Sample Notebook for Picasso

This notebook shows some basic interaction with the .hdf5 files using the pandas library. The sample data was created using Picasso:Simulate. You can download the files here:


In [1]:
# Import pandas and load localizations
import pandas as pd
locs = pd.read_hdf('testdata_locs.hdf5')

frame x y photons sx sy bg lpx lpy ellipticity net_gradient
0 1 8.655162 15.751859 22524.126953 0.831042 0.815443 245.778885 0.006942 0.007066 0.018770 51570.476562
1 2 8.648773 15.773795 8371.776367 0.812459 0.817693 254.673584 0.013226 0.013162 0.006400 19502.464844
2 3 8.652225 15.759270 22057.003906 0.820107 0.820890 247.785538 0.007076 0.007076 0.000955 50795.972656
3 4 12.119021 9.140491 12995.556641 0.822644 0.815121 251.761398 0.009853 0.009931 0.009145 30979.835938
4 5 12.107412 9.132525 12963.756836 0.822290 0.812809 251.836090 0.009841 0.009940 0.011530 30889.421875

In [2]:
# Summary statistics

frame x y photons sx sy bg lpx lpy ellipticity net_gradient
count 11975.000000 11975.000000 11975.000000 11975.000000 11975.000000 11975.000000 11975.000000 11975.000000 11975.000000 11975.000000 11975.000000
mean 3722.158914 15.707359 15.195064 15762.903320 0.882754 0.881923 254.407959 7.851098 0.013463 0.038097 33154.003906
std 2166.421221 6.673537 6.798321 11557.393555 0.381869 0.350621 52.043056 857.708679 0.067015 0.102378 18707.205078
min 1.000000 4.686683 3.652770 1995.303223 0.574352 0.010394 0.010000 0.004063 0.004038 0.000005 5005.422852
25% 1864.000000 9.101562 8.921840 7914.393799 0.814429 0.814602 248.613914 0.007682 0.007672 0.005444 17803.784180
50% 3641.000000 15.519595 15.397079 13785.222656 0.823050 0.823292 251.096085 0.009931 0.009915 0.011980 30959.279297
75% 5600.000000 21.977646 21.919250 20501.622070 0.831703 0.831800 253.810555 0.014712 0.014678 0.024029 45398.443359
max 7498.000000 27.528376 25.868370 132757.953125 15.199163 4.787292 747.733948 93859.367188 7.044014 0.998207 135029.250000

In [3]:
# Plot some basic statistics using seaborn, i.e. photon distribution   
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

sns.distplot(locs.photons.dropna(), kde=False)
plt.title('Photon distribution')

Picked localizations

In [4]:
# load picked loaclizations 
picked = pd.read_hdf('testdata_locs_picked.hdf5')
# Calculate mean of each column per group:

frame x y photons sx sy bg lpx lpy ellipticity net_gradient
0 4167.515625 5.414716 5.530522 15084.879883 0.825377 0.873640 255.626190 0.013813 0.011832 0.028520 33840.328125
1 4072.211538 18.788691 5.512330 14618.959961 0.830022 0.845893 254.971436 0.011836 0.011638 0.025027 32301.683594
2 3261.839041 15.458117 5.510264 13992.783203 0.830638 0.841661 255.024200 0.013703 0.012202 0.026371 31473.730469
3 3880.231023 5.492543 8.833045 15567.796875 0.840453 0.830090 256.448090 0.011187 0.011317 0.026439 34638.371094
4 3748.107807 5.550508 22.123514 15610.172852 0.845104 0.852527 256.128906 0.012486 0.012017 0.024607 34709.191406

In [5]:
# Display a scatterplot of localizations of group 0
import numpy as np

# Select pick 0
pick_one = picked[]

# Scatterplot
plt.plot(pick_one['x'], pick_one['y'],'+')
plt.title('Scatterplot of Pick 0')

# Time trace with photon values
xvec = np.arange(max(pick_one["frame"]) + 1)
yvec = xvec[:] * 0
yvec[pick_one["frame"]] = pick_one['photons']

plt.plot(xvec, yvec)
plt.title('Time Trace of Pick 0')

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