In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
from sklearn import cluster
In [2]:
events_df = pd.read_csv('GA/Data/events.csv')
In [3]:
ginf = pd.read_csv('GA/Data/ginf.csv')
In [40]:
plt.title('Distribution of Events by Match')
plt.xlabel('Events per Match')
In [14]:
## Depending on level of comparison, calculate either across leagues or entire dataset
print events_df.groupby('id_odsp').id_event.count().mean()
print events_df.groupby('id_odsp').id_event.count().median()
## Little difference between mean and median
In [15]:
## events by time
## spikes at minutes 45 and 90 (ends of halves)
In [16]:
In [19]:
## For loop to assign current home goals at that point in a given match
## Function w apply not working... going to use loop
goals = 0
events_df['prev_id'] = events_df.id_odsp.shift()
for i, row in events_df.iterrows():
if row.id_odsp != row.prev_id:
goals = 0
if (row.is_goal == 1) and (row.side == 1):
goals += 1
events_df.loc[i, 'home_goals'] = goals
In [27]:
## away goals
goals = 0
events_df['prev_id'] = events_df.id_odsp.shift()
for i, row in events_df.iterrows():
if row.id_odsp != row.prev_id:
goals = 0
if (row.is_goal == 1) and (row.side == 2):
goals += 1
events_df.loc[i, 'away_goals'] = goals
In [31]:
## Data is saved in csv - no more for loops!
#events_df.to_csv('soccer_events.csv', encoding='utf-8')
The steps below calculate the average goal difference at each minute of a match to measure how close a given match is. First, I create a new column in the existing dataframe to determine the goal difference at that point in the match. I create a separate dataframe that shows the goal difference at each minute for each match, and then write a function to fill in all minutes for a match in which no events occurred using the preceding goal difference. The average of all values across the entire match is then calculated.
In [ ]:
## Dataframe was previously saved - read in data
df = pd.read_csv('soccer_events.csv')
In [ ]:
df['score_diff'] = abs(df.home_goals - df.away_goals)
## Pivot on score_diff for each game at each point in time
## aggfunc is 'last' to take last occurring difference - i.e., if two goals scored in same minute, take last event
time_diff = df.pivot_table(values = 'score_diff', index = 'id_odsp', columns = 'time', aggfunc = 'last')
## clean up column names a little bit to indicate minutes
time_diff.columns = [str(col) + '_min' for col in time_diff.columns]
## if no events in 0th minute, fill goal difference as 0
time_diff['0_min'].fillna(0, inplace = True)
## for minutes with no events in a match, fill with previous minutes' difference
## ffill each row up until last listed event
def fill_row(match):
match = match.copy()
non_nans = match[~match.apply(np.isnan)]
start, end = non_nans.index[0], non_nans.index[-1]
match.ix[start:end] = match.ix[start:end].fillna(method='ffill')
return match
time_diff = time_diff.apply(fill_row, axis = 1)
## Fill up to 90th minute if no events
time_diff.ix[:,'78_min':'90_min'].ffill(axis = 1, inplace = True)
## avg goal differential in match
avg_time_diff = time_diff.transpose().mean().reset_index()
avg_time_diff.columns = [['id_odsp','avg_goal_diff']]
The steps below calculate the total number of lead changes by match to indicate a higher amount of scoring, and also more excitement.
In [ ]:
for i, row in goal_df.iterrows():
if row.home_goals > row.away_goals:
leader = 'home'
if row.away_goals > row.home_goals:
leader = 'away'
if row.home_goals == row.away_goals:
leader = 'tied'
goal_df.loc[i, 'leader'] = leader
goal_df['prev_leader'] = goal_df.groupby('id_odsp').leader.shift().fillna('tied')
## Another for loop to flag if score is lead change
for i, row in goal_df.iterrows():
if row.id_odsp == row.prev_id:
if row.leader != row.prev_leader:
ld_chg = 1
ld_chg = 0
goal_df.loc[i, 'lead_change'] = ld_chg
## Total lead changes by match
Now that all fields have been calculated, the steps below will join to the original dataframe with individual match data.
In [ ]:
## Adding lead changes into overall match data
match_df = pd.merge(ginf, goal_df.groupby('id_odsp').lead_change.sum().reset_index(), on = 'id_odsp', how = 'left')
## Will need to fillna for new column w 0 value to indicate no lead changes
match_df.lead_change.fillna(0, inplace = True)
## Match events
match_df = pd.merge(match_df, df.groupby('id_odsp').id_event.count().reset_index(), on = 'id_odsp', how = 'inner')
## Average goal differential
match_df = pd.merge(match_df, avg_time_diff, on = 'id_odsp', how = 'inner')
The next step is to use unsupervised clustering to create groups of matches according to the metrics calculated above.
In [ ]:
X = match_df[['lead_change','id_event','avg_goal_diff']]
In [ ]:
X_scaled = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)
X_scaled_df = pd.DataFrame(X_scaled, columns = X.columns)
k = 4
kmeans = cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state = 43)
labels = kmeans.labels_
centroids = kmeans.cluster_centers_
inertia = kmeans.inertia_
print labels
print centroids
print inertia
print metrics.silhouette_score(X_scaled, labels, metric='euclidean')
match_df['cluster'] = labels
In [ ]:
X['cluster'] = labels
cols = X.columns[:-1]
sns.pairplot(X, x_vars=cols, y_vars= cols, hue='cluster')
In [ ]:
match_df.drop([u'odd_h', u'odd_d',u'odd_a', u'odd_over', u'odd_under', u'odd_bts', u'odd_bts_n'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
match_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(match_df['date'])
match_df['month'] = x: x.month)
match_df['year'] = x: x.year)
centroid_df = pd.DataFrame(centroids, columns = X_scaled_df.columns)
In [ ]:
match_df = pd.read_csv('match_cluster.csv')
match_df = match_df.drop(['Unnamed: 0','link_odsp','adv_stats'], axis = 1)
england = match_df[ == 'england']
spain = match_df[ == 'spain']
germany = match_df[ == 'germany']
france = match_df[ == 'france']
italy = match_df[ == 'italy']