_std = np.std(we_bomb_80.groupby(['iyear','country']).eventid.count())
In [9]:
## Setting priors for both countries
## Normally distributed since there are enough countries + years to assume normality
with pm.Model() as model:
UK_mean = pm.Normal('UK_mean', mean_prior_mean, sd=mean_prior_std)
ESP_mean = pm.Normal('ESP_mean', mean_prior_mean, sd=mean_prior_std)
In [10]:
## Setting upper and lower prior Standard Devs - observed counts as low as 1 and as high as ~120 in prior dataset
std_prior_lower = 0.01
std_prior_upper = 120.0
with model:
UK_std = pm.Uniform('UK_std', lower=std_prior_lower, upper=std_prior_upper)
ESP_std = pm.Uniform('ESP_std', lower=std_prior_lower, upper=std_prior_upper)
In [11]:
## Setting up posterior distributions of bombings for two countries
with model:
group_UK = pm.Normal('UK_Bomb', mu=UK_mean, sd=UK_std, observed=UK_observed.values)
group_ESP = pm.Normal('ESP_Bomb', mu=ESP_mean, sd=ESP_std, observed=ESP_observed.values)
## Get range of values in late 90s as observed values (bombings from 1997 - 2000)
In [12]:
### Additional deterministic measures to compare two groups
with model:
diff_of_means = pm.Deterministic('difference of means', UK_mean - ESP_mean)
diff_of_stds = pm.Deterministic('difference of stds', UK_std - ESP_std)
effect_size = pm.Deterministic('effect size',
diff_of_means / np.sqrt((UK_std**2 + ESP_std**2) / 2))
In [13]:
## start fitting model w MCMC
with model:
trace = pm.sample(25000, njobs=4)
In [14]:
## Plotting posteriors and result distributions
varnames=['UK_mean', 'ESP_mean', 'UK_std', 'ESP_std'],
In [15]:
varnames=['difference of means', 'difference of stds', 'effect size'],
In both cases (The United Kingdom and Spain) for the number of bombings from 1997 - 2000 using a prior distribution of bombings in Western Europe from 1975 - 1996, our posterior distributions are not statistically different. For the difference of the two means and standard deviations of the two posteriors, the value '0' falls in the 95% credible interval. This is the case for the effect size as well, the normalized measure of the differences between the two posteriors.
In [16]:
The same information printed above is plotted over time below, with marks at both 1992 and 1994 on the line to show about where the estimate needs to look.
In [17]:
plt.scatter([1992, 1994], [1738, 1153], c = 'red')
plt.ylabel('Total Bombings')
plt.title('Bombings by Year, 1970 - 2015')
There is a slow upward trend of bombings from the beginning of data collection in 1970 until the early 90s, and then a slow gradual drop through the rest of the 90s. It will be most effective to calculate a rolling mean that captures the peak in bombings in 1992, and then the decrease throughout the 90s. With this rolling mean trend line created, we can calculate the number of bombings in 1993 by taking the mean of the rolling mean values between 1992 and 1993.
In [18]:
## create the years to look over
years = np.arange(1977, 1998)
## drop attacks where month is unassigned
bombing = df_bomb_2[(df_bomb_2.iyear.isin(years)) & (df_bomb_2.imonth != 0)].groupby('iyear').eventid.count().sort_index()
print bombing
In [19]:
## Visualize the time series of years of interest
plt.ylabel('Total Bombings')
plt.title('Bombings by Year, 1977 - 1997')
plt.axvline(x = 1993, c = 'red')
In [21]:
## Import libraries necessary to plot smoothed bombings
## Due to not having any pattern in autocorrelation, ultimately did not calculate any time series to impute 1993 values
%matplotlib inline
import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import pacf
from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose
from import plot_acf, plot_pacf
In [24]:
## This would need to be smoother to calculate an ARIMA or anything time series related to get 1993 values.
diff0 = bombing.diff(periods=1)[1:]
diff0.plot(title='Terrorist Bombings Differenced')
In [22]:
## This is a function to plot smoothed rolling mean next to original data with rolling mean window as an argument
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller
def test_stationarity(timeseries, window):
#Determing rolling statistics
rolmean = pd.rolling_mean(timeseries, window=window)
rolstd = pd.rolling_std(timeseries, window=window)
#Plot rolling statistics:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
orig = plt.plot(timeseries, color='blue',label='Original')
mean = plt.plot(rolmean, color='red', label='Rolling Mean')
std = plt.plot(rolstd, color='black', label = 'Rolling Std')
plt.title('Rolling Mean & Standard Deviation')
plt.axvline(x = 1993, c = 'green')
Below, we will plot the rolling mean values that will be used to calculate 1993's number of bombings. We will use a lookback window of 4 years to smooth out any random spikes that occur over time, and get a more general line to capture these trends over the time period of interest.
In [26]:
## Pandas has rolling mean function
pd.rolling_mean(bombing, 4)
In [27]:
## Using the function created above to show this visually
test_stationarity(bombing, 4)
Below, we estimate the number of bombings in 1993 by averaging the rolling mean value from 1992 and 1994. This should be around the value where the green vertical line in the graph above intersects the red Rolling Mean trend.
In [31]:
print "The estimated number of bombings in 1993 is {}".format(((pd.rolling_mean(bombing, 4).loc[1992]) + (pd.rolling_mean(bombing, 4).loc[1994])) / 2)