In [313]:
from ltlcross_runner import LtlcrossRunner
from IPython.display import display
import pandas as pd
import spot
import sys
import re
import tempfile
pd.options.display.float_format = '{: .0f}'.format
pd.options.display.latex.multicolumn_format = 'c'
from tables_utils import split_cols, high_min, high_max, highlight_by_level
from tables_utils import fix_latex, fix_type, fix_tool
from tables_utils import cummulative_to_latex

With rerun = True, all experiments are executed again (takes several hours). With False, the data are taken from the *.csv files:

In [350]:
rerun = False
nd_rerun = False
det_rerun = False

In [315]:
import os

In [316]:
ltl3ba -v
ltl3tela -v
ltl2tgba --version | head -n1
delag -v
ltl2dgra -v

LTL3BA 1.1.3
LTL3TELA 2.1.1 (using Spot 2.8.5)
ltl2tgba (spot) 2.8.5
Name: delagbuilder (owl)
Version: 19.06.03
Name: ltl2dgra (owl)
Version: 19.06.03

The generate function may be used to generate random formulae. Uncomment the function call below to generate different set of formulae.

In [317]:
def generate(n=1000,func=(lambda x: True),filename=None,priorities='',ap=['a','b','c','d','e']):
    if filename is None:
        file_h = sys.stdout
        file_h = open(filename,'w')
    f = spot.randltl(ap,
    i = 0
    printed = set()
    while(i < n):
        form = next(f)
        if form in printed:
        if func(form) and not form.is_tt() and not form.is_ff():
            i += 1

In [318]:
datasets = [ {
    'name': 'rand1',
    'form': 'formulae/ictac19/rand1.ltl',
    'csv' : 'formulae/ictac19/rand1.csv',
    'fgmopt.nonalt.csv': 'formulae/ictac19/rand1.fgmopt.nonalt.csv',
    'fgmopt.det.csv': 'formulae/ictac19/rand1.fgmopt.det.csv',
}, {
    'name': 'rand2',
    'form': 'formulae/ictac19/rand2.ltl',
    'csv' : 'formulae/ictac19/rand2.csv',
    'fgmopt.nonalt.csv': 'formulae/ictac19/rand2.fgmopt.nonalt.csv',
    'fgmopt.det.csv': 'formulae/ictac19/rand2.fgmopt.det.csv',
}, {
    'name': 'rand4',
    'form': 'formulae/ictac19/rand4.ltl',
    'csv' : 'formulae/ictac19/rand4.csv',
    'fgmopt.nonalt.csv': 'formulae/ictac19/rand4.fgmopt.nonalt.csv',
    'fgmopt.det.csv': 'formulae/ictac19/rand4.fgmopt.det.csv',
}, {
    'name': 'randfg',
    'form': 'formulae/ictac19/randfg.ltl',
    'csv' : 'formulae/ictac19/randfg.csv',
    'fgmopt.nonalt.csv': 'formulae/ictac19/randfg.fgmopt.nonalt.csv',
    'fgmopt.det.csv': 'formulae/ictac19/randfg.fgmopt.det.csv',
}, {
    'name': 'literature',
    'form': 'formulae/ictac19/literature.ltl',
    'csv' : 'formulae/ictac19/literature.csv',
    'fgmopt.nonalt.csv': 'formulae/ictac19/lit.fgmopt.nonalt.csv',
    'fgmopt.det.csv': 'formulae/ictac19/lit.fgmopt.det.csv',
} ]

In [319]:
tools = {
    "ltl3ba": "ltldo 'ltl3ba -H1' -f %f > %O",
    "basic": "ltl3tela -p1 -c0 -d1 -F0 -G0 -i1 -X1 -f %f > %O",
    "fmerg": "ltl3tela -p1 -c0 -d1 -G0 -i1 -X1 -f %f > %O",
    "fgmerg": "ltl3tela -p1 -d1 -i1 -X1 -c0 -f %f > %O",
    "fgmerg_opt": "ltl3tela -p1 -i1 -X1 -f %f > %O"
order = ["ltl3ba", "basic", "fmerg", "fgmerg", "fgmerg_opt"]
cols = ["states", "edges", "acc"]
cols_ = cols + ["nonalt", "det"] # we will count these fields later

In [320]:
nd_tools = {
    "ltl3ba": "ltldo 'ltl3ba -H2' -f %f > %O",
    "ltl3tela_alt": "ltl3tela -p1 -i1 -X1 -f %f | autfilt --high --simplify-acceptance > %O",
    "ltl3tela": "ltl3tela -i1 -X1 -f %f > %O",
    "ltl2tgba": "ltl2tgba -G %f > %O"
nd_order = ["ltl3tela_alt", "ltl3tela", "ltl2tgba", "ltl3ba"]

