Experiments for FOSSACS'19

The comparison of nondeterministic automata

  • Paper: LTL to Smaller Self-Loop Alternating Automata
  • Authors: František Blahoudek, Juraj Major, Jan Strejček

In [1]:
from ltlcross_runner import LtlcrossRunner
from IPython.display import display
import pandas as pd
import spot
import sys
pd.options.display.float_format = '{: .0f}'.format
pd.options.display.latex.multicolumn_format = 'c'

In [16]:
ltl3ba -v
ltl3tela -v
ltl2tgba --version
ltl2dgra -v
delag -v

LTL3BA 1.1.3
LTL3TELA 1.2.1 (using Spot 2.6.3)
ltl2tgba (spot) 2.6.3

Copyright (C) 2018  Laboratoire de Recherche et Développement de l'Epita.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Name: owl
Version: 18.06
Name: owl
Version: 18.06

In [17]:
# If there are already files with results, and rerun is False, ltlcross is not run again.
rerun = True

In [18]:
fg_priorities = [1,2,4]

Evaluating the impact of $\F$- and $\FG$-merging

We compare the $\F$- and $\FG$-merging translation to the basic one. We compare the sizes of SLAA (alternating). We use a wrapper script ltlcross_runner for ltlcross that uses the pandas library to manipulate data. It requires some settings.

In [19]:
resfiles = {}
runners = {}

In [41]:
### Tools' setting ###
# a dict of a form (name : ltlcross cmd)
ltl3tela_shared = "ltl3tela -p2 -n0 -b0 -f %f "
#end = " | awk '!p;/^--END--/{p=1}' > %O"
end = " > %O"
tools = {"FG-merging"       : ltl3tela_shared + end,
         "ltl3tela"         : ltl3tela_shared + "-n1 -b1" + end,
         "FG-merging+compl" : ltl3tela_shared + "-n1" + end,
         "F-merging"        : ltl3tela_shared + "-G0" + end,
         #"G-merging"        : ltl3tela_shared + "-F0" + end,
         "basic"            : ltl3tela_shared + "-F0 -G0" + end,
         "LTL3BA"           : "ltl3ba -H2 -f %s" + end,
         "Spot"             : "ltl2tgba -f %f > %O",
         "Delag"            : "delag -I %F -O %O",
         "Rabinizer4"       : "ltl2dgra -I %F -O %O"
### Order in which we want to sort the translations
MI_order = ["LTL3BA","Spot",
### Files with measured statistics ###
resfiles['lit'] = 'MI_na-lit.csv'
resfiles['randfg'] = 'MI_na-randfg.csv'
for i in fg_priorities:
    resfiles['rand{}'.format(i)] = 'MI_na-rand{}.csv'.format(i)
### Measures to be measured
cols = ["states","transitions","nondet_states","nondet_aut","acc"]

In [42]:
for name,rfile in resfiles.items():
    runners[name] = LtlcrossRunner(tools,res_filename=rfile,

In [43]:
for r in runners.values():
    if rerun:

In [67]:
t1 = {}
for name,r in runners.items():
    tmp = r.cummulative(col=cols).unstack(level=0).loc[MI_order,cols]
    t1_part = tmp.loc[:,['states','acc']]
    t1_part["det. aut."] = len(r.values)-tmp.nondet_aut
    t1[name] = t1_part

In [68]:
t1_merged = pd.concat(t1.values(),axis=1,keys=t1.keys()).loc[MI_order,:]

lit randfg rand1 rand2 rand4
column states acc det. aut. states acc det. aut. states acc det. aut. states acc det. aut. states acc det. aut.
LTL3BA 101 48 6 3640 1867 107 5839 2118 101 5472 2300 94 5284 2450 69
Spot 90 36 7 3239 1097 182 5129 1169 169 4752 1185 159 4525 1263 117
basic 91 36 6 3299 1101 147 5199 1183 119 4793 1192 122 4550 1286 86
F-merging 76 68 9 2963 2193 319 4941 2121 227 4618 2380 228 4532 2695 193
FG-merging 71 76 9 2452 2667 285 4757 2739 211 4228 3027 212 3932 3462 174
FG-merging+compl 71 64 16 2372 2465 494 4582 2666 394 4120 2895 377 3840 3318 332
ltl3tela 66 60 17 2338 2422 503 4395 2480 405 3948 2688 390 3637 3046 340
Delag 67 78 24 2083 2670 1000 5403 3864 1000 4005 3724 1000 3259 3877 1000
Rabinizer4 137 93 24 2118 2741 1000 5472 3463 1000 4316 3614 1000 3797 3907 1000

In [69]:
row_map={"basic"            : 'basic translation',
         "F-merging"        : '$\F$-merging',
         "G-merging"        : '$\G$-merging',
         "FG-merging"       : '$\FG$-merging',
         "FG-merging+compl" : "$\FG$-merging+compl."}
t1 = t1_merged.rename_axis(['',"translation"],axis=1)
t1.index.name = None

lit randfg rand1 rand2 rand4
translation states acc det. aut. states acc det. aut. states acc det. aut. states acc det. aut. states acc det. aut.
LTL3BA 101 48 6 3640 1867 107 5839 2118 101 5472 2300 94 5284 2450 69
Spot 90 36 7 3239 1097 182 5129 1169 169 4752 1185 159 4525 1263 117
basic translation 91 36 6 3299 1101 147 5199 1183 119 4793 1192 122 4550 1286 86
$\F$-merging 76 68 9 2963 2193 319 4941 2121 227 4618 2380 228 4532 2695 193
$\FG$-merging 71 76 9 2452 2667 285 4757 2739 211 4228 3027 212 3932 3462 174
$\FG$-merging+compl. 71 64 16 2372 2465 494 4582 2666 394 4120 2895 377 3840 3318 332
ltl3tela 66 60 17 2338 2422 503 4395 2480 405 3948 2688 390 3637 3046 340
Delag 67 78 24 2083 2670 1000 5403 3864 1000 4005 3724 1000 3259 3877 1000
Rabinizer4 137 93 24 2118 2741 1000 5472 3463 1000 4316 3614 1000 3797 3907 1000

In [72]:
rand = t1.copy()

In [73]:
rand.columns = rand.columns.swaplevel()
idx = pd.IndexSlice
corder = ['states','acc']
parts = [rand.loc[:,idx[[c]]] for c in corder]
rand = pd.concat(parts,names=corder,axis=1)

translation states acc
lit rand1 rand2 rand4 randfg lit rand1 rand2 rand4 randfg
LTL3BA 101 5839 5472 5284 3640 48 2118 2300 2450 1867
Spot 90 5129 4752 4525 3239 36 1169 1185 1263 1097
basic translation 91 5199 4793 4550 3299 36 1183 1192 1286 1101
$\F$-merging 76 4941 4618 4532 2963 68 2121 2380 2695 2193
$\FG$-merging 71 4757 4228 3932 2452 76 2739 3027 3462 2667
$\FG$-merging+compl. 71 4582 4120 3840 2372 64 2666 2895 3318 2465
ltl3tela 66 4395 3948 3637 2338 60 2480 2688 3046 2422
Delag 67 5403 4005 3259 2083 78 3864 3724 3877 2670
Rabinizer4 137 5472 4316 3797 2118 93 3463 3614 3907 2741

In [74]:

In [75]:
cp fossacs_t2.tex /home/xblahoud/research/ltl3tela_papers/

Scatter plots

In [76]:
def fix_tools(tool):
    return tool.replace('FG-','$\\FG$-').replace('F-','$\\F$-')

In [77]:
def sc_plot(r,t1,t2,filename=None,include_equal = True,col='states',log=None,size=(5.5,5),kw=None,clip=None, add_count=True):
    merged = isinstance(r,list)
    if merged:
        vals = pd.concat([run.values[col] for run in r])
        vals.index = vals.index.droplevel(0)
        vals = vals.groupby(vals.index).first()
        vals = r.values[col]
    to_plot = vals.loc(axis=1)[[t1,t2]] if include_equal else\
        vals[vals[t1] != vals[t2]].loc(axis=1)[[t1,t2]]
    to_plot['count'] = 1
    to_plot = to_plot.groupby([t1,t2]).count().reset_index()
    if filename is not None:
        print(scatter_plot(to_plot, log=log, size=size,kw=kw,clip=clip, add_count=add_count),file=open(filename,'w'))
        return scatter_plot(to_plot, log=log, size=size,kw=kw,clip=clip, add_count=add_count)

In [80]:
def scatter_plot(df, short_toolnames=True, log=None, size=(5.5,5),kw=None,clip=None,add_count = True):
    t1, t2, _ = df.columns.values
    if short_toolnames:
        t1 = fix_tools(t1.split('/')[0])
        t2 = fix_tools(t2.split('/')[0])
    vals = ['({},{}) [{}]\n'.format(v1,v2,c) for v1,v2,c in df.values]
    plots = '''\\addplot[
    scatter, scatter src=explicit, 
    only marks, fill opacity=0.5,
    draw opacity=0] coordinates
    {{{}}};'''.format(' '.join(vals))
    start_line = 0 if log is None else 1
    line = '\\addplot[darkgreen,domain={}:{}]{{x}};'.format(start_line, min(df.max(axis=0)[:2])+1)
    axis = 'axis'
    mins = 'xmin=0,ymin=0,'
    clip_str = ''
    if clip is not None:
        clip_str = '\\draw[red,thick] ({},{}) rectangle ({},{});'.format(*clip)
    if log:
        if log == 'both':
            axis = 'loglogaxis'
            mins = 'xmin=1,ymin=1,'
            axis = 'semilog{}axis'.format(log)
            mins = mins + '{}min=1,'.format(log)
    args = ''
    if kw is not None:
        if 'title' in kw and add_count:
            kw['title'] = '{{{} ({})}}'.format(kw['title'],df['count'].sum())
        args = ['{}={},\n'.format(k,v) for k,v in kw.items()]
        args = ''.join(args)
    res = '''%\\begin{{tikzpicture}}
\\pgfplotsset{{every axis legend/.append style={{
\\pgfplotsset{{title style={{align=center,
axis x line* = bottom,
axis y line* = left,
width={2}cm, height={3}cm, 
cycle list={{%
{{darkgreen, solid}},
{{blue, densely dashed}},
{{red, dashdotdotted}},
{{brown, densely dotted}},
{{black, loosely dashdotted}}
    return res

In [91]:
ltl3ba = 'LTL3BA'
fgm = 'FG-merging'
fm = 'F-merging'
basic = 'basic'
ltl3tela = 'FG-merging+compl'

size = (4,4)
clip_names = ('xmin','ymin','xmax','ymax')
kw = {}

size = (5,4.5)
kw['title'] = 'literature'
for name,fs in [('Delag','delag'),('Spot','spot')]:
    for suff in ['1','2','4','fg']:
        kw['title'] = 'rand'+suff

In [92]:
cp sc*-na*.tex /home/xblahoud/research/ltl3tela_papers/

In [ ]: