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%pylab inline
from scipy.integrate import simps
In [2]:
from JSAnimation.IPython_display import display_animation
In [3]:
%run ../
Here I test the function simulation framework with the example of section 7 in Dieckmann et al. JTB (2006). It analyzes the evolution of seasonal flowering schedules.
We will evolve a function $x(a)$, where $a \in [0,1]$ (s.t $x(a) > 0 \forall a$ and $\int x(a) da = 1$)
We start by defining a mutation that does not allow negative values and preserves the area under the surface by compensating all perturbances,therby complying with the restriction $\int x(a) da = 1 $ (using: gaussian_mutation_distribution)
$x(a)$ denotes the ammount of flowers produced at time $t$. We normalize $t$ to be between zero and one. Thus domain of $x(\cdot)$ is $(0,1)$.
In [4]:
domain = np.arange(0.001, 1.0, 0.01)
We first define the probability of setting seed $p_x(\cdot)$, as follows:
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#alpha, beta, k_function
In [6]:
def p_x(a, x, k):
#takes a, and functions x and k
return math.e**(-x[a]/k(a))
In the example, function $k(\cdot)$ is a time-dependent carrying capacity, given by $K(a)= 100(2 + \sin2 \pi ((a-1)^2 - \frac{1}{4}))$
In [7]:
def k(a):
return 100*(2 + math.sin(2*math.pi*((a-1.0)**2.0 - 0.25)))
In [8]:
plot(domain, [k(a) for a in domain], label = 'K(a)')
plt.title(r'Carrying capacity $K(a)$')
plt.ylim((99, 305))
We also consider a function $c(e)$, which denotes the factor in which competition affects the schedule of a competing individual. Here $e$, which is a function of a is the mutant's excess flowering. It is assumed that
$c(e(a)) = 2 / (1 + \exp(-\alpha e(a)))$
$\alpha$ determines the strenght of the asymmetric competition between mutant and resident.
In [9]:
def c(e, alpha):
return 2.0/(1 + math.e**(-alpha*e))
The birth-rate of a a rare mutant with schedule $x'$ is given by:
$b(x',x) = \int x'(a)c([x'(a)-x(a)]/x(a)^{\beta})p_x (a)da $
Here $\beta$ measures the excess flowering intensity.
In [10]:
def birth(x_mutant, x_resident, domain, alpha, beta, k_function):
x_resident_dict = dict(zip(domain, x_resident))
x_mutant_dict = dict(zip(domain, x_mutant))
integrand = [x_mutant_dict[a]*c((x_mutant_dict[a]-x_resident_dict[a])/(x_mutant_dict[a]**beta), alpha)*p_x(a, x_resident_dict, k_function) for a in domain]
return simps(integrand, domain)
Since death rates are assume to be constant, we can define fitness solely in terms of birth rates:
In [11]:
def flowering_fitness(x_resident, x_mutant, domain, alpha, beta, k_function, **kwargs):
fitness_resident = birth(x_resident, x_resident, domain, alpha, beta, k_function)
fitness_mutant = birth(x_mutant, x_resident, domain, alpha, beta, k_function)
return fitness_resident, fitness_mutant
In [12]:
initial_surface = np.ones_like(domain)
In [13]:
number_of_generations = 5000
In [14]:
ans, series = evolve(initial_surface,
domain= domain,
alpha=1.0, beta=0.9, k_function=k,
width=0.05, return_time_series=True)
In [15]:
plot(domain, ans)
In [16]:
simps(ans, domain)
In [17]:
ani = create_video_from_time_series(series, None, domain, filename='/Users/garcia/Desktop/flowering_soft.mp4', approximate_number_of_frames=1000, record_every=50)
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