In [321]:
det_tools = {
    "ltl3tela_alt": "ltl3tela -p1 -i1 -X1 -f %f | autfilt --high --simplify-acceptance > %O",
    "ltl3tela_d": "ltl3tela -i1 -X1 -D1 -f %f > %O",
    "ltl2tgba_d": "ltl2tgba -DG %f > %O",
    "delag": "delag -i %f > %O",
    "rabinizer4": "ltl2dgra -i %f > %O"
det_order = ["ltl3tela_alt", "ltl3tela_d", "ltl2tgba_d", "delag", "rabinizer4"]

In [322]:
for d in datasets:
    d['data'] = LtlcrossRunner(tools, formula_files = [d['form']], res_filename = d['csv'], cols = cols)
    if rerun:
        d['data'].run_ltlcross(automata = True, timeout = '60')

For all datasets, let us count the number of existential (i.e. automata without universal branching) and deterministic automata produced by the translation to alternating automaton.

In [323]:
for d in datasets:
    for tool in tools:
        d['data'].values[('nonalt', tool)] = list(map(lambda aut : \
            1 if type(aut) == str and spot.automaton(aut + '\n').is_existential() else 0, d['data'].automata[tool]))
    for tool in tools:
        d['data'].values[('det', tool)] = list(map(lambda aut: \
            1 if type(aut) == str and spot.automaton(aut + '\n').is_deterministic() else 0, d['data'].automata[tool]))

In [324]:
for d in datasets:
    if d['name'] == 'literature':
       # we filter formulae to those where FG-merging+opt helped compared to LTL3BA
        litdf = d['data'].values
        d['data'].values = litdf[litdf[('states', 'fgmerg_opt')] < litdf[('states', 'basic')]]
        print("Number of mergeable formulae from literature: {}".format(len(d['data'].values)))
    d['dc'] = d['data'].cummulative(col = cols_).unstack(level = 0).loc[order, cols_]

Number of mergeable formulae from literature: 24

In [325]:
m = datasets[0]['dc'].copy()
m.columns = c : c + '.' + datasets[0]['name'])
for i in range(1, len(datasets)):
    ds = datasets[i]['dc'].copy()
    ds.columns = c : c + '.' + datasets[i]['name'])
    m = pd.merge(m, ds, on = 'tool')

In [326]:
t1 = split_cols(m, '.').loc[order, ['states', 'acc']].sort_index(1, ascending = [False, True])

In [327]:
t2 = split_cols(m, '.').loc[order, ['det', 'nonalt']].sort_index(1)

In [328]:

states acc
literature rand1 rand2 rand4 randfg literature rand1 rand2 rand4 randfg
ltl3ba 140 6253 6313 6412 5051 24 1000 1000 1000 1000
basic 140 6234 6317 6389 5068 24 997 1000 1000 1000
fmerg 110 5417 5317 5213 3936 46 1160 1248 1366 1363
fgmerg 65 4582 4291 3988 2656 98 2973 3334 3693 3009
fgmerg_opt 65 4573 4276 3961 2656 98 2973 3334 3693 3009

In [329]:

det nonalt
literature rand1 rand2 rand4 randfg literature rand1 rand2 rand4 randfg
ltl3ba 0 5 2 0 0 6 148 114 89 144
basic 0 5 2 0 0 6 148 116 97 161
fmerg 1 61 49 39 80 6 171 148 127 208
fgmerg 9 123 111 111 223 18 358 366 391 645
fgmerg_opt 10 137 130 134 245 18 362 377 403 645

In [330]:

{} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{states} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{acc} \\
{} & literature & rand1 & rand2 & rand4 & randfg & literature & rand1 & rand2 & rand4 & randfg \\
tool       &            &       &       &       &        &            &       &       &       &        \\
ltl3ba     &        140 &  6253 &  6313 &  6412 &   5051 &         24 &  1000 &  1000 &  1000 &   1000 \\
basic      &        140 &  6234 &  6317 &  6389 &   5068 &         24 &   997 &  1000 &  1000 &   1000 \\
fmerg      &        110 &  5417 &  5317 &  5213 &   3936 &         46 &  1160 &  1248 &  1366 &   1363 \\
fgmerg     &         65 &  4582 &  4291 &  3988 &   2656 &         98 &  2973 &  3334 &  3693 &   3009 \\
fgmerg\_opt &         65 &  4573 &  4276 &  3961 &   2656 &         98 &  2973 &  3334 &  3693 &   3009 \\

In [331]:

{} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{det} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{nonalt} \\
{} & literature & rand1 & rand2 & rand4 & randfg & literature & rand1 & rand2 & rand4 & randfg \\
tool       &            &       &       &       &        &            &       &       &       &        \\
ltl3ba     &          0 &     5 &     2 &     0 &      0 &          6 &   148 &   114 &    89 &    144 \\
basic      &          0 &     5 &     2 &     0 &      0 &          6 &   148 &   116 &    97 &    161 \\
fmerg      &          1 &    61 &    49 &    39 &     80 &          6 &   171 &   148 &   127 &    208 \\
fgmerg     &          9 &   123 &   111 &   111 &    223 &         18 &   358 &   366 &   391 &    645 \\
fgmerg\_opt &         10 &   137 &   130 &   134 &    245 &         18 &   362 &   377 &   403 &    645 \\

Scatter plots

In [365]:
def fix_tools(tool):
    return tool.replace('fgmerg_opt', '$\\FG$-merging+simpl.').replace('FG-','$\\FG$-').replace('F-','$\\F$-')

In [366]:
def sc_plot(r,t1,t2,filename=None,include_equal = True,col='states',log=None,size=(5.5,5),kw=None,clip=None, add_count=True):
    merged = isinstance(r,list)
    if merged:
        vals = pd.concat([run.values[col] for run in r])
        vals.index = vals.index.droplevel(0)
        vals = vals.groupby(vals.index).first()
        vals = r.values[col]
    to_plot = vals.loc(axis=1)[[t1,t2]] if include_equal else\
        vals[vals[t1] != vals[t2]].loc(axis=1)[[t1,t2]]
    to_plot['count'] = 1
    to_plot = to_plot.groupby([t1,t2]).count().reset_index()
    if filename is not None:
        print(scatter_plot(to_plot, log=log, size=size,kw=kw,clip=clip, add_count=add_count),file=open(filename,'w'))
        return scatter_plot(to_plot, log=log, size=size,kw=kw,clip=clip, add_count=add_count)

In [367]:
def scatter_plot(df, short_toolnames=True, log=None, size=(5.5,5),kw=None,clip=None,add_count = True):
    t1, t2, _ = df.columns.values
    if short_toolnames:
        t1 = fix_tools(t1.split('/')[0])
        t2 = fix_tools(t2.split('/')[0])
    vals = ['({},{}) [{}]\n'.format(v1,v2,c) for v1,v2,c in df.values]
    plots = '''\\addplot[
    scatter, scatter src=explicit, 
    only marks, fill opacity=0.5,
    draw opacity=0] coordinates
    {{{}}};'''.format(' '.join(vals))
    start_line = 0 if log is None else 1
    line = '\\addplot[darkgreen,domain={}:{}]{{x}};'.format(start_line, min(df.max(axis=0)[:2])+1)
    axis = 'axis'
    mins = 'xmin=0,ymin=0,'
    clip_str = ''
    if clip is not None:
        clip_str = '\\draw[red,thick] ({},{}) rectangle ({},{});'.format(*clip)
    if log:
        if log == 'both':
            axis = 'loglogaxis'
            mins = 'xmin=1,ymin=1,'
            axis = 'semilog{}axis'.format(log)
            mins = mins + '{}min=1,'.format(log)
    args = ''
    if kw is not None:
        if 'title' in kw and add_count:
            kw['title'] = '{{{} ({})}}'.format(kw['title'],df['count'].sum())
        args = ['{}={},\n'.format(k,v) for k,v in kw.items()]
        args = ''.join(args)
    res = '''%\\begin{{tikzpicture}}
\\pgfplotsset{{every axis legend/.append style={{
\\pgfplotsset{{title style={{align=center,
axis x line* = bottom,
axis y line* = left,
width={2}cm, height={3}cm, 
cycle list={{%
{{darkgreen, solid}},
{{blue, densely dashed}},
{{red, dashdotdotted}},
{{brown, densely dotted}},
{{black, loosely dashdotted}}
    return res

In [368]:
fgm = 'fgmerg_opt'
basic = 'basic'

size = (4,4)
clip_names = ('xmin','ymin','xmax','ymax')
kw = {}

size = (5.4,5.6)
kw['title'] = 'literature'
i = 0
for suff in ['1','2','4','fg']:
    kw['title'] = 'rand'+suff
    i += 1

In [355]:
#d = datasets[0]['data'].values
#x = d[d[('nonalt', 'fgmerg_opt')] == 1]

for ds in datasets:
    d = ds['data'].values
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+', delete = False) as fd:
        for (_, formula), _ in d[d[('nonalt', 'fgmerg_opt')] == 1].iterrows():
        ds['fgmopt.nonalt.form'] =
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+', delete = False) as fd:
        for (_, formula), _ in d[d[('det', 'fgmerg_opt')] == 1].iterrows():
        ds['fgmopt.det.form'] =

In [337]:
for d in datasets:
    d[''] = LtlcrossRunner(nd_tools, formula_files = [d['fgmopt.nonalt.form']], res_filename = d['fgmopt.nonalt.csv'], cols = cols)
    if nd_rerun:
        d[''].run_ltlcross(automata = True, timeout = '60')

In [338]:
for d in datasets:
    d['fgmopt.nonalt.dc'] = d[''].cummulative(col = cols).unstack(level = 0).loc[nd_order, cols]

In [339]:
nd_m = datasets[0]['fgmopt.nonalt.dc'].copy()
nd_m.columns = c : c + '.' + datasets[0]['name'])
for i in range(1, len(datasets)):
    ds = datasets[i]['fgmopt.nonalt.dc'].copy()
    ds.columns = c : c + '.' + datasets[i]['name'])
    nd_m = pd.merge(nd_m, ds, on = 'tool')

In [340]:
nd_t = split_cols(nd_m, '.').loc[nd_order, ['states', 'acc']].sort_index(1, ascending = [False, True])

In [341]:

states acc
literature rand1 rand2 rand4 randfg literature rand1 rand2 rand4 randfg
ltl3tela_alt 21 1153 1077 993 1348 61 793 899 1143 1648
ltl3tela 19 1075 1006 904 1261 45 539 574 716 1019
ltl2tgba 19 1243 1155 1063 1349 47 418 485 623 1014
ltl3ba 51 1534 1547 1615 2191 37 612 697 819 1156

In [342]:
for d in datasets:
    d[''] = LtlcrossRunner(det_tools, formula_files = [d['fgmopt.det.form']], res_filename = d['fgmopt.det.csv'], cols = cols)
    if det_rerun:
        d[''].run_ltlcross(automata = True, timeout = '60')

In [343]:
for d in datasets:
    d['fgmopt.det.dc'] = d[''].cummulative(col = cols).unstack(level = 0).loc[det_order, cols]

In [344]:
det_m = datasets[0]['fgmopt.det.dc'].copy()
det_m.columns = c : c + '.' + datasets[0]['name'])
for i in range(1, len(datasets)):
    ds = datasets[i]['fgmopt.det.dc'].copy()
    ds.columns = c : c + '.' + datasets[i]['name'])
    det_m = pd.merge(det_m, ds, on = 'tool')

In [345]:
det_t = split_cols(det_m, '.').loc[det_order, ['states', 'acc']].sort_index(1, ascending = [False, True])

In [346]:

states acc
literature rand1 rand2 rand4 randfg literature rand1 rand2 rand4 randfg
ltl3tela_alt 10 353 266 241 381 23 232 211 235 414
ltl3tela_d 10 353 266 241 381 23 185 168 194 352
ltl2tgba_d 10 384 288 263 383 23 188 179 200 369
delag 10 366 269 247 386 26 357 313 331 606
rabinizer4 11 356 270 249 393 30 245 241 260 480

In [348]:

{} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{states} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{acc} \\
{} & literature & rand1 & rand2 & rand4 & randfg & literature & rand1 & rand2 & rand4 & randfg \\
tool         &            &       &       &       &        &            &       &       &       &        \\
ltl3tela\_alt &         21 &  1153 &  1077 &   993 &   1348 &         61 &   793 &   899 &  1143 &   1648 \\
ltl3tela     &         19 &  1075 &  1006 &   904 &   1261 &         45 &   539 &   574 &   716 &   1019 \\
ltl2tgba     &         19 &  1243 &  1155 &  1063 &   1349 &         47 &   418 &   485 &   623 &   1014 \\
ltl3ba       &         51 &  1534 &  1547 &  1615 &   2191 &         37 &   612 &   697 &   819 &   1156 \\

In [349]:

{} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{states} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{acc} \\
{} & literature & rand1 & rand2 & rand4 & randfg & literature & rand1 & rand2 & rand4 & randfg \\
tool         &            &       &       &       &        &            &       &       &       &        \\
ltl3tela\_alt &         10 &   353 &   266 &   241 &    381 &         23 &   232 &   211 &   235 &    414 \\
ltl3tela\_d   &         10 &   353 &   266 &   241 &    381 &         23 &   185 &   168 &   194 &    352 \\
ltl2tgba\_d   &         10 &   384 &   288 &   263 &    383 &         23 &   188 &   179 &   200 &    369 \\
delag        &         10 &   366 &   269 &   247 &    386 &         26 &   357 &   313 &   331 &    606 \\
rabinizer4   &         11 &   356 &   270 &   249 &    393 &         30 &   245 &   241 &   260 &    480 \\

In [ ]: